HS Code |
Item Description |
w.e.f. |
Unit |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has not been availed |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has been availed |
All Industry Drawback Rate |
Notes |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
(Chapter 72 -83 ) - Section XV-Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal
73 |
Chapter 73: Articles of Iron or Steel |
7314 |
Cloth (including Endless Bands), Grill, Netting And Fencing, Of Iron Or Steel Wire; Expanded Metal Of Iron Or Steel - Woven Cloth : |
731449 |
01-Sep-2008 |
12.20% |
KG |
6.60 |
0.50 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
13.50% |
Kg |
Fixed |
7.30 |
0.80 |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Kg. |
12.00% |
0.85 |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
Fixed |
1.25% |
6.10 |
KG |
10.00% |
0.70 |
731419 |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
6.60 |
0.50 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
12.20% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Fixed |
7.30 |
1.50% |
13.50% |
0.80 |
Kg |
15-Jul-2006 |
0.85 |
6.40 |
Kg. |
1.60% |
Fixed |
12.00% |
05-May-2005 |
KG |
6.10 |
Fixed |
1.25% |
10.00% |
0.70 |
731420 |
Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum crossectional dimen-s |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
0.50 |
Fixed |
6.60 |
12.20% |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
7.30 |
Kg |
Fixed |
0.80 |
1.50% |
13.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
Kg. |
12.00% |
0.85 |
Fixed |
1.60% |
6.40 |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
1.25% |
0.70 |
Fixed |
KG |
6.10 |
731401 |
Brace Band |
21-Sep-2013 |
Fixed |
1.90% |
1.90% |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
Fixed |
3.00% |
3.00% |
731402 |
Brace Rail End |
21-Sep-2013 |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
Fixed |
3.00% |
3.00% |
731403 |
Mild Steel Weld mesh |
21-Sep-2013 |
1.90% |
Fixed |
1.90% |
10-Oct-2012 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
3.00% |
Fixed |
3.00% |
731499 |
Others |
21-Sep-2013 |
Kg |
9.7 |
Fixed |
1.70% |
7.20% |
2.3 |
10-Oct-2012 |
5832 |
1440 |
Fixed |
22-Sep-2011 |
MT |
8.10% |
Fixed |
600 |
4860 |
1.00% |
731441 |
Plated or coated with zinc: |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
6.60 |
KG |
0.50 |
Fixed |
12.20% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Fixed |
Kg |
1.50% |
13.50% |
7.30 |
0.80 |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
Kg. |
12.00% |
Fixed |
0.85 |
1.60% |
05-May-2005 |
KG |
6.10 |
10.00% |
Fixed |
1.25% |
0.70 |
731414 |
Other woven cloth, of stainless steel: |
01-Sep-2008 |
12.20% |
KG |
Fixed |
6.60 |
0.50 |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.50% |
13.50% |
0.80 |
Kg |
7.30 |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.60% |
6.40 |
Fixed |
Kg. |
12.00% |
0.85 |
05-May-2005 |
0.70 |
KG |
6.10 |
Fixed |
1.25% |
10.00% |
731442 |
Coated with plastics: |
01-Sep-2008 |
6.60 |
0.50 |
1.00% |
KG |
Fixed |
12.20% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
0.80 |
13.50% |
Fixed |
7.30 |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
Kg. |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Fixed |
12.00% |
0.85 |
05-May-2005 |
Fixed |
0.70 |
6.10 |
1.25% |
KG |
10.00% |
73145000 |
Coated with plastics: Expanded metal |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Kg |
2.00% |
Fixed |
2.00% |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
4 |
2.00% |
Kg |
01-Sep-2008 |
6.60 |
12.20% |
1.00% |
KG |
0.50 |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
13.50% |
0.80 |
Fixed |
7.30 |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
0.85 |
1.60% |
6.40 |
Fixed |
Kg. |
12.00% |
05-May-2005 |
Fixed |
0.70 |
1.25% |
6.10 |
10.00% |
KG |
73141200 |
Woven cloth: Endless bands for machinery, of stainless steel |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
Fixed |
2.00% |
5 |
Kg |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
4 |
Kg |
4 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Fixed |
1.00% |
0.50 |
6.60 |
12.20% |
01-Apr-2007 |
13.50% |
Kg |
0.80 |
Fixed |
7.30 |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Kg. |
0.85 |
12.00% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
KG |
Fixed |
0.70 |
1.25% |
6.10 |
73144910 |
Coated with plastics: Wire netting |
15-Nov-2016 |
Kg |
5 |
Fixed |
5 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
4 |
Fixed |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
0.50 |
Fixed |
12.20% |
1.00% |
6.60 |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.50% |
7.30 |
Fixed |
13.50% |
Kg |
0.80 |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Kg. |
0.85 |
Fixed |
12.00% |
05-May-2005 |
KG |
10.00% |
Fixed |
0.70 |
6.10 |
1.25% |
73141910 |
Other: Wire gauze (wire cloth, wire mesh) |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Kg |
Fixed |
5 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
4 |
Kg |
Fixed |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
12.20% |
1.00% |
6.60 |
KG |
0.50 |
01-Apr-2007 |
7.30 |
1.50% |
Kg |
Fixed |
13.50% |
0.80 |
15-Jul-2006 |
Kg. |
12.00% |
Fixed |
0.85 |
6.40 |
1.60% |
05-May-2005 |
0.70 |
KG |
1.25% |
6.10 |
Fixed |
10.00% |
73144110 |
Plated or coated with zinc: Wire netting |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
5 |
2.00% |
Kg |
2.00% |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
4 |
2.00% |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
0.50 |
12.20% |
KG |
6.60 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
13.50% |
0.80 |
Fixed |
7.30 |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
Kg. |
Fixed |
0.85 |
12.00% |
1.60% |
05-May-2005 |
1.25% |
6.10 |
10.00% |
KG |
0.70 |
Fixed |
73141490 |
Other woven cloth, of stainless steel: Other |
15-Nov-2016 |
Fixed |
5 |
5 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
4 |
2.00% |
01-Sep-2008 |
6.60 |
1.00% |
KG |
0.50 |
12.20% |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
Kg |
7.30 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
13.50% |
0.80 |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.60% |
12.00% |
0.85 |
6.40 |
Fixed |
Kg. |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
Fixed |
1.25% |
KG |
6.10 |
0.70 |
73141410 |
Other woven cloth, of stainless steel: Wire gauze (wire cloth, wire mesh) |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
5 |
Fixed |
5 |
Kg |
2.00% |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
2.00% |
Kg |
4 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
01-Sep-2008 |
6.60 |
KG |
1.00% |
Fixed |
0.50 |
12.20% |
01-Apr-2007 |
7.30 |
Kg |
1.50% |
Fixed |
13.50% |
0.80 |
15-Jul-2006 |
Fixed |
1.60% |
12.00% |
0.85 |
6.40 |
Kg. |
05-May-2005 |
1.25% |
6.10 |
KG |
10.00% |
0.70 |
Fixed |
73142010 |
Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimen |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
2.00% |
5 |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
4 |
Fixed |
Kg |
2.00% |
2.00% |
01-Sep-2008 |
6.60 |
0.50 |
1.00% |
KG |
Fixed |
12.20% |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.50% |
7.30 |
Kg |
13.50% |
Fixed |
0.80 |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Kg. |
0.85 |
Fixed |
12.00% |
05-May-2005 |
KG |
10.00% |
0.70 |
Fixed |
6.10 |
1.25% |
73142090 |
Grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection, of wire with a maximum cross-sectional dimen |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
5 |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
Fixed |
4 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
Fixed |
0.50 |
12.20% |
1.00% |
6.60 |
01-Apr-2007 |
13.50% |
Kg |
0.80 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
7.30 |
15-Jul-2006 |
Kg. |
12.00% |
0.85 |
Fixed |
6.40 |
1.60% |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
KG |
Fixed |
1.25% |
0.70 |
6.10 |
73144190 |
Plated or coated with zinc: Other |
15-Nov-2016 |
Kg |
Fixed |
5 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
4 |
Kg |
Fixed |
4 |
2.00% |
01-Sep-2008 |
0.50 |
Fixed |
6.60 |
12.20% |
1.00% |
KG |
01-Apr-2007 |
13.50% |
7.30 |
0.80 |
Kg |
1.50% |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.60% |
12.00% |
6.40 |
Kg. |
Fixed |
0.85 |
05-May-2005 |
6.10 |
10.00% |
1.25% |
KG |
0.70 |
Fixed |
73144990 |
Coated with plastics: Other |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
5 |
Kg |
5 |
2.00% |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
Fixed |
Kg |
2.00% |
2.00% |
4 |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
0.50 |
12.20% |
KG |
6.60 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Fixed |
0.80 |
1.50% |
7.30 |
13.50% |
Kg |
15-Jul-2006 |
Fixed |
1.60% |
12.00% |
0.85 |
6.40 |
Kg. |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
0.70 |
KG |
6.10 |
1.25% |
Fixed |
73141300 |
Other endless bands for machinery |
01-Sep-2008 |
12.20% |
1.00% |
0.50 |
KG |
Fixed |
6.60 |
01-Apr-2007 |
0.80 |
1.50% |
7.30 |
Kg |
13.50% |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
0.85 |
1.60% |
12.00% |
Kg. |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
KG |
Fixed |
0.70 |
6.10 |
1.25% |
10.00% |
73143100 |
Other grill, netting and fencing, welded at the intersection: Plated or coated with zinc |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
5 |
Kg |
5 |
2.00% |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
Kg |
4 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
2.00% |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
KG |
0.50 |
12.20% |
Fixed |
6.60 |
1.00% |
01-Apr-2007 |
0.80 |
13.50% |
7.30 |
Kg |
1.50% |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.60% |
0.85 |
Kg. |
6.40 |
12.00% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
6.10 |
0.70 |
KG |
Fixed |
10.00% |
1.25% |
73144290 |
Coated with plastics: Other |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
5 |
5 |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
Fixed |
Kg |
2.00% |
2.00% |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
6.60 |
KG |
12.20% |
0.50 |
01-Apr-2007 |
13.50% |
0.80 |
Fixed |
Kg |
1.50% |
7.30 |
15-Jul-2006 |
1.60% |
0.85 |
6.40 |
12.00% |
Kg. |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
0.70 |
6.10 |
Fixed |
KG |
1.25% |
73141990 |
Other |
15-Nov-2016 |
Kg |
2.00% |
5 |
Fixed |
5 |
2.00% |
23-Nov-2015 |
4 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
4 |
Kg |
Fixed |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
0.50 |
6.60 |
12.20% |
KG |
01-Apr-2007 |
13.50% |
Kg |
0.80 |
7.30 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
Fixed |
0.85 |
12.00% |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Kg. |
05-May-2005 |
0.70 |
1.25% |
6.10 |
Fixed |
KG |
10.00% |
73144210 |
Coated with plastics: Wire netting |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Fixed |
5 |
2.00% |
Kg |
2.00% |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
4 |
Kg |
Fixed |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
0.50 |
12.20% |
1.00% |
6.60 |
KG |
01-Apr-2007 |
Fixed |
7.30 |
1.50% |
Kg |
0.80 |
13.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Kg. |
Fixed |
0.85 |
12.00% |
05-May-2005 |
KG |
0.70 |
10.00% |
1.25% |
Fixed |
6.10 |
73143900 |
Other |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Kg |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Fixed |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
Kg |
4 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
4 |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
1.00% |
12.20% |
KG |
6.60 |
0.50 |
01-Apr-2007 |
7.30 |
Kg |
0.80 |
13.50% |
1.50% |
Fixed |
15-Jul-2006 |
0.85 |
12.00% |
Kg. |
6.40 |
1.60% |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
10.00% |
Fixed |
KG |
1.25% |
6.10 |
0.70 |