Government of India
Ministry of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi – 110 011.
Policy Circular No. 70(RE-08)/2004-2009
Dated: 16.3.2009
All Licensing Authorities;
All Commissioners of Customs;
Trade and Industry
Subject: Import of restricted item(s) against
transferred DFIA.
Representations have been received from the trade and industry on the
difficulty being faced by them in getting clearance of import consignment of restricted
items against transferred DFIA on account of varying interpretation of paragraph
4.72 of HBP v.1 by the field formations.
The matter has been examined in this Directorate and it is informed that in
terms of paragraph 4.4.3 to be read with paragraph 4.1.13 of FTP and paragraph
4.12 and 4.72 of HBP v.1, restricted items (other than prohibited items and the
items reserved for import by State Trading Enterprises or otherwise specifically
mentioned for the purpose) can be imported against the transferred DFIAs without
the requirement of a separate import licence / authorisation subject to the
condition that the exports have been completed prior to the effective date of
restriction on imports [unless otherwise mentioned in the said notification(s)].
This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(Tapan Mazumder)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Tel. No. 011-23061050
e-mail address: [email protected]
(Issued from File No. 01/94/180/715/AM09/ PC 4)