1. Sub-Chapter I applies only to made up articles, of any textile fabric.
2. Sub-Chapter I does not cover:
(a) Goods of Chapters 56 to 62; or
(b) Worn clothing or other worn articles of heading 6309.
3. Heading 6309 applies only to the following goods:
(a) Articles of textile materials:
(i) Clothing and clothing accessories, and parts thereof;
(ii) Blankets and traveling rugs;
(iii) Bed linen, table linen and kitchen linen;
(iv) Furnishing articles, other than carpets of headings 5701 to 5705 and tapestries of heading 5805.
(b) Footwear and headgear of any material other than asbestos. In order to be classified in this heading, the articles mentioned above must comply with both of the following requirements.
(i) they must show signs of appreciable wear, and
(ii)they must be presented in bulk or in bales, sacks or similar packings.
Other Notes : Year 2010
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by customs Tariff Notification No. 21/01.03.2007.
b.Additional Duty - In this chapter for Indian National Flag -
Mosquito net impregnated with insecticides - Nil
Add 0.05% of the landed value of goods as Cess under Textile Committee Act, 1963. Please see Additional Duty (CVD ) Note.
c. Education Cess -
2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter. Education Cess 2%+1% on the aggregate of customs duties exempted on 6301200, 63022100, 63023100.
Other Notes : Year 2009
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by customs Tariff Notification No. 21/01.03.2007.
b.Additional Duty - In this chapter for Indian National Flag - Nil
Mosquito net impregnated with insecticides - Nil
Add 0.05% of the landed value of goods as Cess under Textile Committee Act, 1963. Please see Additional Duty (CVD ) Note.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter. Education Cess 2%+1% on the aggregate of customs duties exempted on 6301200, 63022100, 63023100.
Other Notes : Year 2008
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by customs Tariff Notification No. 21/01.03.2007.
b.Additional Duty - In this chpter for Indian National Flag - Nil
Mosquito net impregnated with insecticides - Nil
Add 0.05% of the landed value of goods as Cess under Textile Committee Act, 1963.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter. Education Cess 2%+1% on the aggregate of customs duties exempted on 6301200, 63022100, 63023100.
Other Notes : Year 2007
a. Basic Customs Duty - Reference in this chapter by customs Tariff Notification No. 21/01.03.2007.
b. Additional Duty - In this chpter for Indian National Flag - Nil
Mosquito net impregnated with insecticides - Nil
Add 0.05% of the landed value of goods as Cess under Textile Committee Act, 1963.
c. Education Cess - 2%+1% on the aggregate of excise and customs duties applicable on all goods in this chapter. Education Cess 2%+1% on the aggregate of customs duties exempted on 6301200, 63022100, 63023100.
Other Notes : Year 2006
a. Basic Custom duty : in this chapter by s.No. 326-329 13/01.03.2006.
b. Education Cess : EC of 2% on the aggregate of excie and customs duties under Section 9191) of finance Act 2004 applicable on all goods in Chapter. Impact of EC included in Additional duty and total duty with EC column.
Education Cess of 2% on aggregate of customs duties under Section 91(1) of finance Act 2004 exempted on 6301 20 00, 6302 2100, 6302 31 00, the following code in this chapter under notification 69/09.07.2004.
c. Additional duty in the chapter Indian National Flag - Nil
Mosquito net impregnated with insecticides - Nil (Ref. S.No. 3 of 05-Ce/01.03.2006)
Add 0.05% of the landed value of goods as Cess under Textile Committee Act, 1963.
Ref. : Central Excise Notification 29-CE dated 09.072004 (S.No. 12) Additional Duty on goods of cotton Not containing any other Textile Material - 4%
Others - 8%
Add 2% of this Duty for Education Cess.]