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New Foreign Trade Policy known as Exim Policy 2015 - 2020 Exim Glossary.


AAAdvance Authorisation
AANFAppendices and Aayaat Niryaat Form
ACUAsian Clearing Union
AEZAgri Export Zone
ANFAayat Niryaat Form
ARE-1Application for Removal of Excisable Goods for Export (By Air/Sea/Post/Land)
ARE-3Application for Removal of Excisable Goods from a factory or a warehouse to another warehouse
ACPAccredited Clients Programme
AEOAuthorised Economic Operator
AESApproved Exporter’s Scheme
APEDAAgricultural & Processed Food Products Export Development Authority
AROAdvance Release Order
ASEANAssociation of South- East Asian Nations
ASIDEAssistance to States for Infrastructure Development of Exports
AUActual User
BCDBasic Customs Duty
BGBank Guarantee
BIFRBoard of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction
BOABoard of Approval
BOTBoard of Trade
BRCBank Realisation Certificate
BTPBiotechnology Park
BISBureau of Indian Standards
CBECCentral Board of Excise and Customs
CCPCustoms Clearance Permit
CEACentral Excise Authority
CECChartered Engineer Certificate
CEDCentral Excise Duty
CENVATCentral Value Added Tax
CETFCommon Effluent Treatment Facility
CFCsCommon Facility Centres
CGCapital Goods
CIFCost, Insurance & Freight
CINCorporate Identification Number
CISCommonwealth of Independent States
CKDCompletely Knocked Down
CoDCash on Delivery
CoOCertificate of Origin
CQCTDCommittee on Quality Complaints and Trade Disputes
CRESCertificate of Registration as Exporter of Spices
CSTCentral Sales Tax
CINCompany Identification Number
CRESCertification of Registration as Exporter of Spices
CEPAComprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
CBECCentral Board of Excise and Customs
CSPCommon Service Provider
CECAComprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
CVDCountervailing Duty
DADocument against Acceptance
DCDevelopment Commissioner
DDADiamond Dollar Accounts
DEADepartment of Economic Affairs
DELDenied Entity List
DESDuty Exemption Schemes
DFIADuty Free Import Authorisation
DGCI&SDirector General, Commercial Intelligence & Statistics.
DINDirector Identification Number
DPINDesignated Partner Identification Number
DGFTDirector General of Foreign Trade
DIPPDepartment of Industrial Policy & Promotion
DoBTDepartment of Bio-Technology
DoCDepartment of Commerce
DeitYDepartment of Electronics and Information Technology
DoRDepartment of Revenue
DoTDepartment of Telecommunications
DRS Duty Remission Schemes
DTADomestic Tariff Area
e-BRCElectronic Bank Realisation Certificate
e-IECElectronic Importer-Exporter Code
ECAEnforcement- cum-Adjudication
EDIElectronic Data Interchange
ECGCExport Credit Guarantee Corporation
EEFC Exchange Earners’ Foreign Currency
EFCExim Facilitation Committee
EFTElectronic Fund Transfer
EGMExport General Manifest
EHTPElectronic Hardware Technology Park
EICExport Inspection Council
EOExport Obligation
EODCExport Obligation Discharge Certificate
EOPExport Obligation Period
EOUExport Oriented Unit
EPCExport Promotion Council
EPCGExport Promotion Capital Goods
EPOEngineering Process Outsourcing
EXIMExport Import
FDIForeign Direct Investment
FEForeign Exchange
FEMAForeign Exchange Management Act
FIEOFederation of Indian Export Organisation
FIRCForeign Exchange Inward Remittance Certificate
FOBFree On Board
FORFreight on Road and Rails
FT(D&R)Act Foreign Trade (Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 (22 of 1992)
FTDOForeign Trade Development Officer
FTPForeign Trade Policy
FT(R)Rules Foreign Trade (Regulation) Rules
FTWZFree Trade and Warehousing Zone
FTAFree Trade Agreement
G&JEPC Gems & Jewellery Export Promotion Council
GOIGovernment of India
GATSGeneral Agreement on Trade in Services
GRGuarantee of Realisation
HACCPHazard Analysis and Critical Control Process
HBPHandbook of Procedures
HHECHandicraft & Handlooms Exports Corporation
ICBInternational Competitive Bidding
ICDInland Container Depot
ICMIndian Commercial Mission
IECImporter Exporter Code
ISOInternational Organisation for Standardisation
IAEAInternational Atomic Energy Agency
INFCIRCInternational Atomic Energy Agency Information Circular
IEMIndustrial Entrepreneurial Memorandum
IMSCInter-Ministerial Standing Committee
ILIndustrial Licensing
ISOInternational Standards Organisation
ITC( HS) Indian Trade Classification (Harmonised System) for Export & Import Items
KVICKhadi and Village Industries Commission
LCLetter of Credit
LCSLand Customs Station
LLPINLimited Liability Partnership Number
LPGLiquefied Petroleum Gas
LoCLine of Credit
LoILetter of Intent
LoPLetter of Permit
LUTLegal Undertaking
MAIMarket Access Initiative
MDAMarket Development Assistance
MEAMinistry of External Affairs
MEISMerchandise Exports from India Scheme
MRAMutual Recognition Agreements
MoDMinistry of Defence
MoFMinistry of Finance
MSMEMinistry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises
MSMEDMicro Small and Medium Enterprises Development
MSTCMetal Scrap Trade Corporation
NBFCNon- Banking Financial Company
NCNorms Committee
NFENet Foreign Exchange
NCBNational Competitive Bidding
NOCNo Objection Certificate
PDSPublic Distribution System
PECProject and Equipment Corporation of India Ltd.
PICPolicy Interpretation Committee
PRCPolicy Relaxation Committee
PANPermanent Account Number
PHPersonal Hearing
PTAPreferential Trade Agreement
PSUPublic Sector Undertaking
R&DResearch and Development
RARegional Authority
RBIReserve Bank of India
RCMCRegistration-cum-Membership Certificate
RPARupee Payment Area
S/BShipping Bill
SADSpecial Additional Duty
SCOMETSpecial Chemicals, Organisms, Materials, Equipment and Technology
SEI CMMSoftware Engineers Institute’s Capability Maturity Model
SEZSpecial Economic Zone
SEISService Exports from India Scheme
SIASecretariat for Industrial Assistance
SIICState Industrial Infrastructure Corporation
SIONStandard Input Output Norms
SKDSemi- Knocked Down
SLEPCState Level Export Promotion Committee
STCState Trading Corporation
STCLSpices Trading Corporation Limited
STEState Trading Enterprise
STHStar Trading House
STPISoftware Technology Park of India
STRState Trading Regime
SUVsSports Utility Vehicles
TEDTerminal Excise Duty
TEETowns of Export Excellence
THTrading House
TPOTrade Promotion Organization
TRATelegraphic Release Advice
TRQTariff Rate Quota
TUFSTechnology Upgradation Fund Scheme
UACUnits Approval Committee
UNUnited Nations
VAValue Addition
WCOWorld Customs Organisation
WHOGMPWorld Health Organisation Good Manufacturing Practices

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What is New?

Date: 03-12-2024
Notification No. 48 /2024-Customs
Seeks to rescind Notification No. 32/2022-Customs dated 30th June, 2022.

Date: 20-11-2024
NOTIFICATION No. 82/2024 - Customs (N.T.)
Notifying commodities from Border Haats namely Balat, Kalaichar, Srinagar, Kamalasagar, Bholaganj, Nalikata and Ryngku Border Haats by amendment of Principal Notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.) dated 21st November, 1994

Date: 18-11-2024
NOTIFICATION No. 26/2024–Central Tax
Extension of due date for filing of return in FORM GSTR-3B for the month of October, 2024 for the persons registered in the state of Maharashtra and Jharkhand

Date: 14-11-2024
NOTIFICATION No. 81/2024-Customs (N.T.)
“Notification of Chhara Port as Customs Seaport " and it was issued under Section 7(1)(a) of Customs Act, 1962

Date: 13-11-2024
Notification No. 77/2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.)
Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Areca Nut, Gold and Silver- Reg

Date: 30-10-2024
Notification No. 73/2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.)
Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Areca Nut, Gold and Silver- Reg

Date: 29-10-2024
NOTIFICATION No.71/2024- Customs (N.T.)
Notifying Ultapani LCS route Road from Ultapani via Saralpara via Naharani (SSB Camp) to Sarpang District (Bhutan) by amendment of Principal Notification No. 63/1994-Customs (N.T.) dated 21st November, 1994

Date: 23-10-2024
Notification No. 70/2024–Customs (N.T)
"Notification under Section 28A of Customs Act, 1962 for Non-Levy of Customs Duty on the import of Simply Sawn Diamonds

Date: 23-10-2024
Notification No. 69/2024-CUSTOMS (N.T.)
Fixation of Tariff Value of Edible Oils, Brass Scrap, Areca Nut, Gold and Silver- Reg.

Date: 22-10-2024
Notification No. 46/2024-Customs
[F. No. 190354/167/2024-TRU]

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