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Chapter-48 Paper and Paperboard Articles of Paper Pulp and of Paper or of Paperboard.

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Hs Code


China Hs Code - 4801 : Newsprint, in rolls or sheets

48010000 Newsprint, in rolls or sheets

China Hs Code - 4802 : Uncoated paper & paperboard, used for writing, printing or other graphic purposes, & non perforated punchcards, etc

48021000 Hand-made uncoated paper & paperboard
48022000 Paper & paperboard as a base for photo-sensitive, heat-sensitive or
electro-sensitive paper or paperboard
48023000 Carbonizing base paper
48024000 Wallpaper base
48025100 Paper/pboard ( excl mechanical fibrs ), weighing<40g/m2
48025200 Paper/pboard ( excl mechanical fibrs ), 40g/m2<=weighing<=150g/m2
48025300 Paper/pboard ( excl mechanical fibrs ), weighing>150g/m2
48025400 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, weight<40g/m2, mechanical fibre<=10%
48025500 Other uncoated paper & paperboard in rolls, 40g/m2<= weight<=150g/m2,
mechanical fibre<=10%
48025600 Other uncoated paper & paperboard in sheets, 40g/m2<= weight<=150g/m2,
mechanical fibre<=10%, one side<=435mm and another side<=297mm
48025700 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, 40g/m2<= weight<=150g/m2, mechanical fibre<=10%
48025800 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, weight>150g/m2, mechanical fibre<=10%
48026000 Paper/pboard ( >10% of mechnicl fibrs ), uncoatd, in roll/sheet, nes
48026110 Newsprint in rolls, mechanical fibre>10%
48026190 Other uncoated paper and paperboard in rolls, mechanical fibre>10%
48026200 Other uncoated paper & paperboard in sheets, mechanical fibre<=10%, one side<=435mm
and another side<=297mm
48026910 Other newsprint, mechanical fibre<=10%
48026990 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, mechanical fibre<=10%

China Hs Code - 4803 : Toilet or facial tissue stock, and similar paper used for household or sanitary purposes

48030000 Toilet or facial tissue stock, and similar paper used for household or sanitary purposes

China Hs Code - 4804 : Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets, other than that of heading No4802 or 4803

48041100 Unbleached krafliner, uncoated, in rolls or sheets
48041900 Other krafliner, uncoated, in rolls or sheets
48042100 Unbleached sack kraft paper, uncoated, in rolls or sheets
48042900 Other sack kraft paper, uncoated, in rolls or sheets
48043100 Other unbleached kraft paper and paperboard, uncoated, weight<=150g/m2
48043900 Other kraft paper and paperboard, uncoated, weight<=150g/m2
48044100 Unbleached kraft paper and paperboard, uncoated, 150g/m2< weight<225g/m2
48044200 Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, 150g/m2< weight<225g/m2, bleached
uniformly, wood fibre>95%
48044900 Other uncoated kraft paper & paperboard, 150g/m2< weight<225g/m2
48045100 Unbleached kraft paper and paperboard, uncoated, weight>=225g/m2
48045200 Uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, weight>=225g/m2, bleached uniformly,
wood fibre>95%
48045900 Other uncoated kraft paper and paperboard, weight>=225g/m2

China Hs Code - 4805 : Other uncoated paper and paperboard, in rolls or sheets

48051000 Semi-chemical fluting paper ( corrugated medium ), in rolls or sheets
48051100 Semi-chemical fluting paper (corrugated medium)
48051200 Straw fluting paper
48051900 Other fluting paper
48052100 Multi-ply paper/pboard with each layer bleached, in rolls/sheets
48052200 Multi-ply paper/pboard with one outer layer bleached, in roll/sheet
48052300 Multi-ply paper/pboard 2 outer layers bleached, in rolls or sheets
48052400 Testliner ( recycled liner board ), weight <=150g/m2
48052500 Testliner ( recycled liner board ), weight >150g/m2
48052900 Multi-ply paper & paperboard, in rolls or sheets, nes
48053000 Sulphite wrapping paper
48054000 Filter paper & paperboard
48055000 Felt paper & paperboard
48056000 Paper & paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weighing<=150g/m2, nes
48057000 Paper, in rolls or sheets, weighing>150g/m2 but<225/g/m2, nes
48058000 Paper & paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weighing>=225g/m2, nes
48059100 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, weight<=150g/m2
48059110 Uncoated paper for electrolytic capacitor, in rolls, weighing <=150g/m2, nes
48059190 Uncoated paper & paperboard, in rolls or sheets, weighing <=150g/m2, nes
48059200 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, 150g/m2< weight<225g/m2
48059300 Other uncoated paper & paperboard, weight>=225g/m2

China Hs Code - 4806 : Glazed transparpent or translucent paper, in rolls or sheets

48061000 Vegetable parchment
48062000 Greaseproof papers
48063000 Tracing papers
48064000 Glassine & other glazed transparent or translucent papers

China Hs Code - 4807 : Composite paper and paperboard, not surface-coated or impregnated

48070000 Composite paper and paperboard, not surface-coated or impregnated
48071000 Composite paper/pboard, laminatd with bitumen, etc, in roll/sheet
48079000 Composite paper & paperboard, in rolls or sheets, nes

China Hs Code - 4808 : Paper and paperboard, corrugated, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated, in rolls or sheets

48081000 Corrugated paper & paperboard
48082000 Sack kraft paper, creped or crinkled
48083000 Other kraft paper, creped or crinkled
48089000 Other paper & paperboard, creped, crinkled, embossed or perforated

China Hs Code - 4809 : Carbon paper, self-copy paper and other copying or transfer papers, in rolls or sheets

48091000 Carbon or similar copying papers
48092000 Self-copy paper
48099000 Other copying or transfer papers

China Hs Code - 4810 : Paper & paperboard, coated on one or both sides with kaolin ( China clay ) or other inorganic substances, with

48101100 Paper/pboard, coated with kaolin, etc, weighing<=150g/m2
48101200 Paper/pboard, coated with kaolin, etc, weighing>150g/m2
48101300 Paper & paperboard for writing, printing or other graphic purposes,
mechanical fibres<=10%, in rolls
48101400 Paper & paperboard for graphic purposes, mechanical fibres<=10%, in sheets,
one side<=435mm, another side<=297mm
48101900 Other paper & paperboard for writing, printing or other graphic purposes,
mechanical fibres<=10%
48102100 Light-weight coated paper for writing, etc,>10% mechanical fibres
48102200 Light-weight coated paper for writing, mechanical fibres>10%
48102900 Other paper & paperboard for writing, printing or other graphic purposes,
mechanical fibres>10%
48103100 Kraft paper and paperboard, weight<=150g/m2, bleached
uniformly, wood fibre>95%
48103200 Kraft paper and paperboard, weight>150g/m2, bleached uniformly,
wood fibre>95%
48103900 Other kraft paper & paperboard
48109100 Multi-ply paper & paperboard, coated
48109200 Multi-ply paper & paperboard
48109900 Other paper & paperboard, coated with kaolin or other inorganic substances,
and with no other coating

China Hs Code - 4811 : Paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding & webs of cellulose fibres, coated, impregnated, covered, surface-coloured, surfaced-decorated or printed

48111000 Tarred, bituminized or asphalted paper & paperboard, in rolls or rectangular sheets
48112100 Self-adhesive paper & paperboard
48112900 Gummed paper & paperboard ( excl self-adhesive )
48113110 Paper bth sides plastics coatd for color photopapr, bleach,>150g/m2
48113190 Paper,coatdwith plastics, bleachd,>150g/m2, nes
48113911 Insulating paper for electrolytic capacitors
48113919 Isulating paper/paperboard, plastics coatd, bleached,w>150g/m2, nes
48113990 Other paper/paperboard, plastics coated,bleached,w>150g/m2
48114010 Isulating paper, wax/paraffin/wax/oilcoatd,bleachd,w>150g/m2
48114090 Other paper/paperboard,wax/parafn/wax/oilcoatd,bleachd,w>150g/m2
48114100 Self-adhesive paper & paperboard, in rolls or rectangular sheets
48114900 Gummed paper & paperboard (excl self-adhesive), in rolls or rectangular sheets
48115110 Beached paper coated on both sides with plastics for colour photography,
48115190 Other bleached paper & paperboard coated, impregnated or covered with
plastics, weight>150g/m2
48115910 Insulating paper for electrolytic capacitors, 150g/m2, nes
48115911 Insulating paper & paperboard for electrolytic capacitor, coated, impregnated
or covered with plastics
48115919 Other insulating paper & paperboard, coated, impregnated or covered with plastics
48115990 Other paper & paperboard coated, impregnated or covered with plastics
48116010 Insulating paper & paperboard coated, impregnated or covered with wax, paraffin
wax, stearin, oil or glyecrol
48116090 Other paper & paperboard coated, impregnated or covered with wax, paraffin
wax, stearin, oil or glyecrol
48119000 Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres

China Hs Code - 4812 : Filter blocks, slabs and plates, of paper pulp

48120000 Filter blocks, slabs & plates, of paper pulp

China Hs Code - 4813 : Cigarette paper, whether or not cut to size or in the form of booklets or tubes

48131000 Cigarette paper, in the form of booklets or tubes
48132000 Cigarette paper, in rolls of a width<=5cm
48139000 Other cigarette paper

China Hs Code - 4814 : Wallpaper and similar wall coverings; window transparencies of paper

48141000 Ingrain paper
48142000 Wallpaper, etc, of paper coated or covered with a grained, embossed, coloured,
or decorated layer of plastics
48143000 Wallpaper, etc, of paper covered with plaiting material
48149000 Other wallpaper & other wall coverings; window transparencies of paper

China Hs Code - 4815 : Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard, whether or not cut to size

48150000 Floor coverings on a base of paper or of paperboard

China Hs Code - 4816 : Carbon paper, self-copy paper & other copying or transfer papers, duplicator stencils & offset plates, of paper

48161000 Carbon or similar copying papers ( excl heading No 4809 )
48162000 Self-copy paper ( excl heading No 4809 )
48163000 Duplicator stencils of paper ( excl heading No 4809 )
48169010 Thermal transfer paper ( excl heading No 4809 )
48169090 Other copying or transfer papers, offset plates of paper ( excl heading No 4809 )

China Hs Code - 4817 : Envelopes, etc of paper or paperboard; boxes, pouches, wallets, etc of paper or paperboard

48171000 Envelopes of paper or paperboard
48172000 Letter cards, plain postcards & correspondence cards of paper or paperboard
48173000 Boxes, pouches, wallets & writing compendiums, of paper or paperboard, containing
an assortment of paper stationery

China Hs Code - 4818 : Toilet paper, handkerchiefs, and similar household, sanitary or hospital articles, of paper pulp, paper, etc

48181000 Toilet paper
48182000 Handkerchiefs & cleansing or facial tissues and towels of paper
48183000 Tablecloths & serviettes of paper
48184000 Sanitary towels & tampons, napkins & napkin liners for babies & similar
sanitary articles, of paper
48185000 Articles of apparel & clothing accessories of paper
48189000 Other household, sanitary or hospital articles of paper

China Hs Code - 4819 : Cartons, etc of paper, cellulose wadding; box files & similar articles, of paper or paperboard for offices or shops

48191000 Cartons, boxes & cases, of corrugated paper or paperboard
48192000 Folding cartons, boxes & cases, of non-corrugated paper or paperboard
48193000 Sacks & bags of paper, paperboard, having a base of width>=40cm
48194000 Other sacks & bags of paper, paperboard, incl Cones
48195000 Other packing containers of paper, paperboard, incl record sleeves
48196000 Box files, letter trays, storage boxes & similar articles, used in offices,
shops or the like

China Hs Code - 4820 : Articles of stationery, of paper or paperboard; albums for samples or for collections & book covers, of paper or paperboard

48201000 Registers, account books, order & receipt books, letter pads, memorandum pads,
diaries & similar articles
48202000 Exercise-books
48203000 Binders ( other than book covers ), folders & file covers, of paper or paperboard
48204000 Manifold business forms & interleaved carbon sets
48205000 Albums for stamps or for collections, of paper or paperboard
48209000 Blotting pads & other articles of stationery, book covers, of paper or paperboard

China Hs Code - 4821 : Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed

48211000 Printed paper or paperboard labels of all kinds
48219000 Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds ( excl printed )

China Hs Code - 4822 : Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard

48221000 Bobbins, spools, cops and similar supports of paper pulp, paper or paperboard,
for winding textile tarn
48229000 Other bobbins, spools, cops & similar supports of paper or paperboard

China Hs Code - 4823 : Other paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding and webs of cellulose fibres, cut to size or shape

48231100 Self-adhesive paper, in strips or rolls
48231200 Self-adhesive paper, in strips or rolls
48231900 Gummed or adhesive paper ( excl self-adhesive ), in strips or rolls
48232000 Filter paper & paperboard, cut to shape
48234000 Rolls, sheets & dials, printed for self-recording apparatus
48235100 Printed, embossed or perforated paper or pboard for writing, etc
48235900 Paper & paperboard writing, printing, etc, cut to shape, nes
48236000 Trays, dishes, plates & cups & the like, of paper or paperboard
48237000 Moulded or pressed articles of paper pulp
48239010 Paper,etc, cut to size & paper articles, nes, for machines
48239020 Joss paper and the like
48239030 Paper fans
48239090 Other articles of paper pulp, paper, paperboard, cellulose wadding or
webs of cellulose fibres

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