Date: |
Notification No: |
DGFT Public Notice No. 01 /2015-2020
Issuing Authority: |
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Public Notice
File No: |
Issued from F.No. 01/94/180/333/AM 15/PC4 |
Subject: |
Notification of Handbook of Procedures (Volume 1) as contained in Annexure to this Public Notice and the Appendices to the Handbook of Procedures (Volume 1). This shall come into force from 1st April 2015.
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Public Notice No. 01/2015-2020
New Delhi, Dated the 1st April, 2015
In exercise of powers conferred under paragraph 1.03 of the Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, the Director General of Foreign Trade herbey notifire the Handbook of Procidures and the appendices & Aayat Niryat Forms, as contained in Annexure to this Public Notice.
This shall come into force width effect from 1st April, 2015.
Effect of this Public Notice: The Handbook of procedures and the Appendices & Aayat Niryat Forms of Foreign Trade Policy, 2015-2020, are hereby notified.
(Pravir Kumar)
Director General of Foreign Trade
E-mail:[email protected]
(Issued from F.No. 01/94/180/333/AM 15/PC4)