MUMBAI: Eyebrows are being raised over the manner in which industries minister NarayanRane has moved a proposal to amend the Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation Act to propose
change of utilization of land acquired for special economic zones.
State BJP chief Devendra Fadnavis has raised objection to the controversial proposal, saying that it was contrary to the concept of special economic zones policy and will benefit leading industrial houses, which have acquired huge tracks of land for SEZ, but failed to set up the trade zone owing recession or global slow down.
"I have raised an objection against the new policy on utilisation of
SEZ land.The entire policy appears to have been drafted to oblige the industrial houses. We have asked chief minister PrithvirajChavan to reconsider the proposal," Fadnavis told TOI.
The bill will pave the way for 40% residential townships in SEZs. While introducing a bill to amend the MIDC Act on July 17, Rane had submitted that the new policy provides for development of an integrated industrial area, where in the minimum sixty per cent of the total area shall be used for the industrial development and the remaining area shall be utilised for the support activities, including residential and commercial.
Rane said that the MIDC will become a special planning authority for such integrated industrial area under the Maharashtra Regional Town Planning Act and development shall be governed by the development control regulations.
Fadnavis pointed out that when the land was acquired for a special economic zone, there was no housing component and the land was not allowed to be sold to outsiders since it was a foreign territory within the state. Land was acquired either by the government or through private negotiations as agricultural land by giving compensation to farmers at the market rate of agriculture rate.
"The promoters would not have been able to purchase such large plots if it had not been purchased for an SEZ. Now with the amendment, just by notification, 60% of the land will be utilized for industrial purposes and 40% for commercial or residential use," Fadanvis said.
Fadanvis expressed the fear that the promoter would develop and sell the residential portion of the land and will not bother for development of industries as there is no express provision in the amendment. "Once the proposal is approved, nearly 24,000 acres will be notified for residential purposes and its cost will be more than Rs 1.25 lakh crore," he said.
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