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Chapter-84 Nuclear reactors, boilers and machinery and mechanical appliance with parts thereof of Year 2008 - 09.

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Hs Code Description

China Hs Code - 8401 : Nuclear reactors; fuel elements, non-irradiated, for nuclear reactors; machinery & apparatus for isotopic separation

84011000 Nuclear reactor
84012000 Isotope separation machine, equipment and components
84013010 Irradiated fuel part (fuel element)
84013090 Irradiated fuel part's components
84014000 Nuclear reactor components
84014010 Has not exposed the related module
84014020 In piles the component
84014090 Other nuclear reactor components

China Hs Code - 8402 : Steam or other vapour generating boilers; super-heated water boilers

84021110 Transpiration rate when 900 tons/and the above electricity generation uses the boiler
84021190 The transpiration rate surpasses 45 ton/o'clock of other water-tube boilers
84021200 The transpiration rate does not surpass 45 ton/o'clock of water-tube boilers
84021900 Unlisted steam boiler, including mixed style boiler
84022000 Superheated water boiler
84029000 Steam and superheated water boiler components

China Hs Code - 8403 : Central heating boilers other than those of heading No 8402

84031000 The central heating uses hot water boiler
84031010 The home use central heating uses hot water boiler
84031090 Other central heating use hot water boiler
84039000 The central heating uses hot water boiler components

China Hs Code - 8404 : Auxiliary plant for use with boilers of heading No 8402 or 8403; condensers for

84041010 Steam boiler and superheated water boiler's supporting facility
84041020 The central heating uses boiler's supporting facility
84042000 Steam or other steam power installment condenser
84049010 84041020 arrange in order equipment's components
84049090 84041010th, 84042000 arrange in order equipment's components

China Hs Code - 8405 : Producer gas or water gas generators; acetylene gas generators & similar water process gas

84051000 Gas producer; Hydrolisis gas generators and so on acetylene generator
84059000 Gas producer and acetylene generator and so on components

China Hs Code - 8406 : Steam turbines and other vapour turbines

84061000 The ships power uses the steam turbine
84068110 40 megawatts < output ≤100 megawatt steam turbine
84068120 100 megawatts < output ≤350 megawatt steam turbine
84068130 The output surpasses 350 megawatts steam turbines
84068200 The output does not surpass 40 megawatts steam turbines
84069000 Steam turbine components

China Hs Code - 8407 : Spark-ignition reciprocating or rotary internal combustion piston engines

84071010 The power ≤298kw aircraft uses the ignition type piston internal combustion engine
84071020 The power >298kw aircraft uses the ignition type piston internal combustion engine
84072100 The ship lights the reciprocation or the rotary system piston internal combustion engine with the outboard
84072900 The ships light the reciprocation or the rotary system piston internal combustion engine with other
84073100 The vehicle uses the reciprocation piston engine, the displacement ≤50ml
84073200 The vehicle uses the reciprocation piston engine, the 50ml< displacement ≤250ml
84073300 The vehicle uses the reciprocation piston engine, the 250ml< displacement ≤1000ml
84073410 3000≥ displacement >1000ml Che Yongwang multiple piston engine
84073420 The displacement >3000ml vehicles use toward the multiple piston engine
84079010 Methane engine
84079090 Other light the type piston internal combustion engine unlisted

China Hs Code - 8408 : Compression-ignition internal combustion piston engines ( diesel or semi-diesel engines )

84081000 The ships use the diesel engine
84082010 The vehicle uses the diesel engine, P≥132.39kw (180hp)
84082090 Other vehicles use the diesel engine
84089010 The locomotive uses the diesel engine
84089091 Other output ≤14kw compression ignition type piston internal combustion engine
84089092 Other 14< output <132.39kw compression ignition piston internal combustion engine
84089093 Other output ≥132.39kw compression ignition piston internal combustion engine

China Hs Code - 8409 : Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the engines of heading No 8407

84091000 Aircraft engine components
84099110 The ships use the ignition type piston internal combustion engine's components
84099191 The electrically controlled fuel injection installs
84099199 Other ignition type piston internal combustion engine's components
84099910 The ships use diesel engine's components
84099920 The locomotive uses diesel engine's components
84099991 P≥132.39kw (180hp) diesel engine's components
84099999 Unlisted diesel engine's components

China Hs Code - 8410 : Hydraulic turbines, water wheels, and regulators therefor

84101100 Hydraulic turbine and water wheel, P≤1000kw
84101200 1000kw<P≤10000kw hydraulic turbine and water wheel
84101310 P>30000kw impact type hydraulic turbine and water wheel
84101320 P>35000kw throughflow hydraulic turbine and water wheel
84101330 P>200000kw water pump hydraulic turbine and water wheel
84101390 P>10000kw other hydraulic turbines and water wheel
84109010 Hydraulic turbine and water wheel's regulator
84109090 Other hydraulic turbines and water wheel's components

China Hs Code - 8411 : Turbo-jets, turbo-propellers and other gas turbines

84111110 Turbo-fan jet engine, thrust force ≤25kN
84111190 Other turbojet engine, thrust force ≤25kN
84111210 Turbo-fan jet engine, thrust force >25kN
84111290 Other turbojet engine, thrust force >25kN
84112100 Turbine wheel propeller engine, P≤1100kw
84112210 2238≥ power >1100kw turbine wheel propeller engine
84112220 3730≥ power >2238kw turbine wheel propeller engine
84112230 Power >3730 kilowatt turbine wheel propeller engine
84118100 Other gas turbine, P≤5000kw
84118200 Other gas turbine, P>5000kw
84119100 Turbojet engine or turbine wheel propeller engine's components
84119910 The turboshaft engine uses the components
84119990 Unlisted gas turbine's components

China Hs Code - 8412 : Other engines and motors

84121010 The aviation, the spacecraft jet engine, the turbo jet is an exception
84121090 Other jet engines, the turbojet engine is an exception
84122100 Straight line function (hydraulic cylinder) hydraulic power unit
84122910 Oil motor
84122990 Other hydraulic power unit
84123100 Straight line function (barometric pressure cylinder) barometric pressure power unit
84123900 Other barometric pressure power unit
84128000 Unlisted engine and power unit
84129010 Aircraft and spacecraft jet engine's components
84129090 8412 other engines and power unit components

China Hs Code - 8413 : Pumps for liquids, whether or not fitted with a measuring device; liquid elevators

84131100 The subpackage fuel or the lubricating oil metering pump, the gas station or the garage use
84131900 Other are loaded with or may install the metering mechanism the liquor pump
84132000 Hand-pump, but is loaded with or may install the metering mechanism exception
84133010 The output P≥132.39KW engine uses the fuel pump
84133021 The output P≥132.39KW plunger type internal combustion engine uses the fuel pump
84133029 Other plunger type internal combustion engine's fuel pump
84133030 Plunger type internal combustion engine's gun
84133090 The plunger type internal combustion engine uses the coolant pump
84134000 Pumpcrete machine
84135000 Other toward multiple positive displacement pump
84135010 Air operated toward multiple positive displacement pump
84135020 Electrically operated toward multiple positive displacement pump
84135030 Hydraulic pressure toward multiple positive displacement pump
84135031 Hydraulic pressure toward multiple ram pump
84135039 Other hydraulic pressure toward multiple positive displacement pump
84135090 Unlisted toward multiple positive displacement pump
84136010 Dives the oil electric pump and the submerged pump
84136021 Electrically operated rotation type gear pump
84136022 Hydraulic pressure rotation type gear pump
84136029 Other rotation type gear pump
84136031 Electrically operated rotation type vane pump
84136032 Hydraulic pressure rotation type vane pump
84136039 Other rotation type vane pump
84136040 Rotation type screw rod pump
84136050 Rotation type radial direction ram pump
84136060 Rotation type axial ram pump
84136090 Other rotation type positive displacement pump
84137000 Other centrifugal pumps
84137010 The rotational speed/is divided and the above centrifugal pump in 10000 revolutions
84137090 Unlisted centrifugal pump
84137091 Rotational speed <10000 transfers the offcenter which/divides to dive electrically operated the oil pump and dives the water pump
84137099 Rotational speed in 10000 revolution of/minute below other centrifugal pumps
84138100 Unlisted liquor pump
84138200 Liquid elevator
84139100 Liquor pump components
84139200 Liquid elevator components

China Hs Code - 8414 : Air or vacuum pumps, air or other gas compressors & fans; ventilating or recycling

84141000 Vacuum pump
84142000 Manual or foot pedal type air pump
84143011 Refrigeration, household freezer compressor, electric motor P≤0.4kw
84143012 Electrical machinery power >0.4, ≤5kw the refrigeration or the household freezer use the compressor
84143013 Electrical machinery power >0.4, ≤5kw the air conditioner uses the compressor
84143014 The electrical machinery power >5kw air conditioner uses the compressor
84143015 The electrical machinery power >5kw refrigeration or the household freezer use the compressor
84143019 Motor-driven's other refrigeration plant uses the compressor
84143090 The non-electric motive actuation's refrigeration plant uses the compressor
84144000 Installs on trailer chassis's air compressor
84145110 The output does not surpass 125 tiles the ceiling fans
84145120 The output does not surpass 125 tiles the ventilating fans
84145130 The output ≤125 tile has the revolving inducer's ventilator
84145191 The output does not surpass 125 tiles the table fans
84145192 The output does not surpass 125 tiles the floor fans
84145193 The output does not surpass 125 tiles the wall fans
84145199 Output ≤125 tile unlisted air blower, ventilator
84145910 Other ceiling fans
84145920 Other ventilating fans
84145930 Centrifugal fan
84145990 Unlisted air blower, ventilator
84146000 Covers the plane maximum length of side ≤120cm ventilates, the circulation gas hood
84146010 The kitchen fan, covers the plane maximum length of side ≤120cm
84146090 The other cover plane maximum length of side ≤120cm ventilates, the circulation gas hood
84148010 The gas turbine uses free piston type generator
84148020 Carbon dioxide compressor
84148030 The engine uses the pressure intensifier
84148090 Other air pumps, gas compressor, air bleeder cap, circulation gas hood
84149010 (arranges in order machine part 84143011 to 84143014 and 84143090)
84149011 84143011-14th, 84143090 compressors enter, the discharge valve piece
84149019 84143011 to 84143014 and 84143090 machine other components
84149020 arranges in order the machine part 84145110 to 84145199 and 84146000
84149090 8414 arrange in order other machine's components

China Hs Code - 8415 : Air conditioning machines, comprising a motor-driven fan & elements for changing the temperature &

84151000 Independent window type or wall type air conditioner
84151010 Independent window type or wall type air conditioner
84151021 Refrigeration ≤4000 kilocalorie/o'clock of fission window type or wall type air conditioning
84151022 Refrigerates the >4000 kilocalorie/o'clock of fission window type or the wall type air conditioning
84152000 The motor vehicle making an offering person uses air conditioner
84158110 Installs the cold hot cross valve air-conditioner, a refrigeration quantity ≤4000 kilocalorie/o'clock
84158120 Installs the cold hot cross valve air-conditioner, the refrigeration measures a >4000 kilocalorie/o'clock
84158210 Other air conditioner, refrigeration quantity ≤4000 kilocalorie/o'clock
84158220 Other air conditioner, the refrigeration measures a >4000 kilocalorie/o'clock
84158300 Has not been loaded with the refrigerating unit air conditioner
84159010 84151000,84158110 and 84158210 equipment's components
84159090 84158120,84158220 and 84158300 equipment's components

China Hs Code - 8416 : Furnace burners for liquid fuel, for pulverzied solid fuel or for gas; mechanical stokers

84161000 The use liquid fuel's stove uses the burner
84162000 Uses the powdered solid fuel or the gaseous fuel stove uses the burner
84162011 The use natural gas's stove uses the burner
84162019 Uses other gaseous fuel the stove to use the burner
84162090 Uses the powdered solid fuel the stove to use the burner
84163000 The mechanical stoker and the mechanical fire grate, the machinery leave the ash and so on to install
84169000 8416 components

China Hs Code - 8417 : Industrial or laboratory furnaces & ovens, incl incinerators, non-electric

84171000 Heat treatments and so on ore or metal roasting, melting use the stove and the drying oven
84171010 Cement rotary kiln
84171090 Other ore, the yellow iron ore or the metal roasting, the melting or other heat treatments use the stove and the drying oven
84172000 The bakery with the oven and the drying oven, including makes the cookie to use
84178010 Coke furnace (1995-1999,2001-2008)
84178020 Radioactive waste incinerator
84178030 Cement rotary kiln
84178040 Limestone decomposing furnace
84178090 The unlisted non-electric heating's industry or the laboratory use the stove and the drying oven
84179010 Sponge iron rotary kiln's components
84179020 Coke oven components
84179090 Item 84.17 other equipment's components

China Hs Code - 8418 : Refrigerators, freezers & other refrigerating or freezing equipment, electric or other; heat pumps

84181010 Various selves gate refrigeration - freezing combination machine, volume >500l
84181020 the 200< volume ≤500 rises refrigeration - freezing combination machine
84181030 The volume ≤200 rises refrigeration - freezing combination machine
84182110 The volume surpasses 150 liter compression type home use refrigerator
84182120 50 liters < the volume ≤150 rises compression type home use refrigerator
84182130 The volume does not surpass 50 liter compression type home use refrigerator
84182200 Electrical absorption type home use refrigerator (2000-2006)
84182900 Other home use refrigerators (2000-2005)
84182910 Semiconductor refrigeration type home use refrigerator
84182920 Electrical absorption type home use refrigerator (2007-2008)
84182990 Other home use refrigerators
84183010 T≤-40℃ cabinet type household freezer, volume ≤800l
84183021 T>-40℃ cabinet type household freezer, 500l< volume ≤800l
84183029 T>-40℃ cabinet type household freezer, volume ≤500l
84184010 T≤-40℃ vertical household freezer, volume ≤900l
84184021 T>-40℃ vertical household freezer, 500l< volume ≤900l
84184029 T>-40℃ vertical household freezer, volume ≤500l
84185000 Uses in saving and demonstration other refrigerations or the refrigeration plant
84186110 Condenser for heat interchanger's compression type refrigeration unit and heat pump (2000-2006)
84186120 Compression type heat pump (2007-2008)
84186190 Other heat pumps
84186910 Other refrigeration unit and heat pump (2000-2006)
84186920 Other refrigeration unit (2007-2008)
84186990 Unlisted refrigeration plant
84189100 Refrigeration or refrigeration plant special-purpose handtailor furniture
84189910 Refrigeration unit and heat pump's components
84189991 T≤-40℃ refrigeration plant's components
84189992 T>-40℃, volume >500l refrigeration or refrigeration plant components
84189999 8418 equipment's unlisted components

China Hs Code - 8419 : Machinery, plant or laboratory equipment, for the treatment of materials by a process involving

84191100 Fuel gas fast water heater
84191900 Other non-electric heating fast water heater or store up type water heater
84192000 Medical or the laboratory uses the disinfector
84193100 Agricultural product water extractor
84193200 Lumber, paper pulp, paper or cardboard water extractor
84193900 Other water extractors (1995-1999)
84193910 Micro air transport ceramic cookie for ceramics water extractor
84193990 Unlisted water extractor
84194000 Distillation or selective evaporation equipment
84194010 Defecate tower
84194020 Rectifying tower
84194090 Other distillation or selective evaporation equipment
84195000 The heat change installs
84196010 Oxygenerator
84196011 Oxygen manufacture quantity ≥15000 cubic meter/hour and above oxygenerator
84196019 Other oxygenerators
84196090 Unlisted liquid air or other gas machine
84198100 Processes the hot drink or the cooking, the heating food machinery equipment
84198900 Unlisted using temperature change processing material machine, equipment and similar bench-scale equipment (1995-1999)
84198910 Hydrogenation reaction chamber
84198990 Unlisted using temperature change processing material machine, equipment and so on
84199010 Water heater components
84199090 8419 other equipment's components

China Hs Code - 8420 : Calendering or other rolling machines, excl for metals or glass, & cylinders therefor

84201000 Calender or other trundle machine
84209100 Drum
84209900 Calender or other trundle machine's unlisted components

China Hs Code - 8421 : Centrifuges, incl centrifugal dryers; filtering or purifying machinery & apparatus, for liquids or gases

84211100 Cream separator
84211210 Does the clothes quantity not to surpass 10 kilograms clothes driers
84211290 Does the clothes quantity to surpass 10 kilograms clothes driers
84211910 Dehydrator
84211920 Liquid-solid splitter
84211990 Other unlisted centrifuges, including whizzer
84212110 The home use water's filtration, purifies the machine and the equipment
84212190 The non-home use water's filtration, purifies the machine and the equipment
84212200 Filtration or purification drink machine and equipment
84212300 Internal combustion engine's fuel oil filter
84212910 Filter press
84212990 The unlisted liquid filtration, purifies the machine and the equipment
84213100 Internal combustion engine's air admission filter
84213910 The home use gas's filtration, purifies the machine and the equipment
84213921 Industrial used electrostatic precipitator
84213922 Industrial used bag type dust remover
84213923 Industrial used tornado type dust remover
84213929 Other industrial used dust removers
84213930 Internal combustion engine exhaust filtration and refining equipment
84213990 Other non-home use gas's filtration, purifies the machine and the equipment
84219110 Does the clothes quantity not to surpass 10 kilogram clothes drier components
84219190 Other centrifuges (including whizzer) components
84219910 Home use filtration, refining equipment components
84219990 8421 unlisted machine's components

China Hs Code - 8422 : Dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for

84221100 Home use dishwasher
84221900 Non-home use dishwasher
84222000 Jar either other vessel's wash or dry machine
84223010 Drink and liquid food canned equipment (2000-2001,2006-2008)
84223011 Electrically operated portable-type drink and liquid food canned equipment (2002-2005)
84223019 Other drink and liquid food canned equipment (2002-2005)
84223021 The completely automatic cement fills the chartered airplane
84223029 Other cement racking machine
84223030 Other racking machines, packaging machine
84223090 Other vessel attire seals, pastes the label and the envelope machine; Drink inflator
84224000 Other packing or packing press (including pyrocondensation packing machine)
84229010 Dishwasher components
84229020 Drink and liquid food canned equipment components
84229090 8422 other machine's components

China Hs Code - 8423 : Weighing machinery ( excl balances of a sensitivity<=50mg); weighing machine weights of all kinds

84231000 Batheroom scales, including baby scale; Home use scale
84232010 Electronic skin belt weight meter
84232090 On other conveyer belts weighs goods continuously scale
84233010 Quota packing scale
84233020 Quota separation scale
84233030 Matches the stock weigher
84233090 Other constant scales, the material quota bagging or installs the vessel to use the scale and the storehouse
84238110 Valuation scale
84238120 Spring balance
84238190 Unlisted weighing apparatus, biggest weighing ≤30kg
84238210 Weighs
84238290 Unlisted weighing apparatus, 30kg< biggest weighing ≤5000kg
84238910 Weighs
84238920 Track scale
84238930 Hangs the scale
84238990 Unlisted weighing apparatus
84239000 The weighing apparatus use each kind of weights, steelyard weight; Weighing apparatus components

China Hs Code - 8424 : Mechanical appliances for projecting, dispersing or spraying liquids or powders; fire extinguishers, etc

84241000 Fire extinguisher, no matter whether to charge
84242000 Spray gun and similar appliance
84243000 Spurts the steam engine, the sand and the similar spraying machine
84248100 Agricultural use liquid or powder spraying, dispersion or atomization vehicle
84248910 Home use liquid or powder spraying, dispersion or atomization vehicle
84248990 Unlisted liquid or powder spraying, dispersion or atomization vehicle (2001)
84248991 The ship with washes the cabin machine
84248999 Unlisted liquid or powder spraying, dispersion or atomization machinery
84249010 Fire extinguisher's components
84249020 Home use liquid or powder spraying, dispersion or atomization machinery's components
84249090 8424 other machines or appliance's components

China Hs Code - 8425 : Pulley tackle & hoists excl skip hoists; winches & capstans; jacks

84251100 Electrically operated pulley and elevator
84251900 Non-electrically operated pulley and elevator
84252011 Cylinder diameter in 2 meter and the above shaft winch (2000-2006)
84252019 Other shaft winch (2000-2006)
84252020 Winch (2001)
84252090 Other mine entrance winding plant (2000-2006)
84253100 Other electrically operated hoists and capstan (2000-2006)
84253110 Electrically operated mine entrance winding plant; Specially for mine shaft use electric windlass (2007-2008)
84253190 Other electrically operated hoists and capstan (2007-2008)
84253900 Other non-electrically operated hoist and capstan (2000-2006)
84253910 Non-electrically operated mine entrance winding plant and specially for mine shaft use volume (2007-2008)
84253990 Other non-electric windlass and capstan (2007-2008)
84254100 In the garage uses fixed hoisting jack system
84254210 Other hydraulic jack
84254290 Hydraulic pressure elevator
84254910 Unlisted hoisting jack
84254990 Unlisted elevator

China Hs Code - 8426 : Ships derricks; cranes; mobile lifting frames, straddle carriers & works trucks fitted with a

84261120 General bridge type hoist crane
84261190 Other steady rest's high structure mobile hoist crane
84261200 The rubber tire mobile lifting frame and cross transports the vehicle
84261910 Ship loader
84261921 The grab type unloads a ship machine
84261929 Other unload a ship machine
84261930 Dragon Gate type hoist crane
84261941 Gate type loading and unloading bridge
84261942 Container loading and unloading bridge
84261943 Other move the arm type loading and unloading bridge
84261949 Loads and unloads the bridge unlisted
84261990 The unlisted bridge class hoist crane and the mobile lifting frame and cross transport the vehicle
84262000 Tower crane
84263000 Gate place type hoist crane and place type swing crane
84264110 The wheel-type from advances the hoist crane
84264190 Belt rubber tire's other from advancement hoisting machinery
84264910 Crawler crane
84264990 Does not bring rubber tire's other from the advancement hoisting machinery
84269100 For installs in road vehicle's other hoist cranes
84269900 Unlisted hoist crane

China Hs Code - 8427 : Fork-lift trucks; other works trucks fitted with lifting or handling equipment

84271010 The electric motor advances has the axle tunnel to pile stamps machine
84271020 The electric motor advances the railless tunnel piles stamps machine
84271090 Other electrically operated forklifts and are loaded with the fluctuation or the transporting installment operation vehicle
84272010 Container forklift
84272090 Other mobile forklift other are loaded with the fluctuation or the transporting installment operation vehicle
84279000 The unlisted forklift and so on is loaded with the operation vehicle which the fluctuation or the transporting install

China Hs Code - 8428 : Other lifting, handling, loading or unloading machinery ( eg lifts, escalators, conveyors, teleferics )

84281010 Passenger lifts
84281090 Other elevators and unload the type hoist crane but actually
84282000 Pneumatic elevator and conveyer
84283100 Underground special-purpose ships the cargo continuously the elevator and the conveyer
84283200 Ships the cargo continuously basket the elevator and the conveyer
84283300 The belt type ships the cargo continuously the elevator and the conveyer
84283910 The chain type ships the cargo or the material elevator and the conveyer continuously
84283920 The roller type ships the cargo or the material elevator and the conveyer continuously
84283990 Ships the cargo continuously unlisted the elevator and the conveyer
84284000 Automatic ladder and automatic sidewalk
84285000 Mine car propeller, turntable, freight vehicle dumping gear and so on (2000-2006)
84286010 Material ropeway
84286021 Single track circulation type passenger ropeway
84286029 Other passenger ropeway
84286090 Other cable cars, place type elevator, ski back guy; Rope way tractor
84289000 The unlisted fluctuation, the transporting, load and unload the machinery (2000-2006)
84289010 The mine car propeller, the freight vehicle tipping apparatus and the similar railroad freight vehicle transports (2007-2008)
84289090 The unlisted fluctuation, the transporting, load and unload the machinery (2007-2008)

China Hs Code - 8429 : Self-propelled bulldozers, angledozers, graders, levellers, scrapers, mechanical shovels, excavators, etc

84291110 Crawler dozer, P>235.36kw (320hp)
84291190 Other crawler dozers
84291910 Other bulldozers, P>235.36kw (320hp)
84291990 Unlisted bulldozer
84292010 Road builder and road roller, P>235.36kw (320hp)
84292090 Other road builders and road roller
84293010 The dipper capacity surpasses 10 cubic meters carry-scrapers
84293090 Other carry-scrapers
84294011 Engine weight 18 ton and above vibro-roller
84294019 Other power rollers
84294090 Unlisted ramming machinery and bulldozer
84295100 First shovel car loader
84295211 Upside 360 degree revolving wheel-type excavators
84295212 Upside 360 degree revolving caterpillar excavators
84295219 Upside 360 degree revolving other excavators
84295290 Upside 360 degree revolving mechanical shovels, car loader
84295900 Other mechanical shovels, excavator and mechanical shovel car loader

China Hs Code - 8430 : Other moving, grading, levelling, scraping, excavating, tamping, compacting, extracting or boring machinery, for earth,

84301000 Drop hammer and pile drawing machine
84302000 Snow sweeper and snow blower
84303100 From advancement coalcutter, rock drill and tunnel mechanical boring machine
84303900 Must from advancement coalcutter, rock drill and tunnel mechanical boring machine
84304111 From advancement petroleum and natural gas drilling machine, drilling depth ≥6000m
84304119 Unlisted from advancement petroleum and natural gas drilling machine
84304121 Other from advancement drilling machine, drilling depth ≥6000m
84304122 Marching from advancement drilling machine, drilling depth <6000m
84304129 Other from advancement drilling machine, drilling depth <6000m
84304190 From advancement drilling a well machinery
84304900 Must or drills a well the machinery from the advancement drilling
84305010 Other from advancement extraction machinery
84305020 Mineral product power shovel
84305031 Cutter diameter in 380 millimeter and the above mining drilling machine
84305039 Other mining drilling machine
84305090 From the advancement soil, the mineral and so on ships, smoothly and so on machineries unlisted
84306100 Must from advancement ramming or compacting plant
84306200 Must from advancement carry-scraper
84306911 Drills the tube diameter in 3 meter above must from the advancement project drilling machine
84306919 Other must from advancement project drilling machine
84306920 Must from advancement carry-scraper
84306990 Unlisted must from the advancement soil, the ore and so on ships, smoothly and so on machineries

China Hs Code - 8431 : Parts suitable for use solely or principally with the machinery of headings No 8425

84311000 8425 arrange in order the mechanical components
84312000 8427 arrange in order the mechanical components
84313100 The elevator, unloads the type hoist crane or the automatic ladder's components but actually
84313900 Other 8428 arrange in order the mechanical components
84314100 Bail, scoop, grab and clamshell bucket
84314200 The bulldozer or the side shovel bulldozer uses the shovel
84314310 Petroleum or natural gas drilling machine's components
84314320 Other boring mechanics's components
84314390 Drills a well machinery's components
84314910 The mineral product power shovel uses the components
84314990 8426th, 8429 and 8430 arrange in order the mechanical other components

China Hs Code - 8432 : Agricultural, horticultural or forestry machinery for soil preparation or cultivation; lawn or sports-ground rollers

84321000 Plow
84322100 Disc harrow
84322900 Other rakes, scarifier, cultivator, weeder and power tiller
84323000 Seeder, planter and transplanting machine
84324000 Fertilizer applicator
84328010 Lawn and sports ground rolling press
84328090 The unlisted agriculture, the gardening and the forestry use the preparation of soil or the farm machinery
84329000 8432 arrange in order the mechanical components

China Hs Code - 8433 : Harvesting or threshing machinery; grass or hay mowers; machines for cleaning, sorting or grading

84331100 Cutter level revolving lawn, park or athletic field mobile grass cutter
84331900 Other lawns, park or sports ground grass cutter
84332000 Other grass cutters, the cutting tool pole which uses including the draw gear
84333000 Other hay cutting, sun-dries the machine
84334000 The fodder baler, including collects the baler
84335100 Combine
84335200 Other threshers
84335300 Rhizome or tuber harvester
84335910 Sugar cane harvester
84335920 The cotton picks machine (2007-2008)
84335990 Other unlisted harvesters
84336000 Fruit agricultural products and so on egg class clean, separation, graduation machine
84339010 Combine's components
84339090 Other 8433 arrange in order the mechanical components

China Hs Code - 8434 : Milking machines and dairy machinery

84341000 Milking machine
84342000 Dairy product processing machine
84349000 The milking machine and the dairy product process machine's components

China Hs Code - 8435 : Presses, crushers & similar machinery used in the manufacture of wine, cider, fruit juices

84351000 System liquor, fruit juice and so on machines and so on drink presses, crusher
84359000 84351000 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8436 : Other agricultural, horticultural, forestry, poultry-keeping or bee-keeping machinery; poultry incubators & brooders

84361000 The animal fodder matches the sieze the opportunity
84362100 Domesticated fowl brooder and brooder
84362900 Raising of poultry machine
84368000 Other agriculture, forestry machine
84369100 The raising of poultry, sits on eggs and broods machine's components
84369900 8436 arrange in order other machinery's components

China Hs Code - 8437 : Machines for cleaning, sorting or grading seed, grain or dried leguminous vegetables; machinery used

84371000 The seed, the grain or do the bean clean, the separation or the graduation machine
84378000 Grain pulverizing industry processing machine or grain, dry bean processing machine
84379000 8437 arrange in order the mechanical components

China Hs Code - 8438 : Other machinery, for the industrial preparation or manufacture of food or drink, excl machinery

84381000 Product and so on cakes and pastries processing and production macaroni, noodles machines
84382000 Production candy, cocoa, chocolate machine
84383000 Sugar manufacturing machine
84384000 Brewing
84385000 Meats or domesticated fowl processing machine
84386000 Fruit, nut or vegetables processing machine
84388000 Other foods, the drink industrial used production or process the machine
84389000 8438 arrange in order the mechanical components

China Hs Code - 8439 : Machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper

84391000 Manufacture cellulose paper pulp machine
84392000 Paper or cardboard manufacture machine
84393000 Paper or cardboard reorganization machine
84399100 Manufacture cellulose paper pulp machine's components
84399900 Manufacture or reorganization paper and cardboard machine's components

China Hs Code - 8440 : Book-binding machinery, incl book-sewing machines

84401010 Dotted line binder
84401020 The rubber subscribes machine
84401090 Other books bind the machine
84409000 The books bind machine's components

China Hs Code - 8441 : Other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, incl cutting machines of

84411000 Paper cutting machine
84412000 Makes the package, the bag or envelope's machine
84413010 The paper models the aluminum compound pot production equipment
84413090 Other manufacture box, box, tube, barrel or similar vessel's machine
84414000 Paper pulp, paper or paperboard products molded formation machine
84418010 The paper models the aluminum compound processed foods production equipment
84418090 Other manufacture paper pulp product, paper product or paperboard products machine
84419010 Paper cutting machine components
84419090 Other manufactures (paper pulp, paper or cardboard) product machine's components

China Hs Code - 8442 : Machinery, apparatus & equipment, for type-founding or type-setting, etc; printing type, blocks & other

84421000 The photography typesetting and sets the machine (2004-2006)
84421010 Laser photography typesetting equipment (2000-2003)
84421090 Other photography typesetting and sets the machine (2000-2003)
84422000 Other methods set machine, appliance and equipment (2000-2006)
84423010 Type casting machine
84423020 Making lithograph plates machine, appliance and equipment (2000-2006)
84423021 Computer direct making lithograph plates equipment (2007-2008)
84423029 Other making lithograph plates machine, appliance and equipment (2007-2008)
84423090 Item 8442 other machines, appliance and equipment
84424000 Making lithograph plates uses the machine, the appliance and equipment's components
84425000 Printing plate, drum and so on; Makes board, tube which uses for printing and so on

China Hs Code - 8443 : Printing machinery; ink-jet printing machines; machines for uses ancillary to printing

84431100 The volume takes the feeding type offset printing press
84431200 The office takes the feeding type offset printing press with the piece (piece size ≤22×36cm)
84431310 Even paper feeding type offset printing press (2007)
84431311 Even paper feeding type monochromatic offset printing press
84431312 Even paper feeding type bi-color offset printing press
84431313 Even paper feeding type four color offset printing presses
84431319 Other even paper feeding type offset printing press
84431390 Unlisted offset printing press (2007-2008)
84431400 The volume takes the feeding type relief printing printer, not including aniline printer (2007-2008)
84431500 The non-volume takes the feeding-like relief printing printer, not including aniline printing (2007-2008)
84431600 Aniline printer (2007-2008)
84431700 Gravure press (2007-2008)
84431910 Even paper feeding type offset printing press (2000-2006)
84431921 Cylinder mold printer (2007-2008)
84431922 Even net printer (2007-2008)
84431929 Other net type printer (2007-2008)
84431980 Unlisted printer (2007-2008)
84431990 Unlisted offset printing press (2000-2006)
84432100 The volume takes the feeding type relief printing printer (2000-2006)
84432900 Other relief printing printer (2000-2006)
84433000 Aniline printer (2000-2006)
84433110 Has hits/the photocopying and the facsimile two kind and the above function static electricity photosensitivity? (2007-2008)
84433190 Other have the printing, the photocopying and the facsimile two kind and the above function (2007-2008)
84433211 Uses in item 8471 arranging in order equipment's needle type printer specially (2007-2008)
84433212 Uses in item 8471 arranging in order equipment's laser printer specially (2007-2008)
84433213 Uses in item 8471 arranging in order equipment's ink-jet printer specially (2007-2008)
84433219 Other use in item 8471 arranging in order equipment's printer specially (2007-2008)
84433221 Digital spurts the ink printer, may connect (2007-2008)
84433222 The digital static electricity photography printer (laser printer), may connect (2007-2008)
84433229 Other digital printing equipment, may connect (2007-2008)
84433290 Other sole function printer, the duplicator and the facsimile machine, may link (2007-2008)
84433911 (Direct method) the static electricity photocopies the equipment photosensitive the original part direct photocopying (2007-2008)
84433912 Transfers India's static electricity the original part through the intermediate to photocopy the equipment photosensitive (2007-2008)
84433921 Has optical system's other to photocopy the equipment photosensitive (2007-2008)
84433922 Contact other photocopy the equipment photosensitive (2007-2008)
84433923 Photocopies the equipment sensitively hotly (2007-2008)
84433924 Hot sublimation photocopying equipment (2007-2008)
84433931 Digital spurts the ink printer (2007-2008)
84433932 Digital static electricity photography printer (laser printer) (2007-2008)
84433939 Other digital printing equipment (2007-2008)
84433990 Other printing (printing) machine, duplicator and facsimile machine (2007-2008)
84434000 Photogravure printer (2000-2006)
84435100 Spurts the ink printer (2000-2006)
84435911 Cylinder mold printer (2000-2006)
84435912 Even net printer (2000-2006)
84435919 Other net type printer (2000-2006)
84435990 Other unlisted printers (2000-2006)
84436000 Printing uses the auxiliary engine (2000-2006)
84439000 Printing and printing use auxiliary engine's components (2000-2006)
84439110 Arranges in order printing and so on printing plate with item 8442 machines to use the supporting facility (2007-2008)
84439190 Arranges in order printing and so on printing plate with item 8442 machines to use other components (2007-2008)
84439910 The numeral printing equipment uses the auxiliary engine (2007-2008)
84439920 Numeral printing equipment's other components and appendix (2007-2008)
84439990 Item 8443 arrange in order the equipment to use other components and the appendix (2007-2008)

China Hs Code - 8444 : Machines for extruding, drawing, texturing or cutting man-made textile materials

84440010 Synthetic fiber filament spinning machine
84440020 Synthetic fiber short silk spinning machine
84440030 Artificial fiber spinning machine
84440040 Chemical fiber distortion machine
84440050 Chemical fiber cutting off machine
84440090 Other textile chemical fiber extrusion, the stretch, the distortion or cut the machine

China Hs Code - 8445 : Machines for preparing textile fibres; spinning, doubling or other machinery for producing textile yarns,

84451110 Cotton fiber hackling machine (2000-2002)
84451111 Combs cotton the combination clear (2003-2008)
84451112 Automatic bale plucker (2003-2008)
84451113 Carding machine (2003-2008)
84451119 Other cotton fiber hackling machine (2003-2008)
84451120 Wool textile fiber hackling machine
84451190 Other hackling machines
84451200 Comb (2000-2002)
84451210 Cotton and kapok comb (2003-2008)
84451220 Wool comb (2003-2008)
84451290 Other combs (2003-2008)
84451310 Stretcher
84451320 Fly frame (2000-2002)
84451321 Cotton spinning fly frame (2003-2008)
84451322 Wool spinning fly frame (2003-2008)
84451329 Other fly frames (2003-2008)
84451900 Textile fiber other pretreatment machine
84452010 Cotton and kapok spinning frame (2000-2002)
84452020 Air current spinning machine (2000-2002)
84452031 Transfers the cup spinning machine (2003-2008)
84452032 Jet spinning machine (2003-2008)
84452039 Other free electricity spinning machine (2003-2008)
84452041 Cotton and kapok spinning frame (2003-2008)
84452042 Wool spinning frame (2003-2008)
84452049 Other ring of spinning machine spinning frame (2003-2008)
84452090 Other spinning machines
84453000 Doubler or twisting machine
84454010 Automatic winding machine
84454090 Other winding machines or reeler
84459010 Warping machine
84459020 Sizing machine
84459090 Unlisted textile yarn other productions and pretreatment machine

China Hs Code - 8446 : Weaving machines ( looms )

84461000 The fabric width does not surpass 30 centimeters looms
84462110 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeter power rug shuttle loom
84462190 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeter other power shuttle loom
84462900 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeter non-power shuttle loom
84463020 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeter rapier looms
84463030 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeters gripper looms
84463040 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeter jet looms
84463050 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeters air-jet looms
84463090 The fabric width surpasses 30 centimeters other shuttleless looms

China Hs Code - 8447 : Knitting machines, stitch-bonding machines & machines for making gimped yarn, tulle, lace, embroidery, trimmings,

84471100 The cylinder diameter does not surpass 165 millimeter circle knitting machines
84471200 The cylinder diameter surpasses 165 millimeter circle knitting machines
84472010 Warp knitting machine
84472020 Other even knitting machines
84472030 Knit-stitch machine
84479011 Bunch of fabric carpet loom
84479019 Other bunch of fabrics machine
84479020 Embroidery machine
84479090 Weaves fabric machines unlisted and so on colored thread, mesh tissue, lace

China Hs Code - 8448 : Auxiliary machinery for use with machines of heading No 8444, 8445, 8446 or 8447,

84481100 The dobby either the jacquard loom and the card processing or assembles the machine
84481900 8444th, 8445, 8446 or 8447 machine's other auxiliary engines
84482020 The spinning jet or spurts the screw stock
84482090 8444 machines and auxiliary engine's other components, appendix
84483100 Card clothing
84483200 The textile fiber pretreats machine's components, the appendix
84483310 Winds the tube to split
84483390 Other spindles, flyer, spinning link, traveler
84483910 The gas floats wine cups
84483920 Electronic yarn clearer
84483930 The air twists meets
84483940 The ring of spinning machine spinning frame spins closely installs (2007-2008)
84483990 Item 8445 machines and auxiliary engine's unlisted components, appendix
84484100 Ammunition clip (2000-2006)
84484200 The loom uses kou, the synthesis silk and the heddle frame
84484910 Meets, throws the shuttle box
84484920 Guides the weft into the warp, delivers after installs
84484930 Ammunition clip (2007-2008)
84484990 Loom and auxiliary engine's unlisted components, appendix
84485120 The knitting machine uses the 28th needle following crochet hook, the crochet hook and the compound needle
84485190 Subsidence piece, unlisted knitted needle and coiling machine
84485900 8447 machines and auxiliary engine's other components, appendix

China Hs Code - 8449 : Machinery for the manufacture or finishing of felt or nonwovens in the piece or

84490000 Cheng Pi, the forming felt either the non-woven fabric manufacture or reorganize the machine (2000-2007)
84490010 Needle-punching machine
84490020 The water punctures the equipment
84490090 Other felt either the non-woven fabric manufacture or reorganize the machine; Hat block

China Hs code - 8450 : Household or laundry-type washing machines, incl machines which both wash and dry

84501100 The completely automatic washer, does the clothes quantity 10kg
84501110 The impeller type completely automatic washer, does the clothes quantity ≤10kg
84501120 The roller completely automatic washer, does the clothes quantity ≤10kg
84501190 Other completely automatic washer, does the clothes quantity ≤10kg
84501200 Other have the offcenter flings does machine the washer, does the clothes quantity ≤10kg
84501900 Other washers, do the clothes quantity ≤10kg
84502000 Does the clothes quantity to surpass 10 kilograms washers
84509010 Does the clothes quantity not to surpass 10 kilogram washer's components
84509090 Does the clothes quantity to surpass 10 kilogram washer's components

China Hs Code - 8451 : Machinery for washing, cleaning textile yarn, etc; machines for applying the paste to the

84511000 Dry cleans machine
84512100 Does the clothes quantity not to surpass 10 kilograms dryers
84512900 Does the clothes quantity to surpass 10 kilograms dryers
84513000 Irons burns machine and the extruder (including melts press)
84514000 The wash, the blanching or dye the machine
84515000 Spins the fabric coiling, draws back circles, the fold, cutting or cuts nearby the tooth the machine
84518000 The gauze, the fabric and so on entire, spread the machine; Bucky coating machines and so on Linoleum
84519000 8451 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8452 : Sewing machines, excl book-sewing machines; furniture, bases & covers specially designed for sewing machines;

84521000 Home use sewing machine (2003-2005)
84521010 Multi-purpose home use sewing machines (2000-2002,2006-2008)
84521090 Other home use sewing machines (2000-2002,2006-2007)
84521091 Manual -like other home use sewing machines
84521099 Other home use sewing machines
84522110 Non-home use automatic flush joint machine
84522190 Other non-home use automatic sewing machine
84522900 Other non-home use sewing machine
84523000 Sewing machine needle
84524000 The sewing machine special-purpose handtailor furniture, the foundation and cover and the components
84529011 Turns on lathe the shuttle
84529019 Unlisted home use sewing machine's other components
84529091 Turns on lathe the shuttle
84529099 Unlisted other sewing machine components

China Hs Code - 8453 : Machinery for preparing, tanning or working hides, skins or leather or for making or

84531000 The rawhide, leather processing, tans or processes the machine
84532000 The shoes boots manufacture or repairs a machine
84538000 The fur and other leather product's manufacture or repairs a machine
84539000 8453 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8454 : Converters, ladles, ingot moulds & casting machines, used in metallurgy or in metal foundries

84541000 Converter
84542010 Outside stove refining equipment
84542090 Other ingot molds and pouring package
84543010 Cold room die-casting machine
84543021 Side semifinished product conticaster
84543022 Tube blank conticaster
84543029 Other billet conticaster
84543090 Other casting machines
84549010 Outside stove refining equipment's components
84549021 The billet conticaster uses the crystallizer
84549022 The billet conticaster uses the shake-out equipment
84549029 Other billet conticaster uses the components
84549090 Other converters, pouring package, ingot mold and casting machine's components

8455 Metal-rolling mills and rolls therefor

84551010 Hot tube rolling-mill
84551020 Cold tube rolling-mill
84551030 Decides, reduces the diameter tube rolling-mill
84551090 Other metallic pipe rolling mill
84552110 Plate hot-rolling mill
84552120 Section mill
84552130 Rod mill
84552190 Other metal hot-rolling mill or cold unites the rolling mill hotly
84552210 Plate cold-rolling mill
84552290 Other metal cold-rolling mill
84553000 The metal rolling mill uses the roller
84559000 Other metal rolling mill components

China Hs Code - 8456 : Machine-tools for working any material by removal of material, by laser or other light

84561000 With the laser, other light or the photon beam process the material the processing engine bed
84562000 Processes the material with the ultrasonic wave the processing engine bed
84563010 The numerical control processes each material with the electric discharge the processing engine bed
84563090 Other process each material with the electric discharge the processing engine bed
84569010 Plasma cutter (2007-2008)
84569090 Other chemistries, electronic, ion beam or plasma arc processing engine bed (2007-2008)
84569100 With dry process etching semiconducting material processing engine bed (2000-2006)
84569910 Plasma arc cutter (2000-2006)
84569990 Other chemistries, electronic, ion beam or plasma arc processing engine bed (2000-2006)

China Hs Code - 8457 : Machining centres, unit construction machines ( single station ) & multi-station transfer machines, for

84571010 Vertical machining center
84571020 Horizontal type machining center
84571030 Dragon Gate type machining center
84571090 Other machining center
84572000 The simplex byte gathers the engine bed
84573000 The multiplex byte gathers the engine bed

China Hs Code - 8458 : Lathes ( incl Turning centres ) for removing metal

84581100 Numerical control horizontal lathe
84581900 Other horizontal lathe
84589100 Other numerical control lathe
84589900 Other lathes

China Hs Code - 8459 : Machine-tools for drilling, boring, milling, threading or tapping by removing metal, excl lathes of

84591000 Straight line mobile power head engine bed
84592100 Numerical control drilling machine
84592900 Other drilling machines
84593100 Numerical control boring milling machine
84593900 Other boring milling machine
84594010 Numerical control boring lathe
84594090 Unlisted boring lathe
84595100 Rises and falls the table model numerical control milling machine
84595900 Other fluctuation bench milling machine
84596110 Dragon Gate numerical control milling machine
84596190 Unlisted numerical control milling machine
84596910 Planer-type milling machine
84596990 Unlisted milling machine
84597000 Other tapper bed

China Hs Code - 8460 : Machine-tools for deburring, or otherwise finishing metal or cermets by means of grinding stones,

84601100 Numerical control surface grinding machine
84601900 Other surface grinding machine
84602110 Numerical control cylindrical grinder
84602120 Numerical control internal grinder
84602190 Unlisted numerical control grinder
84602910 Other cylindrical grinder
84602920 Other internal grinder
84602930 Roll grinder
84602990 Unlisted grinder
84603100 Numerical control sharpening engine bed
84603900 Other sharpening engine bed
84604010 Metal honing engine bed
84604020 Metal attrition engine bed
84609010 Grinder
84609020 Polishes the engine bed
84609090 With the burr, the grinding compound and so on carries on the precision work engine bed unlisted to the metal

China Hs Code - 8461 : Machine-tools for planing, shaping, etc, or other machine-tools working by removing metal or cermets

84611010 Table planer
84611090 Other mechanical slicers
84612010 Shaping machine
84612020 Slotter
84613000 Broaching machine
84614010 Numerical control gear cutter, gear grinding machine or gear precision work engine bed
84614090 Other gear cutters, gear grinding machine or gear precision work engine bed
84615000 Saw bench or cutting off machine
84619000 Unlisted metal-cutting machine tool
84619011 Table planer
84619019 Other mechanical slicers
84619090 Unlisted metal-cutting machine tool

8462 Machine-tools for working metal by forging, etc; machines-tools for working metal by bending, etc;

84621010 Numerical control forging or ramming engine bed and forging hammer
84621090 Other forging or ramming engine bed and forging hammer
84622110 Numerical control strightening engine bed
84622190 Numerical control curving, folding or leveling arm bed
84622910 Other strightening engine bed
84622990 Other curving, folding or leveling arm bed
84623110 The numerical control strap vertical cuts the engine bed
84623120 The numerical control strap cuts the engine bed horizontally
84623190 Other numerical control cutting engine bed
84623910 Other straps vertical cut the engine bed
84623920 Other straps cut the engine bed horizontally
84623990 Cuts the engine bed unlisted
84624100 Numerical control punch holes or slot engine bed (2000-2002)
84624111 The automatic pattern numerical control step flushes the press (2003-2008)
84624119 Other numerical control punch press (2003-2008)
84624190 Other numerical control punch holes or slot engine bed (2003-2008)
84624900 Other punch holes or slot engine bed
84629110 Metal molding hydraulic pressure extruder
84629190 Unlisted hydraulic pressure press
84629910 Mechanical press
84629990 Unlisted processed metals or hard alloy press

8463 Other machine-tools for working metal, sintered metal carbides or cermets, without removing material

84631011 300 ton and following drawn tube machine
84631019 Other drawn tubes machine
84631020 Wire drawing machine
84631090 Other metal pole, tube, molding, different molding and so on motobloc
84632000 Metal screw thread rolling machine
84633000 Tinsel manufacturing machine
84639000 Unlisted metal non-machining engine bed

8464 Machine-tools for working stone, ceramics, concrete or like mineral material or for cold working

84641010 Mineral materials and glass cold finishing circular sawing machine and so on stone material
84641020 Mineral materials and glass cold finishing steel wire saw bench and so on stone material
84641090 Mineral materials and glass cold finishing saw bench and so on other stone material
84642010 The glass cold finishing attrition or polishes the engine bed
84642090 Mineral material's and so on stone material attritions or polish the engine bed
84649011 Glass cutter
84649012 Glass brilliant cutter
84649019 Other glass cold finishing engine bed
84649090 Mineral material processing and so on stone material other engine beds

China Hs Code - 8465 : Machine-tools for working wood, cork, bone, hard rubber hard plastics or similar hard materials

84651000 Does not trade the knife then to make the different machining to the flinty material the engine bed
84659100 Lumber, cor, bone, hard rubber and so on flinty material processing saw bench
84659200 The lumber, the cor and so on flinty material digs, cutting forming machines and so on mill
84659300 The lumber, the cor and so on flinty material attrition, the sand blast or polish the machine
84659400 The lumber, the cor, the bone and so on flinty material curving or assembles a machine
84659500 Lumber, cor, bone and so on flinty material drill hole or mortiser
84659600 The lumber, the cor and so on flinty material cuts open, the slice or scrapes the machine
84659900 Lumber, cor, bone and so on flinty material other processing engine bed

China Hs Code - 8466 : Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of headings

84661000 The tool jig and from opens the die head (to use including portable tool)
84662000 Fixture
84663000 The index head and other use in engine bed's appendix specially
84669100 8464 the components, the appendix which arranges in order the machine to use
84669200 8465 the components, the appendix which arranges in order the machine to use
84669300 8456 to 8461 the components, the appendix which arranges in order the machine to use
84669400 8462 or 8463 the components, the appendix which arranges in order the machine to use

China Hs Code - 8467 : Tools for working in the hand, pneumatic or with self-contained electric or non-electric motor

84671100 Rotary system (including revolving impact-like) portable pneumatic tool
84671900 Other portable-type pneumatic tool
84672100 Portable-type each kind of electric drill
84672210 Electrically operated portable-type chain saw
84672290 Other portable-type power saw
84672910 Portable electrically operated sand blast tool (including polishing engine, sander and so on)
84672920 The portable-type electricity digs
84672990 Other portable-type power tool
84678100 Is loaded with non-electrically kicks the strength installment portable-type chain saw
84678900 Other hydraulic pressure and non-electric kick the strength installment portable type tool
84679100 Portable-type chain saw's components
84679110 The electrically operated portable-type chain saw uses components
84679190 Other portable-type chain saw uses components
84679200 The portable-type pneumatic tool uses components
84679900 Other are loaded with non-electrically kick the strength installment portable type tool's components
84679910 Item 84.67 arrange in order other electrically operated portable-type tool's components
84679990 Item 84.67 arrange in order other portable-type tool's components

China Hs Code - 8468 : Machinery & apparatus for soldering, brazing or welding; gas-operated surface tempering machines & appliances

84681000 Portable blow pipe
84682000 Other gas welding or superficial tempering machine and equipment
84688000 Welds the machine and the equipment unlisted
84689000 8468 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8469 : Typewriters excl printers of heading 8471; word-processing machines

84690011 Word processor (2007-2008)
84690012 Automatic typewriter (2007-2008)
84690020 Other electric typewriters (2007-2008)
84690030 Other non-electric typewriter (2007-2008)
84691100 Word processor (2000-2006)
84691200 Automatic typewriter (2000-2006)
84692000 Other electric typewriters (2000-2006)
84693000 Other non-electric typewriter (2000-2006)

China Hs Code - 8470 : Calculating machines; accounting machines, postage-franking machines, ticket-issuing machines

84701000 Does not need the external power supply the electronic calculator
84702100 Is loaded with the printing apparatus electronic calculator
84702900 Other electronic calculator
84703000 Other computation machine
84704000 Is loaded with the counting assembly clerical machine (2000-2006)
84705010 Sale point terminal cash register
84705090 Other cash cash register
84709000 Is loaded with the counting assembly postage to affix a seal machines and so on machine, ticket vending machine

China Hs Code - 8471 : Automatic data processing machines & units thereof; magnetic or optical readers, machines

84711000 Simulation type or mixed style automatic data processing equipment (2000-2006)
84713000 Weight ≤10 kilogram portable automatic data processing equipment
84714110 Giant, large-scale and medium automatic data-processing machine
84714120 Small automatic data-processing machine
84714140 Miniature automatic data-processing machine
84714190 Unlisted automatic data processing equipment
84714910 System form giant airplane, large-scale machinery and molding machine
84714920 System form small machine
84714940 System form miniature machine
84714991 System form dispersion commercial run control device
84714999 Other system form automatic data processing equipment
84715010 Giant airplane, large-scale machinery and molding machine's processing unit
84715020 Small machine's processing unit
84715040 Miniature machine's processing unit
84715090 Other processing unit
84716010 Monitor (2000-2002)
84716011 Liquid-crystal display (2003-2006)
84716012 Cathode ray tube indicator (2003-2006)
84716019 Other monitors (2003-2006)
84716031 Needle type printer (2000-2006)
84716032 Laser printer (2000-2006)
84716033 Ink-jet printer (2000-2006)
84716039 Other printers (2000-2006)
84716040 The giant airplane, the large-scale machinery, the molding machine and the small machine use the terminal
84716050 Scanner
84716060 Digitized meter
84716070 Keyboard, mouse (2000-2005)
84716071 Keyboard
84716072 Mouse
84716090 Other inputs or output unit
84717010 Hard disk driver
84717020 Floppy disk driver
84717030 Compact disc driver
84717090 Other storage component
84718000 Automatic data processing equipment's other parts (2000-2002,2004,2007-2008)
84718010 Concentrator (2003-2006)
84718020 Router (2003-2006)
84718090 Unlisted automatic data processing equipment other parts (2003-2006)
84719000 Other magnetic or optics reading machine, data transcription and processing machine

China Hs Code - 8472 : Other office machines ( eg hectograph or stencil duplicating machines, addressing machines )

84721000 Offset plate duplicator, mimeograph
84722000 Address India writes machine and the address data plate stamping press (2000-2006)
84723010 Postal service letter sort and seal equipment
84723090 Letter enfold machine, letter Kaifeng machine, glue or used sets machine
84729010 Automatic ATM
84729021 Excavator
84729022 Stapler
84729029 Other bind with the machine
84729030 Shredder
84729040 Address India writes machine and the address data plate stamping press (2007-2008)
84729090 Other unlisted offices use the machine

China Hs Code - 8473 : Parts and accessories suitable for use solely or principally with the machines of headings

84731000 8469 arrange in order machine's components, the appendix
84732100 Electronic calculator's components, appendix
84732900 8470 arrange in order other machine's components, the appendix
84733010 Large-scale, medium and small-scale computer and part's components, appendix
84733021 The needle type printer prints first (2000-2006)
84733029 Other printer components, appendix (2000-2006)
84733090 Item 8471 arrange in order other machine's components, the appendix
84734010 The automatic ATM uses the paper money
84734090 8472 arrange in order machine's other components, the appendix
84735000 Is suitable for two and two above item 8469-8472 machine part

China Hs Code - 8474 : Machinery for sorting, earth or other mineral substances, in solid form; machines for forming

84741000 The solid mineral substance's classification, screening, the separation or wash the machine
84742010 Pin roll type solid mineral substance stave or pulverizing machine
84742020 Ball grinding type solid mineral substance stave or pulverizing machine
84742090 Other solid mineral substance stave or pulverizing machine
84743100 Concretes or mortar mix machine
84743200 Mineral and asphalt mix machine
84743900 Solid mineral substance's other mixes or stir the machine
84748010 The solid mineral substance rolls the shaper
84748020 Solid mineral substance mold pressing shaper
84748090 Other solid mineral substance cohesiveness or formation and casting sand mold shaper
84749000 8474 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8475 : Machines for assembling electric or electronic lamps, tubes or valves or flash- bulbs, in

84751000 The light bulb, the tube, the electron tube and resemble seal machine
84752100 Manufacture optical fiber and pre-workpiece's machine
84752911 Continuous-type glass hot curved stove
84752912 Glass fiber drawing machine (optical fiber drawing machine exception)
84752919 Other glass hot-working machine
84752990 Unlisted glass or glass products manufacture machine
84759000 8475 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8476 : Automatic goods-vending machines ( eg postage stamp, cigarette ), incl money-changing machines

84762100 Is loaded with the heating or the refrigerating unit drink automatic sale machine
84762900 Other drink automatic sale machine
84768100 Is loaded with the heating or refrigerating unit other machines
84768900 Does not have the heating or refrigerating unit other machines
84769000 Vending machine and money exchange machine components

China Hs Code - 8477 : Machinery for working rubber or plastics or for the manufacture of products from these

84771010 Injection molding machine
84771090 Other injections machine
84772010 Plastic pelleter
84772090 Other extruding machines
84773000 Blow molding machines
84774000 The vacuum molding machine and other heat take shape the machine
84774010 Plastic midheaven shaper
84774020 Plastic rolling shaper
84774090 Other vacuum molding machine and other heat take shape the machine
84775100 The pneumatic tire compression molding either renovates and the tire tube compression molding or the formation machine
84775900 Other compression moldings or formation machine
84778000 Other rubbers or plastic and product processing machine
84779000 8477 arrange in order machine's components

China Hs Code - 8478 : Machinery for preparing or making up tobacco, not specified or included elsewhere in this

84781000 Tobacco processing and manufacture machine
84789000 The tobacco processes and manufactures machine's components

China Hs Code - 8479 : Other machines & mechanical appliances having individual functions

84791000 The public works use the machine
84791010 Asphalt or concrete spreader (1997-1999)
84791021 Asphalt concrete paver
84791022 Stabilizer soil paver
84791029 Other pavers
84791090 Other public works use the machine (1997-2008)
84792000 Extraction, processing animal fat or fixed vegetable oil machine
84793000 Wooden lumbers, cor processor and so on fragments or wood fiber board extruder
84794000 Rope or cable manufacture machine
84795010 Multi-purpose industry robots
84795090 Other unlisted industry robot
84796000 Evaporative type air cooler
84798100 Processing metal machinery, including coil winding machine
84798110 Coil winding machine
84798190 Unlisted processing metal machinery
84798200 Mixes up, crushes, the attrition, screening, the equalization or emulsifies the machine
84798910 The ships use the servo and the top stabler
84798920 Air humidifier and dehumidifier
84798940 The postal service uses the package, the print sort equipment
84798950 Radioactive waste compaction machine
84798961 Automatic plug-in component
84798962 Pastes the piece machine automatically
84798969 Other assemble primary device's machine on the printed circuit circuit wafer
84798990 Has the independent function machine and the vehicle unlisted
84799010 The ships use the components with the servo and the top stabler
84799020 The air humidifier and the dehumidifier use the components
84799090 8479 arrange in order other machine's components

China Hs Code - 8480 : Moulding boxes for metal foundry; mould bases; moulding patterns; moulds for metal, metal carbides,

84801000 The metal founding uses the flask
84802000 Mold ledger wall
84803000 Force plug
84804100 The metal, the hard alloy use the injection molding or the die
84804900 The metal, the hard alloy use other mold
84805000 The glass uses the mold
84806000 The mineral material uses the mold
84807100 The plastic either the rubber use the injection molding or the die
84807900 The plastic or the rubber use other mold

China Hs Code - 8481 : Taps, cocks, valves & similar appliances for pipes, boiler shells, tanks, vats or the

84811000 Pressure relief valve
84812000 Flowing tubing head pressure or pneumatic actuator valve
84812010 Hydraulic transmission valve
84812020 Pneumatic actuator valve
84813000 Check valve
84814000 Safety valve or overflow valve
84818010 Other valves (1995-1997,2003-2008)
84818011 Regulating valve (1998-2002)
84818019 Other unlisted valves (use in pipeline, boiler, pot, barrel or similar) (1998-2002)
84818090 The main item, the cock and install similarly
84819010 Valve components
84819090 Main item, cock and similar installment components

China Hs Code - 8482 : Ball or roller bearings

84821000 Ball bearing (2000-2007)
84821010 Adjusts the bulbus cordis ball bearing
84821020 Gulley ball ball bearing
84821030 Angle contact ball bearing
84821040 Thrust force ball ball bearing
84821090 Other ball bearing
84822000 Conical roller bearing, including conical roller module
84823000 Drum shape roller bearings
84824000 Needle bearing
84825000 Other cylinder roller bearings
84828000 Other rolling bearing, including ball, column mix bearing
84829100 Ball bearing, roller pin and roller
84829900 Rolling bearing's other components

China Hs Code - 8483 : Transmission shafts & cranks; bearing housings & plain shaft bearings; gears & gearing ball

84831010 The ships use the drive shaft
84831090 Other drive shafts and crank
84832000 Is loaded with the ball bearing or roller bearings' bearing seat
84833000 Has not been loaded with the ball bearing or roller bearings' bearing seat; Sliding bearing
84834010 Roller screw rod transmission device
84834020 Planet gear reduction gear
84834090 Gear and other speed changes, transmission device; Ball screw drive shaft
84835000 Flywheel and pulley, including block and tackle
84836000 Coupling and shaft coupling (including universal joint)
84839000 Declares for examination alone belt tooth's wheel and so on; 84.83 goods other components

China Hs Code - 8484 : Gaskets & similar joints of metal sheeting combined with other material or of>=2 layers

84841000 Gasket and so on, tinsel and other materials or multi-layered tinsel system
84842000 Mechanical seal
84849000 The packing has formed a complete set either the different material gasket or similar joint liner

China Hs Code - 8485 : Machinery parts, not containing electrical connectors, insulators, coils, contacts or other electrical features

84851000 The ship uses the propeller and the paddle blade (2000-2006)
84859000 The unlisted machine part, does not have the electrical products characteristic (2000-2006)

China Hs Code - 8486 : machine and equipment

84861010 Using temperature change processing monocrystalline silicon machine and equipment (2007-2008)
84861020 The manufacture unit crystal column or the wafer use milling equipment (2007-2008)
84861030 The manufacture unit crystal column or the wafer use cutting equipment (2007-2008)
84861040 The manufacture unit crystal column or the wafer use chemistry mechanical buffing equipment (CM(2007-2008)
84861090 Other manufacture unit crystal column or the wafer use machine and equipment (2007-2008)
84862010 Manufacture heat treatments and so on semiconductor device or IC oxidation, proliferation suppose (2007-2008)
84862021 Manufacture semiconductor device or IC chemistry gas phase deposition installment (CV(2007-2008)
84862022 Manufacture semiconductor device or IC physical gas phase deposition installment (PV(2007-2008)
84862029 Other manufacture semiconductor device or the integrated circuit use the thin film deposits (2007-2008)
84862031 The manufacture semiconductor device or the integrated circuit use step-and-repeat photoetching (2007-2008)
84862039 Other projection plan circuit diagram manufacture semiconductor device or IC (2007-2008)
84862041 Manufacture semiconductor device or IC plasma dry etching machine (2007-2008)
84862049 Manufacture semiconductor device or IC other sculptures and peeling equipment (2007-2008)
84862050 The manufacture semiconductor device or the integrated circuit use ion implantation machine (2007-2008)
84862090 Other manufacture semiconductor device or the integrated circuit use machine and equipment (2007-2008)
84863010 Manufacture heat treatment equipment and so on flat-panel display's proliferation, oxidation (2007-2008)
84863021 The manufacture flat-panel display uses chemistry gas phase deposits the equipment (CVD? (2007-2008)
84863022 The manufacture flat-panel display uses the physical gas phase deposits the equipment (PVD)(2007-2008)
84863029 The manufacture flat-panel display uses other thin films deposit the equipment (2007-2008)
84863031 The manufacture flat-panel display uses distribution redundant mask aligner (2007-2008)
84863039 Other projection plan circuit diagram manufacture flat-panel display's installment (2007-2008)
84863041 The manufacture flat-panel display uses the ultrasonic cleaning installs (2007-2008)
84863049 The manufacture flat-panel display uses other aqueous method etching, the development and so on install (2007-2008)
84863090 Other manufacture flat-panel display uses machine and equipment (2007-2008)
84864010 Manufacture and repair mask version or projection mask version's installment (2007-2008)
84864021 The assembly and the seal semiconductor device or the integrated circuit model seal machine (2007-2008)
84864022 Assembly and seal semiconductor device or integrated circuit's lead bonding (2007-2008)
84864029 This chapter annotation 9 (3) stipulated other assemblies and seal machine and (2007-2008)
84864031 Integrated circuit factory special-purpose automatic transporting robot (2007-2008)
84864039 Other fluctuations, loading and unloading, transporting unit crystal column and so on installment (2007-2008)
84869010 This chapter annotation 9 (3) stipulated the machine uses the components and the appendix (2007-2008)
84869020 The lead bonding installment uses the components and the appendix (2007-2008)
84869090 Item 8486 arrange in order the equipment to use other components and the appendix (2007-2008)

China Hs Code - 8487 : propeller and the paddle blade

84871000 The ship uses the propeller and the paddle blade (2007-2008)
84879000 The unlisted machine part, does not have the electrical products characteristic (2007-2008)

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