1. In this Chapter the expression “cast iron” applies to products obtained by casting in which iron predominates by weight over each of the other elements and which do not comply with the chemical composition of steel as defined in Note 1(d) to Chapter 72.
2. In this Chapter the word “wire” means hot or cold-formed products of any cross-sectional shape, of which no cross-sectional dimension exceeds 16 mm.
Other Notes : Year 2010
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by schedule rate of duty.
b. Additional duty - Additional Duty 10% in this chapter by the corresponding headings in central Excise Tariff schedule, Import policy is free in the chapter.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter.
Other Notes : Year 2009
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by schedule rate of duty.
b. Additional duty - Additional Duty 8% in this chapter by the corresponding headings in central Excise Tariff schedule, Import policy is free in the chapter.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter.
Other Notes : Year 2008
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by schedule rate of duty.
b. Additional duty - By the corresponding headings in central Excise Tariff schedule, Import policy is free in the chapter.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter.
Other Notes : Year 2007
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by schedule rate of duty.
b. Additional duty - By the corresponding headings in central Excise Tariff schedule, Import policy is free in the chapter.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter.
Other Notes : Year 2006
a. Basic Customs Duty - in this chapter by. Serail no. 338 of 13/01.03.2006.
b. Additional duty : in this chapter by the corresponding headings in Central Excise Tariff Schedule, Import Policy is free in the Chapter
c. Non Tariff Barriers - in terms of BIS registration is in place for some of the headings in the chapter.
D. Anti dumping duty on steel products.
E. Education Cess(EC) of 2% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties under Section 91(1) of Finance Act 2004 applicable on all goods in this Chapter.
Ref. : Central Excise Notification 05-CE dated 01.03.2006 (S.No. 31, 37,38 ) 10-CE/01.03.2006 (S.No. 12)
Additional duty on mathematical boxes, gemotry boxes and colour boxes - Nil
Other - 16%
Tyre bead wire rings intended for use in the manufacture of tyres for cycles and cyclerickshaws- Nil
Forgings and Forged products of iron and steel used in the manufacture of parts and accessories of cycle and cycle rickshaws falling under Ch. 40,73,83,84,87 or 95 - Nil
b. Additional duty]