Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said the BJP-led central government is planning to implement the three "black" farm laws it had withdrawn in 2021 after massive protests by farmers. He alleged that the BJP wasn't holding deliberations with the farmers who have been protesting at the Punjab-Haryana border over a host of demands, including a legal guarantee for minimum support price (MSP).
"Farmers in Punjab have been sitting on dharna and indefinite hunger strike for many days. Their demands are the same which the central government had accepted three years ago but has not implemented yet. The BJP government has now reneged on its promise. The BJP government is not even talking to the farmers. Talk to them. They are the farmers of our own country. Why is the BJP so arrogant that it does not even talk to anyone?" Kejriwal said in a post in Hindi on X.
Farmer leader Jagjit Singh Dallewal has been fasting since November 26.
Kejriwal said the BJP would be responsible if something happened to farmer leaders.
"May God keep the farmers in Punjab who are on indefinite strike safe, but if something happens to them then BJP will be responsible for it," he said.
He claimed that the government would implement the laws "through the back door".
Also read: Supreme Court defers hearing on farmer leader Jagjit Dallewal's hospital shift to January 2, Punjab says negotiations on
"For the information of farmers across the country, let me tell you that the three black laws which were withdrawn by the Centre three years ago due to the farmers' agitation, the Central Government is preparing to implement them again through the back door by calling them "policies". The Centre has sent a copy of this policy to all the states to know their views," he said.
What the Centre said?
Agriculture minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan, when asked about holding talks with the protesting farmers to end the logjam, said on Wednesday that the government will act as per instructions by the Supreme Court on the ongoing farmers' protest at the Punjab-Haryana border.
On Thursday, the Supreme Court pulled up the Punjab government and said its officials and some farmer leaders were creating a false impression in the media that attempts are being made to break Jagjit Singh Dallewal's fast.
With inputs from PTI
Source Name : Hindustan Times