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Chapter - 16 Preparations of meat fish crustaceans or molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates

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Hs Code Description


1601000000 Sausages and similar products, of meat, meat offal or blood; food preparations based on these products
1601001000 Of liver
1601001010 Of sheep or goats
1601001010 Of animals of headings 0101 to 0104, excluding wild boars
1601001020 of poultry
1601001080 Other
1601001090 Other
1601001090 Other
1601009100 Other
1601009100 Sausages, dry or for spreading, uncooked
1601009110 Of sheep or goats
1601009110 Of animals of headings 0101 to 0104, excluding wild boars
1601009120 of poultry
1601009180 Other
1601009180 Other
1601009190 Other
1601009190 Other
1601009191 Other
1601009191 Of pigs
1601009199 Other
1601009900 Other
1601009910 Of sheep or goats
1601009910 Of animals of headings 0101 to 0104, excluding wild boars
1601009920 of poultry
1601009980 Other
1601009980 Other
1601009990 Other
1601009990 Other
1601009991 Other
1601009991 Of pigs
1601009999 Other

UK Hs Code - 1602 : ther prepared or preserved meat, meat offal or blood

1602100000 Homogenised preparations
1602100010 Of sheep or goats
1602100020 Of swine, of bovine animals, of sheep and goats
1602100021 Of swine, of bovine animals, of sheep and goats
1602100021 Of swine
1602100025 Of bovine animals
1602100028 Of sheep and goats
1602100080 Other
1602100090 Other
1602200000 Of liver of any animal
1602201000 Goose or duck liver
1602201000 Goose or duck liver
1602201100 Goose or duck liver
1602201100 Containing 75|% or more by weight of fatty livers
1602201900 Other
1602209000 Other
1602209010 Of sheep or goats
1602209020 Of swine, of bovine animals, of sheep and goats
1602209021 Of swine, of bovine animals, of sheep and goats
1602209021 Of swine
1602209025 Of bovine animals
1602209028 Of sheep and goats
1602209080 Other
1602209090 Other
1602310000 Of poultry of heading 0105
1602310000 Of turkeys
1602311100 Containing 57 % or more by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602311100 Containing exclusively uncooked turkey meat
1602311900 Other
1602313000 Containing 25 % or more but less than 57 % by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602319000 Other
1602320000 Of fowls of the species Gallus domesticus
1602321100 Containing 57 % or more by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602321100 Uncooked
1602321900 Other
1602323000 Containing 25 % or more but less than 57 % by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602323010 Uncooked
1602323090 Other
1602329000 Other
1602329010 Uncooked
1602329090 Other
1602390000 Other
1602391100 Containing|57|% or more by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602391100 Uncooked
1602391900 Other
1602392100 Containing 57 % or more by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602392100 Uncooked
1602392900 Other
1602393000 Containing|25|% or more but less than 57|% by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602394000 Containing 25 % or more but less than 57 % by weight of poultry meat or offal
1602398000 Other
1602399000 Other
1602410000 Of swine
1602410000 Hams and cuts thereof
1602411000 Of domestic swine
1602419000 Other
1602420000 Shoulders and cuts thereof
1602421000 Of domestic swine
1602429000 Other
1602490000 Other, including mixtures
1602491100 Of domestic swine
1602491100 Containing by weight 80 % or more of meat or meat offal, of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin
1602491100 Loins (excluding collars) and cuts thereof, including mixtures of loins or hams
1602491300 Collars and cuts thereof, including mixtures of collars and shoulders
1602491500 Other mixtures containing hams (legs), shoulders, loins or collars, and cuts thereof
1602491900 Other
1602491910 Pork neck, dried in air, seasoned or not, whole, in pieces or thinly sliced
1602491990 Other
1602493000 Containing by weight 40 % or more but less than 80 % of meat or meat offal, of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin
1602495000 Containing by weight less than 40 % of meat or meat offal, of any kind, including fats of any kind or origin
1602499000 Other
1602500000 Of bovine animals
1602501000 Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal
1602503100 Other
1602503100 In airtight containers
1602503100 Corned beef, in airtight containers
1602503100 Corned beef, in airtight containers
1602503900 Other
1602503910 Prepared or preserved bovine tongue
1602503990 Other
1602508000 Other
1602508010 Prepared or preserved bovine tongue
1602508090 Other
1602509000 Other
1602509010 Prepared or preserved bovine tongue
1602509090 Other
1602509500 Other
1602900000 Other, including preparations of blood of any animal
1602901000 Preparations of blood of any animal
1602901010 Of sheep or goats
1602901020 Of blood of bovine animals and of swine
1602901021 Of blood of bovine animals and of swine
1602901021 Of swine
1602901028 Of bovine animals
1602901030 Of blood of sheep and goats
1602901080 Other
1602901090 Other
1602903100 Other
1602903100 Of game or rabbit
1602903110 Of game
1602903120 Of rabbit
1602904100 Of reindeer
1602905100 Other
1602905100 Containing meat or meat offal of domestic swine
1602906100 Other
1602906100 Containing bovine meat or offal
1602906100 Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal
1602906900 Other
1602907100 Other
1602907100 Of sheep or goats
1602907100 Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal
1602907110 Of sheep
1602907120 Of goats
1602907200 Other
1602907200 Of sheep or goats
1602907200 Uncooked; mixtures of cooked meat or offal and uncooked meat or offal
1602907200 Of sheep
1602907400 Of goats
1602907600 Other
1602907600 Of sheep
1602907800 Of goats
1602907900 Other
1602907910 Of sheep
1602907920 Of goats
1602909800 Other
1602909900 Other
1602909900 Other

UK Hs Code - 1603 : Extracts and juices of meat, fish or crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates

1603001000 In immediate packings of a net content of 1 kg or less
1603001010 Whale meat extracts
1603001090 Other
1603003000 In immediate packings of a net content of more than 1|kg but less than 20|kg
1603003010 Whale meat extracts
1603003090 Other
1603008000 Other
1603009000 Other

UK Hs Code - 1604 : Prepared or preserved fish; caviar and caviar substitutes prepared from fish eggs

1604110000 Fish, whole or in pieces, but not minced
1604110000 Salmon
1604110010 Salmon for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads
1604110020 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads
1604110030 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
1604110090 Other
1604120000 Herrings
1604121000 Fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not pre-fried in oil, frozen
1604121010 Prefried in oil
1604121090 Other
1604129000 Other
1604129010 Fillets of herring, vinegar cured
1604129090 Other
1604129100 Other
1604129100 In airtight containers
1604129900 Other
1604129910 Spiced and/or vinegar-cured, in brine, preserved in barrels of at least 70 kg net drained weight, for processing
1604129990 Other
1604130000 Sardines, sardinella and brisling or sprats
1604131000 Sardines
1604131010 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604131090 Other
1604131100 Sardines
1604131100 In olive oil
1604131111 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604131111 Preserved
1604131119 Other
1604131120 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604131190 Other
1604131900 Other
1604131911 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604131911 Preserved
1604131919 Other
1604131920 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604131990 Other
1604139000 Other
1604139010 Fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not prefried in oil, deepfrozen
1604139091 Other
1604139091 Brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus)
1604139091 In airtight cans
1604139091 In airtight cans
1604139092 Other
1604139099 Other
1604140000 Tunas, skipjack and bonito (Sarda spp.)
1604141000 Tunas and skipjack
1604141010 Tunas
1604141090 Other
1604141100 Tunas and skipjack
1604141100 Tunas and skipjack
1604141100 In vegetable oil
1604141100 In vegetable oil
1604141110 Preserved
1604141110 Preserved
1604141120 Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus)
1604141120 Preserved
1604141125 Other
1604141130 Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
1604141130 Preserved
1604141135 Other
1604141190 Other
1604141190 Other
1604141195 Other
1604141195 Preserved
1604141199 Other
1604141200 Tunas and skipjack
1604141200 In vegetable oil
1604141200 Loins
1604141210 Preserved
1604141290 Other
1604141400 Other
1604141410 Preserved
1604141490 Other
1604141600 Other
1604141600 Fillets known as 'loins
1604141610 Preserved
1604141610 For industrial manufacture
1604141620 of Bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus)
1604141620 For industrial manufacture
1604141625 Other
1604141630 Of Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
1604141630 For industrial manufacture
1604141635 Other
1604141640 Yellowfin tunny, Skipjack tuna (Tunnus Albacares, Katsuwonus Pelamis)
1604141640 For industrial manufacture
1604141645 Other
1604141690 Other
1604141690 Other
1604141695 Other
1604141695 For industrial manufacture
1604141699 Other
1604141800 Other
1604141810 Preserved
1604141820 Bluefin tunas (Thunnus thynnus)
1604141820 Preserved
1604141825 Other
1604141830 Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
1604141830 Preserved
1604141835 Other
1604141840 Yellowfin tunny, Skipjack tuna (Tunnus Albacares, Katsuwonus Pelamis)
1604141840 Preserved
1604141845 Other
1604141890 Other
1604141895 Other
1604141895 Preserved
1604141899 Other
1604141900 Other
1604141910 Preserved
1604141990 Other
1604149000 Bonito (Sarda spp.)
1604149010 Preserved
1604149090 Other
1604150000 Mackerel
1604151000 Of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus
1604151010 Of the species Scomber scombrus
1604151090 Other
1604151100 Of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus
1604151100 Fillets
1604151110 Of the species Scomber scombrus
1604151190 Other
1604151900 Other
1604151910 Of the species Scomber scombrus
1604151990 Other
1604159000 Of the species Scomber australasicus
1604159010 Fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not prefried in oil, deepfrozen
1604159090 Other
1604160000 Anchovies
1604190000 Other
1604191000 Salmonidae, other than salmon
1604191010 Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
1604191090 Other
1604193000 Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than skipjack (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis)
1604193010 Preserved
1604193090 Other
1604193100 Fish of the genus Euthynnus, other than skipjack (Euthynnus (Katsuwonus) pelamis)
1604193100 Fillets known as 'loins
1604193110 Preserved
1604193190 Other
1604193900 Other
1604193910 Preserved
1604193990 Other
1604195000 Fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
1604199100 Other
1604199100 Fillets, raw, merely coated with batter or breadcrumbs, whether or not pre-fried in oil, frozen
1604199110 Prefried in oil
1604199110 of the genus Merluccius hubbsi
1604199120 of Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus)
1604199130 Of swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
1604199190 Other
1604199190 Other
1604199200 Other
1604199200 Cod (Gadus morhua, Gadus ogac, Gadus macrocephalus)
1604199300 Coalfish (Pollachius virens)
1604199310 Preserved smoked coalfish
1604199390 Other
1604199400 Hake (Merluccius spp., Urophycis spp.)
1604199410 Hake (Merluccius spp.)
1604199490 Other
1604199500 Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma) and pollack (Pollachius pollachius)
1604199510 Alaska pollack (Theragra chalcogramma)
1604199590 Other
1604199800 Other
1604199810 lamprey
1604199820 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
1604199830 Mackerel (Scomber Colias)
1604199840 Frigate tuna, Frigate mackerel (Auxis thazard, Auxis rochei)
1604199890 Other
1604199900 Other
1604199910 Preserved smoked coalfish
1604199990 Other
1604200000 Other prepared or preserved fish
1604200500 Preparations of surimi
1604201000 Other
1604201000 Of salmon
1604201000 Of salmon
1604201010 Salmon for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads
1604201020 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads
1604201020 Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), for the processing industry for manufacture into pastes or spreads
1604201030 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
1604201030 Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)
1604201040 Danube salmon (Hucho hucho)
1604201040 Danube salmon (Hucho hucho)
1604201090 Other
1604201090 Other
1604203000 Of salmonidae, other than salmon
1604203000 Of salmonidae, other than salmon
1604203010 Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
1604203010 Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
1604203090 Other
1604203090 Other
1604204000 Of anchovies
1604204000 Of anchovies
1604205000 Of sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus, fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
1604205000 Of sardines, bonito, mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus, fish of the species Orcynopsis unicolor
1604205010 Of sardines
1604205010 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604205011 Of sardines
1604205011 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604205013 Of sardines
1604205013 Of sardines
1604205013 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604205013 Of the species Sardina pilchardus
1604205013 Preserved
1604205013 Preserved
1604205015 Other
1604205015 Other
1604205019 Other
1604205019 Other
1604205020 Of bonito (Sarda s.p.p.)
1604205020 Of bonito (Sarda s.p.p.)
1604205021 Of bonito (Sarda s.p.p.)
1604205021 Preserved
1604205029 Other
1604205030 Of mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus and Scomber japonicus
1604205030 Of bonito (Sarda s.p.p.)
1604205040 Of mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus
1604205040 Of mackerel of the species Scomber scombrus
1604205050 Of mackerel of the species Scomber japonicus
1604205050 Of mackerel of the species Scomber japonicus
1604205090 Other
1604205090 Other
1604207000 Of tunas, skipjack or other fish of the genus Euthynnus
1604207000 Of tunas, skipjack or other fish of the genus Euthynnus
1604207010 Of tunas
1604207020 Preserved
1604207020 Preserved
1604207030 of Bluefin tunas (thunnus thynnus)
1604207030 Preserved
1604207035 Other
1604207040 Of Atlantic bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus)
1604207040 Preserved
1604207045 Other
1604207080 Other
1604207080 Other
1604207090 Other
1604207095 Other
1604207095 Preserved
1604207099 Other
1604209000 Of other fish
1604209000 Of other fish
1604209010 Of herring
1604209010 Of herring
1604209020 Preserved smoked coalfish
1604209020 Preserved smoked coalfish
1604209030 In airtight cans
1604209030 Brisling or sprats (Sprattus sprattus)
1604209030 In airtight cans
1604209030 In airtight cans
1604209035 ?ther
1604209040 of mackerel (Scomber australasicus)
1604209050 Lamprey
1604209060 Swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
1604209090 Other
1604209090 Other
1604300000 Caviar and caviar substitutes
1604301000 Caviar (sturgeon roe)
1604309000 Caviar substitutes
1604309010 Hard fish roes, washed, cleaned of adherent organs and simply salted or in brine, for processing
1604309090 Other

UK Hs Code - 1605 : Crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates, prepared or preserved

1605100000 Crab
1605100011 In airtight cans
1605100019 Other
1605100091 Other
1605100091 In airtight cans
1605100092 Other
1605100092 In airtight cans
1605100092 Crabs of the species Paralomis granulosa
1605100093 Other
1605100094 Other
1605100094 Crabs of the species Paralomis granulosa
1605100095 Other
1605100095 In airtight cans
1605100098 Other
1605100099 Other
1605100099 Other
1605200000 Shrimps and prawns
1605200010 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605200011 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605200011 Simply boiled in water and shelled
1605200019 Other
1605200020 Of the species "Pandalus borealis", boiled in water and shelled, whether or not frozen or dried, intended for the industrial manufacture of products falling within heading No. 1605
1605200091 Other
1605200091 Shelled
1605200091 Frozen
1605200091 Frozen
1605200092 Simply boiled in water
1605200092 Simply boiled in water
1605200096 Other
1605200099 Other
1605201000 In airtight containers
1605201010 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605201020 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605201020 shelled and frozen
1605201030 Other
1605201040 Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis, shelled, boiled and frozen, but not otherwise prepared
1605201050 Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis, cooked and peeled for processing
1605201091 Other
1605201091 Shelled
1605201091 Frozen
1605201096 Other
1605201099 Other
1605209100 Other
1605209100 In immediate packings of a net content not exceeding 2 kg
1605209110 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605209120 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605209120 shelled and frozen
1605209130 Other
1605209140 Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis, shelled, boiled and frozen, but not otherwise prepared
1605209191 Other
1605209191 Shelled
1605209191 Frozen
1605209196 Other
1605209199 Other
1605209900 Other
1605209910 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605209920 Of the "Crangon" variety
1605209920 shelled and frozen
1605209930 Other
1605209940 Shrimps and prawns of the species Pandalus borealis
1605209940 shelled, boiled and frozen, but not otherwise prepared
1605209940 shelled, boiled and frozen, but not otherwise prepared
1605209945 cooked and peeled for processing
1605209949 Other
1605209991 Other
1605209991 Shelled
1605209991 Frozen
1605209996 Other
1605209999 Other
1605300000 Lobster
1605300010 Lobster flesh, cooked, for the processing industry for the manufacture of butters based on lobster or of pastes, pâtés, soups or sauces
1605300090 Other
1605300091 Other
1605300091 Simply boiled in water and shelled
1605300099 Other
1605301000 Lobster meat, cooked, for the manufacture of lobster butter or of lobster pastes, pâtés, soups or sauces
1605309000 Other
1605400000 Other crustaceans
1605400010 Simply boiled in water and shelled (other than Norway lobsters and freshwater crayfish)
1605400020 Norway lobsters (Nephrops norvegicus)
1605400030 Freshwater crayfish cooked with dill, frozen
1605400080 Other
1605400090 Other
1605900000 Other
1605901000 Molluscs
1605901010 Snails, other than seasnails
1605901090 Other
1605901100 Molluscs
1605901100 Mussels (Mytilus spp., Perna spp.)
1605901100 In airtight containers
1605901900 Other
1605903000 Other
1605903010 Snails, other than seasnails
1605903020 Coquilles St. Jacques (Pecten maximus)
1605903030 Common whelk (Buccinum Undatum)
1605903080 Other
1605903090 Other
1605903095 Other
1605903095 Edible snails of the genus Helix pomatia
1605903099 Other
1605909000 Other aquatic invertebrates

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