Exemptions allowed to Ford Foundation
No. 66 dated 2nd September 1996
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs
Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is
necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts all the goods
including automobiles, imported into India by the Ford Foundation for their
official use from the whole of the duty of customs leviable thereon under First
Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act 1975 (51 of 1975), and from the whole of the
additional duty of customs leviable thereon under section 3 of the said Customs
Tariff Act.
Articles of the United Nations (Privileges and Immunities) Act, 1947 under
which exemption from Customs duty is allowed to the U.N.O. and officials
II - Section 7:
specialised agency assets, income and other property shall be -
Exempt from customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions on imports
and exports in respect of articles imported or exported by the specialised
agency for its official use
Exempts from Customs duties and prohibitions and restrictions on imports
and exports in respect of its publications.
IV - Section II:
of members at Meeting convened by a Special agency shall, while exercising their
functions and during their journey to and from the place of meeting, enjoy the
following privileges and immunities: -
The same immunities and facilities in respect of their personal baggage
as are accorded to members of comparable ranks of diplomatic missions.
V - Section 18(G):
of the specialised agency shall:
have the right to import free of duty their furniture and effects at the
time of first taking up their post in the country in question.
V - Section 19:
addition to the immunities and privileges specified in section 18, the Executive
Head of each specialised agency including any Official acting on his behalf
during his absence from duty shall be accorded in respect of themselves, their
spouses and minor children, the privileges, and immunities, exemptions and
facilities accorded to diplomatic envoys in accordance with international law.
VI - Section 22(F):
Experts (other than official coming within the scope of Article V)
performing missions for the specialised agency shall be accorded the same
immunities and facilities in respect of the personal baggage as accorded to
diplomatic envoys.
VII - Section 27:
Executive Heads, Assistant Executive Heads, Heads of Departments and other
officials of rank not lower than that of a head of a Department of the
specialised agencies travelling on UN laissez-passer on the business of
the specialised agency shall be granted the same facilities for travel as are
accorded to Officials of a comparable rank in diplomatic missions.
concessions have also been extended to the following International organisations
and their representatives (know as specialised agencies) and Officials subject
to the notifications and extensions mentioned below as laid down in the G.O.I.
Ministry of External Affairs Notification No. 55 U.N.I., dated 21.2.1950 and No.
163 U.N.I./52 dated 26.4.1952.
International Civil Aviation Organisation
World Health Organisation
International Labour Organisation
U.N. International Children�s Emergency Fund
The Joint Enterprise Aid in Mass Vaccination against T.B. in India
Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
U.N. Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation
International Monetary Fund
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Universal Postal Union
International Tele-communication Union
World Meteorological Organisation
IV has been extended to: The Chairman of the Council of the F.A.O.,
President of the Conference and Members of Executive Board of U.N.E.S.C.O.,
their substitutes and advisers, persons designated to serve on the Executive
Board of the W.H.O., the employer�s and Worker�s members and Deputy
members of Governing of the International Labour Organisation and their
V - Section 19: shall also be accorded to the President of the Council
of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, Deputy Director General of
the International labour office and any Assistant Director General of the
International Labour Office and to the Deputy Director General of U.N.E.S.C.O.,
his spouse and minor children.
VI - Section 22 (f): shall not apply to the International Civil
Aviation Organisation, W.H.O., I.L.O., F.A.O., U.N.E.S.C.O., I.M.F.,
International Bank for Reconstruction, the Universal Postal Union,
International Tele-Communication Union and World Meteorological Organisation.
The concession in respect of the Joint Enterprise Aid in Mass
Vaccination against T.B. in India vide Item (v) above, shall remain in force
until the work of the team is deemed to have been completed by mutual
agreement of the Government of India and the Joint Enterprise.
Articles imported by the United National Information Centre, New Delhi, for
its official use may be granted exemption from customs duty and other customs
formalities as may be admissible under the United Nations (Privileges and
Immunity) Act, 1947.
between World Health Organisation and the Government of India
Government of India have decided that -
Medical supplies or any other articles or goods imported or exported by
the World Health Organisation for its official use and the publications of the
said Organisation shall be exempt from customs duties, prohibitions and
restrictions on imports and exports.
Officials of the World Health Organisation shall-
have the right to import free of duty their furniture and effects at the
time of taking up their posts in India or upon their permanent appointment to
it, and
once every three years have the right to import free of duty a motor car,
it being understood that the duty will become payable in the event of the sale
or disposal of such motor car to a person not entitled to this exemption within
three years upon its import.
In addition to the immunities and privileges specified in (2) above, the
Director General, the Deputy Director General, the Assistant Director General,
the Regional Director in India and if the Director General should so desire and
communicate their names to the Government of India certain Officials, of a
Director�s status, shall be accorded in respect of themselves, their spouses
and minor children the privileges and immunities, exemption and facilities
accorded to diplomatic envoys in accordance with international law.