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Chapter-3 Fish and crustaceans molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates of Year 2009 - 10.

Hs Code Description

China Hs Code - 0301 : Live fish

0301100010 Watching uses the whale shark, the carcharadon carcharias, the basking shark
0301100020 Watching uses the red dragon flour fish
0301100030 Watching uses the rouge fish
0301100040 Watching uses the seahorse
0301100050 Watching uses the great bone tongue fish
0301100060 Watching is in imminent danger the fish with other
0301100090 Other ornamental fish
0301911000 Trout fry
0301919000 Other live trout
0301921010 Colored eel li fry
0301921020 European eel li fry
0301921090 Other eel fries
0301929010 Colored eel li
0301929020 European eel li
0301929090 Other live eels
0301931010 Is in imminent danger the carp seedling
0301931090 Other carp seedling
0301939010 Is in imminent danger exactly the carp
0301939090 Other live carps
0301941000 Blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) seedling
0301949000 Other blue fin tuna (Thunnus thynnus)
0301951000 South blue fin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii) seedling
0301959000 South other blue fin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii)
0301991100 Perch seedling
0301991200 Sturgeon seedling
0301991910 Other are in imminent danger the fry
0301991990 Other fries
0301999100 Live tilapia mossambica
0301999200 Live
0301999910 Other are in imminent danger the live fish
0301999990 Other live fish

China Hs Code - 0302 : Fish, fresh or chilled, excl fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No0304

0302110000 Fresh or cold trout
0302121000 Fresh or cold Atlantic chum salmon
0302122000 Fresh or cold dog salmon and multi-agate wise Luo fish
0302190010 Fresh or Leng Chuanshan wise Luo Gui
0302190020 Fresh or cold Qinling thin scale gui
0302190090 Other fresh or cold chum salmon
0302210000 Fresh or cold commonplace right-eyed flounder
0302220000 Fresh or cold right-eyed flounder
0302230000 Fresh or Leng Tayu
0302290000 Other fresh or cold flat fish
0302310000 Fresh or Leng Changqi tuna
0302320000 Fresh or Leng Huangqi tuna
0302330000 Fresh or cold bonito
0302340000 Fresh or Leng Dayan tuna
0302350000 Fresh or Leng Lanqi tuna
0302360000 Fresh or cold south tuna
0302390000 Other fresh or gold-speckled paper marlin
0302400000 Fresh or cold pacific herring
0302500000 Fresh or cold cod
0302610000 Fresh or cold sardine, millet pacific herring
0302620000 Fresh or cold heavy line cod
0302630000 Fresh or cold malachite green cod
0302640000 Fresh or cold wahoo
0302650010 Fresh or Leng Jingsha, carcharadon carcharias, basking shark
0302650090 Other fresh or cold spiny dogfish and other sharks
0302660010 Fresh or Leng Huaman li
0302660020 Fresh or cold European eel li
0302660090 Other fresh or cold eel
0302670000 Fresh or cold sawshark (Xiphias gladius)
0302680000 Fresh or cold South Pole canine fish
0302691000 Fresh or cold hairtail
0302692000 Fresh or cold yellow croaker
0302693000 Fresh or Leng Changyu
0302694000 Fresh or cold tilapia mossambica
0302695000 Fresh or cold
0302699001 Fresh or cold perch
0302699010 Other are in imminent danger fresh unlisted, Leng Yu
0302699090 Other fresh or Leng Yu
0302700010 Fresh or is in imminent danger coldly fingerling's liver and the roe
0302700090 Other fresh or Leng Yugan and roe

China Hs Code - 0303 : Fish, frozen, excl fish fillets and other fish meat of heading No0304

0303110000 Frozen red dog salmon
0303190000 Other frozen dog salmons
0303210000 Frozen trout
0303221000 Freezes the Atlantic chum salmon
0303222000 Frozen multi-agate wise Luo Yu
0303290010 Freezes Sichuan Shanxi wise Luo Gui
0303290020 Freezes the Qinling thin scale gui
0303290090 Other frozen chum salmons
0303311000 Freezes the Greenland commonplace right-eyed flounder
0303319000 Other frozen commonplace right-eyed flounders
0303320000 Frozen right-eyed flounder
0303330000 Frozen sole fish
0303390000 Other frozen flat fishes
0303410000 Frozen long fin tuna
0303420000 Frozen yellow fin tuna
0303430000 Frozen bonito
0303440000 Frozen big eye tuna
0303450000 Frozen blue fin tuna
0303460000 Frozen south tuna
0303490000 Other frozen tunas
0303510000 Frozen pacific herring (Atlantic pacific herring, Pacific Ocean pacific herring)
0303520000 Frozen cod (Atlantic cod, Pacific Ocean cod, Greenland cod)
0303610000 Frozen sawshark (Xiphias gladius)
0303620000 Freezes the South Pole canine fish
0303710000 Frozen sardine, millet pacific herring
0303720000 Frozen heavy line cod
0303730000 Frozen malachite green cod
0303740000 Frozen wahoo
0303750010 Frozen whale shark, carcharadon carcharias, basking shark
0303750090 Other frozen spiny dogfishes and other sharks
0303760010 Frozen colored eel li
0303760020 Freezes the European eel li
0303760090 Other frozen eels
0303770000 The frozen point kisses the perch
0303780000 Frozen dog cod
0303791000 Frozen hairtail
0303792000 Frozen yellow croaker
0303793000 Frozen silver pomfret fish
0303794000 Frozen tilapia mossambica
0303799001 Other frozen perch
0303799010 Other are in imminent danger unlisted the frozen fish
0303799090 Other unlisted frozen fish
0303800010 Is in imminent danger frozen fingerling's liver and the roe
0303800090 Other frozen fish liver and roe

China Hs Code - 0304 : Fish fillets and other fish meat ( whether or not minced ), fresh, chilled or frozen

0304110000 Fresh or cold sawshark (Xiphias gladius) fish fillet and fish flesh
0304120000 Fresh or cold South Pole canine fish fish fillet and fish flesh
0304190010 Other fresh or cold is in imminent danger the fish fillet and other fish fleshes
0304190090 Other fresh or cold fish fillet and other fish fleshes
0304210000 Frozen sawshark (Xiphias gladius) piece
0304220000 Freezes the South Pole canine fish (Toothfish, Dissostichus spp.) the piece
0304291000 Frozen tilapia mossambica piece
0304292100 The frozen spot forks the tail fish fillet
0304292900 Frozen other fork tail fish fillet
0304299010 Frozen other are in imminent danger the fish fillet
0304299090 Other frozen fish fillets
0304910000 Other frozen sawsharks (Xiphias gladius) meat
0304920000 Other freeze the South Pole canine fish flesh
0304990010 Is in imminent danger fish other frozen fish fleshes
0304990090 Other frozen fish fleshes

China Hs Code - 0305 :  Fish, dried, salted or in brine; smoked fish; flours, meals and pellets of fish, fit for human consumption

0305100000 For person edible fish meal and crumb
0305200010 Does, smokes, the salty system is in imminent danger the fingerling liver, the egg
0305200090 Other do, smoke, the salty system fish liver and the roe
0305300010 Does or the salty system is in imminent danger the fish fish fillet
0305300090 Does or salty system other fish fillets
0305411000 Smokes the Atlantic chum salmon and the fish fillet
0305412000 Smokes the dog salmon, multi-agate wise Luo Yuji the fish fillet
0305420000 Fumigates the pacific herring and the fish fillet
0305490010 Fumigates the European eel li and the fish fillet
0305490020 Fumigates other to be in imminent danger the fish and the fish fillet
0305490090 Other smoked fish and fish fillet
0305510000 Does the cod
0305591000 Does the seahorse, the dry Pipefish
0305592010 Does the whale shark, the carcharadon carcharias, the basking shark shark fin
0305592090 Other do the shark fin
0305599010 Other are in imminent danger the dried fish
0305599090 Other dried fishes
0305610000 Salty salt and pickling pacific herring
0305620000 Salty salt and pickling cod
0305630000 Salty salt and pickling clearish red wine fish (Anchovies)
0305691000 Salty salt and pickling hairtail
0305692000 Salty salt and pickling yellow croaker
0305693000 Salty salt and pickling silver pomfret fish
0305694000 Salty salt and pickling tilapia mossambica
0305699010 The salty salt and pickling other are in imminent danger the fish
0305699090 Salty salt and pickling other fish

China Hs Code - 0306 : Crustaceans, whether in shell or not, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted or in brine

0306110000 Frozen lobster
0306120000 Frozen lobster
0306131100 Frozen small shelled fresh shrimp
0306131200 Frozen north long volume shrimp
0306131900 Other frozen small shrimp
0306132100 Freezes to the shelled fresh shrimp
0306132900 Other frozen shrimp
0306141000 Frozen blue crab
0306149000 Other frozen crabs
0306191100 Frozen fresh water dragonet shelled fresh shrimp
0306191900 Frozen unshelled fresh water small lobster
0306199000 Other frozen crustacean
0306211000 Lobster seedling
0306219000 Lives, fresh, cold, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or the depilation lobster
0306221000 Lobster seedling
0306229000 Lives, fresh, cold, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or the depilation lobster
0306231000 Small shrimp and shrimp seedling
0306239100 Fresh, cold unshelled or depilation shrimp
0306239901 Fresh, Leng Xiaoxia
0306239990 Lives, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or the depilation shrimp, the small shrimp
0306241000 Crab seedling
0306249100 Lives, fresh, cold, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or depilates the Chinese mitten crab
0306249200 Lives, fresh, cold, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or the depilation blue crab
0306249900 Other live, fresh, cold, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or the depilation crab
0306291000 Other crustacean seedling
0306299000 Other live, fresh, cold, dry, the salty salt either the pickling unshelled or the depilation crustacean

China Hs Code - 0307 : Molluscs & other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh, chilled, frozen, dried, salted, in brine

0307101000 Oyster (oyster) seedling
0307109000 Other oysters (oyster)
0307211010 Big mother-of-pearl shell seedling
0307211090 Other sea scallop seedling
0307219010 Other live, fresh, the cold big mother-of-pearl shell
0307219090 Other live, fresh, the cold sea scallop
0307290010 Other frozen, dry, salty salt or pickling big mother-of-pearl shell
0307290090 Other frozen, dry, salty salt or pickling sea scallop
0307311000 Mussel seedling
0307319001 Fresh, cold mussel
0307319090 Other live mussels
0307390001 Frozen mussel
0307390090 Other do, the salty salt or the pickling mussel
0307411000 Sepia and squid seedling
0307419000 Other live, fresh, the cold sepia and the squid
0307490000 Other frozen, dry, salty system sepia, squid
0307510000 Lives, fresh, the cold octopus
0307590000 Other frozen, dry, salty system octopus
0307601010 Is in imminent danger the snail and the spiral seedling, the conch exception
0307601090 Other snails and spiral seedling, conch exception
0307609010 Other are in imminent danger the snail and the spiral, the conch exception
0307609090 Other snails and spiral, conch exception
0307911010 Is in imminent danger the aquatic non-vertebrate's seedling
0307911090 Other aquatic non-vertebrate's seedling
0307919100 Lives, fresh, the cold abalone
0307919200 Lives, fresh, the cold clam worm
0307919300 Lives, fresh, Leng Ge
0307919910 Other are in imminent danger live, fresh, the cold aquatic non-vertebrate
0307919990 Other live, the fresh aquatic non-vertebrate
0307991000 Frozen, dry, salty salt or pickling abalone
0307992010 Frozen, dry, salty salt or pickling dark color trepang
0307992090 Other frozen, dry, salty salt or pickling trepang
0307993000 Frozen, dry, salty system clam
0307999010 Other frozen, dry, the salty system is in imminent danger the aquatic non-vertebrate
0307999090 Other frozen, dry, salty system aquatic non-vertebrate

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