HS Code |
Item Description |
w.e.f. |
Unit |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has not been availed |
Drawback when Cenvat facility has been availed |
All Industry Drawback Rate |
Notes |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
Drawback Rate |
Drawback cap per unit in Rs |
(Chapter 72 -83 ) - Section XV-Base Metals and Articles of Base Metal
73 |
Chapter 73: Articles of Iron or Steel |
7309 |
Reservoirs, Tanks, Vats And Similar Containers For Any Material (other Than Compressed Or Liquefied Gas), Of Iron Or Steel, Of A Capacity Exceeding 300 L, Whether Or Not Lined Or Heat-insulated, But Not Fitted With Mechanical Or Thermal Equipment |
730900 |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied
01-Sep-2008 |
6705.00 |
MT |
1.00% |
Fixed |
12.60% |
532.00 |
01-Apr-2007 |
Mt |
Fixed |
1.50% |
14.00% |
798.20 |
7450.00 |
15-Jul-2006 |
6930.00 |
13.00% |
Mt. |
Fixed |
800.00 |
1.50% |
05-May-2005 |
750.00 |
11.00% |
6600.00 |
MT |
Fixed |
1.30% |
73090090 |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
Kg |
2.00% |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
3.3 |
Kg |
3.3 |
Fixed |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
MT |
532.00 |
1.00% |
6705.00 |
12.60% |
01-Apr-2007 |
Mt |
14.00% |
798.20 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
7450.00 |
15-Jul-2006 |
800.00 |
1.50% |
6930.00 |
13.00% |
Mt. |
Fixed |
05-May-2005 |
1.30% |
6600.00 |
11.00% |
MT |
750.00 |
Fixed |
73090040 |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Fixed |
5 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
Kg |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
3.3 |
2.00% |
Kg |
Fixed |
3.3 |
01-Sep-2008 |
1.00% |
6705.00 |
532.00 |
12.60% |
MT |
Fixed |
01-Apr-2007 |
1.50% |
7450.00 |
798.20 |
14.00% |
Fixed |
Mt |
15-Jul-2006 |
Fixed |
1.50% |
13.00% |
Mt. |
6930.00 |
800.00 |
05-May-2005 |
Fixed |
1.30% |
6600.00 |
11.00% |
750.00 |
MT |
73090030 |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
Kg |
5 |
2.00% |
Fixed |
2.00% |
23-Nov-2015 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
2.00% |
3.3 |
3.3 |
Kg |
01-Sep-2008 |
Fixed |
532.00 |
1.00% |
6705.00 |
MT |
12.60% |
01-Apr-2007 |
798.20 |
Mt |
7450.00 |
1.50% |
Fixed |
14.00% |
15-Jul-2006 |
6930.00 |
13.00% |
Mt. |
Fixed |
800.00 |
1.50% |
05-May-2005 |
MT |
1.30% |
11.00% |
750.00 |
6600.00 |
Fixed |
73090010 |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied |
15-Nov-2016 |
2.00% |
Kg |
5 |
Fixed |
2.00% |
5 |
23-Nov-2015 |
3.3 |
Kg |
Fixed |
3.3 |
2.00% |
2.00% |
01-Sep-2008 |
6705.00 |
MT |
12.60% |
Fixed |
1.00% |
532.00 |
01-Apr-2007 |
798.20 |
Mt |
7450.00 |
Fixed |
14.00% |
1.50% |
15-Jul-2006 |
Fixed |
13.00% |
800.00 |
6930.00 |
Mt. |
1.50% |
05-May-2005 |
750.00 |
Fixed |
1.30% |
11.00% |
6600.00 |
MT |
73090020 |
Reservoirs, tanks, vats and similar containers for any material (other than compressed or liquefied |
15-Nov-2016 |
5 |
2.00% |
Kg |
5 |
2.00% |
Fixed |
23-Nov-2015 |
2.00% |
3.3 |
Kg |
Fixed |
2.00% |
3.3 |
01-Sep-2008 |
MT |
12.60% |
1.00% |
Fixed |
532.00 |
6705.00 |
01-Apr-2007 |
798.20 |
Mt |
Fixed |
1.50% |
14.00% |
7450.00 |
15-Jul-2006 |
13.00% |
1.50% |
800.00 |
6930.00 |
Fixed |
Mt. |
05-May-2005 |
750.00 |
Fixed |
11.00% |
6600.00 |
1.30% |
MT |