Notification No. 60 dated 12th
May 2000 (As amended by Notification No. 126 dated 12th
November 2002)
exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the
Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it
is necessary in the public interest so to do hereby exempts goods falling under
sub-heading Nos. 0902.10, 0902.20, 0902.30, 0902.40 and 2101.20 of the First
Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 (51 of 1975) from so much of the duty
of customs leviable under the said First Schedule, as is in excess of the
amount calculated at the rate of 7.5% ad valorem, subject to the following
1.������� the
importer proves to the satisfaction of the Deputy Commissioner of Customs or
the Assistant Commissioner of Customs, as the case may be, in accordance with
the Customs Tariff (Determination of Origin of Goods under the Free trade
Agreement between the Democratic Socialistic Republic of Sri Lanka and the
Republic of India) Rules, 2000 published with the notification of the Govt. of
India in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue), No. 19/ 2000- Customs
(NT) dated the 1st March 2000 that the goods in respect of which the
benefit of this exemption is claimed are of the origin of Sri Lanka;
2.������� the
exemption shall apply to a Tariff Rate Quota not exceeding 15 million kilograms
computed from the 1st day of January in any calendar year.
Provided that for the period from the 1st day of March 2000 to
the 31st day of December 2000, the Tariff Rate Quota shall not
exceed 12.5 million kilograms;
3.������� the
imports shall be made only through the ports of Mumbai, Kolkata, Cochin and Vishakapatnam;
4.������� the importer follows the procedure as
may be specified by the Government of India from time to time.
Explanation: For the purposes of this
notification, �calendar year� means the period starting from 1st day
of January and ending on the 31st day of December of the same year.