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Chapter - 7 Edible vegetables and certain roots and Tubers

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Hs Code Description

UK Hs Code - 0701 : Potatoes, fresh or chilled

0701000000 Potatoes, fresh or chilled
0701100000 Seed
0701900000 Other
0701901000 For the manufacture of starch
0701905000 Other
0701905000 New, from 1 January to 30 June
0701905100 Other
0701905100 New
0701905100 From 1|January to 15|May
0701905110 From 1|January to end of February
0701905115 From 1|January to 31 March
0701905120 From 1|March to 31|March
0701905130 From 1|April to 15|May
0701905900 From 16|May to 30|June
0701905910 From 16 May to 31 May
0701905920 From 1 June to 30 June
0701909000 Other
0701909010 New
0701909090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0702 : Tomatoes, fresh or chilled

0702000000 Tomatoes, fresh or chilled
0702000001 From 1 January to 31 March
0702000001 Cherry tomatoes
0702000001 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000001 Not less than 87,1 ECU
0702000002 Not less than 85,4 ECU but less than 87,1 ECU
0702000003 Not less than 83,6 ECU but less than 85,4 ECU
0702000004 Not less than 81,9 ECU but less than 83,6 ECU
0702000005 Not less than 80,1 ECU but less than 81,9 ECU
0702000006 Less than 80,1 ECU
0702000007 Cherry tomatoes
0702000008 Other
0702000008 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000008 Not less than 87,1 ECU
0702000009 Not less than 85,4 ECU but less than 87,1 ECU
0702000010 Not less than 83,6 ECU but less than 85,4 ECU
0702000011 Not less than 81,9 ECU but less than 83,6 ECU
0702000012 Not less than 80,1 ECU but less than 81,9 ECU
0702000013 Less than 80,1 ECU
0702000015 From 1 to 30 April
0702000015 Cherry tomatoes
0702000015 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000015 Not less than 115,1 ECU
0702000016 Not less than 112,8 ECU but less than 115,1 ECU
0702000017 Not less than 110,5 ECU but less than 112,8 ECU
0702000018 Not less than 108,2 ECU but less than 110,5 ECU
0702000019 Not less than 105,9 ECU but less than 108,2 ECU
0702000020 Less than 105,9 ECU
0702000022 Other
0702000022 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000022 Not less than 115,1 ECU
0702000023 Not less than 112,8 ECU but less than 115,1 ECU
0702000024 Not less than 110,5 ECU but less than 112,8 ECU
0702000025 Not less than 108,2 ECU but less than 110,5 ECU
0702000026 Not less than 105,9 ECU but less than 108,2 ECU
0702000027 Less than 105,9 ECU
0702000030 From 1 to 31 May
0702000030 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000030 Not less than 75,1 ECU
0702000032 Not less than 73,6 ECU but less than 75,1 ECU
0702000033 Not less than 72,1 ECU but less than 73,6 ECU
0702000034 Not less than 70,6 ECU but less than 72,1 ECU
0702000035 Not less than 69,1 ECU but less than 70,6 ECU
0702000036 Less than 69,1 ECU
0702000040 From 1 June to 30 September
0702000040 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000040 Not less than 55,1 ECU
0702000041 Not less than 54 ECU but less than 55,1 ECU
0702000042 Not less than 52,9 ECU but less than 54 ECU
0702000043 Not less than 51,8 ECU but less than 52,9 ECU
0702000044 Not less than 50,7 ECU but less than 51,8 ECU
0702000045 Less than 50,7 ECU
0702000060 From 1 October to 20 December
0702000060 Cherry tomatoes
0702000060 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000060 Not less than 65,1 ECU
0702000061 Not less than 63,8 ECU but less than 65,1 ECU
0702000062 Not less than 62,5 ECU but less than 63,8 ECU
0702000063 Not less than 61,2 ECU but less than 62,5 ECU
0702000064 Not less than 59,9 ECU but less than 61,2 ECU
0702000065 Less than 59,9 ECU
0702000068 Other
0702000068 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000068 Not less than 65,1 ECU
0702000069 Not less than 63,8 ECU but less than 65,1 ECU
0702000070 Not less than 62,5 ECU but less than 63,8 ECU
0702000071 Not less than 61,2 ECU but less than 62,5 ECU
0702000072 Not less than 59,9 ECU but less than 61,2 ECU
0702000073 Less than 59,9 ECU
0702000080 From 21 to 31 December
0702000080 Cherry tomatoes
0702000080 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000080 Not less than 70,1 ECU
0702000081 Not less than 68,7 ECU but less than 70,1 ECU
0702000082 Not less than 67,3 ECU but less than 68,7 ECU
0702000083 Not less than 65,9 ECU but less than 67,3 ECU
0702000084 Not less than 64,5 ECU but less than 65,9 ECU
0702000085 Less than 64,5 ECU
0702000088 Other
0702000088 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702000088 Not less than 70,1 ECU
0702000089 Not less than 68,7 ECU but less than 70,1 ECU
0702000090 Not less than 67,3 ECU but less than 68,7 ECU
0702000091 Not less than 65,9 ECU but less than 67,3 ECU
0702000092 Not less than 64,5 ECU but less than 65,9 ECU
0702000093 Less than 64,5 ECU
0702000099 Other
0702001000 From 1|November to 14|May
0702001010 From 1|November to 14|November
0702001020 From 15|November to 30|November
0702001021 From 15|November to 30|November
0702001021 Cherry tomatoes
0702001029 Other
0702001030 From 1|December to 14|December
0702001031 From 1|December to 14|December
0702001031 Cherry tomatoes
0702001039 Other
0702001040 From 15|December to 31|December
0702001041 From 15|December to 31|December
0702001041 Cherry tomatoes
0702001049 Other
0702001050 From 1|January to end of February
0702001051 From 1|January to end of February
0702001051 Cherry tomatoes
0702001055 From 1|January to 31|March
0702001055 Cherry tomatoes
0702001058 Other
0702001059 Other
0702001060 From 1|March to 31|March
0702001061 From 1|March to 31|March
0702001061 Cherry tomatoes
0702001069 Other
0702001070 From 1|April to 15|April
0702001071 From 1|April to 15|April
0702001071 Cherry tomatoes
0702001079 Other
0702001080 From 16|April to 30|April
0702001081 From 16|April to 30|April
0702001081 Cherry tomatoes
0702001084 Other
0702001085 From 1|May to 14|May
0702001500 From 1 January to 31 March
0702001511 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702001511 Not less than 88,3 ECU
0702001511 Cherry tomatoes
0702001519 Other
0702001521 Not less than 86,5 ECU but less than 88,3 ECU
0702001521 Cherry tomatoes
0702001529 Other
0702001531 Not less than 84,8 ECU but less than 86,5 ECU
0702001531 Cherry tomatoes
0702001539 Other
0702001541 Not less than 83 ECU but less than 84,8 ECU
0702001541 Cherry tomatoes
0702001549 Other
0702001551 Not less than 81,2 ECU but less than 83 ECU
0702001551 Cherry tomatoes
0702001559 Other
0702001561 Less than 81,2 ECU
0702001561 Cherry tomatoes
0702001569 Other
0702002000 From 1 to 30 April
0702002011 From 1 to 15 April
0702002011 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702002011 Not less than 116,3 ECU
0702002011 Cherry tomatoes
0702002013 Other
0702002015 Not less than 114 ECU but less than 116,3 ECU
0702002015 Cherry tomatoes
0702002017 Other
0702002021 Not less than 111,6 ECU but less than 114 ECU
0702002021 Cherry tomatoes
0702002023 Other
0702002025 Not less than 109,3 ECU but less than 111,6 ECU
0702002025 Cherry tomatoes
0702002027 Other
0702002031 Not less than 107 ECU but less than 109,3 ECU
0702002031 Cherry tomatoes
0702002033 Other
0702002035 Less than 107 ECU
0702002035 Cherry tomatoes
0702002037 Other
0702002061 From 16 to 30 April
0702002061 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702002061 Not less than 116,3 ECU
0702002061 Cherry tomatoes
0702002063 Other
0702002065 Not less than 114 ECU but less than 116,3 ECU
0702002065 Cherry tomatoes
0702002067 Other
0702002071 Not less than 111,6 ECU but less than 114 ECU
0702002071 Cherry tomatoes
0702002073 Other
0702002075 Not less than 109,3 ECU but less than 111,6 ECU
0702002075 Cherry tomatoes
0702002077 Other
0702002081 Not less than 107 ECU but less than 109,3 ECU
0702002081 Cherry tomatoes
0702002083 Other
0702002085 Less than 107 ECU
0702002085 Cherry tomatoes
0702002087 Other
0702002500 From 1 to 14 May
0702002510 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702002510 Not less than 76,3 ECU
0702002520 Not less than 74,8 ECU but less than 76,3 ECU
0702002530 Not less than 73,2 ECU but less than 74,8 ECU
0702002540 Not less than 71,7 ECU but less than 73,2 ECU
0702002550 Not less than 70,2 ECU but less than 71,7 ECU
0702002560 Less than 70,2 ECU
0702003000 From 15 to 31 May
0702003010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702003010 Not less than 76,3 ECU
0702003020 Not less than 74,8 ECU but less than 76,3 ECU
0702003030 Not less than 73,2 ECU but less than 74,8 ECU
0702003040 Not less than 71,7 ECU but less than 73,2 ECU
0702003050 Not less than 70,2 ECU but less than 71,7 ECU
0702003060 Less than 70,2 ECU
0702003500 From 1 June to 30 September
0702003510 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702003510 Not less than 56,3 ECU
0702003520 Not less than 55,2 ECU but less than 56,3 ECU
0702003530 Not less than 54 ECU but less than 55,2 ECU
0702003540 Not less than 52,9 ECU but less than 54 ECU
0702003550 Not less than 51,8 ECU but less than 52,9 ECU
0702003560 Less than 51,8 ECU
0702004000 From 1 to 31 October
0702004010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702004010 Not less than 66,3 ECU
0702004020 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,3 ECU
0702004030 Not less than 63,6 ECU but less than 65 ECU
0702004040 Not less than 62,3 ECU but less than 63,6 ECU
0702004050 Not less than 61 ECU but less than 62,3 ECU
0702004060 Less than 61 ECU
0702004500 From 1 November to 20 December
0702004501 From 1 to 14 November
0702004501 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702004501 Not less than 66,3 ECU
0702004502 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,3 ECU
0702004503 Not less than 63,6 ECU but less than 65 ECU
0702004504 Not less than 62,3 ECU but less than 63,6 ECU
0702004505 Not less than 61 ECU but less than 62,3 ECU
0702004506 Less than 61 ECU
0702004511 From 15 to 30 November
0702004511 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702004511 Not less than 66,3 ECU
0702004511 Cherry tomatoes
0702004512 Other
0702004513 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,3 ECU
0702004513 Cherry tomatoes
0702004514 Other
0702004516 Not less than 63,6 ECU but less than 65 ECU
0702004516 Cherry tomatoes
0702004517 Other
0702004521 Not less than 62,3 ECU but less than 63,6 ECU
0702004521 Cherry tomatoes
0702004522 Other
0702004523 Not less than 61 ECU but less than 62,3 ECU
0702004523 Cherry tomatoes
0702004524 Other
0702004526 Less than 61 ECU
0702004526 Cherry tomatoes
0702004527 Other
0702004531 From 1 to 14 December
0702004531 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702004531 Not less than 66,3 ECU
0702004531 Cherry tomatoes
0702004532 Other
0702004533 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,3 ECU
0702004533 Cherry tomatoes
0702004534 Other
0702004536 Not less than 63,6 ECU but less than 65 ECU
0702004536 Cherry tomatoes
0702004537 Other
0702004541 Not less than 62,3 ECU but less than 63,6 ECU
0702004541 Cherry tomatoes
0702004542 Other
0702004543 Not less than 61 ECU but less than 62,3 ECU
0702004543 Cherry tomatoes
0702004544 Other
0702004546 Less than 61 ECU
0702004546 Cherry tomatoes
0702004547 Other
0702004551 From 15 to 20 December
0702004551 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702004551 Not less than 66,3 ECU
0702004551 Cherry tomatoes
0702004552 Other
0702004553 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,3 ECU
0702004553 Cherry tomatoes
0702004554 Other
0702004556 Not less than 63,6 ECU but less than 65 ECU
0702004556 Cherry tomatoes
0702004557 Other
0702004561 Not less than 62,3 ECU but less than 63,6 ECU
0702004561 Cherry tomatoes
0702004562 Other
0702004563 Not less than 61 ECU but less than 62,3 ECU
0702004563 Cherry tomatoes
0702004564 Other
0702004566 Less than 61 ECU
0702004566 Cherry tomatoes
0702004567 Other
0702005000 From 21 to 31 December
0702005011 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0702005011 Not less than 71,3 ECU
0702005011 Cherry tomatoes
0702005019 Other
0702005021 Not less than 69,9 ECU but less than 71,3 ECU
0702005021 Cherry tomatoes
0702005029 Other
0702005031 Not less than 68,4 ECU but less than 69,9 ECU
0702005031 Cherry tomatoes
0702005039 Other
0702005041 Not less than 67 ECU but less than 68,4 ECU
0702005041 Cherry tomatoes
0702005049 Other
0702005051 Not less than 65,6 ECU but less than 67 ECU
0702005051 Cherry tomatoes
0702005059 Other
0702005061 Less than 65,6 ECU
0702005061 Cherry tomatoes
0702005069 Other
0702009000 From 15|May to 31|October

UK Hs Code - 0703 : Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled

0703000000 Onions, shallots, garlic, leeks and other alliaceous vegetables, fresh or chilled
0703100000 Onions and shallots
0703101100 Onions
0703101100 Sets
0703101110 From 1 to 14 February
0703101120 From 15|February to 30|April
0703101130 From 1 to 15 May
0703101140 From 16|May to 30|June
0703101150 From 1 to 31 July
0703101160 From 1|August to 31|January
0703101900 Other
0703101991 From 1 to 14 February
0703101992 From 15|February to 30|April
0703101993 From 1 to 15 May
0703101994 From 16|May to 30|June
0703101995 From 1 to 31 July
0703101996 From 1|August to 31|January
0703109000 Shallots
0703200000 Garlic
0703200010 From 1|February to end February
0703200020 From 1|March to 15|May
0703200030 From 16 May to 31 May
0703200040 From 1|February to 31|May
0703200090 From 1|June to 31|January
0703900000 Leeks and other alliaceous vegetables
0703900010 Leeks
0703900020 Leeks
0703900080 Other
0703900090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0704 : Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled

0704000000 Cabbages, cauliflowers, kohlrabi, kale and similar edible brassicas, fresh or chilled
0704100000 Cauliflowers and headed broccoli
0704100500 From 1 January to 14 April
0704101000 From 15|April to 30|November
0704101010 From 15 April to 31 July
0704101030 From 1 August to 31 October
0704101080 From 1 to 30 November
0704108000 From 1 to 31 December
0704109000 From 1|December to 14|April
0704200000 Brussels sprouts
0704900000 Other
0704901000 White cabbages and red cabbages
0704909000 Other
0704909010 Sprouting broccoli or calabrese (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
0704909010 Sprouting broccoli or calabrese (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
0704909011 Sprouting broccoli or calabrese (Brassica oleracea var. italica)
0704909011 From 1 January to 30 June
0704909013 From 1 July to 31 October
0704909017 From 1 November to 31 December
0704909020 Chinese cabbage
0704909090 Other
0704909092 Other
0704909092 Chinese cabbage
0704909092 From 1 November to 31 December
0704909094 From 1 January to end February
0704909095 From 1 March to 31 March
0704909096 From 1 April to 30 June
0704909097 From 1 to 31 July
0704909098 From 1 January to 31 October
0704909098 From 1 August to 31 October
0704909099 Other

UK Hs Code - 0705 : Lettuce ( lactuca sativa ) and chicory ( Cichorium spp ), fresh or chilled

0705000000 Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.), fresh or chilled
0705110000 Lettuce
0705110000 Cabbage lettuce (head lettuce)
0705110010 Iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705110090 Other
0705110500 From 1 January to 31 March
0705110510 Iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705110590 Other
0705111000 From 1|April to 30|November
0705111010 From 1 April to 30 June
0705111020 Iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705111021 From 1 July to 30 September
0705111021 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705111023 From 1 July to 31 October
0705111023 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705111028 Other
0705111029 Other
0705111031 From 1 October to 30 November
0705111031 From 1|October to 31|October
0705111032 From 1|November to 30|November
0705111032 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) (Iceberg)
0705111033 From 1 October to 30 November
0705111033 From 1|October to 31|October
0705111033 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705111034 Other
0705111035 From 1 to 30 November
0705111035 From 1 to 30 November
0705111035 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705111035 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L., var. Capitata L.) (Iceberg)
0705111039 Other
0705111039 Other
0705111080 From 1 October to 30 November
0705111090 Other
0705118000 From 1 to 31 December
0705118010 Iceberg lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) (Iceberg)
0705118090 Other
0705119000 From 1|December to 31|March
0705119011 From 1 to 31 December
0705119011 Crisp head cabbage lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata) (Iceberg)
0705119019 Other
0705119020 From 1|January to 31|March
0705190000 Other
0705210000 Chicory
0705210000 Witloof chicory (Cichorium intybus var. foliosum)
0705290000 Other
0705290010 Endives
0705290011 Endives
0705290011 Broadleaf endives
0705290019 Other
0705290090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0706 : Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled

0706000000 Carrots, turnips, salad beetroot, salsify, celeriac, radishes and similar edible roots, fresh or chilled
0706100000 Carrots and turnips
0706100010 Carrots
0706100011 Carrots
0706100011 Carrots
0706100011 From 1|January to 31|March
0706100011 From 1|January to 31|March
0706100012 From 1|April to 15|May
0706100012 From 1|April to 15|May
0706100013 From 16|May to 31|December
0706100013 From 16|May to 31|December
0706100014 From 1st to 30th April
0706100015 From 1|to 15|May
0706100017 From 16|May to 31|December
0706100021 Carrots
0706100021 From 1 January to end of February
0706100022 From 1|March to 31|March
0706100023 From 1|April to 15|May
0706100025 From 16|May to 31|December
0706100090 Other
0706900000 Other
0706900500 Celeriac (rooted celery or German celery)
0706900500 From 1 January to 30 April
0706901000 Celeriac (rooted celery or German celery)
0706901100 Celeriac (rooted celery or German celery)
0706901100 From 1|May to 30|September
0706901700 From 1 October to 31 December
0706901900 From 1|October to 30|April
0706903000 Horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia)
0706909000 Other
0706909011 Radishes
0706909011 Radishes (Raphanus sativus), known as "Mooli
0706909019 Other
0706909020 Salad beetroots
0706909020 Salad beetroots
0706909021 Salad beetroots
0706909021 From 1 January to end of February
0706909028 From 1 March to 31 December
0706909090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0707 : Cucumbers & gherkins, fresh or chilled

0707000000 Cucumbers and gherkins, fresh or chilled
0707000500 Cucumbers
0707000501 From 1 January to end of February
0707000501 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000501 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000501 Not less than 70,7 ECU
0707000502 Not less than 69,3 ECU but less than 70,7 ECU
0707000503 Not less than 67,9 ECU but less than 69,3 ECU
0707000504 Not less than 66,5 ECU but less than 67,9 ECU
0707000505 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,5 ECU
0707000506 Less than 65 ECU
0707000507 Other
0707000507 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000507 Not less than 70,7 ECU
0707000508 Not less than 69,3 ECU but less than 70,7 ECU
0707000509 Not less than 67,9 ECU but less than 69,3 ECU
0707000510 Intended for processing
0707000510 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000511 Not less than 66,5 ECU but less than 67,9 ECU
0707000512 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,5 ECU
0707000513 Less than 65 ECU
0707000514 From 1 March to 30 April
0707000514 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000514 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000514 Not less than 113,7 ECU
0707000515 Not less than 111,4 ECU but less than 113,7 ECU
0707000516 Not less than 109,2 ECU but less than 111,4 ECU
0707000517 Not less than 106,9 ECU but less than 109,2 ECU
0707000518 Not less than 104,6 ECU but less than 106,9 ECU
0707000519 Less than 104,6 ECU
0707000520 Other
0707000521 Other
0707000521 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000521 Not less than 113,7 ECU
0707000522 Not less than 111,4 ECU but less than 113,7 ECU
0707000523 Not less than 109,2 ECU but less than 111,4 ECU
0707000524 Not less than 106,9 ECU but less than 109,2 ECU
0707000525 Not less than 104,6 ECU but less than 106,9 ECU
0707000526 Less than 104,6 ECU
0707000527 From 1 May to 30 September
0707000527 Intended for processing
0707000527 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000531 Other
0707000535 Other
0707000535 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000535 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000535 Not less than 51,3 ECU
0707000536 Not less than 50,3 ECU but less than 51,3 ECU
0707000537 Not less than 49,2 ECU but less than 50,3 ECU
0707000538 Not less than 48,2 ECU but less than 49,2 ECU
0707000539 Not less than 47,2 ECU but less than 48,2 ECU
0707000541 Less than 47,2 ECU
0707000543 Other
0707000543 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000543 Not less than 51,3 ECU
0707000544 Not less than 50,3 ECU but less than 51,3 ECU
0707000545 Not less than 49,2 ECU but less than 50,3 ECU
0707000546 Not less than 48,2 ECU but less than 49,2 ECU
0707000547 Not less than 47,2 ECU but less than 48,2 ECU
0707000548 Less than 47,2 ECU
0707000551 From 1 to 31 October
0707000551 Intended for processing
0707000551 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000553 Other
0707000555 Other
0707000555 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000555 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000555 Not less than 71,5 ECU
0707000556 Not less than 70,1 ECU but less than 71,5 ECU
0707000557 Not less than 68,6 ECU but less than 70,1 ECU
0707000558 Not less than 67,2 ECU but less than 68,6 ECU
0707000559 Not less than 65,8 ECU but less than 67,2 ECU
0707000561 Less than 65,8 ECU
0707000563 Other
0707000563 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000563 Not less than 71,5 ECU
0707000564 Not less than 70,1 ECU but less than 71,5 ECU
0707000565 Not less than 68,6 ECU but less than 70,1 ECU
0707000566 Not less than 67,2 ECU but less than 68,6 ECU
0707000567 Not less than 65,8 ECU but less than 67,2 ECU
0707000568 Less than 65,8 ECU
0707000571 From 1 to 10 November
0707000571 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000571 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000571 Not less than 71,5 ECU
0707000572 Not less than 70,1 ECU but less than 71,5 ECU
0707000573 Not less than 68,6 ECU but less than 70,1 ECU
0707000574 Not less than 67,2 ECU but less than 68,6 ECU
0707000575 Not less than 65,8 ECU but less than 67,2 ECU
0707000576 Less than 65,8 ECU
0707000578 Other
0707000578 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000578 Not less than 71,5 ECU
0707000579 Not less than 70,1 ECU but less than 71,5 ECU
0707000581 Not less than 68,6 ECU but less than 70,1 ECU
0707000582 Not less than 67,2 ECU but less than 68,6 ECU
0707000583 Not less than 65,8 ECU but less than 67,2 ECU
0707000584 Less than 65,8 ECU
0707000586 From 11 November to 31 December
0707000586 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000586 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000586 Not less than 63,7 ECU
0707000587 Not less than 62,4 ECU but less than 63,7 ECU
0707000588 Not less than 61,2 ECU but less than 62,4 ECU
0707000589 Not less than 59,9 ECU but less than 61,2 ECU
0707000590 Other
0707000590 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707000591 Not less than 58,6 ECU but less than 59,9 ECU
0707000592 Less than 58,6 ECU
0707000594 Other
0707000594 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707000594 Not less than 63,7 ECU
0707000595 Not less than 62,4 ECU but less than 63,7 ECU
0707000596 Not less than 61,2 ECU but less than 62,4 ECU
0707000597 Not less than 59,9 ECU but less than 61,2 ECU
0707000598 Not less than 58,6 ECU but less than 59,9 ECU
0707000599 Other
0707000599 Less than 58,6 ECU
0707001000 Cucumbers
0707001000 From 1 January to end of February
0707001011 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707001011 Not less than 72,3 ECU
0707001011 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001019 Other
0707001021 Not less than 70,9 ECU but less than 72,3 ECU
0707001021 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001029 Other
0707001031 Not less than 69,4 ECU but less than 70,9 ECU
0707001031 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001039 Other
0707001041 Not less than 68 ECU but less than 69,4 ECU
0707001041 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001049 Other
0707001051 Not less than 66,5 ECU but less than 68 ECU
0707001051 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001059 Other
0707001061 Less than 66,5 ECU
0707001061 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001069 Other
0707001100 Cucumbers
0707001100 From 1|November to 15|May
0707001111 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001111 From 1 November to 31 December
0707001112 From 1 January to end of February
0707001118 From 1 March to 15 May
0707001190 Other
0707001500 From 1 March to 30 April
0707001511 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707001511 Not less than 115,3 ECU
0707001511 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001519 Other
0707001521 Not less than 113 ECU but less than 115,3 ECU
0707001521 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001529 Other
0707001531 Not less than 110,7 ECU but less than 113 ECU
0707001531 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001539 Other
0707001541 Not less than 108,4 ECU but less than 110,7 ECU
0707001541 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001549 Other
0707001551 Not less than 106,1 ECU but less than 108,4 ECU
0707001551 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001559 Other
0707001561 Less than 106,1 ECU
0707001561 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001569 Other
0707001900 From 16|May to 31|October
0707001910 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707001990 Other
0707002000 From 1 to 15 May
0707002001 Intended for processing
0707002001 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707002001 Not less than 52,9 ECU
0707002001 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002002 Other
0707002003 Not less than 51,8 ECU but less than 52,9 ECU
0707002003 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002004 Other
0707002005 Not less than 50,8 ECU but less than 51,8 ECU
0707002005 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002006 Other
0707002007 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,8 ECU
0707002007 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002008 Other
0707002009 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0707002009 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002010 Other
0707002011 With an entry price per 100 kg net weight of
0707002011 Not less than 56 ECU
0707002011 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002012 Intended for processing
0707002012 With an entry price per 100 kg net weight of
0707002012 Not less than 35 ECU but less than 48,7 ECU
0707002012 Not less than 35 ECU
0707002012 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002014 Other
0707002016 Not less than 34,3 ECU but less than 35 ECU
0707002016 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002018 Other
0707002019 Other
0707002021 Not less than 54,9 ECU but less than 56 ECU
0707002021 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002022 Not less than 33,6 ECU but less than 34,3 ECU
0707002022 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002024 Other
0707002026 Not less than 32,9 ECU but less than 33,6 ECU
0707002026 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002028 Other
0707002029 Other
0707002031 Not less than 53,8 ECU but less than 54,9 ECU
0707002031 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002032 Not less than 32,2 ECU but less than 32,9 ECU
0707002032 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002034 Other
0707002036 Less than 32,2 ECU
0707002036 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002038 Other
0707002039 Other
0707002041 Not less than 52,6 ECU but less than 53,8 ECU
0707002041 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002049 Other
0707002051 Not less than 51,5 ECU but less than 52,6 ECU
0707002051 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002059 Other
0707002061 Less than 51,5 ECU
0707002061 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002069 Other
0707002072 Other
0707002072 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707002072 Not less than 52,9 ECU
0707002072 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002074 Other
0707002076 Not less than 51,8 ECU but less than 52,9 ECU
0707002076 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002078 Other
0707002082 Not less than 50,8 ECU but less than 51,8 ECU
0707002082 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002084 Other
0707002086 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,8 ECU
0707002086 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002088 Other
0707002092 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0707002092 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002094 Other
0707002096 Less than 48,7 ECU
0707002096 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002098 Other
0707002500 From 16 May to 30 September
0707002501 Intended for processing
0707002501 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707002501 Not less than 52,9 ECU
0707002501 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002502 Other
0707002503 Not less than 51,8 ECU but less than 52,9 ECU
0707002503 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002504 Other
0707002505 Not less than 50,8 ECU but less than 51,8 ECU
0707002505 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002506 Other
0707002507 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,8 ECU
0707002507 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002508 Other
0707002509 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0707002509 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002510 Other
0707002511 With an entry price per 100 kg net weight of
0707002511 Not less than 56 ECU
0707002511 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002512 Intended for processing
0707002512 With an entry price per 100 kg net weight of
0707002512 Not less than 35 ECU but less than 48,7 ECU
0707002512 Not less than 35 ECU
0707002512 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002514 Other
0707002516 Not less than 34,3 ECU but less than 35 ECU
0707002516 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002518 Other
0707002519 Other
0707002521 Not less than 54,9 ECU but less than 56 ECU
0707002521 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002522 Not less than 33,6 ECU but less than 34,3 ECU
0707002522 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002524 Other
0707002526 Not less than 32,9 ECU but less than 33,6 ECU
0707002526 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002528 Other
0707002529 Other
0707002531 Not less than 53,8 ECU but less than 54,9 ECU
0707002531 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002532 Not less than 32,2 ECU but less than 32,9 ECU
0707002532 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002534 Other
0707002536 Less than 32,2 ECU
0707002536 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002538 Other
0707002539 Other
0707002541 Not less than 52,6 ECU but less than 53,8 ECU
0707002541 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002549 Other
0707002551 Not less than 51,5 ECU but less than 52,6 ECU
0707002551 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002559 Other
0707002561 Less than 51,5 ECU
0707002561 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002569 Other
0707002572 Other
0707002572 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707002572 Not less than 52,9 ECU
0707002572 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002574 Other
0707002576 Not less than 51,8 ECU but less than 52,9 ECU
0707002576 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002578 Other
0707002582 Not less than 50,8 ECU but less than 51,8 ECU
0707002582 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002584 Other
0707002586 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,8 ECU
0707002586 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002588 Other
0707002592 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0707002592 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002594 Other
0707002596 Less than 48,7 ECU
0707002596 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707002598 Other
0707003000 From 1 to 31 October
0707003001 Intended for processing
0707003001 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707003001 Not less than 73,1 ECU
0707003001 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003002 Other
0707003003 Not less than 71,6 ECU but less than 73,1 ECU
0707003003 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003004 Other
0707003005 Not less than 70,2 ECU but less than 71,6 ECU
0707003005 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003006 Other
0707003007 Not less than 68,7 ECU but less than 70,2 ECU
0707003007 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003008 Other
0707003009 Not less than 67,3 ECU but less than 68,7 ECU
0707003009 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003010 Other
0707003011 With an entry price per 100 kg net weight of
0707003011 Not less than 76,2 ECU
0707003011 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003012 Intended for processing
0707003012 With an entry price per 100 kg net weight of
0707003012 Not less than 35 ECU but less than 67,3 ECU
0707003012 Not less than 35 ECU
0707003012 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003014 Other
0707003016 Not less than 34,3 ECU but less than 35 ECU
0707003016 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003018 Other
0707003019 Other
0707003021 Not less than 74,7 ECU but less than 76,2 ECU
0707003021 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003022 Not less than 33,6 ECU but less than 34,3 ECU
0707003022 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003024 Other
0707003026 Not less than 32,9 ECU but less than 33,6 ECU
0707003026 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003028 Other
0707003029 Other
0707003031 Not less than 73,2 ECU but less than 74,7 ECU
0707003031 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003032 Not less than 32,2 ECU but less than 32,9 ECU
0707003032 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003034 Other
0707003036 Less than 32,2 ECU
0707003036 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003038 Other
0707003039 Other
0707003041 Not less than 71,6 ECU but less than 73,2 ECU
0707003041 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003049 Other
0707003051 Not less than 70,1 ECU but less than 71,6 ECU
0707003051 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003059 Other
0707003061 Less than 70,1 ECU
0707003061 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003069 Other
0707003072 Other
0707003072 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707003072 Not less than 73,1 ECU
0707003072 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003074 Other
0707003076 Not less than 71,6 ECU but less than 73,1 ECU
0707003076 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003078 Other
0707003082 Not less than 70,2 ECU but less than 71,6 ECU
0707003082 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003084 Other
0707003086 Not less than 68,7 ECU but less than 70,2 ECU
0707003086 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003088 Other
0707003092 Not less than 67,3 ECU but less than 68,7 ECU
0707003092 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003094 Other
0707003096 Less than 67,3 ECU
0707003096 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003098 Other
0707003500 From 1 to 10 November
0707003511 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707003511 Not less than 73,1 ECU
0707003511 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003519 Other
0707003521 Not less than 71,6 ECU but less than 73,1 ECU
0707003521 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003529 Other
0707003531 Not less than 70,2 ECU but less than 71,6 ECU
0707003531 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003539 Other
0707003541 Not less than 68,7 ECU but less than 70,2 ECU
0707003541 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003549 Other
0707003551 Not less than 67,3 ECU but less than 68,7 ECU
0707003551 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003559 Other
0707003561 Less than 67,3 ECU
0707003561 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707003569 Other
0707004000 From 11 November to 31 December
0707004011 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0707004011 Not less than 65,3 ECU
0707004011 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707004019 Other
0707004021 Not less than 64 ECU but less than 65,3 ECU
0707004021 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707004029 Other
0707004031 Not less than 62,7 ECU but less than 64 ECU
0707004031 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707004039 Other
0707004041 Not less than 61,4 ECU but less than 62,7 ECU
0707004041 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707004049 Other
0707004051 Not less than 60,1 ECU but less than 61,4 ECU
0707004051 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707004059 Other
0707004061 Less than 60,1 ECU
0707004061 Small cucumbers of a length not exceeding 15 cm
0707004069 Other
0707009000 Gherkins

UK Hs Code - 0708 : Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled

0708000000 Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled, fresh or chilled
0708100000 Peas (Pisum sativum)
0708101000 From 1|September to 31|May
0708101010 From 1 to 30 September
0708101020 From 1|October to 30|April
0708101030 From 1 to 31 May
0708102000 From 1 January to 31 May
0708102010 From 1 January to 30 April
0708102020 From 1 to 31 May
0708109000 From 1|June to 31|August
0708109500 From 1 September to 31 December
0708109510 From 1 to 30 September
0708109520 From 1 October to 31 December
0708200000 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
0708200010 Beans (Phaseolus spp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708200020 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708200090 Other
0708201000 From 1|October to 30|June
0708201010 From 1 to 31 October
0708201011 From 1 to 31 October
0708201011 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708201019 Other
0708201020 From 1 November to 30|April
0708201021 From 1 November to 30|April
0708201021 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708201029 Other
0708201031 From 1 November to 31 December
0708201031 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708201033 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708201039 Other
0708201041 From 1|January to 30|April
0708201041 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708201043 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708201049 Other
0708201090 From 1|May to 30|June
0708201091 From 1|May to 30|June
0708201091 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708201099 Other
0708202000 From 1 January to 30 June
0708202010 Beans (Phaseolus spp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708202020 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708202041 From 1|January to 30|April
0708202041 Beans (Phaseolus spp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708202043 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708202049 Other
0708202090 Other
0708202091 From 1|May to 30|June
0708202091 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708202099 Other
0708209000 From 1|July to 30|September
0708209010 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708209090 Other
0708209500 From 1 October to 31 December
0708209510 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708209511 From 1 to 31 October
0708209511 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708209519 Other
0708209520 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708209531 From 1 November to 31 December
0708209531 Beans (Phaseolus ssp., vulgaris var. Compressus Savi)
0708209533 Other beans of the Phaseolus spp.
0708209539 Other
0708209590 Other
0708900000 Other leguminous vegetables
0708900010 Broad beans
0708900010 Broad beans (Vicia Faba major L.)
0708900011 Broad beans
0708900011 Broad beans (Vicia Faba major L.)
0708900011 From 1|July to 30|April
0708900012 From 1|May to 30|June
0708900020 Other
0708900029 Other
0708900090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0709 : Other vegetables, fresh or chilled

0709000000 Other vegetables, fresh or chilled
0709100000 Globe artichokes
0709100010 From 1 January to 31 May
0709100010 From 1|October to 30|November
0709100010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709100010 Not less than 85,5 ECU
0709100012 Not less than 83,8 ECU but less than 85,5 ECU
0709100014 Not less than 82,1 ECU but less than 83,8 ECU
0709100016 Not less than 80,4 ECU but less than 82,1 ECU
0709100018 Not less than 78,7 ECU but less than 80,4 ECU
0709100020 From 1|December to 31|December
0709100020 Less than 78,7 ECU
0709100030 From 1 to 30 June
0709100030 From 1 October to 31|December
0709100030 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709100030 Not less than 68,3 ECU
0709100032 Not less than 66,9 ECU but less than 68,3 ECU
0709100034 Not less than 65,6 ECU but less than 66,9 ECU
0709100036 Not less than 64,2 ECU but less than 65,6 ECU
0709100038 Not less than 62,8 ECU but less than 64,2 ECU
0709100040 Less than 62,8 ECU
0709100050 From 1 July to 31 October
0709100070 From 1 November to 31 December
0709100070 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709100070 Not less than 96,2 ECU
0709100072 Not less than 94,3 ECU but less than 96,2 ECU
0709100074 Not less than 92,4 ECU but less than 94,3 ECU
0709100076 Not less than 90,4 ECU but less than 92,4 ECU
0709100078 Not less than 88,5 ECU but less than 90,4 ECU
0709100080 From 1|January to 30|September
0709100080 Less than 88,5 ECU
0709101000 From 1 January to 31 May
0709101010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709101010 Not less than 86,4 ECU
0709101020 Not less than 84,7 ECU but less than 86,4 ECU
0709101030 Not less than 82,9 ECU but less than 84,7 ECU
0709101040 Not less than 81,2 ECU but less than 82,9 ECU
0709101050 Not less than 79,5 ECU but less than 81,2 ECU
0709101060 Less than 79,5 ECU
0709102000 From 1 to 30 June
0709102010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709102010 Not less than 69,2 ECU
0709102020 Not less than 67,8 ECU but less than 69,2 ECU
0709102030 Not less than 66,4 ECU but less than 67,8 ECU
0709102040 Not less than 65 ECU but less than 66,4 ECU
0709102050 Not less than 63,7 ECU but less than 65 ECU
0709102060 Less than 63,7 ECU
0709103000 From 1 July to 31 October
0709103010 From 1 July to 30 September
0709103080 From 1 to 31 October
0709104000 From 1 November to 31 December
0709104010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709104010 Not less than 97,2 ECU
0709104020 Not less than 95,3 ECU but less than 97,2 ECU
0709104030 Not less than 93,3 ECU but less than 95,3 ECU
0709104040 Not less than 91,4 ECU but less than 93,3 ECU
0709104050 Not less than 89,4 ECU but less than 91,4 ECU
0709104060 Less than 89,4 ECU
0709200000 Asparagus
0709200010 Green
0709200011 Green
0709200011 From 15|August to 30|September
0709200012 From 1 to 31 October
0709200013 From 1|November to 31|December
0709200014 From 1 to 15 January
0709200015 From 1|February to the end of February
0709200016 From 1|March to 14|August
0709200017 From 16 to 31 January
0709200018 From 1|February to the end of February
0709200019 From 1|March to 14|August
0709200021 From 1 March to 15 April
0709200023 From 16 April to 15 June
0709200025 From 16 June to 14 August
0709200083 Other
0709200083 From 16 April to 15 June
0709200085 From 16 June to 14 August
0709200090 Other
0709200091 Other
0709200091 From 15|August to 30|September
0709200092 From 1 to 31 October
0709200093 From 1|November to 31|December
0709200094 From 1 to 15 January
0709200095 From 1|February to the end of February
0709200096 From 1|March to 14|August
0709200097 From 16 to 31 January
0709200098 From 1|February to the end of February
0709200099 From 1 March to 15 April
0709300000 Aubergines (eggplants)
0709300010 From 1 to 14 January
0709300020 From 15|January to 31|March
0709300030 From 1|April to 30|April
0709300040 From 1|May to 30|September
0709300050 From 1|October to 30|November
0709300060 From 1 to 31 December
0709400000 Celery other than celeriac
0709400010 Ribbed celery (Apium graveolens, var. dulce)
0709400011 Ribbed celery (Apium graveolens, var. dulce)
0709400011 Celery sticks
0709400011 From 1|January to 30|April
0709400011 From 1|January to 30|April
0709400012 From 1|May to 31|December
0709400012 From 1|May to 31|December
0709400013 Ribbed celery (Apium graveolens, var. dulce)
0709400013 From 1|January to 31|March
0709400014 From 1 to 30 April
0709400015 From 1|May to 31|December
0709400021 Other
0709400021 From 1|January to 31|March
0709400022 From 1|April to 31|December
0709400090 Other
0709400091 Other
0709400091 From 1|January to 31|March
0709400092 From 1 to 30 April
0709400093 From 1|May to 31|December
0709510000 Mushrooms and truffles
0709510000 Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
0709510010 Cultivated mushrooms
0709510090 Other
0709511000 Of the genus Agaricus
0709511010 Cultivated mushrooms
0709511090 Other
0709513000 Chantarelles
0709515000 Flap mushrooms
0709519000 Other
0709519010 Cultivated mushrooms
0709519090 Other
0709520000 Truffles
0709590000 Other
0709591000 Chanterelles
0709593000 Flap mushrooms
0709595000 Truffles
0709599000 Other
0709599010 Cultivated mushrooms
0709599090 Other
0709600000 Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
0709601000 Sweet peppers
0709601010 From 15|November to the end of February
0709601010 From 15|November to 30|April
0709601011 From 15|November to the end of February
0709601011 From 15|November to 31|December
0709601019 From 1|January to the end of February
0709601020 From 1|March to 30|April
0709601030 From 1|May to 14|November
0709609100 Other
0709609100 Of the genus Capsicum, for the manufacture of capsicin or capsicum oleoresin dyes
0709609500 For the industrial manufacture of essential oils or resinoids
0709609900 Other
0709609910 From 15|November to 30|April
0709609920 From 1|May to 14|November
0709700000 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach)
0709900000 Other
0709901000 Salad vegetables, other than lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and chicory (Cichorium spp.)
0709902000 Chard (or white beet) and cardoons
0709903100 Olives
0709903100 For uses other than the production of oil
0709903110 In immediate containers of a net weight not exceeding 5|kg
0709903190 Other
0709903900 Other
0709903910 In immediate containers of a net weight not exceeding 5|kg
0709903990 Other
0709904000 Capers
0709905000 Fennel
0709906000 Sweetcorn
0709906010 Fresh
0709906090 Other
0709907000 Courgettes
0709907000 Courgettes
0709907001 From 1 to 31 January
0709907001 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907001 Not less than 50,1 ECU
0709907003 Not less than 49,1 ECU but less than 50,1 ECU
0709907005 Not less than 48,1 ECU but less than 49,1 ECU
0709907007 Not less than 47,1 ECU but less than 48,1 ECU
0709907008 Not less than 46,1 ECU but less than 47,1 ECU
0709907009 Less than 46,1 ECU
0709907010 From 1 February to 31 March
0709907010 From 1|December to 31|December
0709907010 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907010 Not less than 42,6 ECU
0709907012 Not less than 41,7 ECU but less than 42,6 ECU
0709907014 Not less than 40,9 ECU but less than 41,7 ECU
0709907016 Not less than 40 ECU but less than 40,9 ECU
0709907017 Not less than 39,2 ECU but less than 40 ECU
0709907019 Less than 39,2 ECU
0709907020 From 1|January to end of February
0709907030 From 1 April to 31 May
0709907030 From 1|March to 15|March
0709907030 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907030 Not less than 70,5 ECU
0709907032 Not less than 69,1 ECU but less than 70,5 ECU
0709907034 Not less than 67,7 ECU but less than 69,1 ECU
0709907036 Not less than 66,3 ECU but less than 67,7 ECU
0709907037 Not less than 64,9 ECU but less than 66,3 ECU
0709907039 Less than 64,9 ECU
0709907040 From 16|March to 30|November
0709907050 From 1 June to 31 July
0709907050 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907050 Not less than 42,6 ECU
0709907052 Not less than 41,7 ECU but less than 42,6 ECU
0709907054 Not less than 40,9 ECU but less than 41,7 ECU
0709907056 Not less than 40 ECU but less than 40,9 ECU
0709907057 Not less than 39,2 ECU but less than 40 ECU
0709907059 Less than 39,2 ECU
0709907070 From 1 August to 31 December
0709907070 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907070 Not less than 50,1 ECU
0709907072 Not less than 49,1 ECU but less than 50,1 ECU
0709907074 Not less than 48,1 ECU but less than 49,1 ECU
0709907076 Not less than 47,1 ECU but less than 48,1 ECU
0709907077 Not less than 46,1 ECU but less than 47,1 ECU
0709907079 Less than 46,1 ECU
0709907100 Courgettes
0709907100 From 1 to 31 January
0709907110 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907110 Not less than 50,7 ECU
0709907120 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,7 ECU
0709907130 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0709907140 Not less than 47,7 ECU but less than 48,7 ECU
0709907150 Not less than 46,6 ECU but less than 47,7 ECU
0709907160 Less than 46,6 ECU
0709907300 From 1 February to 31 March
0709907301 From 1 February to the end of February
0709907301 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907301 Not less than 43,2 ECU
0709907302 Not less than 42,3 ECU but less than 43,2 ECU
0709907303 Not less than 41,5 ECU but less than 42,3 ECU
0709907304 Not less than 40,6 ECU but less than 41,5 ECU
0709907305 Not less than 39,7 ECU but less than 40,6 ECU
0709907306 Less than 39,7 ECU
0709907331 From 1 to 15 March
0709907331 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907331 Not less than 43,2 ECU
0709907332 Not less than 42,3 ECU but less than 43,2 ECU
0709907333 Not less than 41,5 ECU but less than 42,3 ECU
0709907334 Not less than 40,6 ECU but less than 41,5 ECU
0709907335 Not less than 39,7 ECU but less than 40,6 ECU
0709907336 Less than 39,7 ECU
0709907361 From 16 to 31 March
0709907361 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907361 Not less than 43,2 ECU
0709907362 Not less than 42,3 ECU but less than 43,2 ECU
0709907363 Not less than 41,5 ECU but less than 42,3 ECU
0709907364 Not less than 40,6 ECU but less than 41,5 ECU
0709907365 Not less than 39,7 ECU but less than 40,6 ECU
0709907366 Less than 39,7 ECU
0709907500 From 1 April to 31 May
0709907510 From 1 to 20 April
0709907510 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907510 Not less than 71,1 ECU
0709907520 Not less than 69,7 ECU but less than 71,1 ECU
0709907530 Not less than 68,3 ECU but less than 69,7 ECU
0709907540 Not less than 66,8 ECU but less than 68,3 ECU
0709907550 Not less than 65,4 ECU but less than 66,8 ECU
0709907560 Less than 65,4 ECU
0709907581 From 21 April to 31 May
0709907581 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907581 Not less than 71,1 ECU
0709907582 Not less than 69,7 ECU but less than 71,1 ECU
0709907583 Not less than 68,3 ECU but less than 69,7 ECU
0709907584 Not less than 66,8 ECU but less than 68,3 ECU
0709907585 Not less than 65,4 ECU but less than 66,8 ECU
0709907586 Less than 65,4 ECU
0709907700 From 1 June to 31 July
0709907710 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907710 Not less than 43,2 ECU
0709907720 Not less than 42,3 ECU but less than 43,2 ECU
0709907730 Not less than 41,5 ECU but less than 42,3 ECU
0709907740 Not less than 40,6 ECU but less than 41,5 ECU
0709907750 Not less than 39,7 ECU but less than 40,6 ECU
0709907760 Less than 39,7 ECU
0709907900 From 1 August to 31 December
0709907901 From 1 August to 30 September
0709907901 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907901 Not less than 50,7 ECU
0709907902 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,7 ECU
0709907903 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0709907904 Not less than 47,7 ECU but less than 48,7 ECU
0709907905 Not less than 46,6 ECU but less than 47,7 ECU
0709907906 Less than 46,6 ECU
0709907931 From 1|October to 30|November
0709907931 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907931 Not less than 50,7 ECU
0709907932 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,7 ECU
0709907933 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0709907934 Not less than 47,7 ECU but less than 48,7 ECU
0709907935 Not less than 46,6 ECU but less than 47,7 ECU
0709907936 Less than 46,6 ECU
0709907951 From 1 to 31 December
0709907951 With an entry price per 100|kg net weight of
0709907951 Not less than 50,7 ECU
0709907952 Not less than 49,7 ECU but less than 50,7 ECU
0709907953 Not less than 48,7 ECU but less than 49,7 ECU
0709907954 Not less than 47,7 ECU but less than 48,7 ECU
0709907955 Not less than 46,6 ECU but less than 47,7 ECU
0709907956 Less than 46,6 ECU
0709908000 Globe artichokes
0709909000 Other
0709909010 Pumpkins and courges
0709909011 Pumpkins and courges
0709909011 From 1 to 31 December
0709909012 From 1|January to end of February
0709909013 From 1 to 15 March
0709909014 From 16|March to 30|November
0709909015 From 16 to 31 March
0709909016 From 1|April to 30|November
0709909020 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0709909020 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0709909021 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0709909021 From 15 February to 15 June
0709909022 From 16 June to 14 February
0709909023 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0709909023 From 1 January to 14 February
0709909024 From 15|February to 31| March
0709909025 From 1 April to 15 June
0709909026 From 16|June to 31|December
0709909030 Morinea oleifera ("Drumsticks")
0709909030 Morinea oleifera ("Drumsticks")
0709909031 Morinea oleifera ("Drumsticks")
0709909031 From 1|January to 31|March
0709909032 From 1|April to 31|December
0709909040 Parsley
0709909050 Wild onions of the genus Muscari comusum
0709909051 Wild onions of the genus Muscari comusum
0709909051 From 1 to 14 February
0709909052 From 15|February to 31| March
0709909053 From 1 to 30 April
0709909054 From 1 to 15 May
0709909055 From 16|May to 30|June
0709909056 From 1 to 31 July
0709909057 From 1|August to 31|December
0709909058 From 1 to 31 January
0709909060 Molochia
0709909090 Other
0709909091 Other
0709909091 From 1|January to 31|March
0709909099 From 1|April to 31|December

UK Hs Code - 0710 : Vegetables ( uncooked or cooked by steaming orboiling in water ), frozen

0710000000 Vegetables (uncooked or cooked by steaming or boiling in water), frozen
0710100000 Potatoes
0710210000 Leguminous vegetables, shelled or unshelled
0710210000 Peas (Pisum sativum)
0710210090 Other
0710220000 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
0710290000 Other
0710290010 Peas, excluding Pisum sativum
0710290090 Other
0710300000 Spinach, New Zealand spinach and orache spinach (garden spinach)
0710300010 Spinach
0710300090 Other
0710400000 Sweetcorn
0710800000 Other vegetables
0710801000 Olives
0710805100 Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta
0710805100 Sweet peppers
0710805900 Other
0710805910 From 15|November to 30|April
0710805920 From 1|May to 14|November
0710806000 Mushrooms
0710806010 of the species Auricularia polytricha steamed or boiled, for the manufacture of prepared meals
0710806090 Other
0710806100 Mushrooms
0710806100 Of the genus Agaricus
0710806900 Other
0710806910 of the species Auricularia polytricha, for the manufacture of prepared meals
0710806990 Other
0710807000 Tomatoes
0710807010 Peeled
0710807090 Other
0710808000 Globe artichokes
0710808500 Asparagus
0710809000 Other
0710809010 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0710809020 Dill and parsley
0710809090 Other
0710809500 Other
0710809510 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0710809520 Dill and parsley
0710809530 Okra
0710809540 Carrots
0710809550 Bamboo shoots, frozen, not put up for retail sale
0710809560 Garlic and Allium ampeloprasum
0710809580 Other
0710809590 Other
0710900000 Mixtures of vegetables
0710900010 Mixtures of vegetables containing garlic and/or Allium ampeloprasum
0710900090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0711 : Vegetables provisionally preserved, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption

0711000000 Vegetables provisionally preserved (for example, by sulphur dioxide gas, in brine, in sulphur water or in other preservative solutions), but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption
0711100000 Onions
0711200000 Olives
0711201000 For uses other than the production of oil
0711201010 In immediate containers of a net weight not exceeding 5|kg
0711201090 Other
0711209000 Other
0711209010 In immediate containers of a net weight not exceeding 5|kg
0711209090 Other
0711300000 Capers
0711400000 Cucumbers and gherkins
0711400010 Cucumbers
0711400090 Gherkins
0711510000 Mushrooms and truffles
0711510000 Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
0711590000 Other
0711590010 Mushrooms
0711590011 Mushrooms
0711590011 Mushrooms
0711590011 Cultivated
0711590011 Mushrooms, provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water, or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for the food-canning industry
0711590019 Other
0711590019 Other
0711590021 Mushrooms
0711590021 Mushrooms, provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water, or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for the food-canning industry
0711590029 Other
0711590090 Other
0711590091 Other
0711590091 Mushrooms, provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water, or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for the food-canning industry
0711590092 Other
0711590099 Other
0711900000 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables
0711901000 Vegetables
0711901000 Fruits of the genus Capsicum or of the genus Pimenta, excluding sweet peppers
0711901010 From 15|November to 30|April
0711901020 From 1|May to 14|November
0711903000 Sweetcorn
0711904000 Mushrooms
0711904000 Of the genus Agaricus
0711904010 Cultivated
0711904090 Other
0711905000 Mushrooms
0711905000 Onions
0711905010 Cultivated
0711905010 Of the species Agaricus spp.
0711905011 Cultivated
0711905011 Within the meaning of subheading|0709 51 10
0711905011 In brine
0711905012 Cultivated
0711905012 Of the species Agaricus spp.
0711905012 Within the meaning of subheading|0709 51 10
0711905013 Other
0711905014 Other
0711905014 For the food-canning industry
0711905018 Other
0711905019 Other
0711905021 Other
0711905021 In brine
0711905029 Other
0711905090 Other
0711905091 Other
0711905091 Of the species Agaricus spp.
0711905092 Other
0711905092 For the food-canning industry
0711905099 Other
0711906000 Other
0711906011 Cultivated
0711906011 Mushrooms, excluding mushrooms of the species _Agaricus spp._, provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water, or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for the food-canning industry
0711906019 Other
0711906091 Other
0711906091 Mushrooms, excluding mushrooms of the species _Agaricus spp._, provisionally preserved in brine, in sulphur water, or in other preservative solutions, but unsuitable in that state for immediate consumption, for the food-canning industry
0711906099 Other
0711907000 Other
0711907000 Capers
0711907010 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0711907020 Bamboo shoots
0711907090 Other
0711908000 Other
0711908010 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0711908020 Bamboo shoots
0711908030 Garlic and Allium ampeloprasum
0711908080 Other
0711908090 Other
0711909000 Mixtures of vegetables
0711909010 Mixtures of vegetables containing garlic and/or Allium ampeloprasum
0711909090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0712 : Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared

0712000000 Dried vegetables, whole, cut, sliced, broken or in powder, but not further prepared
0712100000 Potatoes whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared
0712200000 Onions
0712300000 Mushrooms and truffles
0712300010 Mushrooms
0712300010 Cultivated
0712300010 Of the genus Agaricus spp.
0712300011 Mushrooms
0712300011 Cultivated
0712300011 Within the meaning of subheading|0709 51 10
0712300012 Other
0712300012 Whole, or in identifiable slices or pieces, intended for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712300013 Mushrooms
0712300013 Cultivated
0712300013 Of the species Agaricus spp.
0712300013 Within the meaning of subheading|0709 51 10
0712300014 Other
0712300017 Other
0712300017 Mushrooms, excluding mushrooms of the species Agaricus spp., dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712300018 Other
0712300019 Other
0712300021 Other
0712300021 Whole, or in identifiable slices or pieces, intended for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712300022 Other
0712300022 Of the genus Agaricus spp.
0712300024 Other
0712300024 Mushrooms, excluding mushrooms of the species Agaricus spp., dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712300027 Other
0712300029 Other
0712300090 Other
0712310000 Mushrooms, wood ears (Auricularia spp.), jelly fungi (Tremella spp.) and truffles
0712310000 Mushrooms of the genus Agaricus
0712310010 Cultivated
0712310090 Other
0712320000 Wood ears (Auricularia spp.)
0712320010 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712320011 Cultivated
0712320011 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712320019 Other
0712320021 Other
0712320021 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712320029 Other
0712320090 Other
0712330000 Jelly fungi (Tremella spp.)
0712330010 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712330011 Cultivated
0712330011 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712330019 Other
0712330021 Other
0712330021 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712330029 Other
0712330090 Other
0712390000 Other
0712390011 Mushrooms
0712390011 Cultivated
0712390011 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712390019 Other
0712390021 Other
0712390021 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712390029 Other
0712390031 Mushrooms, dried, whole or in identifiable slices or pieces, for treatment other than simple repacking for retail sale
0712390039 Other
0712390090 Other
0712900000 Other vegetables; mixtures of vegetables
0712900500 Potatoes, whether or not cut or sliced but not further prepared
0712901100 Sweetcorn (Zea mays var. saccharata)
0712901100 Hybrids for sowing
0712901900 Other
0712903000 Tomatoes
0712903010 Tomato flakes
0712903090 Other
0712905000 Carrots
0712909000 Other
0712909010 Garlic and Allium ampeloprasum and mixtures of vegetables containing garlic and/or Allium ampeloprasum
0712909020 Garlic
0712909030 Okra (Hibiscus esculentus L. or Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench)
0712909040 Horseradish (Cochlearia armoracia)
0712909050 Olives
0712909090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0713 : Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split

0713000000 Dried leguminous vegetables, shelled, whether or not skinned or split
0713100000 Peas (Pisum sativum)
0713101000 For sowing
0713101010 Forage peas (Pisum arvense L.)
0713101090 Other
0713101100 For sowing
0713101100 Forage peas (Pisum arvense L.)
0713101900 Other
0713109000 Other
0713200000 Chickpeas (garbanzos)
0713200010 For sowing
0713200080 Other
0713200091 Other
0713200091 Of the species 'Cicerarietinum
0713200099 Other
0713201000 For sowing
0713209000 Other
0713209010 Of the species 'Cicerarietinum
0713209090 Other
0713310000 Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.)
0713310000 Beans of the species Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper or Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek
0713310010 For sowing
0713310090 Other
0713311000 For sowing
0713319000 Other
0713320000 Small red (Adzuki) beans (Phaseolus or Vigna angularis)
0713320010 For sowing
0713320090 Other
0713321000 For sowing
0713329000 Other
0713329010 Of the genus "Phaseolus
0713329090 Other
0713330000 Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
0713331000 For sowing
0713339000 Other
0713339010 White, of which not more than 2|% by weight are retained by a screen with apertures of 8|mm in diameter
0713339020 White, of which not more than 2|% by weight are retained by a screen with apertures of 8|mm in diameter
0713339020 White, of which not more than 2% by weight are retained by a screen with apertures of 8|mm in diameter
0713339020 White, of which not more than 2% by weight are retained by a screen with apertures of 8|mm in diameter
0713339020 White, of which not more than 2% by weight are retained by a screen with apertures of 8|mm in diameter
0713339030 Other
0713339090 Other
0713390000 Other
0713390010 For sowing
0713390090 Other
0713391000 For sowing
0713399000 Other
0713400000 Lentils
0713400010 For sowing
0713400090 Other
0713401000 For sowing
0713409000 Other
0713500000 Broad beans (Vicia faba var. major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var. equina, Vicia faba var. minor)
0713500010 For sowing
0713500090 Other
0713501000 For sowing
0713509000 Other
0713900000 Other
0713900010 For sowing
0713900090 Other
0713901000 For sowing
0713909000 Other
0713909010 Cajan peas of the species 'Cajanus cajan
0713909020 Other peas
0713909090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0714 : Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots; sago pith

0714000000 Manioc, arrowroot, salep, Jerusalem artichokes, sweet potatoes and similar roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not sliced or in the form of pellets; sago pith
0714100000 Manioc (cassava)
0714101000 Pellets of flour and meal
0714109000 Other
0714109010 Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content of 28|kg or less, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced
0714109090 Other
0714109100 Other
0714109100 Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 28 kg, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced
0714109100 Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 28 kg, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced
0714109800 Other
0714109810 Pellets of flour and meal
0714109890 Other
0714109900 Other
0714200000 Sweet potatoes
0714200011 Fresh and whole
0714200011 For human consumption
0714200019 Other
0714200090 Other
0714201000 Fresh, whole, intended for human consumption
0714209000 Other
0714209010 Fresh and whole
0714209090 Other
0714900000 Other
0714901000 Arrowroot, salep and similar roots and tubers with high starch content
0714901010 Arrowroot
0714901011 Arrowroot
0714901011 Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content of 28|kg or less, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced
0714901019 Other
0714901090 Other
0714901091 Other
0714901091 Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content of 28|kg or less, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced
0714901099 Other
0714901100 Arrowroot, salep and similar roots and tubers with high starch content
0714901100 Of a kind used for human consumption, in immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 28 kg, either fresh and whole or without skin and frozen, whether or not sliced
0714901110 Arrowroot
0714901120 Arrowroot
0714901180 Other
0714901190 Other
0714901900 Other
0714901910 Arrowroot
0714901990 Other
0714909000 Other
0714909010 Frozen or dried Jerusalem artichokes
0714909090 Other

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Date: 13-02-2025
Notification No. 14/2025-Customs
Seeks to amend Notification 11/2021-Customs dated 01.02.2021 to amend AIDC rate on Bourbon whiskey

Date: 11-02-2025
NOTIFICATION No. 09/2025–Central Tax
Seeks to bring rules 2, 8, 24, 27, 32, 37, 38 of the CGST (Amendment) Rules, 2024 in to force

Date: 03-02-2025
[F. No. CBIC-190354/236/2021-TRU]
Corrigendum to Notification No. 50 of 2024 Customs, dated the 30th December, 2024.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 13/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 153/94-Customs dated the 13 th July, 1994.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 12/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 19/2019 dated 06 th July 2019.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 11/2025 – Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 25/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002 so as to add capital goods to the already existing list of capital goods exempted from basic customs duty for manufacture of lithium-ion battery of mobile phones and electrically operated vehicles.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 09/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 16/2017-Customs, dated the 20 th April, 2017 so to exempt certain drugs for supply under Patient Assistance Programme run by specified pharmaceutical companies.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 07/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 11/2018-Customs dated 02 th February, 2018 so as to exempt specified goods from the whole of levy of Social Welfare Surcharge.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 04/2025–Customs
Seeks to exempt the import duty on goods which are being rationalized in the tariff.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 03/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 27/2011-Customs dated 30 th June, 2017 so as to reduce the export duty on crust leather.

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