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Date: 13-03-2015
Notification No: Notification No 115 (RE-2013) / 2009-2014
Issuing Authority: DGFT  
Type: Notification
File No: F.No.01/91/171/73/AM14/Export Cell
Subject: Export of Military Stores.

Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Udyog Bhawan

Notification No 115 (RE – 2013)/2009-2014

New Delhi, Dated: 13 March, 2015

Subject: Export of Military Stores.

S.O.(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (No.22 of 1992) read with Para 1.3 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-2014, as amended, the Central Government, with immediate effect, hereby makes the following amendments in Table A of Schedule 2 of ITC(HS)Classification of Export and Import Items.

2. Serial No. (S. No.) 4 of the Table A of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and

Import Items is substituted as under:

Table A
Goods falling in more than one Chapter of ITC (HS) Classification

S.No. Chapter  Item Description Policy Nature of Restriction
4 Any Chapter Military Stores as
specified in Export
Licensing Note of
Table A
Free (i) No Objection Certificate (NOC) shall
be obtained from the Department of
Defence Production, Ministry of
Defence, New Delhi as per the
provisions of Standard Operating
Procedure (SOP) of Department of
Defence Production, as available on
the website of Ministry of Defence.
(ii) The description of item in the
Shipping Bill shall prefix the Serial
No. of the item indicated in Export
Licensing Note of Table A viz. MS
001 a or MS 001 b ........ or as the case
may be.
(iii) The Shipping Bill shall indicate the
number and date of NOC of
Department of Defence Production.

3. The existing Export Licensing Note of Table A is substituted as under:

Export Licensing Note of Table A

List of Military Stores

The following military stores are freely exportable subject to the conditions mentioned in the “Nature of Restriction” against Serial No. (S. No.) 4:
MS 001. Armoured or protective equipment, constructions and components, as follows:

  1. Metallic or non-metallic armoured plate, manufactured to comply with a military standard or specification; or suitable for military use.
  2. Constructions of metallic or non-metallic materials, or combinations thereof, specially designed to provide ballistic protection for military systems, and specially designed components therefor.
  3.  Helmets manufactured according to military standards or specifications, or comparable national standards, and specially designed components therefor (i.e., helmet shell, liner and comfort pads).
  4.  Body armour or protective garments and components therefor namely soft body armour or protective garments, manufactured to military standards or specifications, or to their equivalents, and specially designed components therefor.
  5.  Body armour or protective garments and components therefor namely hard body armour plates providing ballistic protection equal to or greater than level III (NIJ 0101.06, July 2008) or national equivalents.

MS 002. The following smooth-bore weapons, other arms and automatic weapons, projectors and accessories and specially designed components therefor:

  1. Rifles, guns and combination guns, handguns, machine guns, sub-machine guns and volley guns; howitzers, cannon, mortars, anti-tank weapons, projectile launchers, military flame throwers, rifles, recoilless rifles, smooth-bore weapons and signature reduction devices therefor, detachable cartridge magazines and mountings, weapons sights and weapon sight mounts; specially designed for military weapons /stores.
  2. Weapons using caseless ammunition.
  3. Detachable cartridge magazines and mountings specified for military use, sound suppressors or moderators, special gun-mountings, optical weapons sights and flash suppressors, for arms specified by 2.a. and 2.b. above.
  4. Smoke, gas and pyrotechnic projectors or generators, specially designed or modified for military use.

MS 003. Bombs, torpedoes, grenades, smoke canisters, mines (except anti-personnel mines), depth charges, other explosive devices and charges and related equipment and accessories and specially designed components therefor for military use.

MS 004. Ammunition and fuze setting devices and specially designed components therefor including:

  1. Metal or plastic fabrications such as primer anvils, bullet cups, cartridge links, rotating bands and military stores metal parts.
  2.  Safing and arming devices, fuzes, sensors and initiation devices.

MS 005. The following fire control, and related alerting and warning equipment, and related systems, test and alignment and countermeasure equipment, specially designed for military use, and specially designed components and accessories therefor:

  1. Weapon sights, bombing computers, gun laying equipment and weapon control systems.
  2.  Target acquisition, designation, range-finding, surveillance or tracking systems; detection, data fusion, recognition or identification equipment; and sensor integration equipment.
  3.  Countermeasure equipment including detection equipment specified by para 5a or 5b.
  4.  Field test or alignment equipment, specially designed for items specified by para 5a, 5b or 5c.

MS 006A. Vessels of war (surface or underwater), special naval equipment, accessories, components and other surface vessels specially designed or modified for military use.
MS 006B. Engines and propulsion systems, specially designed for military use in MS 006A and components therefor.
MS 006C. Underwater detection devices, controls and components therefor; Anti-submarine nets and anti-torpedo nets; Hull penetrators and connectors that enable interaction with equipment external to a vessel, and components therefor, specially designed for military use.
MS 006D. Silent bearings, components therefor and equipment specially designed for military use.

MS 007. Military Ground vehicles and components specially designed or modified for military use including:

  1.  Tanks and other military armed vehicles and military vehicles fitted with mountings for arms or equipment for mine laying or the launching of munitions.
  2.  Armoured vehicles.
  3.  Amphibious and deep water fording vehicles.
  4.  Recovery vehicles and vehicles for towing or transporting ammunition or weapon systems and associated load handling equipment.
  5.  Mine-protected vehicles.

MS 008. High velocity kinetic energy weapon systems and related equipment and specially designed components therefor.

MS 009. Imaging or countermeasure equipment, specially designed for military use, and specially designed components and accessories therefor including:

  1.  Recorders and image processing equipment;
  2.  Cameras, photographic equipment and film processing equipment;
  3.  Image intensifier equipment;
  4.  Infrared or thermal imaging equipment;
  5.  Imaging radar sensor equipment;
  6.  Countermeasure or counter-countermeasure equipment, for the equipment specified above.

MS 010. Specialised equipment for military training or for simulating military scenarios, simulators specially designed for training in the use of any firearm or weapon and specially designed components and accessories therefor.
MS 011. Miscellaneous equipment, materials and "libraries" and specially designed components therefor including:

  1.  Construction equipment specially designed for military use.
  2.  Fittings, coatings and treatments, for signature suppression, specially designed for military use.
  3.  Field engineer equipment specially designed for use in a combat zone.
  4.  Equipment and material, coated or treated for signature suppression, specially designed for military use, other than those specified elsewhere in the military stores.
  5.  Mobile repair shops specially designed or 'modified' to service military equipment.
  6.  Field generators specially designed or 'modified' for military use.
  7.  Containers specially designed or 'modified' for military use;
  8.  Laser protection equipment (e.g., eye and sensor protection) specially designed for military use.
  9.  "Fuel cells", specially designed or 'modified' for military use.

MS 012. The following 'Production' equipment and components:

  1.  Specially designed or modified 'production' equipment for the 'production' of products specified by the Military Stores List, and specially designed components therefor;
  2.  Specially designed environmental test facilities and specially designed equipment therefor, for the certification, qualification or testing of products specified by the Military Stores List.

MS 013. Electronic equipment specially designed for military use such as electronic countermeasure and electronic counter-countermeasure equipment and specially designed components therefor, including jamming and counter-jamming equipment, frequency agile tubes and transmitter block, electronic systems or equipment designed either for surveillance and military intelligence or counteracting such surveillance and monitoring, underwater counter measures and automated command and control systems.
MS 014. Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) systems related to counter measure equipment and test modules specially designed for military use and specially designed components therefor.

MS 015. Software especially designed or modified for military use or for the development, production or use of equipments, materials listed in this Military Stores list.

MS 016. Technology required for the development, production, operation, installation, maintenance, repair, overhaul or refurbishing of items specified in this Military Stores list.

NOTE: Some of the items listed above may be of dual use (SCOMET items) depending upon their specifications and specific end uses. Hence, the exporters may also refer to SCOMET LIST [Appendix 3 to Schedule 2 of ITC(HS) Classification of Export & Import Items] for determining whether the item requires export license from DGFT.

4. Effect of this notification:

The list of military stores that requires NOC from Department of Defence Production for export has been notified.

(Pravir Kumar)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail: dgft[at]nic[dot]in
(Issued from F.No.01/91/171/73/AM14/Export Cell)


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