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India to import infested onions |
New Delhi: The Union government has decided to import even a trifle infested onion consignments and fumigate them here itself rather than banishing them altogether and face the voters’ wrath due to the skyrocketing prices of the vegetable bulbs ahead of the upcoming assembly polls for four states. Wary of the onion prices hovering at rather-uncomfortable level of `30 to 50/kg ahead of the upcoming assembly elections for Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand and Jammu & Kashmir, the Union government recently relaxed the pre-import, stringent fumigation norms for the imported consignments of the politically-sensitive caustic bulb. The government relaxed the fumigation norms for onions for the next three months, by when assembly elections for Maharashtra and Haryana are expected to be over, while the new crop of the politically-sensitive vegetable too is expected to hit the market. The elections for the Jharkhand and J&K assemblies are to be held between December-January. “In light of the public concern over high prices of onion in the market, the department of agriculture and cooperation under the ministry of agriculture has decided to allow derogation from the conditions of fumigation and endorsement on PSC as per the Plant Quarantine Order, 2003 for onion imports up to 30th November, 2014,” said the Union ministry of agriculture in an official statement. The ministry, however, stipulated that “the consignments of imported onions which arrive in Indian port without fumigation and endorsement to that effect on the PSC would be fumigated in India by the importer through an accredited treatment provider.” “The consignment would be inspected thoroughly by quarantine officials and released only if found free from pests and diseases of concern to India,” the statement warned. On being found infected and infested after arrival here, the imported consignments of onions and other food items incurred earlier a sharp fine equal to four times the cost of imported material on the importer. The ministry, however, relaxed this stringent provision, saying “such (infested) consignments of onions for consumption will not be subjected to the penal fees on account of non-compliance of conditions of import under the PQ Order, 2003.” The Plant Quarantine Order, 2003 had been framed to device strategies to protect plant and crop for sustainable agriculture. It aimed at minimizing crop losses due to ravages of insect pests, diseases, weeds, nematode, rodents, etc. The order aims at “preventing introduction of exotic pests, diseases and weeds into India due to their inadvertent import with infected vegetables and food items.” Indian authorities undertake due scientific inspection and examination of various imported dairy, agricultural and poultry food materials at various Quarantine Stations at various international airports, seaports and land custom stations.
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