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Date: 23-01-2004
Notification No: Customs Notification No 27/2004
Issuing Authority: Indian Customs  
Type: Tariff
File No:
Subject: Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 1996 – Specified Raw Materials at Lower Customs Duty

In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 25 of the Customs Act, 1962 (52 of 1962), the Central Government, being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby exempts the goods of the description specified in column (3) of the Table below and falling under the heading, sub-heading or tariff item of the First Schedule to the Customs Tariff Act, 1975 ( 51 of 1975), specified in the corresponding entry in column (2) of the said Table, when imported into India for use in the manufacture of goods of the description specified in the corresponding entry in column (6) of the said Table and falling under the heading, sub-heading or tariff item of the said First Schedule, specified in the corresponding entry in column (5) of the said Table, from so much of the duty of customs leviable thereon under the said First Schedule as is in excess of the amount calculated at the rate specified in the corresponding entry in column (4) of the said Table, subject to the condition that the importer follows the procedure set out in the Customs (Import of Goods at Concessional Rate of Duty for Manufacture of Excisable Goods) Rules, 1996.

Explanation.- For the purposes of this notification, the rate specified in column (4) is the ad valorem rate.


S. No. Heading or sub-heading or tariff item Description of goods Standard rate Heading or sub-heading or tariff item Description of goods
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
"Pre-Revised1. 3815 Catalysts 15% 3902 10 00, 3906 90, 390710 00, 3907 30, 3907 40 00, 3907 60, 3907 99, 3908 or 3909 50 00 All goods]
2. 2907 23 00 Bis-phenol A 5%
3907 30 All goods
3. 2910 30 00 Epichlorohydrin 5%
3907 30 All goods
"Pre-Revised4. 7201 10 00 All goods 10% 8409 91 Piston rings]
5. 7214 10 10 Spring steel quality 10% 8409 91 Fuel injection parts
6. 7214 30 00 Free cutting steel 10% 8409 91 Fuel injection parts
7. 7222 11 11 Valve steel alloy steel bars (45CRSI 93 and 21-4N) 10% 8409 91 Engine valves
8. 7222 20 11 Alloy steel of various grades 10% 8409 91 Engine valves
9. 7224 All goods 10% 8708 40 00 All goods
10. 7227 20 00 Silico-manganese steel 10% 8409 91 Fuel injection parts
11. 7227 90 30 Bearing quality alloy steel wire rod conforming to SAE 52100 10% 8482 10 All goods
12. 7228 10 10 Bars and rods of high speed steel 10% 8409 91 Fuel injection parts
13. 7228 10 10 Bright bar conforming to SAE52100 10% 8482 10 All goods
14. 7228 30 11 Valve steel alloy steel bars (SUp1,3) 10% 8409 91 Engine valves
15. 7228 30 29 Alloy steel round bars 10% 8482 10 All goods
16. 7304 90 00 Seamless steel tubes SCM 415H 10% 8409 91 Piston pins
17 to 24 OMITTED
"Pre-Revised17. 7403 11 00 Refined copper cathodes 10% 8413 81 All goods
18. 7403 12 00 All goods 15% 8413 81 All goods
19. 7411 Copper tubes 15% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods
20. 7601 10 EC/CG grade aluminium ingots-high purity 10% 8409 91 Piston or piston assembly
21. 7601 20 Aluminium alloy LM-13, LM-28, LM-06 10% 8409 91 Piston or piston assembly
22. 7601 20 Aluminium LM-24 10% 8413 81 All goods
23. 7606 Aluminium sheets 10% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods
24. 7607 Aluminium foils 10% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods]
25. 7608 Aluminium tubes 10% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods
26 to 32 OMITTED
"Pre-Revised26. 8104 11 00 All goods 10% 8409 91 Piston or piston assembly
27. 8105 20 10 All goods 10% 8409 91 Engine valves
28. 8414 30 00 All goods 15% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods
29. 8414 80 11 All goods 15% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods
30. 8415 90 00 All goods 15% 8415 10 90 All goods
31. 8418 99 00 All goods 15% 8418 21 00 All goods
32. 9032 10 10 All goods 15% 8415 10 90 or 8418 21 00 All goods]
33. 2907 11 10 Phenol 5% 2907 23 00 Bis-phenol A
34. 2914 11 00 Acetone 5% 2907 23 00 Bis-phenol A

(S.Nos. 1,4,17 to 24, 26 to 32 omitted & S.Nos. 2,3 substituted & S.Nos.33,34 added vide Customs Notification No. : 12/2006 DATE 01/03/2006


(G. S. Karki)
Under Secretary to the Government of India


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