NEW DELHI: The Gujarat high court today rejected 2 public interest litigation petitions challenging the construction of a road connecting the Mundra Port of Adani Ports and
SEZ Ltd to National Highway - 8A. Adani Group that manages country's largest port facility at Mundra in Kutch district on West Coast was challenged by litigators for its road development work, which was sanctioned under central government's scheme.
"The High Court after hearing the parties, today, rejected the contentions of the petitioners and dismissed the petitions. The court has noted that the land was acquired in accordance with law and the road being a public road, no interference is called for in these matters. The court observed that the petitioners cannot question the construction of 2 lane of road which has already been completed and also cannot object to the construction of additional 2 lanes within a corridor of 60 meters of land acquired for this purpose," Adani Group's media statement issued following the court orders.
The villagers of Mundra taluka filed petitions against the construction of a road of about nine km under the assistance to states for developing export infrastructure and allied activities scheme of the Central government that contributes 50% of the approved expenses. The scheme is for promoting development of infrastructure connecting ports, export promotion industrial parks schemes, export promotion zones scheme for promoting exports from India. In this project, the Gujarat Maritime Board and Adani Ports and SEZ Limited contributed 25% each and the company has been given the responsibility to maintain the road for 5 years.
The petitioners contended that proper procedure for acquisition of land was not followed and trees were cut for construction of road without compensation. Adani Ports argued that proper procedure for acquisition of land was followed. Neither anybody objected to the land acquisition proceedings nor have they questioned the land acquisition by filing appropriate proceedings before the concerned court. Having failed to challenge the land acquisition proceedings, petitions cannot entertained questioning the construction of road, read the statement.
Adequate compensation for land as well as for trees has been awarded under the Award passed by the Land Acquisition Officer, claimed the diversified group. It was also contended that the State Government acquired 60 meter wide corridor for construction of a road which has connected Mundra port and other surroundings areas to NH-8A. This was an essential project looking to the volume of traffic in this area which will also help in minimising the movement on the existing road which is passing through human habitation and will reduce the chances of incidents of collusion or accidents, said Adani Group.
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