HS Code |
Item Description |
w.e.f. |
Unit |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has not been availed |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has been availed |
All Industry Drawback Rate |
Notes |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
(Chapter 90 - 92 ) - Section XVIII-Optical, Photographic, Cinematographic, measuring, checking, precision, medical or surgical Instruments and apparatus; clocks and watches; musical instruments; part and accessories thereof
91 |
Chapter 91: Clocks and watches and parts thereof |
9114 |
Other clock or watch parts |
911490 |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.10% |
01-Apr-2007 |
2.40% |
Fixed |
1.00% |
15-Jul-2006 |
2.10% |
1.00% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
Fixed |
2.00% |
911430 |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
2.10% |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.40% |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
2.10% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
2.00% |
1.00% |
Fixed |
911401 |
Watch Dial made out of Nickel Silver/ Brass Strip. |
21-Sep-2013 |
1.70% |
Fixed |
1.70% |
10-Oct-2012 |
48 |
Fixed |
48 |
22-Sep-2011 |
Fixed |
50 |
5.50% |
50 |
KG |
5.50% |
911499 |
Others |
21-Sep-2013 |
1.70% |
Fixed |
1.70% |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
1.00% |
911410 |
Springs, including hair-springs: |
01-Sep-2008 |
2.10% |
Fixed |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
2.40% |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
2.10% |
1.00% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
2.00% |
1.00% |
Fixed |
911440 |
Plates and bridges: |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.10% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
Fixed |
2.40% |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
Fixed |
2.10% |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
2.00% |
Fixed |
91142000 |
Jewels |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
kg. |
23-Nov-2015 |
kg. |
Fixed |
1.90% |
1.90% |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
2.10% |
Kg |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
2.40% |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
Kg |
2.10% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
91144020 |
Plates and bridges: For clocks |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
kg. |
1.50% |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
kg. |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
Kg |
2.10% |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
Kg |
2.40% |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
2.10% |
Kg |
1.00% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
Kg |
1.00% |
Fixed |
2.00% |
91143010 |
Springs, including hair-springs: For watches |
15-Nov-2016 |
kg. |
1.50% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
Fixed |
kg. |
1.90% |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
Kg |
1.00% |
2.10% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
Fixed |
2.40% |
1.00% |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
Fixed |
2.10% |
Kg |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
Kg |
2.00% |
Fixed |
91149020 |
For clocks |
15-Nov-2016 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
1.50% |
kg. |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
kg. |
1.90% |
Fixed |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
Kg |
1.00% |
2.10% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
2.40% |
Kg |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
2.10% |
Kg |
Fixed |
1.00% |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
Kg |
2.00% |
Fixed |
91141010 |
Springs, including hair-springs: For watches |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
1.50% |
kg. |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
Fixed |
1.90% |
kg. |
1.90% |
01-Sep-2008 |
Kg |
1.00% |
2.10% |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.40% |
15-Jul-2006 |
Kg |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.10% |
05-May-2005 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
91143020 |
Springs, including hair-springs: For clocks |
15-Nov-2016 |
kg. |
1.50% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
kg. |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
2.10% |
1.00% |
Kg |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
1.00% |
Fixed |
2.40% |
15-Jul-2006 |
2.10% |
Kg |
Fixed |
1.00% |
05-May-2005 |
Kg |
2.00% |
Fixed |
1.00% |
91144010 |
Plates and bridges: For watches |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
kg. |
23-Nov-2015 |
kg. |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
2.10% |
01-Apr-2007 |
2.40% |
Kg |
Fixed |
1.00% |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
Kg |
2.10% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
91149010 |
For watches |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
kg. |
Fixed |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
kg. |
1.90% |
Fixed |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
2.10% |
Kg |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
2.40% |
Kg |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
Kg |
Fixed |
2.10% |
1.00% |
05-May-2005 |
Fixed |
Kg |
1.00% |
2.00% |
91149030 |
Plates and bridges: Jewels |
15-Nov-2016 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
Fixed |
1.90% |
1.90% |
91149091 |
Other: For watches |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
91149092 |
Other: For clocks |
15-Nov-2016 |
1.50% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
91141020 |
Springs, including hair-springs: For clocks |
15-Nov-2016 |
kg. |
Fixed |
1.50% |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
1.90% |
Fixed |
kg. |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
Fixed |
Kg |
2.10% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.00% |
2.40% |
Kg |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
2.10% |
Kg |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
2.00% |
1.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |