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New ITC ( HS ) Export Schedule 2, Export Policy 2012 and New HS Codes-2012 for Export Goods.

ITC(HS) Schedule-2 (Export Policy) - 2012

ITC     (HS), 2012
Schedule 2 – Export Policy

Schedule 2 contains the following:

  • General Notes to Export Policy – Goods under Restrictions
  • Schedule 2 - Export Policy
  • Appendix 1 – List of Wild Life Entries in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
  • Appendix 2 – List of flora included in Appendix I (Prohibited Species)& Appendix (endangered species) II of CITES
  • Appendix 3 – List of SCOMET items
  • Appendix 4 – Definition of Finished Leather

General Notes to Export Policy – Goods under Restrictions

  1. Free Exportability All goods other than the entries in the export licensing schedule along with its appendices are freely exportable. The free exportability is however subject to any other law for the time being in force. Goods not listed in the Schedule are deemed to be freely exportable without conditions under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulations) Act, 1992 and the rules, notifications and other public notices and circulars issued there under from time to time. The export licensing policy in the schedule and its appendices does not preclude control by way of a Public Notice Notification under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulations) Act, 1992. Goods listed as “Free” in the Export Licensing Schedule may also be exported without an export licence as such but they are subject to conditions laid out against the respective entry. The fulfillment of these conditions can be checked by authorized officers in the course of export.

  2. Code does not limit the item description The export policy of a specific item will be determined mainly by the description and nature of restriction in the schedule. The code number is illustrative of classification but does not limit the descriptio by virtue of the standard description of the item against the code in the import part of the ITC                   (HS) classification.

  3. Classes of Export Trade Control
  1.  Prohibited Goods The prohibited items are not permitted to be exported. An export licence will not be given in the normal course for goods in the prohibited category. No export of rough diamond shall be permitted unless accompanied by Kimberley Process (KP) Certificate as specified by Gem & Jewellery EPC (GJEPC).

  2. Restricted Goods The restricted items can be permitted for export under licence. The procedures / conditionalities wherever specified against the restricted items may be required to be complied with, in addition to the general requirement of licence in all cases of restricted items.

  3. State Trading Enterprises Export through STE(s) is permitted without an Export Licence through designated STEs only as mentioned against an item and is subject to conditions in para 2.11 of Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14.

  4.  Restrictions on Countries of Export
  1. Export of Arms and related material to Iraq shall be prohibited.

  2.  Direct or indirect export of all items, materials, equipments, goods and technology which could contribute to Iran’s enrichment related, reprocessing or heavy water related activities, or to development of nuclear weapon delivery systems including those listed in INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1 and INFCIRC/254/Rev.7/Part 2 (IAEA Documents) and items listed in S/2010/263 (UN Security Council Document) or any items related to nuclear and missile development programmes is prohibited. All the UN Security Council Resolutions/Documents and IAEA Documents referred to above are available on the UN Security Council website (www.un.org/Docs/sc) and IAEA website (www.iaea.org).

  3. Direct or indirect export of following items, whether or not origninating in Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK), to DPRK is prohibited: All items, materials equipment, goods and technology including as set out in lists in documents S/2006/814, S/2006/815 (including S/2009/205), S/2009/364 and S/2006/853 (United Nations Secruty Council Documents) INFCIRC/254/Rev.9/Part 1a and INFCIRC/254/Rev.7/Part 2a (IAEA documents) which could contribute to DPRK’s nuclear-related, ballistic missile-related or other weapons of mass destruction-related programmes.
  4.  Export of rough diamonds to Cote d’Ivoire is prohibited in compliance to Paragraph 6 of UN Security Council Resolution(UNSCR) 1643 (2005).

  5.  Export of rough diamond [ITC         (HS) Code 710210, 710221 or 710231) to Venezuela shall be Prohibited in view of voluntary separation of Venezuela from the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme (KPCS). No Kimberley Process Certificate shall be accepted / endorsed / issued for export of rough diamond to Venezuela.
  6.  In addition to above, export to other countries will be subject to conditions as specified in Para 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy 2009-14 and Para 2.2 of the Handbook of Procedures 2009-2014 (Vol. I) and other conditions which may be listed in the title ITC                    (HS) Classification of Export and Import items.


1.     The schedule below has six columns. The column name and the description are:

Column No.   Column Name   Description
1.   Entry No.   Gives the order of the main entry in the schedule. The column is designed for easy reference and gives the identity of the raw covering the set consisting of Tariff Item Code, Unit Item description export policy and Nature of restriction along with the connected Licensing Note and Appendix.
2.   Tariff Item                    (HS) Code   This is an eight digit code followed in the import policy in the earlier part of the book, customs and the DGCIS code. The first two digits give the chapter number, the heading number. The last two digits signify the subheading. The six digit code and product description corresponds exactly with the six digit WCO (World Customs Organisation). The last digits are developed in India under the common classification system for tariff item.
3.   Unit   The second column gives the unit of measurement or weight in the tariff item, which is to be used in shipping bill and other documents. In most cases, the unit is given as “u” denoting number of pieces.
4.   Item Description   The item description against each code gives the specific description of goods, which are subject to export control. This description does not generally correspond with the standard description against the code. In most cases, the description will cover only a part of standard description.
5.   Export Policy   This column is for the general policy regime applicable on the item. Generally, the Export Policy is one of the following.

Prohibited  Not permitted for Export Licence will not be given in the normal course
Restricted   Export is permitted under a licence granted by the DGFT
 STE Export allowed only through specified State Trading Enterprises (STEs) subject to specific conditions laid out in the FTP and also Para 2.11 of the Import and Export Policy

6.   Nature of Restriction   This column specifies the special conditions, which must be met for the export of goods in the item description column. The column may also give the nature of restriction under the broad category in the Export Policy column.


Goods falling in more than one Chapter of ITC  (HS) Classification

Note 1

 (i) The term “Wild Animal” and Animal Article would have the same meaning as defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.

S.No.   Chapter Item Description   Policy   Nature of Restriction
1   0106
All wild animals, animal articles including their products and derivatives excluding those for which ownership certificates have been granted and also those required for transactions for education, scientific research and management under Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 including their parts and products.   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
2   Deleted vide notification no.13/(2004-2009) New Delhi, dated 31.12.2004.
3   50, 51,
52, 54,
55, 60,
61, 62,
Dress materials/ready made garments fabrics/textile items with imprints of excerpts or verses of the Holy Quran   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.
4   Any Chapter   Military stores as specified by Director General of Foreign Trade   Free   No Objection Certificate from the Department of Defence Production and Supplies, Ministry of Defence, New Delhi, except the goods as specified at Export Licensing Note 1 below which are freely exportable without the No Objection Certificate.
5   28, 29,
30, 35,
36, 37,
38, 39,
40, 48,
49, 59,
69, 70,
71, 72 to 91, 93  
Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipments & Technologies (SCOMET) goods as specified in Appendix 3 of this schedule of this book   Prohibited/ Restricted/ Free   Exports governed as per the conditions indicated in Appendix-III of this schedule. Further where no specific conditions as at category 2 to 7 are enumerated, licence shall be required.
6.   Any Chapter   Samples/ Exhibits of goods included in Schedule 2 of this book   Free   Samples/exhibits of goods including those in Schedule 2 of this book, except all prohibited items, and all items specified in Appendix-3 to Schedule 2 (SCOMET) , restricted items, and items in Chapter 29, 93 and 97
7   Any Chapter   Any other item whose exports are regulated by Public Notice issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade in this behalf   Free   Subject to conditions as notified in the respective Public Notice
8   All Chapters   All Items   Prohibited/ Restricted/ Free   Export of goods including plant & plant products using wood packaging material such as pellets, dunnage, crating, packing blocks, drums, cases load boards, pellet collars and skids etc. shall be allowed subject to compliance of ISPM-15.

Export Licensing Note of Table A

  1. The following goods as military stores are freely exportable without a No Objection Certificate from Department of Defence Production and Supplies in the Ministry of Defence.

  2. Tents, their parts and accessories.

  3. Articles of Uniform, clothing, footwear and beddings.

  4. Hand Tools all Types.

  5. Cooking Utensils all types.

  6.  Stove oil wickless, Lamp Incandescent and Lanterns, Hurricanes, Fabricated Metal stores namely Safe Meat and Milk, Boxes ice, Bedstead Camp Officer, Table-Steel & Wooden, Chair Camp Officer.

  7. Hospital equipment and stores all types including all type of Dressings.

  8. Brushes of sorts made out of Bristle and Natural Fibre.

  9.  Packaging Material all types excluding ammunition boxes.

  10. Engineering Equipment, as follows:

    K.M. Bridge Floats for KM Bridge
    Boat Asault Universal Type (BAUT)
    Crash Fire Tenders
    Bailey Bridge

  11. Heating and Lighting Equipment, Camp Stores & Furniture as follows;

    Heating Space coal Burning Heater Space Oil Burning

  12. Leather Items, as follows
(a)    Brief Cases
(b)    Gloves (Industrial & Boxing)
(c)    Leather Bags
(d)    Leather Bags
(e)    Straps, Belts & Pouches

12. Optical Instruments, as follows

(a)    Binocular Prismatic 8x30 (Wide Angle)
(b)    Compass Prismatic Liquid MK 3A
(c)    Monocular Prismatic 6x30

13. Miscellaneous, as follows

(a)    Banner Radar Response
(b)    Barrel 200 ltr Type `A’
(c)    Cable Telephones of various types
(d)    Candle sink QD Mk III
(e)    Canopy & rear curtain assembly
(f)    Canopy body vahan 1 Ton Nisan
(g)    Canopy vehicular body for Tata 6.5 Ton
                   (H)    Cape Food handles
(i)    Chagul Universal Mk II
(j)    Cover Blanketing Tank Mule Mk IV
(k)    Cover Water Proof of sizes varying from 0.5 x 4.5 Mtr to 9.1 x 9.1 Mtr.
(l)    Deployment bag for BP MiG 23 Aircaraft
(m)    Droue withdrawal line
(n)    Ground Sheet Lt Wt OG
(o)    Landing Mechanised
(p)    Lowering line for kiron Aircraft Target
(q)    Lt Wt web Eqpt Belt Waist Med
(r)    Main Paulin
(s)    Schacle Chain 1525m
(t)    Sling Rifle Web
(u)    Stretcher Amblulance Mk2
(v)    Tank Canvas Water’s type 230 ltr Body and Cover Mk 1
(w)    Tank Fabric collapsible 6140 ltr Body MK 3 (Size 3660 x 50 mm)
(x)    Tarpaulin cover
(y)    Jacket Combat Disruptive (ICK)
(z)    Jacket Combat Grill disruptive
(zi)    Jacket sleeping cotton
(zii)    Jacket Men’s DBPL/WI BRTA Black Modified
(ziii)    Liner Men’s Woolen `V’ Neck OG
(ziv)    Liner Parka Men’s improved PATT
(zv)    Matters Kapok Mk II Group with cover Small & Large

Table - B

Goods Falling Within Specific Chapters of ITC      (HS) Classification

Chapter 1

Live Animals

Note 1     The term “Cattle” covers cows, oxen, bulls and calves

Note 2     Export of wild animals and their products as defined in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 including their part prohibited. See restrictions in Part A for details.

Note 3     Germplasm of cattle is classified in heading 0511

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
9   0101 10 00
0101 90 90  
u   Live Horses –
Kathiawari, Marwari and Manipuri breeds  
Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.
10   0102 10 10
0102 10 20
0102 10 30
0102 10 90
0102 90 10
0102 90 20  
u   Live Cattle and buffaloes   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.
11   0106 19 00   u   Camel   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence






0106 31 00
0106 32 00
0106 39 00

0106 32 00

0106 32 00

 0106 39 00  

0106 39 00  

0106 39 00  

0106 39 00  




Live exotic birds except the following species of exotic birds, policy of which is indicated against each

(i)Albino budgerigars  

(ii) Budgerigars  

(iii) Bengali finches  

(iv) White finches  

(v) Zebra finches  

(vi) Jawa sparrow  






Not permitted to be exported

Subject to pre-shipment inspection
Subject to pre-shipment inspection
Subject to pre-shipment inspection
Subject to pre-shipment inspection
Subject to pre-shipment inspection
Exports permitted under license.  

A certificate from the Chief Wildlife
warden of the concerned State from
where exotic birds (Jawa Sparrow)
have been procured to the effect that
the birds to be exported are from Captive Bred Stock.
Exports if allowed shall be subject to pre-shipment inspection and CITES certificate.

Chapter 2

Meat and Edible Meat Offal

Note 1    

Beef includes meat and edible offal of cows, oxens and calf

Note 2      

Offal includes heart, liver, tongue, kidneys and other organs.

Note 3

The export of chilled and frozen meat shall be allowed subject to the provision specified to the gazette notification on raw meat (chilled and frozen) under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963. Offals of buffalo too are subject to the same conditions of quality control and inspection. Laboratories duly recognized by APEDA , as well as in-house laboratories attached under the abattoirs cum meat processing plant registered with APEDA and Agency approved labs, may also be used to conduct the necessary tests for confirmation of quality under the supervison of the designated veterinary authority of the State. On the basis of these test and inspections carried out by Veterinarians, duly registered under the Indian Veterinary Council Act, 1984, employed by the exporting unit and supervised by the designated veterinary authority of the state, the veterinary Health Certificate may be issued by the designated authorities of the state.

Note 4

Export of canned meat products shall be subject to preshipment inspection either by the State Directorate of Animal Husbandry or Export Inspection Agency or Directorate of Marketing and Inspection Government of India or Muncipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) in accordance with either the standards prevalent in the exporting country or standards prescribed under the Meat Food Products Order, 1973 under Export (Quality Control and Inspection) Act, 1963 or orders made thereunder

Note 5

Exports of gonads and other reproductive organs of buffaloes and the germplasm of cattle and buffaloes in heading 0511 require an export licence.

Note 6

Export of meat and meat products will be allowed subject to the exporter furnishing a declaration, attached with copies of valid APEDA Plant Registration Certificate(s) to the customs at the time of export that the above items have been obtained / sourced from an APEDA registered integrated abattoir or from APEDA registred meat processing plant which sources raw materials exclusively from APEDA registered integrated abattoir/abattoir. (The stipulation that raw material for export of meat & meat products must be sourced exclusively from APEDA registered abattoir/integrated abattoir will come into effect on 15.06.2012.

Note 7

On the cartons for export of meat , the following details shall compulsorily be mentioned:-

  1.  Name of the Product.
  2.  Country of Origin
  3.  APEDA Plant Registration No.
  4.  Name of the exporter.

Note 8

The designated veterinary authority of the State where meat processing unit is located, may issue the certificate on the baisis of the inspections carried out by Veterinarians duly registred under the Indian Veterinary Council Act 1984 employed by the exporting unit and supervised by the designated veterinary authority of the State. The Inspection Fee prescribed under the Export of Raw Meat (Chilled/Frozen) (Quality control and Inspection) Rules, 1992 shall continue to be paid by the exporting unit to the Agency as currently applicable.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
19   0201 10 00
0201 20 00
0201 30 00
0202 10 00
0202 20 00
0202 30 00  
kg   Beef of cows, oxen and calf   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
20   0201
0201 10 00
0201 20 00
0202 10 00
0202 20 00  
Kg   Meat of buffalo (both male and female) fresh and chilled.  

Carcasses and half carcasses
Other cuts with bone in.

Meat of buffalo (both male and female) frozen  

Carcasses and half carcasses

Other cuts with bone in  




Not permitted to be exported.  

Not permitted to be exported

Not permitted to be exported.  

Not permitted to be exported.
21   0201 30 00

0202 30 00  
Kg   Boneless meat of buffalo (both male and female) fresh and chilled Boneless meat of buffalo (both male and female) frozen   Free   1. Export allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.

2. Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as  well as condition stipulated at Note 6 and 8 above are required to be fulfilled. 

22   0204 10 00
0204 21 00
0204 22 00
0204 23 00
0204 30 00
0204 41 00
0204 42 00
0204 43 00  
Kg   Meat of Indian sheep   Free   Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
23   0204 50 00   Kg   Meat of Indian Goat.   Free   Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
24   0206 10 00
0206 21 00
0206 22 00
0206 29 00
0210 20 00  
kg   Beef in the form of offal of cows, oxen and calf   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
25   0206 10 00 0206 21 00 0206 22 00 0206 29 00 0210 20 00   kg   Offal of buffalo except gonads and reproductive organs   Free   1. Export allowed on production of a certificate from the designated veterinary authority of the State, from which the meat or offals emanate, to the effect that the meat or offals are from buffaloes not used for breeding and milch purposes.  

2. Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 and 8 above are required to be fulfilled.
26   0206 80 10 0206 90 10   kg   Offal of Indian sheep   Free   Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.
27   0206 80 10 0206 90 10   kg   Offal of Indian Goat   Free   Quality control and inspection under Note 3 and 4 respectively as well as condition stipulated at Note 6 above are required to be fulfilled.

Chapter 3

Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and other Aquatic Invertebrates

Note 1

The term “Marine Products” in this Chapter covers all the eight digit Exim Codes in the Chapter of the ITC       (HS) Classification of Export and Import items. All marine species that have been included in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 are prohibited for exports and other species listed in CITES are subject to the provisions of the CITES.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
28   0300 00 00   Kg   Marine species and products except the following   Free   Subject to preshipment quality inspection as may be specified by the Government through a notification
29   0300 00 00   Kg   Those species (and their parts, products and derivatives) mentioned in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
30   0302 69 30
0303 79 50  
Kg   Fresh or Chilled or Frozen silver pomfrets of weight less than 300 gms.   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.
31   0303 79 99   Kg   Beche-de-mer   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported irrespective of its size.
32   0306 11 00
0306 12 10
0306 12 90
0306 21 00
0306 22 00  
Kg   Lobsters except undersized ( $ ) rock lobster and sand lobster variety below   Free    


0306 11 00
0306 21 00
0306 11 00
0306 21 00  

0306 11 00
0306 21 00


 Rock Lobster:
Panulirus polyphagus 300 gm as whole chilled live or frozen, 250 gm as whole cooked; 90 gm as tail  

Panulirus homarus 200gm as whole live, chilled or frozen, 170 gm as whole cooked, 50 gm as tail  

Panulirus Ornatus 500gm as whole live/chilled or frozen; 425 gm as whole cooked; 150gm as tail  


Not permitted to be exported

Not permitted to be exported

Not permitted to be exported
36   0306 12 10

0306 12 90

0306 22 00  
Sand Lobster:

Thenus orientalis 150 gm as whole; 45 gm as tail  
Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 3

Note 1

A consignment/ lot is considered to be undersized if it contains specified species any piece of which has a weight less than that indicated against the species or has been processed out of or obtained from individual pieces of the species weighing less than the minimum weight indicated against the species.

Note 2

“as tail” means without head.

Chapter 4

Dairy produce; bird's eggs; natural honey; edible products of animal origin, not elsewhere specified or included

Note 1  The expression “milk” means full cream milk of partially or completely skimmed milk

Sl. No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
37   04090000   Kg   Natural Honey   Free   Export of honey to USA and European Union (EU) shall be allowed subject to the following conditions:  

1. Honey exported shall be ‘wholly obtained’ Indian origin honey only, and;  

2. No blending of Indian honey shall be permitted with honey originating from any other country.”
38   0402  
Milk and Cream, concentrated or containing added sugar or other sweetening matter including skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, dairy whitener and infant milk foods   Prohibitied   Not permitted to be exported

Note 1

Transitional arrangements under para 1.5 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 shall not be applicable on export of milk powders(including skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, dairy whitener and infant milk foods.

Note 2

Export consignments of milk powders (including skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, dairy whitener and infant milk foods), which were handed over to customs for examination and export on or before 18.02.2011 will be allowed for export.

Note 3

Export of 1600 MTS of Milk Powder per annum to Bhutan (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) will be exempted from any export ban.

Chapter 5

Products of Animal Origin

Note 1  Export of wild animals and their parts and products as covered in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and CITES are prohibited and other species listed in CITES are subject to the provisions of the CITES. See restrictions in Table A for detail.

S.No   Tariff Items HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
39   0506 10 49
0511 99 99  
Kg   Human skeletons   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
40   0506 10 19
0506 10 29
0506 10 39
0506 10 49
0506 90 19
0506 90 99
0511 99 99  
Kg   Bone and bone products (excluding bone meal), horn and horn products, (excluding horn meal), hooves and hoof products (excluding hoof meal) when exported to European Union.   Restricted   Export to EU allowed subject to the following conditions;  

(i) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number & date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination. 

(ii) After the shipment is made,the exporter shall also provide a ‘Production Process’ certificate and/or health certificate to the buyer consignment-wise to be issued by CAPEXIL as per the requirement of EU.

41   0506 10 19
0506 10 29
0506 10 39
0506 10 49
0506 90 19
  0506 90 99| 0511 99 99  
Kg   Bone and bone products including Ossein intended to be used for Human consumption, meant for European Union.   Restricted Export to EU allowed subject to the following conditions;-

(i) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is  to be issued
consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of
the name and address of the exporter, address of the
registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature
of export product, quantity, invoice number & date, port of
loading (Name of the port) and destination.

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall
also provide ‘Health Certificate’
consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of vessel name,
shipping bill number with date, production
process, etc. as per the requirement of EU.
The Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and
Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal
Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.
42   0505 90 10   Kg   Peacock Tail Feathers   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
43   0511 99 99   Kg   Handicrafts and articles of peacock tail feathers   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
44   0506 10 41
0506 10 49
0507 90 40  
Kg   Shavings of Shed Antlers of Chital and Sambhar   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
45   0511 99 99   Kg   Manufactured Articles of shavings of shed antlers of chital and sambhar   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
46   0508 00 20   Kg   Sea shells, including polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of those species not included in the Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection ) Act, 1972.   Free   Export permitted freely
47   0508 00 30   Kg   Sea shells, including polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of those species included in CITES  (Excluding the species mentioned in Schedules of the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 ) Free Export to be governed by CITES Regulations.
48   0508 00 50   Kg   Sea shells, including polished sea shells and handicrafts made out of those species included in the Schedules of the Wild Life(Protection) Act, 1972.   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
49   0511 99 91
0511 99 99
3001 10 91
3001 10 99
3001 20 90
3001 90 99  
Kg   Gonads and other reproductive organs of buffaloes   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.
50   0511 10 00
0511 99 91
0511 99 99
3001 10 91
3001 10 99
3001 20 90
3001 90 99  
Kg   Germplasm of cattle and buffaloes   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 5

Note 1

The handicrafts made out of bone and horn products as finished products and not exported for further processing and not intended for human or animal consumption are not covered under at S. No. 35 and 36 of this Chapter.

Chapter 6

Live Trees and other Plants; Bulb, Roots and the Like; Cut Flowers and Ornamental Foliage

Note 1

Planting material of a kind used for propagation and classified in heading 0601 and heading 0602 are subject to restriction on export. See chapter 12 for detail. Certain plants like cashew plants too are restricted for exports. The detail of this too is in Chapter 12.

Chapter 7

 Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers

Note 1

Reference to onions in this chapter includes onions fresh or chilled frozen, provisionally preserved or dried.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
51   0703 10 10
 0712 20 00  
Kg   Onion (all varieties expect Bangalore rose onions and Krishnapuram onions) excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form.   STE*   Export permitted subject to Minimum Export Price (MEP) notified by DGFT and other conditions laid down by DGFT from time - to – time.
52   0703 10 10
 0712 20 00  
Kg   Bangalore rose onions and Krishnapuram onions excluding cut, sliced or broken in powder form   STE*   Export permitted subject to Minimum Export Price (MEP) notified by DGFT and other conditions laid down by DGFT from time - to – time.
53   0712 20 00   Kg   Onions (of all varieties) in cut, sliced- or broken in powder form.   Free

* List of State Trading Enterprises (STEs) for export of onion.

  1. National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India Ltd. (NAFED)

  2. Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board (MSAMB)

  3. Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd. (GALC)

  4. The Spices Trading Corporation Ltd. (STCL)

  5. The A.P. State Trading Corporation

  6. The Karnataka State Co-operative Marketing Federation Ltd. (KSCMF)

  7. The National Co-operative Consumers Federation of India Ltd., (NCCF)
  8. The North Karnataka Onion Growers Co-operative Society (NKOGCS)

  9. West Bengal Essential Commodities Supply Corporation (WBECSC) Ltd., Kolkata

  10. M.P. State Agro Industries Development Corporation ((MPSAIDC), Bhopal

  11. Karnataka State Produce Processing and Export Corporation (KAPPEC), Bangalore

  12. Madhya Pradesh State Co-operative Oil Seeds Growers Federation Ltd.,

  13. The Andhra Pradesh Marketing Federation (AP MARKFED),

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 7

Note 1

The following conditions will apply to all STEs for export of Onions of all varieties:

  1.  The designated STEs can issue NOC to the Associates Shippers and the service charges levied by them for issue of NOC will be at a uniform rate of 1% of the invoice value of export of onion.

  2.  The STEs are not allowed to levy any other charges except above by way of fees, guarantee or deposits or in any other form whatsoever.

  3.  The careful selection of exporters is made to eliminate the trading in permits to export onions.

  4.  The agencies shall ensure that quality of onion is maintained.

  5.  A weekly report of permits issued shall be provided to NAFED which shall act a nodal agency to keep the Government of India informed of the outflow of onions.

  6.  Periodic reports of the actual shipment of onion by different agencies be submitted to the Department of Consumer Affairs.
Sl. No   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
54                                                0713  

0713 10 00  

0713 20 00  

0713 31 00  

0713 32 00  

0713 33 00

 0713 39  

0713 39 10

 0713 39 90

 071340 00

 0713 50 00  

0713 90  

0713 90 10  

0713 90 91  

00713 90 99  







Other : 





Other :


Other :



Dried Leguminous Vegetables, Shelled, whether or not skinned or split  

Peas (isum sativum)

 Chickpeas (garbanzos)
 Beans (Vigna spp.,
 Phaseolus spp.):  
Beans of the species Vigna
mungo (L.)
Hepper or Vigna radiata
(L.) Wilczek  
Small red (Adzuki) beans
(Phaseolus or Vigna
Kidney beans, including white pea beans (Phaseolus vulgaris)
 Guar seeds  



Broad beans (Vicia faba var major) and horse beans (Vicia faba var equina, vicia faba var minor)


 Tur (arhar)  
















Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Not permitted to be exported.

Note 2

  1. The prohibition shall not apply to export of kabuli chana (as is known by different names in different parts of the country) w.e.f. 07.03.2007.

  2. The period of validity of prohibition on exports of Pulses (except Kabuli Chana) shall be extended upto 31.3.2013.

  3. The transitional arrangements under Para 1.5 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2004-2009, as amended from time to time, shall not be applicable for export of Pulses.

  4. The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of 1000 tonnes of pulses to The Republic of Mauritius by MMTC.

  5. The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of (i)178.70 tonnes of pulses to Nepal by MMTC.

  6. Prohibition imposed vide Para 3 (i) of this Notification shall not apply to export of 1000 MTs of pulses to Bhutan.

  7. Export of 60MTS of pulses to the Republic of Maldives permitted (Notifiction No.34 dt.25.03.2010).

  8. Export of 60 MTS of puleses to Republic of Maldives through MMTC Ltd permitted

Note 3

The prohibition shall not be applicable to export of pulses to Sri Lanka executed under the specific permission granted by DGFT.

Note 4

The export of 1200 MTS of pulses to Bhutan per annum (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) will be exempted from any export ban.

Note 5

Export of 10,000 MTS of per annum of Organic pulses and lentils duly certified by APEDA from EDI ports will be permitted. Export contracts should be registered with APEDA prior to shipment.

Chapter 10


Note 1

Export of wild variety of wheat and paddy seed is restricted. See chapter 12 for details.

Sl. No   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
55   1006 10
 1006 10 90
1006 20 00
1006 30
1006 30 10
1006 30 90
1006 40 00  
Kg.   Non Basmati Rice   Free   1. Export to be made by private parties from privately held stocks. State Trading Enterprises (STEs) including M/s. NCCF & NAFED are also permitted to export privately held stocks of non-Basmati rice.

2. Export shall be through Custom EDI ports. Export is also permitted through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal border subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. RAs Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.
56   1006 10 10   Kg   Rice of seed quality   Free   1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and
(ii) Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.
57   1006 30 20   Kg   Basmati Rice (Dehusked (Brown), semi milled, milled both in either par-boiled or raw condition).   Free   i) Exports allowed subject to registration of contracts with the APEDA , New Delhi;

(ii) Export will be subject to Minimum Export Price (MEP) of US $ 700 per ton FOB or as notified by DGFT from time to time. MEP shall be exclusive of foreign commission;  

(iii) Grain of rice to be exported shall be more than 6.61 mm of length and ratio of length to breadth of the grain shall be more than 3.5;

(iv) Export of Basmati Rice is permitted through all EDI ports;

(v) Exports to European Union permitted subject to pre-shipment quality inspection as may be specified by the Government through a notification;

(vi) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by
(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.
(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.
(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory
(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.
(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi
(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore
(7) Delhi Test House; and
(8) Vimta Labs. or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.”
(vii) Exports of empty printed gunny bags with Markings indicating the product being Indian Basmati Rice, in whatever manner, are not permitted except when exported along with the consignments of Basmati Rice, in which cases also, the same shall not exceed 2% of the total number of filled gunny bags of Basmati Rice being exported;
(viii) In case of un-bagged Indian Basmati Rice being exported in bulk or in bags of 50 Kgs or above, the exports of empty printed gunny bags with Markings indicating the product being Indian Basmati Rice, in whatever manner, shall also be permitted to the extent of actual requirements considering the total quantity of the consignment and the sizes of the empty bags being exported.


Note 1

The above conditions in respect of export of Non Basmati Rice will not be applicable to exports undertaken as under:

1.1 Export of non-Basmati rice (i) under Food Aid Programme and (ii) under bi-lateral trade agreement between Government of India and Government of Maldives shall be permitted.

1.2 Export of 21,200 MTs per annum to Bhutan (as per Calender year i.e. from 1st January to 31st December) of non-basmati rice will be exempted from any export ban.

Note 2

Export of 10,000 tons of non-basmati rice to Horn of Africa (Kenya, Somalia and Djibonti) from Central Pool Stock of FCI at economic cost of Rs.20,689.50 per ton will be permitted.

Note 3

Export of 10,000 MTs of organic non-basmati rice per annum duly certified by APEDA prior to shipment from EDI ports will be permitted.

Note 4

Export of 25,000 MTs of non-basmati rice to Nepal permitted through MMTC vide Notification No.33 DT.03.03.2010 will be permitted with a maximum of 25% bropken during KMS 2010-11.

58   1006 10 90   Kg   Paddy (of Basmati Rice in husk)   Free   a) Export allowed subject to registration of contracts with the APEDA, New Delhi

b) Export of empty printed gunny bags with Marking indicating the product being Indian Basmati Paddy, in whatever manner, are not permitted except when exported alongwith the consignments of Basmati Paddy, in which cases also, the same shall not exceed 2% of the total number of filled gunny bags of Basmati Paddy being exported.

c) In case of unbagged Indian Basmati Paddy being exported in bulk or in bags of 50 Kgs. or above, the exports of empty printed gunny bags with Markings indicating the product being Indian Basmati Paddy, in whatever manner, shall also be permitted to the extent of actual requirements considering the total quantity of the consignment and the sizes of the empty bags being exported.
59   1001 10

1001 10 90

 1001 90

1001 90 20

1001 90 39  
Kg   Durum wheat :




wheat Other 
 Free   Export permitted through Custom EDI ports only. Export shall also be permitted through the non-EDI Land Custom Stations (LCS) on Indo-Bangladesh and Indo-Nepal border subject to registration of quantity with DGFT. RAs Kolkata & Patna and such other RAs as notified by DGFT from time to time will be the designated RAs for the purpose of such registration of quantity.
60   100110 10   Kg   Durum Wheat of seed quality   Free   1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.
61   100190 10   Kg   Wheat of seeds quality   Free   1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.
62   100190 31   Kg   Meslin of seed quality   Free   1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and 

 ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for   human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.
63   1005 10 00   Kg.   Maize (corn) Seed quality   Free   1. Export will be allowed subject to submission of following documents to Customs at the time of export:

(i) A license to carry on the business of a dealer in seeds issued under Section 3 of the Seed Control Order (1983) from the State Government; and

(ii)Declaration that the export consignment of seeds has been chemically treated and is not fit for human consumption; and

2. Export packets will be labeled that seeds are treated with chemical insecticides and cannot be used for food or feed purposes.

Sub-heading Note

The term “durum wheat” means wheat of the Triticum durum species and the Hybrids derived from the inter – specific crossing of Triticum durum which have the same number (28) of chromosomes as that species.

Note 1

Export of 5000 MTS of Organic wheat per annum duly certified by APEDA permitted from EDI ports.

Note 2

Export of 2,50,000 MTS of Wheat to Afganistan from central pool stock of FCI permitted up to 31.03.2012.

Note 3

Export of 24,000 MTS of wheat per annum to Bhutan (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) shall be exempted from any export ban.

Chapter 11

Products of the milling industry; malt; starches; inulin; wheat gluten

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
64   1101   Kg   Wheat Flour (Maida), Samolina (Rava / Sirgi), Wholemeal atta and resultant atta   Free   Export allowed subject to limit of 6.5 lakh MTs between 03.07.2009 and 31.03.2013 and with the condition that export shall be allowed through EDI ports only.

Note 1

Export of the following quantities of wheat flour to Maldives shall be permitted through the PSUs indicated below:

Item   Year   Quantity in MTs   Name of PSU
Wheat Flour   2011-12   32,095   MMTC Ltd
2012-13   35,304   MMTC Ltd
2013-14   38,835   MMTC Ltd  

Chapter 12

Oils Seeds and Oleginous Fruits; Miscellaneous Grains, Seeds and Fruit; Industrial or Medicinal Plants; Straw and Fodder

Note :- Seeds of all forestry species including Nux Vomica , Red Sanders , Rubber , Russa Grass and tufts , Sandalwood and seeds of tufts , Sandalwood and seeds of ornamental wild variety plants stand restricted for export and shall be allowed under licence and also shall be regulated according to the rules notified under Biological ( Diversity) Act, 2002.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
65   0601 00 00

0602 00 00

1211 00 00  
Kg   Seeds and planting materials other
than those in the restricted category  
Free Declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds with indication the source of procurement
66   1202 10 00   Kg   Groundnuts (Peanuts)   Free   (a) Export to EU permitted subject to Compulsory registration of contracts with APEDA, alongwith controlled Aflatoxin level certificate given by agencies/laboratories nominated by APEDA;  

(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore (7) Delhi Test House; and  

(8) Vimta Labs. or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.
67   1202 10 10   Kg   Groundnut (of Seed Quality)   Free    (a) Export to EU permitted subject to Compulsory registration of contracts with APEDA, alongwith controlled Aflatoxin level certificate given by agencies/laboratories nominated by APEDA; 

(b) Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by

(1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory.

(2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd.

(3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory

(4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

(5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi

(6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore

(7) Delhi Test House; and

(8) Vimta Labs. or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.
  1202 10 19   Kg   Groundnut (Other)
  1202 10 91   Kg   Groundnut (Other of Seed Quality)
  1202 10 99   Kg   Groundnut (Other)
  1202 20 10   Kg   Groundnut (Kernels, H.P.S.)
  1202 20 90   Kg   Groundnut (Other)
68   1207 40 10   Kg   Seasame Seeds   Free   Exports to Russian Federation permitted subject to pre-shipment quality certification issued by (1) Insecticide Residue Testing Laboratory. (2) Geo-Chem Laboratories Pvt. Ltd. (3) Reliable Analytical Laboratory (4) Arbro Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (5) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Delhi (6) Shri Ram Institute for Industrial Research, Branch Office Bangalore (7) Delhi Test House; and (8) Vimta Labs.  

or any other agency as may be notified from time to time.
69   1001 90 10   Kg   Wheat seeds (wild variety)   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
70   1006 20 00   Kg.   Paddy seeds (wild variety)   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
71   0602 20 10 1209 99 90   Kg   Cashew seeds and plants   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
72   1209 29 90   Kg   Egyptian clover (Barseem) Trifolium alaxtum seeds   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
73   1209 91 30   Kg   Onion Seeds   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
74   1209 29 00   Kg   Pepper cuttings or rooted cutings of pepper   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
75   1209 99 90   Kg   Seeds of all forestry species   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
76   1209 29 90   Kg   Saffron seeds or corms   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
77   1211 90 14   Kg   Neem seeds   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
78   1211 90 00 1211 90 12   Kg   Nux vomica / bark/leaves/roots powder thereof   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
79   1209 99 10

1209 99 90  
Kg   Seeds of all trees (excluding seeds of all forestry species), hedges, ornamental plants and flowers and vegetable seeds other than onion seeds   Free   Exports permitted subject to a declaration in the form of an affidavit from the exporter that the seed being exported is not Breeder or Foundation or Wild variety seeds and indicating the source of procurement.
80   0601 00 00
0602 00 00
1211 00 00

0601 10 00

0601 20 10

0602 10 00
0602 90 20

0602 90 30  

Plants and plant portions of wild origin, of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported. Special exemption can be granted for the purpose of research, education and life saving drugs on case by case basis by DGFT, on the recommendation of Ministry of Environment & Forests.
81   0602 90 90  
Plants and plants portions of cultivation origin of species specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Portection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I of CITES or Export Licensing Note1.   Free   Subject to production of a Certificate of Legal Possession in favor of the exporter, issued by the DFO having jurisdiction where the exporter is situated. In case of species listed in Schedule VI of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972,  subject to the exporter complying with the provision of S.17A of the Act. In case of species listed in Appendix I of CITES subject registration of the nursery and appropriate CITES documentation from the Asst. Management Authority.
82   0602 90 90  
Plants, Plant portions of wild or cultivation origin, of species specified Appendix II or III of CITES.   Free   Subject to production of certificate of Legal Possession in favour of the exporter, issued by the DFO having jurisdiction where the exporter is situated. Export subject to CITES.
83   0602 90 90  
Plants, plant portions of wild or cultivation origin, of species not specified in any of the Schedules of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 or Appendix I, II, III of CITES or Export Licensing Note 1.   Free   Subject to obtaining a Certificate of cultivation from District Agriculture Officer or District Horticulture Officer or DFO”.
84   3003 40 00
3003 90 11
3003 90 12
3003 90 13
3003 90 14
3003 90 15
3004 90 11

3004 90 12

3004 90 13
3004 90 14

3004 90 15  
kg   Derivatives, extracts and formulations   Free   Subject to the provisions of Wile Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and CITES”
85   1212 20 10 1212 20 90   Kg   Sea weeds of all types, including G-edulis but excluding brown sea weeds and agarophytes of Tamil Nadu Coast origin in processed form   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence.
86   1212 20 90   Kg   Brown sea weeds and Agrophytes excluding G-edulis of Tamil Nadu coast origin in processed form   Free   Exports allowed subject to quantitative ceilings as may be notified by DGFT from time to time

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 12

Note 1

1. Baddomes cycad (Cycas beddomei). 17. Taxus Wallichiana (Common Yew or Birmi Leaves).
2. Blue vanda (Vanda coerulea).   18. Aquilaria malaccensis (Agarwood).
3. Saussurea costus.      19. Aconitum species.  
4. Ladies slipper orcid (Paphiopedilium species).     20. Coptis teeta.
5. Pitcher plant (Nepenthes Khasiana).   21. Coscinium fenestrum (Calumba wood).
6. Red vanda (Renanthera imschootiana).    22. Dactylorhiza hatagirea.
7. Rauvolifia serpentina (Sarpagandha).    23. Gentiana Kurroo (Kuru , Kutki).
8. Ceropegia species.      24. Gnetum species.
9. Frerea indica (Shindal Mankundi).     25. Kampheria Galenga.
10. Podophyllum hexandurm (emodi) (Indian Podophyllum.)    26. Nardostachys grandiflora.
11. Cyatheaceae species (Tree Ferns).     27. Panax pseudoginseng.
12. Cycadacea species (Cycads).     28. Picrorhiza kurrooa.
13. Dioscorea deltoidea (Elephant’s foot).    29. Swertia chirata (Charayatah).
14. Euphorbia species (Euphorbias).    
15. Orchidaceae species (Orchids).
16. Pterocarpus santalinus (Redsanders).

Note 2

(i) However, in respect of CITES species, a CITES permit of export shall be required.
(ii) Exports allowed only through the Ports of Mumbai, Nhava Sheva, Kolkata, Cochin, Delhi, Chennai, Tuticorin, Amritsar, Calicut, Thiruvananthapuram, Kandla and Mundra.
(iii) Except for the documents prescribed above, no additional informations/ NOC/ documents shall be required to be furnished by the Exporter to any authority of State or Central Government.

Note 3

* The term “formulation” used here may include products, which may contain portions / extracts of plants on the prohibited list. Further the term “formulation” shall also include value added formulations as well as herbal ayurvedic, and exports subject to the provisions of CITES or Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972 in case where the formulation contains species listed therein.

Chapter 13

Lac, Gums, Resins and Other Vegetable Saps and Extracts

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
87   1301 10 10 1301 10 20 1301 10 30 1301 10 40 1301 10 50 1301 10 60 1301 10 70 1301 10 80 1301 10 90   Kg   Shellac and all forms of lac   Free   i) Registration with Tribal Cooperative Marketing Development Federation of India Ltd. or Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council; (ii) Production of quality certificate from Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council.
88   1301 90 16   Kg   Gum Karaya   Free   Registration with Tribal Coperative Marketing Fedreation of India Limited (TRIFED) or Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL), Kolkata.
89   1302 1302 32 20 1302 32 30   Kg.   Guar gum refined split Guar gum treated and pulverized.   Free   Guar gum exports to European Union, originating in or consigned from India and intended for animal or human consumption, allowed subject to issue of Health Certificate by authorized representative of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Government of India i.e. Shellac & Forest Products Export Promotion Council (SHEFEXIL), Kolkata accompanied by the original analytical report of testing of Penta Chlorophenol (PCP) issued by Vimta Labs, Hyderbad, certifying that product does not cotain more than 0.01 mg per Kg of Penta Chlorophenol (PCP) on sampling done by the authorized representative of the competent authority

Chapter 14

Vegetable Plaiting Materials, Vegetable Products not elsewhere specified or included

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
90   1401 10 00   u   Mulli bamboo ( Melocanna bacifera )   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported

Chapter 15

Animal or Vegetable Fats and Oils and their Cleavage Products; Prepared Edible Fats; Animal or Vegetable Waxes

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
91   1501 00 00
1502 00 10
1502 00 20
1502 00 30
1502 00 90
1503 00 00
1505 00 10
1505 00 20
1505 00 90
1506 00 10
1506 00 90  
Kg   Tallow , fat and/or oils of any animal origin excluding fish oil and Lanolin   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported  
92   Codes pertaining to all edible oils under Chapter 15 of Schedule 1     All Edible Oils under Chapter 15 of Schedule 1 of ITC                   (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items   Prohibited    Not permitted to be exported 

Note 1

Restrictions imposed vide this Notification shall not apply to the following:

  1. Export of Castor Oil,
  2. Export of Coconut Oil through Kochi Port,
  3.  Deemed export’ of edible oils to 100% export oriented units with the condition that the final product be non-edible,
  4.  Export of Oils produced out of minor forest produce, as per table given below, even if edible :
ITC                    (HS) Code   Item Description
15159010   Fixed Vegetable oils viz. Neutralised and Bleached Morwah Oil/fat, Neutralised and Bleached Kokum oil/fat, Neutralised and Bleached Sal oil/ sal fat / Stearine.
15159020   Fixed vegetable oils viz. Dhup oil, Neemseed oil
15159030   Fixed vegetable oils viz. Nigerseed oil.
15159040   Fixed vegetable oils viz. Neutralised and Bleached Mango kernel fat/oil/stearine/olein.
15179010   Sal Fat (Processed or Refined).
15219020   Shellac wax, whether or not coloured.  
  1. Export of edible oil from Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) to Special Economic Zone (SEZ) to be consumed by the SEZ units for manufacture of processed food products.
  2. Export of edible oil in branded consumer packs of up to 5 Kgs, subject to a limit of 10,000 MTs between 01.11.2011 to 31.10 2012. Such exports shall be allowed only from Customs EDI Ports.
  3. Export of 10,000 MTs of organic edible oils per annum duly certified by APEDA from EDI ports shall be permitted.
  4. Export of 2400 MTs of edible oils per annum to Bhutan (as per Calendar year i.e. 1st January to 31st December) will be exempted from any export ban.

Chapter 17

Sugars and Sugar Confectionery

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
93      1701 00 00   Kg   Sugar, except the following category at (a) :   Free   Subject to export licensing note 1 below
Kg   (a) Preferential Quota Sugar to EU and USA   STE   Export permitted through M/s.Indian Sugar Exim Corporation Limited subject to quantitative ceiling notified by DGFT from time to time.

Export Licensing of Chapter 17

Note 1

A producer of sugar by vacuum pan process or a merchant Importer/exporter shall be required to obtain an export release order from the Chief Director (Sugar), Directorate of Sugar or any other Officer authorized by the Chief Director (Sugar) for export of sugar whether under Open General Licence or Advance Authorization Scheme on ‘ton- to-ton’ basis or any other scheme permitting Export of sugar.

Explanation: Where a producer of sugar or a merchant importer – exporter imports raw sugar under Advance Authorization Scheme and exports processed white or refined sugar for fulfillment of his export obligation under ‘grain-to-grain’ policy, such producer of sugar or merchant importer-exporter shall not be required to obtain an export release order from the Chief Director (Sugar), Directorate of Sugar.”

Note 2

The requirement of obtaining release order from the Chief Director(Sugar), Directorate of Sugar for export of sugar as mentioned in the Export Licensing Note 1 above will not apply to export of 10,000 MTs of organic sugar, per annum. Export of organic sugar shall be subject to following conditions:

  1. Quantity limit shall be 10,000 MTs per annum;
  2. It should be duly certified by APEDA as being organic sugar;
  3.  Export contracts should be registered with APEDA, New Delhi prior to shipment;
  4.  Exports shall be allowed only from Customs EDI Ports.”

Chapter 23

Residues and Waste from the Food Industries; Prepared Animal Fodder

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
94   2305 00 10 2305 00 20 2305 00 90   Kg   Deoiled groundnut cakes containing more than 1% oil and groundnut expeller cakes   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
95   1213 00 00 1214 10 00 1214 90 00 2302 10 10 2302 30 00 2302 40 00 2308 00 00   kg   Fodder, including wheat and rice straw   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
96   2302 20 20 2302 20 90   Kg   Rice bran, raw and boiled   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence
97   2309 23091000   Kg   Preparations of a kind used in animal feeding Dog or Cat food, put up for retail sale   Free Export of the item produced from Animal By-Products to EU is allowed subject to the following conditions:
(i) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number & date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination.
(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide ‘Health Certificate’ consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of vessel name, shipping bill number with date, production process, etc. as per the requirement of EU. The Certificatee would be issued jointly by  CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

Chapter 25

Salt; Sulphur; Earths and Stone; Plastering Materials, Lime and Cement

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
98   2505 10 11
2505 10 12
2505 10 19
2505 10 20
2505 90 00
2530 90 99  
Kg   Sand and Soil   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence

Export Licencing note of Chapter 25

Note 1

  1.  Export of Stone Aggregate to Maldives permitted as per ceiling mentioned below subject to issue of No Objection within the annual ceiling by CAPEXIL who shall monitor the ceiling and send a quarterly report to Export Cell in DGFT:
S.No.   Item   Annual Ceiling of Quantity in MTs
1.   Stone Aggregate   2011-12   2012-13   2013-14
5 lakh   5.5 lakh   6 lakh
  1.  For the export of above quantity of Stone Aggregates, CAPEXIL shall ensure that the suppliers/extractors have obtained appropriate clearances”.

Note 2

(i) Export of River Sand to Maldives permitted as per ceiling mentioned below subject to issue of No Objection within the annual ceiling by CAPEXIL who shall monitor the ceiling and send a quarterly report to Export Cell in DGFT. For the Financial Year 2011-12 (on annual basis): 1,185,455 MTs. (ii) For the export of above quantity of River Sand, CAPEXIL shall ensure that the suppliers/extractors have obtained appropriate clearances and mining of the sand is not undertaken in the Coastal Regulation Zone Area, which is prohibited under the Coastal Regulation Zone notification. (iii) In addition to above, export of River Sand will be allowed subject to the exporter obtaining necessary environmental clearances/No Objection Certificate from the designated nodal authority of respective State Governments from where the River Sand is obtained.

Chapter 26

Ores, Slag and Ash


  1. Rare Earth compounds are freely exportable, but rare earth phosphates, which contain uranium and thorium are prescribed substances and are controlled as per provisions of Atomic Energy Act, 1962 .
  2. Other minerals under code 2617 are freely exportable, except those which have been notified as prescribed substances and controlled under Atomic Energy Act, 1962.
S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
99   2601 11 00   Kg   Iron ore other than those specified under Free category   STE   Export through MMTC Limited
100   2601 11 00   Kg   Iron ore of Goa origin when exported to China, Europe, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, irrespective of the Fe content;   Free
101   2601 11 00   Kg   Iron ore of Redi origin to all markets, irrespective of the Fe content;   Free
102   2601 11 00   Kg   All iron ore of Fe content upto 64%   Free
103   2601 11 50   Kg   Iron ore concentrate prepared by benefication and/or concentration of low grade ore containing 40 percent or less of iron produced by Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited STE Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited, Bangalore
104   2601 12 10   Kg   Iron ore pellets manufactured by Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited.   STE   Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited, Bangalore
105   2601 12 90   Kg   Rejects of iron ore chips and like generated from the manufacturing process after using imported raw material   Free   The quantity of export of such rejects shall not be more than 10% of the imported raw materials i.e. pellets The size of the rejected pellets chips (fines) shall be less than 6 mm
106   2602 00 00   Kg   Manganese Ores excluding the following: Lumpy / blended Manganese ore with more than 46 percent  Manganese     STE Export through (a) MMTC Limited (b) Manganese Ore India Limited (MOIL)  for manganese ore produced in MOIL mines
107   2602 00 10   Kg   Lumpy/blended manganese ore with more than 46% manganese   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
108   2610 00 00   Kg   Chrome ore other than (i) beneficated chrome ore fines / concentrates (maximum feed grade to be less than 42% Cr2O3) and (ii) those categories of Chrome ores mentioned as permitted through STEs.   Restricted   Export permitted under licence other than categories at (b) to (d) below
109   2610 00 30 2610 00 40   kg   Beneficated chrome ore fines / concentrates (maximum feed grade to be less than 42% Cr2O3)   STE   Export through MMTC Limited (amended by notification no 5, dated 09.05.06)
110   2610 00 30   Kg   Chrome ore lumps with Cr2O3 not exceeding 40 percent   STE   Export through MMTC Limited
111   2610 00 90  
Low silica friable/fine ore with Cr2O3 not exceeding 52 percent and Silica exceeding 4 percent   STE   Export through MMTC Limited
112   2610 00 90   Kg   Low Silica friable/fine Chromite Ore with Cr2O3 in the range of 52-54% and silica exceeding 4 %   STE   Export through MMTC Limited

Chapter 27

Mineral Fuels; Mineral Oils and Products of their Distillation; Bituminous Substances; Mineral waxesbr

S. No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
113   2709 00 00   Kg   Crude oil   STE   Export through Indian Oil Corporation Limited
114   2710 19 10   Kg   Kerosene   Free   Export allowed subject to obtaining NOC from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas
115   2711 19 00   kg   Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)   Free   Export allowed subject to obtaining NOC from Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas

Chapter 28

Inorganic Chemicals; Organic or Inorganic Compounds of Precious Metals, of Rare-Earth Metals, of Radioactive Elements of Isotopes

Note 1

Export of Potassium Permanganate is freely allowed subject to No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner, Gwalior for details, see Chapter-29.

Chapter 29

Organic Chemicals

Note - This chapter also includes relevant chemicals under chapter 27, 28 and 38.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
116   2710 91 00   Kg   Poly Brominated Biphenyls   Free   No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi
117   2710 91 00   Kg   Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls   Free   No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi
118   2710 91 00   Kg   Poly Chlorinated terphenyls   Free   No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi
119   2920 90 30   KKg   Tris (2,3 Di-bromopropyl) phosphate   Freebr   No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi
120   2920 90 90   KKg   Crocidolite   Free   No Objection Certificate from the Department of Chemicals and Petrochemicals, Ministry of Chemicals and Fertilizers, New Delhi
121   2841 61 00   Kg   Potassium Permanganate   Free   No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
122   2915 24 00   Kg   Acetic Anhydride   Free   No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
123   2939 41 00
 2939 42 00  
Kg   Ephedrine and its salts /Pseudoephedrine and its salts   Free   No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
124   2905 41 00   Kg   11- Phenyl-2 Propanone & 3,4- Methylenedioxyphenyl – 2- Propanone   Free   No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
125   2914 12 00   Kg   MMethyl Ethyl Ketone   Free   No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner of India, Gwalior
126   2903 00 00   Kg   CChemicals included in Annexures A and B to the Montreal Protocol on substances that deplete the Ozone Layer   Restricted   Exports permitted under licence. Export to countries which are not Parties to the Montreal Protocol is prohibited.
127   2903 00 00   Kg   Chemicals under Montreal Protocol when exported to a country which is not party to the `Montreal Protocol on substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer'   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported   Annexure A
128   2903 41 00   Kg   GGroup I (a) CFC13(CFC-11) Trichloro fluoro methane.   Restricted or Prohibited as above depending upon whether country is signatory of Montreal Protocol or not.  
129   2903 42 00   Kg   ((b) CFC2C12 (CFC-12 Dicholoro difluoro methane.
130   2903 43 00   Kg   (c) C2F3C13 (CFC-113) 1,1,2, Trichloro-1,2,2 trifluoro ethane.
131   2903 44 10   Kg   ((d) C2F4C12 (CFC-114) 1,2 Dichloro tetrafluoro ethane.
132   2903 44 20   Kg   (e) C2F5BrCI (CFC-115) Chloro penta fluoro ethane
133   2903 46 10   Kg   GGroup II (f) CF2BrCI                    (Halon-1211) Bromo chloro difluoro methane.
134   2903 46 20   Kg   ((g) CF3B                    (Halon-1301) Bromo trifluoro methane.
135   2903 46 30   Kg   (                   (H) C2F4Br2                    (Halon-2402) Dibromo tetrafluoro ethane.
            Annexure B
136   2903 45 11   Kg   Group I (i) CF3CI (CFC-13) Chloro trifluoro methane.
137   2903 45 12   Kg   ((j) C2FC15 (CFC-111) Pentachloro fluoro ethane.
138   2903 45 13   Kg   ((k) C2F2C14 (CFC-112) Tetrachloro difluoro ethane.
139   2903 45 21   Kg   ((l) C3FC17 (CFC-211)
 Heptachloro - fluoroprapane.
140   2903 45 22   Kg   ((m) C3F2C16 (CFC212) Hexachloro difluoro propane.    
141   2903 45 23   Kg   ((n) C3F3C15 (CFC-213) Pentachloro trifluoro propane.    
142   2903 45 24   Kg   (o) C3F5C14 (CFC-214) Tetrachloro tetrafluoro propane.    
143   2903 45 25   Kg   ((p) C3F5C13 (CFC-215) Trichloro pentafluoro propane.    
144   2903 45 26   Kg   ((q) C3F6C12 (CFC-216) Dichloro hexafluoro propane.    
145   2903 45 27   Kg   (r) C3F7Cl (CFC-217) Chloro heptafluoro propane.    
146   2903 14 00   Kg   GGroup II
(s) CC14 Carbon Tetrachloride Tetrachloro methane.
147   2903 19 20   Kg   Group III
(t) CH3C13* 1,1,1-Trichloro ethane. (Methyl Chloroform)  
*This formula does not refer to 1,1,2-trichloro ethane
Annexure C             Controlled
148   2903 49 10   kg   Group
Group I                  Substance
      CHFCI2                       (HCFC-21)    
      CHF2CI                            (HCFC-22)    
      CH2FCI                          (HCFC-31)    
      C2 HFCI4                     (HCFC-121)    
      C2HF2CI3                     (HCFC-122)    
      C2HF3CI2                     (HCFC-123)    
      CHCI2CF3                    (HCFC-123)    
      CHFCICF3                    (HCFC-124)    
      CHFCICF3                     (HCFC-124)
                                         (amended by notification No 09, dated 10.12.04)
      C2H2FCI3                     (HCFC-131)    
      C2H2F2CI2                    (HCFC-132)    
      C2H2F3CI                    (HCFC-133)    
      C2H3FCI2                    (HCFC-141)    
      CH3CFCI2                    (HCFC-141b)    
      C2H3F2CI                    (HCFC-142)    
      CH3CF2CI                    (HCFC-142b)    
      C2H4FCI                    (HCFC-151)    
      C3HFCI6                    (HCFC-221)    
      C3HF2CI5                    (HCFC-222)    
      C3HF3CI                    (HCFC-223)    
      C3HF4CI3                    (HCFC-224)    
      C3HF5CI2                    (HCFC-225)    

CF3CF2CHCI2               (HCFC-225ca)

      CF2CICF2CHCIF           (HCFC-225cb)    
      C3HF6CI                      (HCFC-226)    
      C3H2FCI5                     (HCFC-231)    
      C3H2F2CI4                     (HCFC-232)    
      C3H2F3CI3                    (HCFC-233)    
      C3H2F4CI2                    (HCFC-234)    
      C3H2F5CI                    (HCFC-235)    
      C3H3FCI4                    (HCFC-241)    
      C3H3F3CI3                    (HCFC-242)    
      C3H3F2CI2                    (HCFC-243)    
      C3H3F4CI                    (HCFC-244)    
      C3H4FCI3                     (HCFC-251)    
      C3H4F2CI2                    (HCFC-252)    
      C3H4F3CI                    (HCFC-253)    
      C3H5FCI2                    (HCFC-261)    
      C3H5F2CI                    (HCFC-262)    
      C3H6FCI                    (HCFC-271)    
149 2903 49 90   Group                        Substance    
150 2903 49 90   CH2BrCI-    
      Annexure D - Reserved    
151 3808 10 24 kg Annexure E    
      CCH3Br Methyle Bromide    

Chapter 30

Pharmaceutical Products

Note 1 Formulations of plant portions of prohibited varieties falling in heading 3003 and heading 3004 are freely exportable subject to conditions. For details, please see chapter 12.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
152   3002 10 11
3002 10 12
3002 10 13
3002 10 14
3002 10 19
3002 10 20
3002 10 91
3002 90 10
3002 90 20  
Kg   Whole human blood plasma and all products derived from human blood except gamma globulin and human serum albumin manufactured from human placenta and human placental blood; Raw placenta; Placental blood plasma   Free   Export allowed subject to obtaining No Objection Certificate from DGHS
153   3002 10 20   Kg   Gamma globulin and human serum albumin manufactured from human placenta and human placental blood   Free
154   3002 10 11
3002 10 12
3002 10 19
3002 10 20
 3002 90 10
 3002 90 20  
Kg   Samples of whole human blood plasma and all products derived from human blood; Raw placenta; Placental blood plasma in individual cases for diagnostic / therapeutic purposes   Free   Recommendation from a doctor
155   3003 90 36
 3004 90 96  
Kg   Ketamine   Free   Export allowed subject to obtaining No Objection Certificate from Narcotics Commissioner
156   30021020   Kg   Blood products for technical use in medical devices, In Vitro Diagnostics & Laboratory Reagents not intended for human consumption,   Free   Export to EU allowed subject to the following conditions:  
((i) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval  number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number & date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination.

((ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a ‘Production Process’certificate and/or’ health certificate to the buyer consignment-wise to be issued by CAPEXIL as per the requirement of EU.

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 30

“ The words ‘ Heavy metals within permissible limits’ have be conspicuously displayed on the container of purely Herbal Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani medicines to be exported. Alternatively, a Certificate that ‘ Heavy metals within permissible limits ‘ issued either by an inhouse laboratory fully equipped with appropriate equipments for testing heavy metals or by any other NABL / GLP accredited laboratory or any other approved laboratory has to be produced along with other consignment papers.”

Chapter 31


S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
157   3102 10 00   Kg   Urea   Restricted   Export permitted under licence.
158   3103 10 00   Kg   Straight Phosphatic Fetilizers given below :
1. Single Super Phosphate (16% P2O5) Powdered  

2. Single Super Phosphate (14% P2O5) Powdered  

3. Single Super Phosphate (16% P2O5) Granulated  
Free   Manufacturers of SSP as listed at Export Licensing Note 1 at List A below shall be allowed to export their own manufactured SSP subject to the following conditions :   1. Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self-declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/ subsidy has been claimed for intended export.   2. Production of above declaration / certificate as at   (i) above to Customs at the time of export.
159   3103 10 00   Kg   Other Straight Phosphatic Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 158 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
160   3105 30 00   Kg   N.P. Complex Fertilizers given below :  

Diammonium Phosphate (DAP) (18-46-00)  
 Restricted     Manufacturers of DAP as listed at Export Licensing Note 1 at List B below shall be allowed,with the prior permission of the Department of Fertilizer, to export their own manufactured DAP subject to the following conditions :  (i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self-declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no  concession/ subsidy has been claimed for intended export. (ii) Production of above declaration / certificate as at (i) above to Customs at the time of export.
161   105 30 00   Kg   Other N.P. Complex Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 160 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
162   3104 20 00   Kg   Straight Potassic Fertilizers given below: Potassium Chloride (Muriate of Potash)   Restricted    Exports permitted, with the prior permission of the Department of Fertilizer, by direct importers of MOP out of quantity of import made during last six months subject to the following conditions :-  

(i) They will not claim any concession for the quantity intended to be exported ; or   (ii) They will return the concession if already claimed from the Government; and  

1. Furnish certificate from the statutory auditors to the Department of Fertilisers and Customs that the quantity intended to be exported has been imported in the last six months and no concession / subsidy has been claimed; and  

2. Export realisation in free foreign exchange only.”
163   3104 20 00   Kg   Straight Potassic Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 162 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
164   3105 40 00 3105 51 00 3105 59 00   Kg   Other N.P. Complex Fertilizers as given below : 1. NP ( 16-20-0) 2. NP ( 20-20-0) 3. NP ( 28-28-0) 4. NP ( 23-23-0)   Free   Manufacturers of NP and NPK as listed at Export Licensing Note 1 at List C below shall be allowed to export their own manufactured NP and NPK subject to the following conditions : (i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self-declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/ subsidy has been claimed for intended export.
(ii) Production of above declaration / certificate as at (i) above to Customs at the time of export.
165   3105 40 00 3105 51 00 3105 59 00   Kg   Other N.P. Complex Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 164 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
166   3105 20 00   Kg   N.P.K. Complex Fertilisers given below :-   Nitrophosphate with Potash
 ( 15-15-15)
 N.P.K. (10-26-26)
N.P.K. (12-32-16)
N.P.K. (14-35-14)
N.P.K. (14-28-14)
N.P.K. (19-19-19)
N.P.K. (17-17-17)
N.P.K. (15-15-15)  
Free   Manufacturers of NP and NPK as listed at Export Licensing Note 1 at List C below shall be allowed to export their own manufactured NP and NPK subject to the following conditions :
(i) Intimation to Department of Fertilizer about quantity of export along with a self-declaration and a certificate issued by statutory auditors that no concession/ subsidy has been claimed for intended export.
(ii) Production of above declaration / certificate as at (i) above to Customs at the time of export.
167   3105 20 00   Kg   Other N.P.K. Complex   Restricted   Export permitted under  Fertilizers of the specifications at Entry number 166 above which do not meet the specified conditions for free exports  licence
168   3104 90 00   Kg   All chemical fertilisers fortified with zinc or boron   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
169   3105 90 10   Kg   Micronutirent fertilizers and mixtures thereof containing NPK, excluding those specified in Schedule I , Part A 1 (f) of Fertilizers (Control) Order, 1985   Restricted   Export permitted under licence

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 31

Note 1

List of Manufacturers of SSP , DAP and NP / NPK who can freely export their own manufactures subject to the conditions above.

A List of SSP Manufacturers/Units

S.No.   Name of the Unit/location
1.    Arawali Phosphate Ltd, Jhamarkotra Road, Umra, Udaipur, Rajasthan
2.    Arihant Fertilizers & Chemicals Ltd, Neemuch Tehsil, Neemuch, M.P.
3.    Arihant Phosphates and Fertilisers Ltd, Nimbaheda, Chittorgarh, Rajasthan
4    Asha Phosphates Ltd, Jaggakhedi, Mandsaur, M.P.
5.    Basant Agro Tech (India) Ltd, Barshi Takli Tehsil, Akola, Maharashtra
6.    Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd, Gunjkheda, Pulgaon, Wardha, Maharashtra
7.    Bhilai Engineering Corporation Ltd, Sirgiti Industrial Area, Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
8.    Bohra Industries Ltd, Umra Village, Girva, Udaipur, Rajasthan
9.    Chemtech Fertilisers Ltd, Kazipalli, IDA, Medak, Andhra Pradesh
10.    Coimbatore Pioneer Fertilisers Ltd, Muthugoundanpudur, coimabore, TN
11.    Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Ambarnath Tehsil, Thane, Maharashtra
12.    Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Distt. Bilaspur, Chattisgarh
13.    Dharamsi Morarji Chemical Co Ltd, Khemli, udaipur, Rajasthan
14.    EID Parry (India) Ltd, Pinji Village, Ranipet, TN
15.    Gayatri Spinners Ltd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
16.    Hind Lever Chemicals Ltd, Durgachak, Haldia, Midnapore, W.B.
17.    Jairam Phosphate Ltd, Wadsa (Desalganj), Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
18.    Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilisers-1, Khardah, 24 Praganas (N), W.B.
19.    Jay Shree Chemicals & Fertilisers-1I, Khardah, 24 Praganas (N), W.B.
20.    Jubliant Organosys Ltd, Bharatiram, Gajraula, U.P.
21.    Kashi Uravark Ltd, Industrial Area, Jagdishpur, Sultanpur, U.P.
22.    Khaitan Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, Village Nirmani, Khargone, M.P.
23.    Khaitan Fertilisers, Rampur, U.P.
24.    Kothari Industrial Corp. Ltd, Ennore, T.N.
25.    Krishna Industrial Corp. Ltd, Nidadavola, West Godavari, Distt. A.P.
26.    Liberty Phosphate Ltd, Mewar Industrial Area, Udaipur, Rajasthan
27.    Liberty Phosphate Ltd, Nandesari, Vadodara, Gujarat
28.    Madhya Bharat Agro products Ltd, Sagar, M.P.
29.    Madhya Pradesh Orgochem Ltd, Jawad Tehsil, Neemuch, M.P.
 30.    Mahadeo Fertilisers Ltd, Bindki, Fatepur, U.P.
31.    Maharashtra Agro Industries Dev.Corpn. Ltd, Panvel Taluka, Rigad, Maharashtra
32.    Mangalam Phosphates Ltd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
33.    Mardia Chemials Ltd, Sitagarh Sayala, Surendranagar, Gujarat
34.    Mexican Phosphates Ltd, Ksasrawad Tehsil, Khargone, M.P.
35.   Mukteshwar Fertilisers Ltd, Narayankhedi, Ujjain, M.P.
36.    Narmada Agro Chemicals P.Ltd. Mangrol, Junagarh, Gujarat
37.    Nirma Ltd, Moraiya Village, Bavala, Ahmedabad, Gujarat
38.    Phosphate Co. Ltd, Rishra, Hoogly, W.B.
39.    Pragati Fertilizers Ltd, IDA, Block-A. Vishakapatnam, A.P.
40.    Prathyusha Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd, IDA, Parawada, Vishakapatnam, A.P.
41.    Prem Sakhi Fertilisers Ltd, Jhamar Kotra Road, Lakadwas, Udaipur, Rajasthan
42.    Priyanka Fertilisers & Chemicals , Anakapalli (M), Vishakapatnam, A.P.
43.    Rashi Fertilizers Ltd., Dindori Tehsil, Nasik, Maharashtra.
44.    Rajlaxmi Agrotech India Ltd., Gundewadi Jalna Tehsil, Jalna. Maharashtra.
45    Rama Krishi Rasayan, Haveli Taluka, Pune, Maharashtra.
46    Rama Phosphates Ltd., Dharampuri, Indore, M.P.
47    Rama Phosphates Ltd. Umra, Gurva Tehsil, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
48    Rewati Minerals & Chemicals Ltd., Banda, Tehsil, Sagar, M.P.
49    Sadhana Phosphate & chemicals Ltd., Gudli Village, Udaipur, Rajasthan.
50    Shiva Fertilizers Ltd., Loha, Taluka, Nanded, Maharashtra.
51    Shreeji Phosphate Ltd., Kallipura Village, Jhabua, M.P.
52    Shri Acids and Chemicals Ltd., Gajraula, U.P.
53    Shri Bhawani Mishra (P) Ltd., Wazirabad, Nanded Maharashtra
54    Shri Ganpati Fertilizers Ltd., Gauraji ka Nimbahera, Ambabari, Rajasthan.
55    Shrinivas Fertilizers Ltd, Gormachhia Village, Jhansi, UP
56    Shurvi Colour Chem Ltd., Madsri, Girva Tehsil, Udaipur, Rajasthan
57    Sona Phosphate Ltd, Sarigam, Sabero, Valsad, Gujarat
58    Subhodaya Chemicals Ltd, Gauripatnam, A.P.
59    Swastik Fertilizer & Chemicals Lt, Village Sandla, Dhar, M.P.
60    Tedco Granites Ltyd, Hamirgarh, Bhilwara, Rajasthan
61    Teesta Agro Industries Ltd, Rajganj, Jalpaiguri, W.B.
62    The Andhra Sugars Ltd, Kovvur, West Godavari Distt, A.P.
63    The Bharat Fertilizer Industries Ltd, Wada Taluka, Thane, Maharashtra.
64.    Tungabadra Fertilizers & Chemicals Company Ltd, Munirabad R.S. Koppal, Karnataka.

B    List of DAP Manufacturers
1.    Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd.
2.    Zauri Industries Ltd.
3.    Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd.
4.    Deleted.
5.    Oswal Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd.
6.    Madras Fertilisers Ltd., New Delhi-110016
7.    M/s Hindalco Industries Limited (unit: birla copper)
8.    Indian Farmers Fertilisers Coop. Ltd, New Delli-110019
9.    Godavari Fertilisers & Chemical Ltd.
10.    Deleted.
11.   Deleted
12.   M/s Tata Chemicals Limited ( Phosphate Business Division ), bishop’s house, 51, Chowringee Road, Kolkata-700071.
13.    Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
14.    Deleted
15.    Paradeep Phosphates Ltd, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneshwar-751001
16.    FACT, Cochin
17.    Deleted.

C.    List of NP / NPK Manufacturers
1    M/s Gujarat State Fertilisers & Chemicals Ltd. 6th Floor, Meridien, West Tower, Windsor Place, New Delhi-110001.
2    M/s Zurai Industries Ltd., International Trade Tower, 2nd Floor, F Block, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019.
3    M/s Southern Petrochemical Industries Corporation Ltd., SPIC House, 842, Asian Games Village Complex, Khel Gaon, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi-110049.
4    M/s Rashtriya Chemical and Fertiliser Ltd., H-9 Green Park Extn., New Delhi.
5    M/s Oswal Chemicals & Fertilisers Ltd., 7th Floor, Antrikash Bhawan, 22, Kasturba Gandhi Marg,New Delhi-110001.
6    M/s Madras Fertilisers Ltd., U-12-A, First Floor, Green Park Extension, New Delhi-110016.
 7    M/s Hindalco Industries Limited ( unit : birla Copper )
8    M/s Indian Farmers Fertilisers Coop. Ltd., 34, Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019.
9    M/s Godavari Fertilisers & Chemical Ltd., E-198, East of Kailash, New Delhi-110065.
10    M/s E.I. D Parry India Ltd., Jeevan Deep Building, No.10, Sansad Marg, P.B. No.172, New Delhi-110001.
11    M/s Coromondal Fertilizer Ltd. (CFL) Jeevan Deep Building, 1st Floor, 10, Parliament Street, New Delhi-110001.
12    M/s Tata Chemicals Limited ( Phosphate Business Division ), bishop’s house, 51, Chowringee Road, Kolkata-700071.
13    M/s Mangalore Chemicals and Fertilisers Ltd., 1002, Bhikaji Cama Bhawan, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
14    M/s Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Limited, S-I, First Floor, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi-110017.
15    M/s Paradeep Phosphates Ltd., Bayan Bhawan, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru Marg, Bhubaneshwar-751001. 16 M/s FACT, Cochin. 17 M/s Gujrat Narmada Valley Fertiliser Company limited, Bharauch.

Chapter 32

Tanning or Dyeing Extracts; Tannings and their Derivatives; Dyes, Pigments and other Colouring Matter; Paints and Varnishes; Putty and other Mastics; Inks

 Note 1 Value added products of Red Sanders wood in this chapter require a licence and CITES documentation. For detail, see Chapter 44.”

Chapter 33

Essential Oils and Resinoids; Perfumery, Cosmetic or Toilet preparations

Note 1 Sandalwood oil under 3301 29 37 is freely exportable.

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
170   3301 29 37   Kg   Sandalwood oil   Free   Subject to Quantitative ceilings and conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time. For detail policy see chapter 44

Chapter 35

Albuminoidal substances; modified starches; glues; enzymes

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
171   35030020   Kg   Gelatine, edible grade and not elsewhere specified or included   Free   Export to EU allowed subject to the following conditions:   (j) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number & date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination.  (ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide ‘Health Certificate’ consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of vessel name, shipping bill number with date, production process, etc. as per the requirement of EU. The Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.



Glues derived from bones, hides & similar items and fish glues Peptones; others   Free

Export to EU allowed subject to the following conditions:

(j) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by the CAPEXIL(formerly Chemical & Allied Products Export Promotion Council) indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number with date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination.  

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide a ‘Production Process’certificate and/or’ health certificate to the buyer consignment-wise to be issued by CAPEXIL (formerly Chemicals and Allied Products Exports Promotion Council) as per the requirement of EU.
174   3501  
Casein, caseinates and other casein derivatives;casein glues   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 35

Note 1

Transitional arrangements under para 1.5 of Foreign Trade Policy, 2009-14 shall not be applicable on export of casein and casein derivatives.

Note 2

Export consignments of casein and casein derivatives which were handed over to customs for examination and export on or before 18.02.2011 will be allowed for export.

Note 3

Export of excise verified stock of 1053.625 MS of Casein manufactured before 18.02.2011 permitted.

Chapter 38

Miscellaneous Chemical Products

Note 1    Value added products of red sanders wood in this chapter require a licence. For detail, see Chapter 44

Chapter 40

Rubber and Articles thereof

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
175   4014 10 10   u   Condoms except categories /brands mentioned at (a) and (b) below which are not allowed for export   Free   Export freely permitted subject to submission to Customs , a self declaration and a certificate issued by statutory Auditors that no concession/subsidy has been claimed for intended exports nor any subsidized material has been used for manufacture of items under export
(a) Any condom with any of the following marking/Stamp   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
i. “ Made specially for Govt. of India ” ; or
ii. “ Sold under Contraceptive Social Marketing Programme of Govt. of India ” ;
iii. “ Free supply ” ;
iv. “ Central Govt. supply- Not for sale ” ; or
v. “ Not for export outside India ” ; and /or
(b) the following specific brands of condoms:-   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported.
i. Ahsaas
ii. Bliss
iiii. Deluxe Nirodh
iv. Dream
vv. Masti
vi. Milan
vii. Mithun
viii. Mauj
ix. Nirodh
x. New Lubricated Nirodh
xi. Pick Me
xxii. Sangam
xiii. Super Deluxe Nirodh
xiv. Sawan
xv. Tamanna
xvi. Umang
xvii. Ustad
xviii. Zaroor
xix. Anand
xx. Thrill
xxxi. Sparsh
xxii. Sathi

Chapter 41

Raw Hides and Skins (other than Furskins) and leather

Note 1: Finished leather of goat, sheep and bovine animals and of their young ones" means the leather which complies with the terms and conditions specified in the Public Notice of the Government of India in the Ministry of Commerce No.21/2009-14 dated 01.12.2009, under the provisions of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992).

S.No.   Tariff item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
176   4104 11 00
4104 19 00
4104 41 00
4104 49 00
4105 10 00
4105 30 00
4106 21 00
4106 22 00
4106 31 00
4106 32 00
4106 40 00
4106 91 00
4106 92 00
4107 11 00
4107 12 00
4107 19 00
4107 91 00
4107 92 00
4107 99 00  
Kg   Finished leather all kinds   Free   Subject to the definition of finished leather at Note 1

Export Licensing note of Chapter 41

Note 1

The definition of finished leather is contained in Public Notice No.21/2009-14 dated 01.12.2009. The same is reproduced at Appendix 4 of this schedule.

Chapter 44

Wood and Articles of Wood; Wood Charcoal

Note 1

Definition of handicrafts for the purpose of classification.

(a) A handicraft must be predominantly made by hand. Machinery can also be used in the manufacturing process as a secondary process.

(b) It must be graced with visual appeal in the form of ornamentation or in-lay work or some similar work lending it an element of artistic improvement and such ornamentation must be of a substantial nature and not a mere pretence. The classification codes for the handicrafts is only illustrative. The description can cover other headings as well.

Note 2

Mulli bamboo (Melocanna baccifera) is Prohibited. For details see chapter 14.

S.No.   Tariff Itrem HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
177   44401 10 00
4401 21 00
4401 30 00  
mt Wood and wood products in the form of logs, timber, stumps, roots, bark, chips, powder, flakes, dust, and charcoal other than saion timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
178   44401 10 10
4401 10 90  
mt   Fuel wood, in logs, in billets, in twigs, in faggots or in similar forms; Wood in chips or particles; Sawdust and wood waste and scrap, whether or not   agglomerated in logs, briquettes, pellets or similar forms   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
179   4402 00 10
4402 00 90  
mt   Wood charcoal , whether or not agglomerated   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
180   4407 10 10 4407 10 20 4407 10 90 4407 29 10 4407 29 90 4407 99 10 4407 99 20 4407 99 90   mt   Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end jointed, or a thickness exceeding 6 mm other than sawn timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
181   4407 10 10
4407 10 20
4407 10 90
4407 29 10
4407 29 90
4407 99 10
4407 99 20 
4407 99 90  
mt   Sawn Timber made exclusively out of imported logs/timber of all the species of wood other than CITES Appendix I & II species.   Free   (I) The Export would be confined to the species which has been imported; 

(ii) The importer and exporter will be the same party/firm and the import    and export will have to be effected from the same port. The Scheme will be operational only from the ports of Chennai, Kandla, Kolkata, Mangalore, Mumbai, Mundra, Nhavasheva (JNPT), Tuticorin and Visakhapatnam. However, for this purpose Mangalore and Tuticorin shall be treated as the same Port thereby allowing importers to import wood logs from Mangalore and export the sawn timber from Tuticorin and vice-versa. Similar facility shall also be available for Kandla, Mumbai, Mundra and Nhavasheva (JNPT) Ports thereby allowing importers to import from any of the above Ports and export either from the same Port or from any other remaining three Ports.

(iii) The export of sawn products derived from imported logs shall not exceed 60% of the imports in volume terms;

(iv) The value addition of such exports shall be not less than 30%.
(v) The Saw Mill of the exporter, where imported timber is sawn shall be registered with the State Forest Department and shall be located away from the forest area in a location approved by the Conservator of Forests of the State Government;

(vi) The exporter must undertake exports within a period of 12 months from the date of import;

(vii) The export contracts shall be registered with the Chemicals and Allied  Products Export Promotion Council (CAPEXIL) who will monitor them to ensure that the scheme is not abused.

(viii) The laws and rules framed by the Central Government and the State Government regulating timber in transit shall be followed by the exporters.
182   1211 90 50
4403 99 22  
M3   Sandalwood in any form, but excluding finished handicraft products of sandalwood, machine finished sandalwood products, sandalwood oil:   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
183   4414 00 00
4415 00 00
4419 00 00
4420 00 00
4421 90 60
4421 90 90  
Kg   “Finished Handicraft products of 

(a) Sandalwood 

(b) Other species  

Subject to provisions of CITES

Subject to provisions of CITES
184   4409 00 00   Kg   Machine finished sandalwood products   Free
185   3301 29 37   Kg   Sandalwood Oil   Free Subject to Quantitative ceilings and conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time.
186   1211 90 50
4401 30 00  
mt   Sandalwood De-oiled Spent Dust   Restricted   Export permitted under licence subject to conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time.
187   1211 90 50
4403 99 22  

Other forms of sandalwood as specified   Restricted   Export permitted under licence subject to conditionalities as may be notified by the Director General of Foreign Trade from time to time.
188   4403 99 18
4407 99 90  
m3   Red Sanders wood in any form, whether raw, processed or unprocessed , except at (b) below   Prohibited   NNot permitted to be exported.

The condition stipulated in Column 5 against Sl. No.154(a) of Chapter 44 of Schedule 2 of the “ITC                   (HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items 1st September, 2004 – 31st

March, 2009” shall be relaxed for a period of one month with effect from the date of issue of export licence to allow export of 354.98 MT of A, B, C and D grades of Red Sanders Wood, in the form of log obtained from Government of Andhra Pradesh through auction.
189  3203 00 90
3805 10 10
 9202 10 00
9202 90 00
9203 00 10
9203 00 90
9204 10 00
 9204 20 00
 9206 00 00
 9208 10 00
9208 20 00
 9209 92 00
9209 93 00
9209 99 00  
kg  Value added products of Red Sanders wood such as Extracts, Dyes, Musical Instruments and parts of Musical Instruments, made from Redsanders wood, procured from legal sources   Restricted Exports permitted under licence subject to the following documentation. Applications for export licences should be accompanied by attested copies of certificate of origin issued by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests of the State from where the stocks were procured, giving details of the date of procurement from legal sources and quantities procured. A Certificate of the current position of stocks so procured and available with the applicant given after physical verification of the stocks, by the authority nominated for the purpose by the Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, should also accompany application for export licence. The applications shall be considered on merits for issue of Export Licence, which shall be subject to any other conditions such as MEP, quantity ceilings requirements under CITES, etc. as may be prescribed from time to time.

Chapter 47

Pulp of Wood or of other Fibrous Cellulosic Material; Waste and Scrap of Paper or Paperboard

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
190   4701 00 00   kg   Mechanical wood pulp   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
191   4702 00 00   kg   Chemical wood pulp, dissolving grades   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
192   4703 00 00   kg   Chemical wood pulp, soda or sulphate, other than dissolving grades   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
193   4704 00 00   kg   Chemical wood pulp, sulphite, other than dissolving grade   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
194   4705 00 00   Kg   Semichemical Wood Pulp   Prohibited   Not permitted to be exported
195   4707 00 00   kg   Waste paper   Restricted   Export permitted under licence

Chapter 50


S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
196   5001 00 00   kg   Pure races of Silk worms; silkworm seeds, and silk worm cocoons   Restricted   Export permitted under licence

 Chapter 52


S. No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item of Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
197   5201  
Cotton neither carded nor combed   Free   Prior registration of contracts with DGFT.
198   5202  
Cotton waste (including yarn waste and garnetted stock)   Free
199   5203  
Cotton, carded or combed   Free   Prior registration of contracts with DGFT.
200   5205   Kgs   Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing 85% or more by weight or cotton not put up for retails sale   Free   The contracts for export of cotton yarn shall be registered with the Directorate General of Foreign Trade prior to shipment. Clearance of cotton yarn consignments shall be given by Customs after verifying that the contracts have been registered.
201   5206   Kgs   Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread), containing less than 85% by weight or cotton not put up for retails sale   Free
202   5207   Kgs   Cotton yarn (other than sewing thread),put up for retail sale   Free  

Export Licensing Note of Chapter 52

Note 1

Export of 5,000 bales of Assam Comilla Cotton [ITC(HS) Code 52010012] will be exempted from any export restriction during the cotton season 2011-12 (up to 30.09.2012) subject to registration with DGFT.

Chapter 84

Nuclear Reactors, Boilers, Machinery and Mechanical Appliances; Parts thereof

Note 1     Vintage motor cars and vintage motor cycles including their parts and components are restricted. For details please see chapter 87

Chapter 87

Vehicles other than Railway or Tramway Rolling Stock, and Parts and Accessories thereof

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
203   8703 21 10
8703 21 91
8703 22 10
8703 22 91
8703 23 91
8703 24 10
8703 24 91
8407 33 10
8407 34 10
8706 00 11
8706 00 39
8707 10 00
8708 10 90
8708 29 00
8708 39 00
8708 40 00
8708 50 00
8708 60 00
8708 70 00
8708 80 00
8708 91 00
8708 92 00
8708 93 00
8708 94 00
8708 99 00  
u   Vintage motor cars, parts and components thereof manufactured prior to 1.1.1950   Restricted   Export permitted under licence
204   8711 00 00
8407 31 10
8407 32 10
8407 33 20
8714 11 00
8714 19 00
8714 91 00
8714 92 90
8714 93 90
8714 95 90
 8714 99 90  
u   Vintage Motorcycles, parts and components thereof manufactured prior to 1.1.1940   Restricted   Export permitted under licence

Chapter 92

Musical Instruments Parts and Accessories of such articles

Note 1  Value added products of red sanders wood in this chapter require a licence. For detail, see Chapter 44.

Chapter 93

Arms and Ammunition; Parts and Accessories thereof

S.No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
205   9302 00 00 9303 00 00 9306 21 00 9306 29 00 9306 30 00 9306 90 00   u   Muzzle loading weapons   Free   (a) Licence under Arms and Rules framed thereunder;  

(b) Certificate from the Archaeological Survey of India certifying that the firearms to be exported are not antiques/rare specimens nor manufactured in India prior to 1956; and  

(c) Firearms to be exported shall bear appropriate marks of identification and proof tests
206   9303 10 00 9306 21 00 9306 29 00 9306 30 00 9306 90 00   u   Weapons and breach loading or bolt action weapons such as shot guns, revolvers, pistols and their ammunition   Free (a) Licence under Arms and Rules framed thereunder; (b) Certificate from the Archaeological Survey of India certifying that the firearms to be exported are not antiques/rare specimens nor manufactured in India prior to 1956; and (c) Firearms to be exported shall bear appropriate marks of identification and proof tests

Chapter 96

Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles

Sl. No.   Tariff Item HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
207   9602 00 30   Kg   Empty Gelatin Capsules, not intended for human consumption   Free   Export of the item to EU, produced from Animal By-Products, is allowed subject to the following conditions:
(i) A ‘Shipment Clearance Certificate’ is to be issued consignment-wise by CAPEXIL indicating details of the name and address of the exporter, address of the registered plant, IEC No. of the exporter, plant approval number, nature of export product, quantity, invoice number and date, port of loading (Name of the port) and destination.

(ii) After the shipment is made, the exporter shall also provide ‘Health Certificate’ consignment-wise to the buyer giving details of vessel name, shipping bill number with date, production process, etc. as per the regulations stipulated by EC (EU) from time to time. The Certificate would be issued jointly by CAPEXIL and Regional Animal Quarantine Officer, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.

Chapter 97

Works of Art, Collectors’ Pieces and Antiques

S.No.   HS Code   Unit   Item Description   Export Policy   Nature of Restriction
208   9705 00 90 9706 00 00   u   Replicas of antique weapons   Free   Certificate from the District Magistrate concerned/Commissioner of Police under whose jurisdiction the replica has been manufactured and has been rendered innocuous.

Appendix 1

List of Wild Life entries in Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972


The import and export of Wild Life and its forms is prohibited in the Exim Policy issued under the authority of the Foreign Trade (Development & Regulations) Act, 1992. The generic entry listed in the policy is:

“Wild animals including parts and products and ivory”. Wild animals are those defined in the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.


The schedule lists and functions under the Act are given in the table below:

Schedule I   Part I   Wild animals listed under Mammals   Covered under definition of Scheduled animal and Scheduled animal articles. Dealing in these along
   Part II   Amphibians and Reptiles   with their articles and trophies is prohibited under
   Part III   Birds   Section 49 of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972.
   Part IV   Crustacea and Insects   Hunting of these animals is also Prohibited
Schedule II   Part I   Wild animals listed under Mammals and reptiles   Schedule II, Dealing in Part I Schedule articles requires licence. Part II covered under definition of scheduled animal and scheduled animal articles.
   Part II   Beetles  
Schedule III  
Wild animals under mammals   Dealing in these items and animal articles and tropies requires licence. Hunting Prohibited.
Schedule IV  
Wild animals under mammals, birds   Dealing in these items and animal articles and tropies requires licence. Hunting Prohibited.
Schedule V  
Vermins (Common Crow, Fruit Bats, Mice and Rats living in wild excluded from the definition of Wild Animals.
Schedule VI  
List of plants notified under Section C   Licence from Chief Wild Life Warden for dealing in specified plants. Cultivation also requires a licence

SCHEDULE I of Wild Life Protection Act, 1972

Note: Entries listed with stars ("*") means item has been omitted against the entry number.

Part 1 Mammals

1. Andaman wild pig (Sus sorofa andamanensis)]
1-A. Bharal (Ovisnahura)] 1-B. Binturong (Arctictis binturong)]
2. Black Buck (Antelope cervicapra)
2-A. * * *
3. Brow-antlered Deer or Thamin (Cervus eldi)
3-A. Himalayan Brown bear (Ursus Arctos)
3-B. Capped Langur (Presbytis pileatus)
4. Caracal (Felis caracal)
4-A. Catecean specils
5. Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus)
5-A. Chinese Pangolin (Mainis pentadactyla)
5-B. Chinkara or Indian Gazelle (Gazella gazella bennetti)
6. Clouded Leoparad (Neofelis nebulosa)
6-A. Crab-eating Macaque (Macaca irus umbrosa)
6-B. Desert cat (Felis libyca)
6-C. Desert fox (Vulpes bucapus)
7. Dugong (Dugong dugon)
7-A. Ermine (Mustele erminea)
8. Fishing Cat (Felis Vivian)
8-A. Four-horned antelope (Tetraceros quadricornis)
8-B. * * *
8-C. * * *
8-D. Gangetic dolphin (Platanista gangetica)
8-E. Gaur or Indian bison (Bos gaurus)
9. Golden Cat (Felis temmincki)
10. Golden Langur (Presbytis geei)
10-A. Giant squirrel (Ratufa macroura)
10-B. Himalayan Ibex (Capra ibex)
10-C. Himalayan Tahr (Hemitragus jemlahicus)
11. Hispid Hare (Caprolagus hispidus)
11-A. Hog badger (Arconyx collaris)
12. Hoolock (Hylobates hoolock)
12-A * * *
12-B. Indian Elephant (Elephas maximums)
13. Indian Lion (Panthera leo persica)
14. Indian Wild Ass (Equus hemionus khur)
15. Indian Wolf (Canis lupas pallipes)
16. Kashmir Stag (Cervus elaphus hanglu)
16-A. Leaf Monkey (Presbytis phayrei)
16-B. Leopard or Panther (Panthera pardus )]
17. Leopard Cat (Felis bengalensis)
18. Lesser or Red Panda (Ailurus fulgens)
19. Lion-tailed Macaque (Macaca silenus)
20. Loris (loris tardigradus)
20-A. Little Indian Porpoise (Neomeris phocenoides )
21. Lynx (Felix lynx isabellinus)
22. Malabar Civet (Viverra megaspila)
22-A. Malay or Sun Bear ( Helarctos malayanus)
23. Mrbled Cat (Felis marmorata)
24. Markhor (Capra falconeri)
24-A. Mouse Deer (Tragulus meminna)
25. Musk Deer (Moschus moschiferus)
25-A. Nilgiri Lungur (Presbytis johni)
25-B. Nilgiri Tahr (Hemitragus hyclocrius)
26. Nyan or Great Tibetan Sheep (Ovis ammon Hodgkin)
27. Pallass Cat (Felis manul)
28. Pangolin (Manis crassicaudata)
29. Pygmy Hog (Sus salvanius)
29-A. Ratel (Mellivaora capensis)
30. Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis)
31. Rusty spotted Cat (Felis rubiginosa)
31-A. Serow (Capricornis sumatraensis)
31-B. Clawless Otter (Aonyx cinerea)
31-C. Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus)
32. Slow Loris (Nycticebus couceang)
32-A. Small Travencore Flying Squirrel (Petinomys fuscocapillus)
33. Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia)
33-A. Snubfin Dolphin (Oreaella brevezastris)
34. Spotted Linsang (Prionodon pardicolor)
35. Swamp Deer (All sub-species of Cervus duvauceli)
36. Takin or Mishmi Takin (Budorcus taxicolor)
36-A. Tibetan Antelope or Chiru (Panthelops hodgsoni)
36-B. Tibetan Fox (Vulpes ferrilatus)
37. Tibetan Gazelle (Procapra picticaudata)
38. Tibetan Wild Ass (Equus hemionus kiang)
39. Tiger (Panthera tigris)
40. Urial or Shapu (ovis vegnei)
41. Wild Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)
41-A. Wild Yak (Bos grunniens)
41-B. Tibetan Wolf (Canis lupus chanco)

Part II Amphibians and Reptiles

1. Agra Monitor Lizard Varanus griseus (Daudin)
1-A. * * *
1-B. Audithia Turtle (Pelochelys bibroni)
1-C. Barred, Oval, or Yellow Monitor lizard (Varanus flavescens)
1-D. Crocodiles (Including the Estuarine or salt water crocodiles) (Crocodilus porosus and crocodilus palustris)
1-E. Terrapin (Batagur basika)
1-F. Eastern Hill Terrapin (Melanochelys tricarinata)
2. Gharial (Gravialis gangeticus)
3. Ganges Soft-shelled Turtle (Trionyx gangeticus)
3-A. Golden Gecko (Caloductyloides aureus)
4. Green Sea Turtle (Chelonia Mydas)
5. Hawksbill Turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata inlscata)
6. * * *
7. Indian Egg-eating Snake (Elachistodon westermanni)
8. Indian Soft-shelled Turtle (Lissemys punctata punctata)
9. Iidian Tent Turtle (Kachuga tecta tecta)
 9-A. Kerala Forest Terrapin (Hoesemys sylrattca)
10. Large Bengal Monitor Lizard (Varanus bengalensis)
11. Leathery Turtle (Dermochelys coriacea)
12. Logger Head Turtle (Caretta caretta)
13. Olive Back Logger Head Turtle (lepidochelys olivacea)
14. Peacock-marked Soft-shelled Turtle (Trionyx hurum)
14-A. Pythons (Genus python)
14-B. Sail terrapin (Kachuga Kachuga)
14-C. Spotted black Terrapin (Geoclemys hamiltoni)
15. * * *
16. * * *
17. * * *
17-A. Water Lizard (Varanus salvator)

Part III Birds

1. Andaman Teal (Anas gibberifrons allagularis)
1-A. Assam Bamboo Partridge (Bambusicola fytchii)
1-B. Bazas (Aviceda jeordone and Aviceda leuphotes)
1-C. Bengal Florican (Eupodotis bengalensis)
1-D. Black-necked Crane (Grus nigricollis)
1-E. Blood pheasants (Ithaginis cruentus tibetanus, lthagins Cruentus kuseri)
1-F. *** 2. Cheer Pheasant (Catreus wallichii)
2-A. Eastern White Stork (Ciconia ciconia boyciana)
2-B. Forest-spotted Owlet (Athene blewitti)
2-C. Frogmouths (Genus batrachostomus)
3. Great Indian Bustard (Choriotis nigriceps)
4. Great Indian Hornbill (Buceros bicornis)
4-A. Hawks (Accipitridao)
4-B. Hooded Crane (Grus monacha)
4-C. Hornbills (Ptilolaemus tickelli austeni, Aceros nipalensis, Rhyticeros undulatus ticehursti)
4-D. Houbara Bustard (Chlamydotis undulata)
4-E. Humes Bar-backed pheasant (Syrmaticus humiae)
4-F. Indian pied Hornbill (Anthracoceros malabaricus)
5. Jerdons Courser (Cursorius bitorquatus)
6. Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)
7. Large Falcons (Falco peregrinus, Falco biarmicus and Falco chicuera)
7-A. Large Whistling Teal (Anatidae)
7-B. Lesser Florican (Sypheotides indica)
7-C. Monal Pheasants (Lophophorus impeyanus, Lophophorus Sclateri)
8. Mountain Quail (Ophrysia superciliosa)
9. Narcondam Hornbill [Rhyticeros (undulatus) narcondami)
9-A. ***
10. Nicobar Megapode (Megapodius Freycinet)
10-A. Nicobar Pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica pelewensis)
10-B. Osprey or Fish-eating Eagle (Pandion haliatetus)
10-C. Peacock Pheasants (Polyplectron bicalcaratum)
11. Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)
12. Pink-headed Duck (Rhodonessa caryophyllacea)
13. Scalaters Monal (Lophophorus sclateri)
14. Siberian White Crane (Grus leucogeranus)
14-A. ***
14-B. Tibetan Snow Cock (Tetraogallus tibetanus)
15. Tragopan pheasants (Tragopan melanocephalus, Tragopan blythii, Tragopan satyra, Tragopan temminckii)
16. White-bellied Sea Eagle (Haliaetus leucogaster)
17. White-eared Pheasant (Crossoptilon crossoptilon)
 17-A. White Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia)
18. White-winged Wood Duck (Cairina scutulata)

Part IV Crustacea and Insects

1. Butterflies and Moths

Family Amathusildae    Common English name
Discophora deo deo    Duffer, banded
Discophora sondaica muscina    Duffer, common
Faunis faunula faunuloides    pallid fauna
Family Danaidae    
Danaus gautama gautamoides    Tigers
Euploea crameri nicevillei    Crow, spotted Black
 Euploea midamus roepstorfti    Crow, Blue-spotted
Family Lycaenidae  
Allotinus drumila    Darkie, crenulate/Great
Allotinus fabius penormis    Angled darkie
Amblopala avidiena    Hairstrak, Chinese
Amblypodia ace arata    leaf Blue
 Amblypodia alea constanceae    Rosy Oakblue
Amblypodia ammonariel    Malayan Bush blue
Amblypodia arvina ardea    Purple Brown tailless  Oakblue
Amblypodia asopia    Plain tailless Oakblue
 Amblypodia comica    Comic Oakblue
Amblypodia opalima    Opal Oakblue
Amblypodia zeta    Andaman tailless Oakblue
Biduanda Melisa Cyana    
Biduanda elisa cyana    Blue Posy
Callophyrs leechii    Hairstreak, Ferruginous
 Castalius rosimon alarbus    Pierrot, common
Charana cepheis    Mandar in Blue, Cachar
 Chlioria othona    Tit, orchid
Deudoryx epijarbas amatius    Cornelian, scarce
Everes moorei    Cupid,   Moores
Gerydus biggsii    Biggs Brownie
Gerydus symethus diopeithes    Great Brownie
Heliophorus hybrida    Sapphires
 Horaga albimacula    Onyxes
Jamides ferrari    Caeruleans
Liphyra brassolis    Butterfly, Moth
Listeria dudgenni    Listers hairstreak
Logania Watsoniana subfasciata    Mottle, Watsens
Lycaenopsis binghami    Hedge Blue
Lycaenopsis haraldus ananga    Hedge Blue, Felders
Lycaenopsis puspa prominens    Common hedge Blue
Nacaduba noreia hampsoni    Lineblue, White-tipped
Polyommatus oritulus leela    Greenish mountain Blue
Pratapa lcetas mishmia    Royal, dark Blue
Simiskina phalena harterti    Brilliant, Broadlanded
 Sinthusa Virgo    Spark, pale
Spindasis elwesi    Silverline, Elwess
Spindasis rukmini    Silverline, Khaki
Strymoni mackwoodi    Hairstreak, Mackwoods
Tajuria ister    Royal, uncertain
Tajuria luculentus nela    Royal, Chinese
Tajuria yajna yajna    Royal, Chestnut and Black
Thecla ataxus zulla    wonderful hairstreak
Thecla bleti mendera    Indian Purple hairstreak
Thecla letha    Watsons hairstreak
Thecla paona    paona  hairstreak
Thecla pavo    Peacock hairstreak
Virachola smilis    Guava Blues
Family Nymphalidae  
Apatura ulupi ulupi    Emperor, Tawny
 Argynnis hegemone    Silver-washed fritillary
 Callnaga buddha    Freak
Charases durnfordi nicholi    Rajah, chestnut
Cirrochroa fasciata    Yeomen
Diagora nicevillei    Siren, Scarce
Dillpa morgiana    Emperor, Golden
 Doleschallia bisalltide    Austumn leaf
Eriboea moorel sandakanas    Malayan Nawab
Eriboea schreiberi    Blue Nawab
Eulacera manipurensis    Emperor, Tytlers
Euthalia durga splendens    Barons/connis/Duchesses
Euthalia iva    Duke, Grand
Euthalia khama Curvifascia    Duke, Naga
Euthalia tellehinia    Baron, Blue
Helcyra hermina    Emperor, White
Hypolimnas missipus    Eggfly, Danaid
Limenitis austenia    Commodore, Grey
Limenitis zulema    Admirals
Melitaea shandura    Fritillaries/Silverstripes
Neptis antilope    Sailer, variegated
Neptis aspasia    Sailer, Great Hockeystick
Neptis columella kankena    Sailer, Short-banded
Neptis cydippe kirbariensis    Sailer, Chinese yellow
Neptis ebusa ebusa    Sailer/Lascar
Neptis jumbah binghami    Sailer, chestnut-streaked
Neptis manasa    Sailer, pale Hockeystick
Neptis poona    Lascar, tytlers
Neptis sankara narr    Sailer, Broad-banded
Panthoporia jina jina    Bhutan sergeant
Panthoporia reta moorei    Malay staff sergeant
Prothoc franckii regalis    Begum, Blue
Sasakia funebris.    Empress
Sophisa chandra    Courtier, Eastern
Symbrenthia silana    Jester, scarce
 Vanessa antiopa yedunula    Admirables
Family Papilionidae
Chilasa cllytea clytea of commixtus    Common mime
Papilio elephenor    Spangle, yellow-crested
Papilio liomedon    Swallowtail, Malabar Banded
 Parnassiusaeco geminifer    Apollo
Parnassius delphius    Banded apollo
Parnassius hannyngtoni    Hannyngtons apollo
Parnassius imperator augustus    Imperial apollo
 Parnassius stoliezkanus    Ladakh Banded apollo
Polydorus coon sambilanga    Common clubtail
Polydorus cerassipes    Black windmill
Polydorus hector    Crimson rose
 Polydorus nevilli    Nevills windmill
Polydorus plutonius pembertoni    Chinese windmill
Polydourss polla    Deniceylles windmill
Family Pleridae    
Aporia harrietae harrietae    Black veins
Baltia butleri sikkima    White butterfly
Colias colias thrasibulus    Clouded yellows
Colias dubi    Dwarf clouded yellow
 Delias samaca    jezebel, pale
 Pieris krueperi devta    Butterfly cabbage/WhiteII
Family Satyriidae    
Coelitis mothis adamsoni    Cats eye, Scarce
Cyllogenes janetae    Evening Brown, Scarce
 Elymnias peali    Palmfly, peals
Elymbias penanga chilensis    Palmfly, Painted
Erebia annada annada    Argus, ringed
 Erebia nara singha nara singha    Argus, Mottled
Lethe, distans    Forester, Scarce Red
Lethe dura gammiel    Lilacfork, Scarce
Lethe europa tamuna    Bamboo tree brown
Lethe gemina gafuri    Taylers tree brown
Lethe guluihal guluihal    Forester, Dull
 Lethe margaritae    Tree brown, Bhutan
Lethe ocellata lyncus    Mystic, dismal
Lethe ramadeva    Silverstripe, Single
Lethe satyabati    Forester, pallid
Mycalesis orseis nautilus    Bushbrown, Purple
Pararge menava maeroides    Wall dark
Ypthima dohertyi persimilis    Five ring, Great
1-A.Coconut or Robber Crab (Bigrus latro)    
2. Dragon Fly (Epioplebia laidlawi)  

SCHEDULE II of Wild Life Protection Act, 1972

Part I

1. ***
1-A. Assamese macaque (Macaca assamensis)
2. Bengal Porcupine (Atherurus mecrourus assamensis)
3. ***
3-A. Bonnet macaque (Macaca radiata)
3-B. *****
4-A. Common langur (Presbytis entellus)]
5. ***
6. ***
7. Ferret Badgers (Melogale moschata, Melogale personata)
8. ***
9. ***
11. Himlayan Crestless Porcupine (Hystrix hodgsoni)
11-A. Himalayan Newtor Salamander (Tyletotriton verrucosus)
12. ***
13. ***
14. ***
15. ***
16. Pig-tailed macaque (Macaca nemestrina)
17. *** 17-A. Rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta)
18. ***
19. Stump-tailed macaque (Macaca speciosa)
20. ***
21. ***
22. Wild dog or dhole (Cuon alpinus)
23. ***
 24. Chameleon (Chameleon calcaratus)
25. Spiny-tailed Lizard or Sanda (Uromastix hardwickii)

Part II

1. Beetles
Agonotrechus andrewesi    Calathus amaroides
Amara brucei    Callistominus belli
Amara eleganfula    Chlaenius championi
Brachinus atripennis    Chlaenius kanarae
Broscosoma gracile    Chlaenius masoni
Brosous bipillifer    Chlaenius nilgiricus
 Broter ovicollis    Family chrysomelidae
Acrocrypta rotundata  
 Bimala indica    Thauria aliris amplifascia
Clitea indica    
Gopala pita    Family Danaidae
Griva cyanipennis    Euploea melanaleuca
Nisotra cardoni    
Nisotra madurensis    
Nisotra nigripennis    Family Erycinidae
Nisotra semicoerulea    Abisara kausambi
Nisotra striatipennis    Dodona adonira
Nonarthra patkaia    Dodona dipoea
Psylliodes plana    Dodona egeon
Psylliodes shira    Libythea lepita
Sebaethe cervina       
Sebaethe patkaia    Family Hesperiidae
Sphaeroderma brevicorne    Baoris phhidippina
   Bebasa sena
Family Cucujidae    Halpe homilea
Carinophlocus raffrayi    
Cucujus bicolor    Family Lycaenidae
Cucujus grouvelle    allotinus subviolaceus
Cucujus imperialis    Amblypodia abetrrans

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