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Chapter-40 Rubber and Articles Thereof of Year 2008 - 09.

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Hs Code Description

China Hs Code - 4001 : Natural rubber, balata, gutta-percha, guayule, chicle & similar natural gums

40011000 Natural oak rubber latex, no matter whether to give the curing
40012100 Rubber smoked sheet
40012200 Technical classification natural rubber (TSNR)
40012900 Other shape natural rubber
40013000 Balata, ancient tower wave rubber, guayule rubber and so on natural gum

China Hs Code - 4002 : Synthetic rubber and factice derived from oils, etc, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip

40021100 Butadiene styrene rubber rubber latex; Carboxyl group butadiene styrene rubber rubber latex
40021110 Carboxyl group butadiene styrene rubber rubber latex
40021190 Other butadiene styrene rubber rubber latex
40021910 Primary shape butadiene styrene rubber and carboxyl group butadiene styrene rubber
40021911 The primary shape has not made any processing the butadiene styrene rubber
40021912 Primary shape oil extend
40021913 The primary shape models the butadiene styrene rubber hotly
40021914 The primary shape oil charge models the butadiene styrene rubber hotly
40021919 Other primary shape butadiene styrene rubber and carboxyl group butadiene styrene rubber
40021990 Unlisted butadiene styrene rubber and carboxyl group butadiene styrene rubber
40022010 Primary shape divinyl rubber
40022090 Other divinyl rubber
40023110 Primary shape isobutene - isoprene (butyl) rubber
40023190 Other isobutene - isoprene (butyl) rubber
40023910 Primary shape halogenating butyl rubber
40023990 Other halogenating butyl rubber
40024100 Chloroprene (chlorine Ding) rubber latex
40024910 Other primary shape chloroprene (chlorine Ding) rubber
40024990 Unlisted chloroprene (chlorine Ding) rubber
40025100 Ding nitrile rubber latex
40025910 Other primary shape Ding Jing rubber
40025990 Unlisted Ding nitrile rubber
40026010 Primary shape isoprene rubber
40026090 Other isoprene rubber
40027010 Primary shape second grade third non-conjugated diolefine rubber
40027090 Other second grade third non-conjugated diolefine rubber
40028000 4001 arrange in order the product to arrange in order the product with this serial number the mixture
40029100 Unlisted synthetic rubber rubber latex
40029911 Unlisted primary shape synthetic rubber
40029919 Unlisted non-primary shape synthetic rubber
40029990 From oil class extraction grease

China Hs Code - 4003 : Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip

40030000 Reclaimed rubber, primary shape or board, piece, belt

China Hs Code - 4004 : Waste, parings and scrap of rubber ( excl hard rubber ) & powders & granules obtained there from

40040000 Rubber waste fragments, mill culls and powder, grain

China Hs Code - 4005 : Compounded rubber, unvulcanised, in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip

40051000 With mix not curing compounded rubbers and so on carbon black, primary shape and so on
40052000 Not curing compounded rubber solution; 40051000 outside dispersing medium
40059100 Other not curing compounded rubber, board, piece, belt
40059900 Other not curing primary shape compounded rubber

China Hs Code - 4006 : Other forms ( eg rods, tubes & profile shapes ) and articles ( eg discs & rings ),

40061000 Retreading uses the camelback embryo strip
40069010 Other shapes not cured rubber
40069020 Not cured rubber product

China Hs Code - 4007 : Vulcanized rubber thread and cord

40070000 Curing rubber thread and rope

China Hs Code - 4008 : Plates, sheets, strip, rods and profile shapes, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber

40081100 Curing spongy rubber system board, piece, belt
40081900 Curing spongy rubber system pole, molding and different molding
40082100 Curing non-spongy rubber system board, piece, belt
40082900 Curing non-spongy rubber system pole, molding and different molding

China Hs Code - 4009 : Tubes, pipes and hoses, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber, with or without their fittings

40091000 After has not strengthened or not with other material merge non-appendix pipe
40091100 After has not strengthened or has not gathered the system with other materials the non-appendix pipe
40091200 After has not strengthened or has not gathered the system with other materials to be loaded with the appendix pipe
40092000 After strengthens or gathers the system only with the metal, but has not been loaded with the appendix pipe
40092100 Strengthens or gathers the system with the metal with the metal not to be loaded with the appendix pipe only
40092200 Strengthens or gathers the system with the metal with the metal to be loaded with the appendix pipe only
40093000 After strengthens or gathers the system only with the textile material the non-appendix pipe
40093100 With spins the material to strengthen or with to spin the material to gather the system only the non-appendix pipe
40093200 With spins the material to strengthen or with to spin the material to gather the system only to be loaded with the appendix pipe
40094000 After strengthens or gathers the system with other materials the non-appendix pipe
40094100 Strengthens with other materials or gathers the system non-appendix pipe with other materials
40094200 Strengthens with other materials or gathers the system with other materials to have the appendix pipe
40095000 Is loaded with the appendix pipe

China Hs Code - 4010 : Conveyor or transmission belts or belting, of vulcanized rubber

40101100 Uses the cured rubber system conveyer belt and the belt material only which the metal strengthens
40101200 Uses the cured rubber system conveyer belt and the belt material only which the textile material strengthens
40101300 Uses the cured rubber system conveyer belt and the belt material only which the plastic strengthens
40101900 Other cured rubber system conveyer belt and belt material
40102100 Trapezoidal section ring-like transmission belt 60cm< perimeter ≤180CM
40102200 Trapezoidal section ring-like transmission belt 180cm< perimeter ≤240cm
40102300 Ring-like with ambulacrum, 60cm< perimeter ≤150cm
40102400 Ring-like with ambulacrum, 150cm< perimeter ≤198cm
40102900 Other cured rubber system transmission belt and belt material
40103100 Trapezoidal section V rib ring-like transmission belt 60cm< perimeter ≤180cm
40103200 Other trapezoidal section ring-like transmission belt 60cm< perimeter ≤180cm
40103300 Trapezoidal section V rib ring-like transmission belt 180cm< perimeter ≤240cm
40103400 Other trapezoidal section ring-like transmission belt 180cm< perimeter ≤240cm
40103500 Ring-like with ambulacrum, 60cm< perimeter ≤150cm
40103600 Ring-like with ambulacrum, 150cm< perimeter ≤198cm
40103900 Other cured rubber system transmission belt and belt material

China Hs Code - 4011 : New pneumatic tyres, of rubber

40111000 The mobile passenger vehicle uses the new gasification rubber tire
40112000 The passenger train or the freight transportation motor vehicle use the new gasification rubber tire
40113000 The aircraft uses the new gasification rubber tire
40114000 The motorcycle uses the new gasification rubber tire
40115000 The bicycle uses the new gasification rubber tire
40116100 The farming and forestry vehicle and the machine use the new person font or similar tread protector pneumatic tire
40116200 The construction urgently needs the new person font tread protector pneumatic tire, the rim circle ≤61cm
40116300 The construction urgently needs the new person font tread protector pneumatic tire, the rim circle >61cm
40116900 Other new herringbones or similar tread protector gasification rubber tire
40119100 Tread protector and so on other new herringbone gasification rubber tires
40119200 Other farming and forestry vehicles and the machine use the new gasification rubber tire
40119300 Other construction van urgently needs the new pneumatic tire, the rim circle ≤61cm
40119400 Other construction van urgently needs the new pneumatic tire, the rim circle >61cm
40119900 Unlisted new gasification rubber tire

China Hs Code - 4012 : Retreaded or used pneumatic tyres of rubber; solid or cushion tyres, tyre treads and tyres flaps, of rubber

40121010 The automobile with the rubber tire which renovates
40121090 Other renovate gasification rubber tire
40121100 The mobile passenger vehicle with the gasification rubber tire which renovates
40121200 The mobile bus or the goods stock with the gasification rubber tire which renovates
40121300 The aircraft with the gasification rubber tire which renovates
40121900 Other renovate gasification rubber tire
40122010 The automobile uses the old pneumatic tire
40122090 Other old pneumatic tire
40129010 The aircraft uses the solid or half solid tire; Tread protector and tire strap
40129020 The automobile uses the solid or half solid tire; Tread protector and tire strap
40129090 Other solid or half solid tire; Tread protector and tire strap

China Hs Code - 4013 : Inner tubes, of rubber

40131000 The passenger train, the freight transportation motor vehicle use the rubber tire tube
40132000 The bicycle uses the rubber tire tube
40139010 The aircraft uses the rubber tire tube
40139090 Unlisted rubber tire tube

China Hs Code - 4014 : Hygienic or pharmaceutical articles, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber

40141000 Cured rubber system condom
40149000 Cured rubber system other health and medical thing

China Hs Code - 4015 : Articles of apparel and clothing accessories, for all purposes, of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber

40151100 The cured rubber system surgical department with divides refers to, Lian Zhi and the dew refers to the glove
40151900 Cured rubber system other divide refer to, Lian Zhi and the dew refer to the glove
40159010 The cured rubber system medical service uses the attire thing and the appendix
40159090 The cured rubber system non-medical service uses the attire thing and the appendix

China Hs Code - 4016 : Other articles of vulcanized rubber other than hard rubber

40161010 The curing spongy rubber sieze the opportunity and the instrument use the components
40161090 Other curing spongy rubber product
40169100 The cured rubber system spreads out on the floor the thing disciple pad
40169200 Cured rubber system eraser
40169310 And instrument filling piece, gasket gaskets and so on cured rubber sieze the opportunity
40169390 Other cured rubber gaskets and so on system filling piece, gasket
40169400 The cured rubber system ships or the wharf bump the pad
40169500 Cured rubber system other may gasify the product
40169910 Other cured rubber sieze the opportunity and the instrument use the components
40169990 Unlisted cured rubber product

China Hs Code - 4017 : Hard rubber in all forms, incl waste and scrap; articles of hard rubber

40170010 Each kind of shape solid rubber, including waste fragments
40170020 Solid rubber product

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