HS Code |
Item Description |
w.e.f. |
Unit |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has not been availed |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has been availed |
All Industry Drawback Rate |
Notes |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
(Chapter 72 -83 ) - Section XV-Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal
76 |
Chapter 76: Aluminium and Articles thereof |
7616 |
Other articles of aluminium |
761699 |
15-Nov-2016 |
7% |
Fixed |
1.50% |
6 |
Kg |
28 |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
7% |
7.6 |
Kg |
28 |
Fixed |
21-Sep-2013 |
6.60% |
Fixed |
1.70% |
5.6 |
21.7 |
Kg |
10-Oct-2012 |
21.7 |
Fixed |
6.6 |
22-Sep-2011 |
2.7 |
Fixed |
5.10% |
1.00% |
14 |
KG |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
01-Apr-2007 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
15-Jul-2006 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
05-May-2005 |
22.00 |
2.70 |
Fixed |
KG |
1.00% |
8.00% |
761601 |
Aluminum Artware/Handicrafts
15-Nov-2016 |
Kg |
13.5 |
7% |
Fixed |
63 |
1.50% |
23-Nov-2015 |
1.90% |
63 |
Kg |
17.1 |
Fixed |
7% |
21-Sep-2013 |
6.60% |
1.70% |
17.3 |
Fixed |
Kg |
67 |
10-Oct-2012 |
20 |
66 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
44 |
Kg |
5.80% |
Fixed |
15.2 |
2.00% |
20-Sep-2010 |
KG |
1.00% |
Fixed |
6.40% |
26.00 |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Fixed |
1.00% |
9.10% |
37.20 |
4.00 |
01-Apr-2007 |
4.00 |
Kg |
45.00 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
11.00% |
15-Jul-2006 |
8.50% |
1.00% |
3.50 |
30.00 |
Kg. |
Fixed |
761602 |
Cast articles including parts/ components of Aluminium |
21-Sep-2013 |
Fixed |
1.90% |
1.90% |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
3.00% |
3.00% |
Fixed |
20-Sep-2010 |
5.70% |
Fixed |
1.00% |
15.50 |
KG |
01-Sep-2008 |
3.00 |
Fixed |
8.30% |
22.60 |
KG |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
Fixed |
30.00 |
1.00% |
10.00% |
3.00 |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.00% |
24.00 |
Kg. |
8.50% |
Fixed |
2.80 |
761603 |
Aluminium Circles/Slugs |
21-Sep-2013 |
8.6 |
Kg |
Fixed |
8.6 |
2.60% |
2.60% |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
Fixed |
11 |
4.00% |
11 |
4.00% |
Kg |
761604 |
Aluminium conduit bodies made of Aluminium and other alloying constituents |
21-Sep-2013 |
1.90% |
1.90% |
Fixed |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
3.00% |
Fixed |
3.00% |
76169930 |
Bobbins |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
01-Apr-2007 |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
Kg |
15-Jul-2006 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
05-May-2005 |
8.00% |
Fixed |
1.00% |
2.70 |
22.00 |
KG |
76169990 |
Other |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
01-Apr-2007 |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
Kg |
15-Jul-2006 |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
KG |
05-May-2005 |
1.00% |
8.00% |
KG |
Fixed |
2.70 |
22.00 |
76161000 |
Nails, tacks, staples (other than those of heading 8305), screws, bolts, nuts, screw hooks, rivets, |
01-Sep-2008 |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
KG |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
15-Jul-2006 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
05-May-2005 |
22.00 |
KG |
Fixed |
1.00% |
8.00% |
2.70 |
76169920 |
Chains |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
15-Jul-2006 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
05-May-2005 |
22.00 |
1.00% |
KG |
2.70 |
8.00% |
Fixed |
76169910 |
Expanded metal of aluminium and aluminium alloys |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
15-Jul-2006 |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
KG |
05-May-2005 |
2.70 |
22.00 |
1.00% |
KG |
8.00% |
Fixed |
76169100 |
Cloth, grill, netting and fencing, of aluminium wire |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
01-Apr-2007 |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
Kg |
15-Jul-2006 |
KG |
Not Mentioned in NTF |
05-May-2005 |
2.70 |
22.00 |
KG |
Fixed |
1.00% |
8.00% |