HS Code List of India, China and UK.
The Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System, popularly known as Harmonizsd System or HS, is a multipurpose international goods nomenclature used as the basis for Customs tariffs and for the compilation international trade statistics all over the world. The HS was developed by the World Customs Organization (WCO) and was implemented on 1 January 1988 by an international Convention that was also known as HS Convention, which came into force on 1 January 1988. The HS coding system is maintaining by the WCO through the Harmonised System Committee. Globally 5,000 commodity groups identified in a six digit code, first 2 digit define for chapter level, 4 digit define for Sub-Heading, 6 digit define for Product, further 10 digit level are specify for managed to the commodities.