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DGFT Aayaat Niryaat Form section wise of year 2012- 2013.

DGFT Aayaat Niryaat Form Section Wise ( in MS Word Format )

1 ANF 1Profile of Importer / Exporter
2ANF 2A Importer Exporter Code Number (IEC)
3ANF 2B Import Licence for Restricted Items 
4ANF 2CImport Certificate under Indo-US Memorandum 
4AANF 2C-1Application Form for End User Certificate under Para 2.11A of the HBPv1  
5ANF 2DExport Licence for Restricted items
6ANF 2E Export Licence for SCOMET items
6AANF 2EEApplication Form for Request for Entering into an Arrangement or Understanding that Involves Site Visit, On-Site Verification or Access to Records / Documentation as mentioned in Appendix 3 of Schedule 2 of ITC (HS) Classification of Export and Import Items.
7 ANF 2FRefund of Application Fee
8ANF 3A Grant of Status Certificate
9ANF 3BServed from India Scheme (SFIS)
10ANF 3CCommon  Application Form  for VKGUY, FMS AND FPS (Including MLFPS) for Exports  made on  or after 27.8.2009
11ANF 3DAnf for Policy Para 3.13.4 (for Agri. Infrastructure Incentive Scrip under VKGUY)
12ANF 3EStatus Holder Incentive Scrip (To be Notified) 
 ANF 3FIncremental Export Incentivisation Scheme
13ANF 4A Advance Authorisation (Including Advance authorisation
for Annual Requirement) / Advance Release Order (ARO)/ Invalidation lette
14ANF 4BFixation / Modification of Standard Input Output Norms (SION)
15ANF 4CFixation of DEPB Rates / Fixation of Brand Rate of DEPB For SAD Component
16ANF 4DClubbing of Advance Authorisations
17ANF 4EEnhancement in CIF / FOB Value or Revalidation or EO extension of Authorisation
18ANF 4FRedemption / No Bond Certificate against Advance Authorisation
19ANF 4GDuty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB)  Application
20ANF 4HDuty Free Import Authorisation (DFIA ) Application
21ANF 4IGEM REP Authorisation,
22ANF 5AExport Promotion Capital Goods (EPCG) Authorisation 
23ANF 5BStatement of Export/Redemption of EPCG Authorisation 
24ANF 5CEO Refixation under EPCG Scheme
25ANF 5DClubbing of EPCG Authorisations
26ANF 8Claiming Duty Drawback on All Industry Rates/Fixation of
Drawback Rates/Refund of Terminal Excise Duty
27ANF 8AApplication for payment of interest on delayed refund of Duty Drawback (DBK)/ Terminal Excise Duty (TED) on deemed exports/ Central Sales Tax (CST) on supplies to Export Oriented Units (EOU).

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