PUBLIC NOTICE No. 38 / 2009-14
NEW DELHI: the 3rd February, 2010
Subject: Amendment of paragraph 2.13.1, 3.11.7 and 4.50 of HBP Vol. 1 for
revalidation of freely transferable Authorization/ Duty credit scrips and
re-credit of 4% SAD thereof.
In exercise of powers conferred under Para 2.4 of the Foreign Trade Policy,
2009-14, the Director General of Foreign Trade hereby makes the following
amendments in the Handbook of Procedures (Vol.1), 2009-14:-
- Paragraphs 2.13.1 of HBP Vol. 1 shall be substituted by the following:
2.13.1 However, revalidation of freely transferable Authorisation / Duty credit
scrips and stock and sale Authorisation shall not be permitted unless validity
has expired while in custody of Customs authority / RA.
- A new Paragraph 2.13.2A stands added in the HBP Vol. 1 as under:
2.13.2A For the purpose of re-credit of 4% Special Additional Duty (SAD) of
customs in the freely transferable Duty credit scrips (including DEPB),
revalidation for a maximum period of 6 months from the date of endorsement,
shall be allowed in case the balance period of validity is less than 6 months on
the date of re-credit.
- Paragraph 3.11.7 related to validity period of duty credit scrips issued
under chapter 3 shall be replaced by the following:
3.11.7 Duty Credit Scrip shall be valid for a period of 24 months & Revalidation
of Duty Credit Scrip shall not be permitted unless covered under paragraph
2.13.1 or paragraph 2.13.2 A of HBP v1.
- Paragraph 4.50 related to revalidation of DEPB shall be replaced by the
No revalidation shall be granted beyond original period of validity of DEPB
unless covered under paragraph 2.13.1 or paragraph 2.13.2 A of HBP v1.
This issues in public interest.
(R.S. Gujral)
Director General of Foreign Trade and
Ex-officio Special Secretary to the Government of India
(Issued from File. No. 01/94/180/DEPB-SAD recredit/AM10/PC-4)