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Date: 30-08-2013
Notification No: Notification No. FEMA. 285/2013-RB
Issuing Authority: RBI  
Type: FEMA Notification
File No: FEMA. 285/2013-RB
Subject: Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2013

MUMBAI-400 001

Notification No. FEMA. 285/2013-RB

Dated : August 30, 2013

Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2013

In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (b) of sub-section (3) of Section 6 and Section 47 of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (42 of 1999), the Reserve Bank of India hereby makes the following amendments in the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000 (Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated 3rd May 2000), (hereinafter referred to as 'the principal Regulations,' namely:-

1. Short Title & Commencement:-

(i) These Regulations may be called the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by A Person Resident Outside India) (Twelfth Amendment) Regulations, 2013.

(ii) They shall be deemed to have come into force from August 22, 2013.@

2. Amendment to Regulation 14

In the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000, (Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated 3rd May 2000), in Regulation 14, in sub-regulation1,

  1. in clause (i), in sub-clause a), the words, “Company shall be considered ‘Controlled' by resident Indian citizens if the residents Indian citizens and Indian companies, which are owned and controlled by resident Indian citizens, have the power to appoint a majority of its directors in that company” shall be deleted.

  2. in clause (i), in sub-clause b, the words, “Company ‘Controlled’ by non-residents means an Indian company where non-residents have the power to appoint a majority of its directors in that company” shall be deleted;

  3. after clause (i),the following shall be added, namely;

    “(ia) ’Control’ shall include the right to appoint a majority of the directors or to control the management or policy decisions including by virtue of their shareholding or management rights or shareholders agreements or voting agreements.”

3. Amendment to Schedule 1

For the existing Annex B, new “Annex B” shall be substituted.

(C.D. Srinivasan)
Chief General Manager

Foot Note:-

(i) @It is clarified that no person will be adversely affected as a result of the retrospective effect being given to these Regulations.

(ii) The Principal Regulations were published in the Official Gazette vide G.S.R. No.406 (E) dated May 8, 2000 in Part II, Section 3, sub-Section (i) and subsequently amended as under:-

G.S.R.No. 158(E) dated 02.03.2001
G.S.R.No. 175(E) dated 13.03.2001
G.S.R.No. 182(E) dated 14.03.2001
G.S.R.No. 4(E) dated 02.01.2002
G.S.R.No. 574(E) dated 19.08.2002
G.S.R.No. 223(E) dated 18.03.2003
G.S.R.No. 225(E) dated 18.03.2003
G.S.R.No. 558(E) dated 22.07.2003
G.S.R.No. 835(E) dated 23.10.2003
G.S.R.No. 899(E) dated 22.11.2003
G.S.R.No. 12(E) dated 07.01.2004
G.S.R.No. 278(E) dated 23.04.2004
G.S.R.No. 454(E) dated 16.07.2004
G.S.R.No. 625(E) dated 21.09.2004
G.S.R.No. 799(E) dated 08.12.2004
G.S.R.No. 201(E) dated 01.04.2005
G.S.R.No. 202(E) dated 01.04.2005
G.S.R.No. 504(E) dated 25.07.2005
G.S.R.No. 505(E) dated 25.07.2005
G.S.R.No. 513(E) dated 29.07.2005
G.S.R.No. 738(E) dated 22.12.2005
G.S.R.No. 29(E) dated 19.01.2006
G.S.R.No. 413(E) dated 11.07.2006
G.S.R.No. 712(E) dated 14.11.2007
G.S.R.No. 713(E) dated 14.11.2007
G.S.R.No. 737(E) dated 29.11.2007
G.S.R.No. 575(E) dated 05.08.2008
G.S.R.No. 896(E) dated 30.12.2008
G.S.R.No. 851(E) dated 01.12.2009
G.S.R.No. 341 (E) dated 21.04.2010
G.S.R.No. 606(E) dated 03.08.2012
G.S.R.No. 795(E) dated 30.10.2012
G.S.R.No. 796(E) dated 30.10.2012
G.S.R. No. 797(E) dated 30.10.2012
G.S.R. No.946(E) dated 31.12.2012
G.S.R.No.344(E) dated 29.05.2013
G.S.R. No.38(E) dated 22.01.2013
G.S.R.No.515(E) dated 30.07.2013,
G.S.R.No.______ dated _________,
G.S.R.No.532(E) dated 05.08.2013,
G.S.R. No.341(E) dated 28.05.2013
G.S.R. No.195(E) dated 01.04.2013
G.S.R.No.393(E) dated 21.06.2013,
G.S.R.No.530(E) dated 05.08.2013, and
G.S.R.No.______ dated _________


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