Acronym | Explanation |
AA | Advance Authorisation |
AANF | Appendices and Aayaat Niryaat Form |
ACU | Asian Clearing Union |
AEZ | Agri Export Zone |
ANF | Aayat Niryaat Form |
ARE-1 | Application for Removal of Excisable Goods for Export (By Air/Sea/Post/Land) |
ARE-3 | Application for Removal of Excisable Goods from a factory or a warehouse to another warehouse |
ACP | Accredited Clients Programme |
AEO | Authorised Economic Operator |
AES | Approved Exporter’s Scheme |
APEDA | Agricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority |
ARO | Advance Release Order |
ASEAN | Association of South- East Asian Nations |
ASIDE | Assistance to States for Infrastructure Development of Exports |
AU | Actual User |
BCD | Basic Customs Duty |
BG | Bank Guarantee |
BIFR | Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction |
BOA | Board of Approval |
BOT | Board of Trade |
BRC | Bank Realisation Certificate |
BTP | Biotechnology Park |
BIS | Bureau of Indian Standards |
CBEC | Central Board of Excise and Customs |
CCP | Customs Clearance Permit |
CEA | Central Excise Authority |
CEC | Chartered Engineer Certificate |
CED | Central Excise Duty |
CENVAT | Central Value Added Tax |
CETF | Common Effluent Treatment Facility |
CFCs | Common Facility Centres |
CG | Capital Goods |
CIF | Cost, Insurance & Freight |
CIN | Corporate Identification Number |
CIS | Commonwealth of Independent States |
CKD | Completely Knocked Down |
CoD | Cash on Delivery |
CoO | Certificate of Origin |
CQCTD | Committee on Quality Complaints and Trade Disputes |
CRES | Certificate of Registration as Exporter of Spices |
CST | Central Sales Tax |
CIN | Company Identification Number |
CRES | Certification of Registration as Exporter of Spices |
CEPA | Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement |
CBEC | Central Board of Excise and Customs |
CSP | Common Service Provider |
CECA | Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement |
CVD | Countervailing Duty |
DA | Document against Acceptance |
DBK | Drawback |
DC | Development Commissioner |
DDA | Diamond Dollar Accounts |
DEA | Department of Economic Affairs |
DEL | Denied Entity List |
DES | Duty Exemption Schemes |
DFIA | Duty Free Import Authorisation |
DGCI&S | Director General, Commercial Intelligence & Statistics. |
DIN | Director Identification Number |
DPIN | Designated Partner Identification Number |
DGFT | Director General of Foreign Trade |
DIPP | Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion |
DoBT | Department of Bio-Technology |
DoC | Department of Commerce |
DeitY | Department of Electronics and Information Technology |
DoR | Department of Revenue |
DoT | Department of Telecommunications |
DRS | Duty Remission Schemes |
DTA | Domestic Tariff Area |
e-BRC | Electronic Bank Realisation Certificate |
e-IEC | Electronic Importer-Exporter Code |
ECA | Enforcement- cum-Adjudication |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange |
ECGC | Export Credit Guarantee Corporation |
EEFC | Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency |
EFC | Exim Facilitation Committee |
EFT | Electronic Fund Transfer |
EGM | Export General Manifest |
EHTP | Electronic Hardware Technology Park |
EIC | Export Inspection Council |
EO | Export Obligation |
EODC | Export Obligation Discharge Certificate |
EOP | Export Obligation Period |
EOU | Export Oriented Unit |
EPC | Export Promotion Council |
EPCG | Export Promotion Capital Goods |
EPO | Engineering Process Outsourcing |
EXIM | Export Import |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investment |
FE | Foreign Exchange |
FEMA | Foreign Exchange Management Act |
FIEO | Federation of Indian Export Organisation |
FIRC | Foreign Exchange Inward Remittance Certificate |
FOB | Free On Board |
FOR | Freight on Road and Rails |
FT (D&R)Act | Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992) |
FTDO | Foreign Trade Development Officer |
FTP | Foreign Trade Policy |
FT(R) Rules | Foreign Trade (Regulation) Rules |
FTWZ | Free Trade and Warehousing Zone |
FTA | Free Trade Agreement |
G&J EPC | Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council |
GOI | Government of India |
GATS | General Agreement on Trade in Services |
GR | Guarantee of Realisation |
HACCP | Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Process |
HBP | Handbook of Procedures |
HHEC | Handicraft & Handlooms Exports Corporation |
ICB | International Competitive Bidding |
ICD | Inland Container Depot |
ICM | Indian Commercial Mission |
IEC | Importer Exporter Code |
ISO | International Organisation for Standardisation |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency |
INFCIRC | International Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular |
IEM | Industrial Entrepreneurial Memorandum |
IMSC | Inter-Ministerial Standing Committee |
IL | Industrial Licensing |
ISO | International Standards Organisation |
ITC (HS) | Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System) for Export & Import Items |
KVIC | Khadi and Village Industries Commission |
LC | Letter of Credit |
LCS | Land Customs Station |
LLPIN | Limited Liability Partnership Number |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas |
LoC | Line of Credit |
LoI | Letter of Intent |
LoP | Letter of Permit |
LUT | Legal Undertaking |
MAI | Market Access Initiative |
MDA | Market Development Assistance |
MEA | Ministry of External Affairs |
MEIS | Merchandise Exports from India Scheme |
MRA | Mutual Recognition Agreements |
MoD | Ministry of Defence |
MoF | Ministry of Finance |
MSME | Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises |
MSMED | Micro Small and Medium Enterprises Development |
MSTC | Metal Scrap Trade Corporation |
NBFC | Non- Banking Financial Company |
NC | Norms Committee |
NFE | Net Foreign Exchange |
NI | Non-Infringing |
NCB | National Competitive Bidding |
NOC | No Objection Certificate |
PDS | Public Distribution System |
PEC | Project and Equipment Corporation of India Ltd. |
PIC | Policy Interpretation Committee |
PRC | Policy Relaxation Committee |
PAN | Permanent Account Number |
PH | Personal Hearing |
PTA | Preferential Trade Agreement |
PSU | Public Sector Undertaking |
R&D | Research and Development |
RA | Regional Authority |
RBI | Reserve Bank of India |
RCMC | Registration-cum-Membership Certificate |
REP | Replenishment |
RPA | Rupee Payment Area |
S/B | Shipping Bill |
SAD | Special Additional Duty |
SCOMET | Special Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technology |
SEI CMM | Software Engineers Institute’s Capability Maturity Model |
SEZ | Special Economic Zone |
SEIS | Service Exports from India Scheme |
SIA | Secretariat for Industrial Assistance |
SIIC | State Industrial Infrastructure Corporation |
SION | Standard Input Output Norms |
SKD | Semi- Knocked Down |
SLEPC | State Level Export Promotion Committee |
STC | State Trading Corporation |
STCL | Spices Trading Corporation Limited |
STE | State Trading Enterprise |
STH | Star Trading House |
STPI | Software Technology Park of India |
STR | State Trading Regime |
SUVs | Sports Utility Vehicles |
TED | Terminal Excise Duty |
TEE | Towns of Export Excellence |
TH | Trading House |
TPO | Trade Promotion Organization |
TRA | Telegraphic Release Advice |
TRQ | Tariff Rate Quota |
TUFS | Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme |
UAC | Units Approval Committee |
UN | United Nations |
VA | Value Addition |
WCO | World Customs Organisation |
WHOGMP | World Health Organisation Good Manufacturing Practices |