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Chapter-73 Articles of Iron or Steel Sheet Piling and welded angles with shapes.

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Hs Code


China Hs Code - 7301 : Sheet piling of iron or steel; welded angles, shapes & sections, of iron or steel

73011000 Sheet piling of iron or steel
73012000 Welded angles, shapes & sections, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7302 : Railway or tramway track construction material, of iron or steel

73021000 Rails of iron or steel
73022000 Sleepers ( cross-ties ), iron/steel
73023000 Switch blades, crossing frogs, point rods & other crossing pieces, of iron or steel
73024000 Fish plates & sole plates, of iron or steel
73029000 Rail/tramway construction material of iron/steel, nes
73029010 Sleepers ( cross-ties ), of iron or steel
73029090 Other railway or tramway track construction material of, iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7303 : Tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron

73030010 Tubes & pipes of circular cross-section, internal diameter>=500mm
73030090 Other tubes, pipes and hollow profiles, of cast iron

China Hs Code - 7304 : Tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of iron ( excl cast iron ) or steel

73041000 Line pipe, seamless, of iron or steel, used for oil or gas pipelines
73041010 Line pipes, 2159mm <=outside diameter <=4064mm for oil or gas pipelines
73041020 Line pipes, 1143mm <=outside diameter <=2159mm for oil or gas pipelines
73041030 Line pipes, outside diameter <=1143mm for oil or gas pipelines
73041090 Other line pipes,i/s, smls, of a kind used for oil or gas pipelines
73042100 Drill pipe, seamless, of iron or steel, used in drilling for oil or gas
73042110 Drill pipes, outside diameter <=1683mm, for use in drilling for oil or gas
73042190 Other drill pipe,i/s,smls,for use in drilling for oil or gas
73042900 Casing & tubing pipe, seamless, of iron or steel, used in drilling for oil or gas
73043110 Boiler tube & pipes, seamless, of iron or non-alloy steel, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73043120 Geological casing & drill pipes, seamless, of iron or non-alloy steel, cold-drawn
or cold-rolled
73043190 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of circular cross-section, of iron
or non-alloy steel, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73043910 Other boiler tube & pipes, seamless, of iron or non-alloy steel
73043920 Other geological casing & drill pipes, seamless, of iron or non-alloy steel
73043990 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of circular cross-section,
of iron or non-alloy steel
73044110 Boiler tube & pipes, seamless, of stainless steel, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73044190 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of circular cross-section, of
stainless steel, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73044910 Other boiler tube & pipes, seamless, of stainless steel
73044990 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of circular cross-section,
of stainless steel
73045110 Boiler tube & pipes, seamless, of other alloy steel, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73045120 Geological casing & drill pipes, seamless, of other alloy, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73045190 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of circular cross-section,
of other alloy steel, cold-drawn or cold-rolled
73045910 Other boiler tube & pipes, seamless, of other alloy steel
73045920 Other geological casing & drill pipes, seamless, of other alloy steel
73045990 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of circular cross-section, of other alloy steel
73049000 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, seamless, of iron ( excl cast iron ) or steel

China Hs Code - 7305 : Other tubes & pipes, having circular cross-sections, external diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel

73051100 Line pipe, longitudinally submerged arc welded, external diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel,
used for oil or gas pipelines
73051200 Other line pipe, longitudinally welded, external diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel, used
for oil or gas pipelines
73051900 Other line pipe, external diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel, used for oil or gas pipelines
73052000 Casting, external diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel, used in drilling for oil or gas
73053100 Other tubes & pipes, having circular cross-sections, longitudinally welded, external
diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel
73053900 Other tubes & pipes, having circular cross-sections, welded, external
diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel
73059000 Other tubes & pipes, having circular cross-sections, external
diameter>4046mm, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7306 : Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, of iron or steel

73061000 Other line pipe, used for oil or gas pipelines
73062000 Other casting & tubing, of iron or steel, used in drilling for oil or gas
73063000 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, welded, of circular cross-section,
of iron or non-alloy steel
7306300000 Other hard or unalloyed steel circular section welded joint tube
7306301100 Other hard or unalloyed steel circular section welded joint tube outer diameter ≤10 millimeter, wall thickness ≤0.7 millimeter
73064000 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, welded, of circular cross-section,
of stainless steel
73065000 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, welded, of circular cross-section,
of other alloy steel
73066000 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, welded, of non-circular cross-section,
of iron or steel
73069000 Other tubes, pipes & hollow profiles, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7307 : Tube or pipe fittings ( eg couplings, elbows, sleeves ), of iron or steel

73071100 Cast fittings, of non-malleable cast iron
73071900 Other tube & pipe cast fittings, of iron or steel
73072100 Flanges of stainless steel
73072200 Threaded elbows, bends & sleeves, of stainless steel
73072300 Butt welding fittings of stainless steel
73072900 Other tube or pipe fittings, of stainless steel
73079100 Other flanges, of iron or steel
73079200 Other threaded elbows, bend & sleeves, of iron or steel
73079300 Other butt welding fittings, of iron or steel
73079900 Other tube or pipe fittings, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7308 : Structures & parts of structure, of iron or steel; plates, rods & the like, prepared for use in

73081000 Bridges & bridge sections, of iron or steel
73082000 Towers & lattice masts, of iron or steel
73083000 Doors, windows & their frames & thresholds for doors, of iron or steel
73084000 Equipment for scaffolding, shuttering, propping or pit-propping, of iron or steel
73089000 Other structures & parts of structure of iron or steel; plates & the like, prepared for use in

China Hs Code - 7309 : Tanks & similar containers for any material, of iron or steel, capacity>300L, not fitted with mechanical or thermal

73090000 Tanks & similar containers for any material, of iron or steel, capacity>300L

China Hs Code - 7310 : Tanks & similar containers for any material, of iron or steel, capacity<=300L, not fitted with mechanical or thermal

73101000 Tanks & similar containers for any material, of iron or steel, 50L<= capacity<=300L
73102100 Cans to be closed by soldering or crimping, of iron or steel, capacity<50L
73102900 Tanks & similar containers for any material, of iron or steel, capacity<50L

China Hs Code - 7311 : Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel

73110010 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel, for retail packing
73110090 Containers for compressed or liquefied gas, of iron or steel, not for retail packing

China Hs Code - 7312 : Stranded wire, ropes, cables, plaited bands, slings & the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated

73121000 Stranded wire, ropes & cables, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated
73129000 Plaited bands, slings & the like, of iron or steel, not electrically insulated

China Hs Code - 7313 : Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, & loosely twisted doubled wire, used

73130000 Barbed wire of iron or steel; twisted hoop or single flat wire, & loosely twisted
doubled wire, used

China Hs Code - 7314 : Cloth, grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire; expanded metal of iron or steel

73141210 Woven endless bands for machinery of stainless steel, for technical use
73141290 Other endless bands for machinery of stainless steel
73141310 Other endless bands for machinery, of iron or steel wire, for technical use
73141390 Other endless bands for machinery, of iron or steel wire
73141410 Other woven cloth, of stainless steel, for technical use
73141490 Other woven cloth, of stainless steel
73141910 Other woven cloth of iron or steel wire, for technical use
73141990 Other woven cloth of iron or steel wire
73142000 Grill, netting & fencing, welded at intersection, of iron or steel wire max cross-sectional
dimension>=3mm, mesh size>=100cm2
73143100 Other grill, netting & fencing, welded at intersection, of iron or steel wire,
plated or coated with zinc
73143900 Other grill, netting & fencing, welded at intersection, of iron or steel wire
73144110 Other grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire, plated or coated
with zinc, for technical use
73144190 Other grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire, plated or coated with zinc
73144210 Other grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire, coated with
plastics, for technical use
73144290 Other grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire, coated with plastics
73144910 Other grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire, for technical use
73144990 Other grill, netting & fencing, of iron or steel wire
73145000 Expanded metal of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7315 : Chain and parts thereof, of iron or steel

73151110 Roller chain of iron or steel, for bicycles
73151120 Roller chain of iron or steel, for motorcycles
73151190 Other roller chain of iron or steel
73151200 Other articulated link chain, of iron or steel
73151900 Articulated link chain parts, of iron or steel
73152000 Skid chain, of iron or steel
73158100 Stud-link chain of iron or steel
73158200 Other welded link chain, of iron or steel
73158900 Other chain of iron or steel
73159000 Other chain parts, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7316 : Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel

73160000 Anchors, grapnels and parts thereof, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7317 : Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples & similar articles, of iron or steel, excl articles with head

73170000 Nails, tacks, drawing pins, corrugated nails, staples & similar articles,
of iron or steel, excl articles with head

China Hs Code - 7318 : Screws, bolts, nuts, coach screws, screw hooks, rivets, cotters, cotter-pins, washers & similar articles, of iron or steel

73181100 Coach screws, of iron or steel
73181200 Other wood screws, of iron or steel
73181300 Screw hooks & screw rings, of iron or steel
73181400 Self-tapping screws, of iron or steel
73181500 Other screws and bolts, whether or not with their nuts or washers,
of iron or steel
73181600 Nuts, of iron or steel
73181900 Other threaded articles, of iron or steel
73182100 Spring washers and other lock washers, of iron or steel
73182200 Other washers, of iron or steel
73182300 Rivets, of iron or steel
73182400 Cotters & cotter-pins, of iron or steel
73182900 Other non-threaded articles, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7319 : Sewing needles & similar articles, for use in hand, of iron or steel; safety pins & other pins

73191000 Sewing, darning or embroidery needles, of iron or steel
73192000 Safety pins, of iron or steel
73193000 Other pins, of iron or steel
73199000 Knitting needles, bodkins, crochet hooks & similar articles,
for use in hand, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7320 : Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel

73201010 Leaf springs & leaves thereof, of iron or steel, for railway
locomotives & rollingstock
73201020 Leaf-springs and leaves, of i/s, for motor vehicles
73201090 Other leaf springs & leaves thereof, of iron or steel
73202010 Helical springs of iron or steel, for railway locomotives & rollingstock
73202090 Other helical springs of iron or steel
73209010 Other springs & leaves for springs, of iron or steel, for railway
locomotives & rollingstock
73209090 Other springs & leaves for springs, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7321 : Stoves, ranges, grates, cookers & similar non-electric domestic appliances, & parts thereof, of iron or steel

73211100 Cooking appliances & plate warmers, for gas fuel or for both gas
& other fuels, of iron or
73211210 Kerosene cooking stoves, of iron or steel
73211290 Other cooking appliances & plate warmers, for liquid fuel, of iron or steel
73211300 Cooking appliances & plate warmers, for solid fuel, of iron or steel
73218100 Other non-electric domestic appliances, for gas fuel or for both gas
& other fuels, of iron or steel
73218200 Other non-electric domestic appliances, for liquid fuel, of iron or steel
73218300 Other non-electric domestic appliances, for solid fuel, of iron or steel
73219000 Parts of non-electric domestic appliances, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7322 : Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, & parts thereof, of iron or steel, etc

73221100 Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, & parts thereof, of cast iron
73221900 Radiators for central heating, not electrically heated, & parts thereof, of other iron or steel
73229000 Air-heaters & hot air distributors, not electrically heated, incorporating a motor-driven
fan or blower, & parts thereof, of

China Hs Code - 7323 : Table or other household articles & parts thereof, of iron or steel; iron or steel wool; pot scourers

73231000 Iron or steel wool; pot scourers & scouring or polishing pads, gloves & the like, of iron or
73239100 Table, kitchen or other household articles & parts thereof, of cast iron, not enamelled
73239200 Table, kitchen or other household articles & parts thereof, of cast iron, enamelled
73239300 Table, kitchen or other household articles & parts thereof, of stainless steel
73239400 Table, kitchen or other household articles & parts thereof, of iron ( excl cast iron ) or steel,
73239410 Basin of iron or steel, enamelled
73239420 Casserole of iron or steel, enamelled
73239430 Barbecue of iron or steel, enamelled
73239490 Table, kitchen or other household art & parts thereof, i/s, enam, nes
73239900 Other table, kitchen or other household articles & parts thereof, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7324 : Sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel

73241000 Sinks & wash basins, of stainless steel
73242100 Baths of cast iron
73242900 Other baths of iron or steel
73249000 Other sanitary ware and parts thereof, of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7325 : Other cast articles of iron or steel

73251010 Other cast articles of non-malleable cast iron, for technical use
73251090 Other cast articles of non-malleable cast iron
73259100 Grinding balls & similar articles for mills, of other cast iron or steel
73259910 Other cast articles of iron or steel, for technical use
73259990 Other cast articles of iron or steel

China Hs Code - 7326 : Other articles of iron or steel

73261100 Grinding balls & similar articles for mills, of iron or steel, forged or stamped,
but not further worked
73261910 Other articles of iron or steel, forged or stamped, for technical use
73261990 Other articles of iron or steel, forged or stamped
73262010 Articles of iron or steel wire, for technical use
73262090 Other articles of iron or steel wire
73269010 Other articles of iron or steel, for technical use
73269090 Other articles of iron or steel

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