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Chapter-44 Wood and Articles of Wood and Wood Charcoal.

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Hs Code


China Hs Code - 4401 : Fuel wood; wood in chips or particles; sawdust and wood waste and scrap

44011000 Fuel wood, in log, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms
44012100 Coniferous wood in chips or particles
44012200 Non-coniferous wood in chips or particles
44013000 Sawdust, wood waste & scrap

China Hs Code - 4402 : Wood charcoal ( incl shell or nut charcoal ), whether or not agglomerated

44020000 Wood charcoal

China Hs Code - 4403 : Wood in the rough, whether or not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared

44031000 Wood in the rough, treated with paint, stains, creosote, or other preservatives
44032000 Other coniferous wood in the rough
44032010 Korean pine and Mongolian scotch pine
44032020 White pine (spruce and fir)
44032030 Radiata pine
44032040 Larch
44032090 Untreated coniferous wood in the rough
44034100 Dark Red Meranti, Light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau in the rough
44034910 Teak in the rough
44034920 Okoume (Aukoumed Klaineana), in the rough
44034930 Dipterocarpus sppKeruing, in the rough
44034940 Kapur (Dryobalanops spp), in the rough
44034950 Intsia spp (Mengaris), in the rough
44034960 Koompassia spp (Mengaris or Kempas), in the rough
44034970 Anisopter spp, in the rough
44034990 Other specified tropical wood in the rough
44039100 Oak ( Quercus spp ) in the rough
44039200 Beech ( Fagus spp ) in the rough
44039910 Nan Mu (Phoebe) in the rough
44039920 Camphor wood in the rough
44039930 Rosewood in the rough
44039940 Kiri ( Paulownia ) in the rough
44039950 Ash, in the rough
44039960 North American hard wood, in the rough
44039980 Other temperate non-coniferous not specified, in the rough
44039990 Other wood

China Hs Code - 4404 : Hoopwood; split poles; piles, pickets and stakes of wood; wooden sticks; chipwood and the like, etc

44041000 Coniferous hoopwood, split poles, wooden sticks, chipwood, etc
44042000 Non-coniferous hoopwood, split poles, wooden sticks, chipwood, etc

China Hs Code - 4405 : Wood wool; wood flour

44050000 Wood wool; wood flour

China Hs Code - 4406 : Railway or tramway sleepers ( cross-ties ) of wood

44061000 Railway or tramway sleepers ( cross-ties ) of wood, not impregnated
44069000 Railway or tramway sleepers ( cross-ties ) of wood, impregnated

China Hs Code - 4407 : Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm

44071000 Coniferous wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44071010 Korean pine and Mongolian scotch pine
44071020 White pine (spruce and fir)
44071030 Rediata pine
44071040 Douglas fir
44071090 Conifers wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled,thick >6mm
44072400 Virola, Mahogany, Imbuia & Balsa, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or
peeled, thickness>6mm
44072500 Dark or light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced
or peeled, thickness>6mm
44072600 White Lauan or Meranti or Seraya, Yellow Meranti & Alan, sawn or chipped lengthwise,
sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44072910 Teak, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44072920 Acajou, sapele
44072930 Merban
44072990 Other tropical wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44079100 Oak wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44079200 Beech wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44079910 Camphor-wood, nanmu or rosewood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled,
44079920 Paulownia wood, sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm
44079930 North American hard wood (including cherry, walnut, and maple)
44079980 Other temperate non-coniferous wood
44079990 Other wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness>6mm

China Hs Code - 4408 : Sheets for veneering, plywood or other similar laminated wood, etc, thickness<=6mm

44081010 Coniferous wood veneer sheets, thick<=6mm
44081011 Coniferous wood veneer sheets of laminated wood of plywood, thickness<=6mm
44081019 Other coniferous wood veneer sheets, thickness<=6mm
44081020 Coniferous wood sheets for plywood, thickness<=6mm
44081090 Other coniferous wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness<=6mm
44083110 Veneer sheets of Dark/light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau, thick<=6mm
44083111 Veneer sheets of dark or light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau, of laminated wood of plywood,
44083119 Other veneer sheets of dark or light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau, thickness<=6mm
44083120 Sheets for plywood, of dark or light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau, thickness<=6mm
44083190 Other dark or light Red Meranti & Meranti Bakau, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled,
44083910 Other specified tropical wood veneer sheets, thick<=6mm
44083911 Veneer sheets of other tropical wood, of laminated plywood, thickness<=6mm
44083919 Veneer sheets of other tropical wood , thickness<=6mm
44083920 Sheets for plywood, of tropical wood, thickness<=6mm
44083990 Other tropical wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness<=6mm
44089010 Other wood veneer sheets, thick<=6mm
44089011 Veneer sheets of other wood, of laminated plywood, thickness <=6mm
44089012 Veneer sheets of temperate non-coniferous wood, thick <=6mm
44089019 Veneer sheets of other wood , thickness<=6mm
44089020 Sheets for plywood, of other wood, thickness<=6mm
44089021 Sheets for plywood of temperate non-coniferous wood, thick <=6mm
44089029 Other wood sheets for plywood, thick <=6mm
44089090 Other wood, sawn lengthwise, sliced or peeled, thickness<=6mm
44089091 Other wood sheets of temperate non-coniferous wood, nes, thick <=6mm
44089099 Other wood sheets, nes, thick <=6mm

China Hs Code - 4409 : Wood continuously shaped along any of its edges, ends or faces

44091000 Coniferous wood, shaped along any of its edges, ends or faces
44092000 Non-coniferous wood, shaped along any of its edges, ends or faces

China Hs Code - 4410 : Particle board and similar board of wood or other ligneous materials

44101100 Waferboard, incl oriented strand board, of wood
44101900 Other particle board & similar board of wood
44102100 Oriented strand board and waferboard of wood, unworked or nor further worked than sanded
44102900 Other oriented strand board and waferboard of wood
44103100 Other board of wood, unworked or nor further worked than sanded
44103200 Other board of wood, surface-covered with melamine-impregnated paper
44103300 Other board of wood, surface-covered with decorative laminate of plastics
44103900 Other board of wood
44109000 Particle board or similar board of other ligneous materials

China Hs Code - 4411 : Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials

44111100 Fibreboard of wood, density>08g/cm3, not mechanically worked or surface covered
44111900 Other fibreboard of wood, density>08g/cm3
44112100 Fibreboard of wood, 05g/cm3< density<=08g/cm3, not mechanically worked or
surface covered
44112900 Other fibreboard of wood, 05g/cm3< density<=08g/cm3
44113100 Fibreboard of wood, 035g/cm3< density<=05g/cm3, not mechanically worked or
surface covered
4411122100 And radiation caper congou tea 0.5< density ≤0.8g/cm3 thick ≤5mm density fiberboard
4411122900 and 0.5< density ≤0.8g/cm3 in thick ≤5mm other density fiberboard
4411132100 And radiation caper congou tea 0.5< density ≤0.8g/cm3 5mm< thick ≤9mm density fiberboard
4411132900 and 0.5< density ≤0.8g/cm3 5mm < in thick ≤9mm other density fiberboard
4411142100 And radiation caper congou tea 0.5g/cm3< density ≤0.8g/cm3 in thick >9mm density fiberboard
4411142900 and 0.5g/cm3< density ≤0.8g/cm3 in thick >9mm other density fiberboard
4411931000 Radiation caper congou tea 0.5g/cm3< density ≤0.8g/cm3 other fiberboards
4411939000 0.5g/cm3< density ≤0.8g/cm3 other fiberboards
44113900 Other fibreboard of wood, 035g/cm3< density<=05g/cm3
44119100 Fibreboard of wood, density<=035g/cm3, not mechanically worked or surface covered
44119900 Other fibreboard of wood, density<=035g/cm3

China Hs Code - 4412 : Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood

44121300 Plywood, each ply<=6mm thickness, with>=1 outer ply of tropical wood
44121400 Other plywood, each ply<=6mm thickness, with>=1 outer ply of non-coniferous wood
44121410 Plywood with >=1 outer ply of non-coniferous wood
44121490 Plywood with >=1 outer ply of non-coniferous wood, nes, each ply <=6mm
44121900 Other plywood, each ply<=6mm thickness
44122200 Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, with>=1 outer ply of non
-coniferous wood and >=1 ply of tropical wood
44122300 Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, with>=1 outer ply of non-
coniferous wood and >=1 layer of particle board
44122900 Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, with>=1 outer ply of
non-coniferous wood
44122910 Plywood >6mm non-coniferous outer ply
44122990 Plywood >6mm non-coniferous outer ply, nes
44129200 Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, with>=1 ply of tropical wood
44129300 Other plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood, with>=1 layer of particle board
44129900 Other plywood, veneered panels & similar laminated wood
44129910 Plywood, with at least one ply of temperate non-coniferous wood
44129990 Plywood, veneered panels & similar laminated wood, nes

China Hs Code - 4413 : Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes

44130000 Densified wood, in blocks, plates, strips or profile shapes

China Hs Code - 4414 : Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects

44140000 Wooden frames for paintings, photographs, mirrors or similar objects
4414001000 Monterey pine wooden frame, picture frame, picture frame and similar
4414009010 Pulls the sensitive wooden frame, the picture frame, the picture frame and similar
4414009090 Other wooden frames, picture frame, picture frame and similar

China Hs Code - 4415 : Packing & similar packings of wood; cable-drums of wood; pallets & other load boards of wood; pallet collars of wood

44151000 Cases, boxes, crates, drums & similar packings of wood; cable-drums of wood
44152000 Pallets, box pallets & other load boards of wood; pallet collars of wood
4415201000 The Monterey pine wooden carrier, the box pallet and other loading use the Monterey pine plank
4415209010 Pulls the sensitive wooden carrier, the box pallet and the loading plank
4415209020 Is in imminent danger the wooden carrier, the box pallet and the loading plank
4415209090 Other wooden carriers, box pallet and other loading plank

China Hs Code - 4416 : Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood

44160000 Casks, barrels, vats, tubs and other coopers' products and parts thereof, of wood
4416001000 Monterey pine wooden vat, barrel, trough and other tank strappings and components
4416009010 Pulls the sensitive wooden vat, the barrel, the trough and other tank strappings and the components
4416009020 Is in imminent danger the wooden vat, the barrel, the trough and other tank strappings and the components
4416009090 Other wooden vats, barrel, trough and other tank strappings and components

China Hs Code - 4417 : Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood; boot or shoe lasts & tress, of

44170000 Tools, tool bodies, tool handles, broom or brush bodies and handles, of wood;
boot or shoe lasts & tress, of
4417001000 Monterey pine wooden tool, tool support, tool handle, broom and brush's body and handle
4417009010 Pulls the sensitive wooden tool, the tool support, the tool handle, the broom and brush's body and the handle
4417009020 Is in imminent danger the wooden tool, the tool support, the tool handle, the broom and brush's body and the handle
4417009090 Other wooden tools, tool support, tool handle, broom and brush's body and handle

China Hs Code - 4418 : Builders' joinery & carpentry of wood, incl cellular wood panels, assembled parquet panels, shingles & shakes

44181000 Windows, French-windows & their frames, of wood
4418101000 Monterey pine wooden wooden window, French window and frame
4418109010 Pulls the sensitive wooden wooden window, the French window and the frame
4418109020 Is in imminent danger the wooden wooden window, the French window and the frame
4418109090 Other wooden wooden windows, French window and frame
4418721000 The attire has spelled bamboo system multi-layer floor
4418729010 The attire has spelled pulls the sensitive wooden multi-layered floor
4418729020 The attire has spelled other are in imminent danger the wooden multi-layered floor
4418729090 The attire has spelled other wooden multi-layered floor
4418791000 The attire has spelled bamboo system other floors
4418799010 The attire has spelled pulls the sensitive wooden other floors
4418799020 The attire has spelled other are in imminent danger the wooden floor
4418799090 The attire has spelled wooden other floors
44182000 Doors & their frames & thresholds, of wood
44183000 Parquet panels, of wood
44183010 Densified wood panesl (laminate floor covering)
44183090 Other parquet panels, of wood
44184000 Shuttering for concrete constructional work, of wood
44185000 Shingles & shakes, of wood
44189000 Other builders' joinery & carpentry, of wood

China Hs Code - 4419 : Tableware and kitchenware, of wood

44190000 Tableware & kitchenware, of wood
44190010 Disposable chopsticks of wood
44190020 Disposable chopsticks, of bamboo
44190090 Other tableware & kitchenware, of wood
4419009100 Bamboo system tableware and kitchen utensil
4419009910 Pulls the sensitive wooden tableware and the kitchen utensil
4419009920 Is in imminent danger the wooden tableware and the kitchen utensil
4419009990 Other wooden tableware and kitchen utensil

China Hs Code - 4420 : Wood marquetry and inlaid wood; caskets and cases for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles, of wood, etc

44201010 Wood or bamboo carvings
4420101110 Pulls the sensitive wooden wood engraving
4420101120 Is in imminent danger the wooden wood engraving
4420101190 Other wood engravings
4420101200 Bamboo carving
44201020 Wooden fans
44201090 Other wooden statuettes & ornaments
44209010 Wood marquetry and inlaid wood
44209090 Wooden caskets for jewellery or cutlery, and similar articles; wooden articles or
furniture not falling in Chapter 94

China Hs Code - 4421 : Other articles of wood

44211000 Clothes hangers of wood
44219010 Wooden spools, cops, bobbins, sewing thread reels and the like
44219090 Other articles of wood

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