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Date: 21-11-2007
Notification No: DGFT NOTIFICATION No 53/2007
Issuing Authority: DGFT  
Type: Notification
File No: 01/89/180/Moni-5852/AM03/PC-IA
Subject: Amendments in Schedule 1(Imports) of ITC(HS) Classifiction of Export and Import Items 2004-09.


NOTIFICATION No. 53 (RE-2007) / 2004-2009

NEW DELHI, Dated: 21 November, 2007

  1. S.O. (E) In exercise of powers conferred by Section 5 of the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 read with paragraph 2.1 of the Foreign Trade Policy – 2004-09, the Central Government hereby amends Schedule – I (Imports) of the ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items, 2004-09 as under:

  2. The Appendix III to Schedule 1 (IMPORTS) of ITC(HS) Classifications of Export and Import Items shall be amended to read as follows :

    Sl. No. Applicable BIS Standards Name of the products
    1. IS 1165 Milk powder
    2. IS 1166 Condensed milk, partly skimmed and
    skimmed condensed milk
    3. IS 1656 Milk-cereal based weaning foods
    4. IS 11536 Processed cereal based complementary
    foods for infants
    5. 12176 Sweetened ultra high temperature
    treated condensed milk
    6. 13334(Part 1) Skimmed milk powder, standard grade
    7. 13334(Part 2) Skimmed milk powder, extra grade
    8. 14542 Partly skimmed milk powder
    9. 14433 (Part 1) Infant milk substitute, milk protein based
    10. IS 13428 Packaged Natural Mineral Water
    11. IS 14543 Packaged Drinking Water (Other than
    Packaged Natural Mineral Water)
    12. IS 269 33 Grade Ordinary Portland cement
    13. IS 455 Portland Slag cement
    14. IS 1489(Pt1 & Pt2) Portland pozzolana cement - Part 1 Fly Ash
    based and Part 2 Calcined Clay based
    15. IS 3466 Masonry cement
    16. IS 6452 High alumina cement for structural use
    17. IS 6909 Super sulphated cement
    18. IS 8041 Rapid hardening Portland cement
    19. IS 8042 White Portland Cement
    20. IS 8043 Hydrophobic Portland Cement
    21. IS 8112 43 Grade Ordinary Portland cement
    22. IS 8229 Oil well cement
    23. IS 12269 53 Grade Ordinary Portland cement
    24. IS 12330 Sulphate resisting Portland cement
    25. IS 12600 Low heat Portland Cement
    26. IS 302(Pt2/Sec 3) Safety of household and similar electrical
    appliances -Electric Iron
    27. IS 302(Pt2/Sec 30) Safety of household and similar electrical
    appliances- Electric radiators
    28. IS 302(Pt2/Sec 201) Safety of household and similar
    electrical appliances - Electric
    immersion water heater
    29. IS 302(Pt2/Sec 202) Safety of household and similar
    electrical appliances - Electric stove
    30. IS 418 Tungsten filament general service
    electric lamps (upto 100 W)
    31. IS 694 PVC insulated cables for working Voltages
    upto and including 1100 V
    32. IS 3854 Switches for domestic and similar purposes
    33. IS 8828 Electrical Accessories - Circuit Breakers for
    over current protection for household and
    similar installations
    34. IS 9968 (Pt.1) Elastomer insulated cables (Pt.1): For working
    voltages upto and including 1100 V
    35. IS 12640 (Pt.1) Residual current operated circuit breakers for
    household and similar uses - (Pt.1) : Circuit
    breakers without integral overcurrent protection (RCCBs)
    36. IS 12640 (Pt.2) Residual current operated circuit breakers for
    household and similar uses - (Pt.2) : Circuit
    breakers with integral overcurrent protection (RCVOs)
    37. IS 13010 AC Watt-hour meters, class 0.5, 1 & 2
    38. IS 13779 ac static watt-hour meters, class 1 & 2
    39. IS 14697 ac static transformer operated watt-hour and VAR-
    hour meters, class 0.2S & 0.5S
    40. IS 15111 (Pt1 & Pt 2) Self ballasted lamps for general lighting services
    Part 1 Safety requirements and Part 2 Performance
    41. IS 8144 Multipurpose dry batteries
    42. 3055(Part 1) Clinical Thermometers : Part 1 Solid Stem Type
    43. 3055(Part 2) Clinical Thermometers : Part 2 Enclosed Scale Type
    44. IS 1161 Steel tubes for structural purposes
    45. IS 1239(Pt1) Mild steel tubes, tubular products and other wrought
    steel fittings:Part 1 Mild Steel Tubes
    46. IS 4270 Steel tubes used for water wells (upto 200 mm dia)
    47. IS 1342 Oil pressure stoves
    48. IS 2787 Multi-burner oil pressure stoves
    49. IS 10109 Oil pressure stove, offset burner type
    50. IS 3470 Hexane, Food grade
    51. IS 3196(Pt1) Welded low carbon steel gas cylinder exceeding 5 litre
    water capacity for low pressure liquefiable gases: Pt1
    Cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
    52. IS 3196(Pt2) Welded low carbon steel gas cylinder exceeding 5-litre
    water capacity for low-pressure liquefiable gases: Pt 2
    Cylinders for liquefiable gases other than LPG.
    53. IS 3196 (Part 4) Welded low carbon steel cylinders exceeding 5 litre
    Water capacity for low pressure liquefiable gases-
    Specification Part 4 Cylinders for toxic and corrosive
    54. IS 3224 Valve fittings for compressed gas cylinder excluding
    liquefied petroleum gas cylinders
    55. IS 3745 Yoke type valve connections for small medical
    gas cylinders
    56. IS 7142 Welded low carbon steel gas cylinder for low pressure
    liquefiable gases not exceeding 5 litre water capacity
    57. IS 7285 (Part 1) Refillable Seamless steel gas cylinders – Specification
    – Part 1: Normalized Steel Cylinders
    58. IS 7285 (Part 2) Refillable Seamless steel gas cylinders – Specification
    – Part 2: Quenched and Tempered Steel Cylinders with
    Tensile strength less than 1 100 MPa (112 kgf/mm2)
    59. IS 7302 Valve fittings for gas cylinder valves for use with
    breathing apparatus
    60. IS 7312 Welded and seamless steel dissolved acetylene
    gas cylinders
    61. IS 8737 Valve fittings for use with liquefied petroleum gas
    cylinders of more than 5 litre water capacity: Pt 2
    Valve fittings for newly manufactured LPG cylinders
    62. IS 8776 Valve fittings for use with liquefied petroleum gas
    cylinder up to and including 5 litre water capacity
    63. IS 9798 Low pressure regulators for use with liquefied
    petroleum gas (LPG) mixtures
    64. IS 14899 Liquefied petroleum gas containers for
    automotive use
    65. IS 15100 Multifunction valve assembly for permanently
    fixed liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) containers
    for automotive use
    66 IS 7620(Pt1) Diagnostic Medical X-Ray Equipment
    67. IS 14625 Plastic Feeding Bottles
    68. 10001 Constant speed compression ignition (diesel)
    engines for general purposes (up to 20 KW)

  3. This issues in public interest.

(R.S. Gujral)
Director General of Foreign Trade
And Ex-Officio Additional Secretary to the Govt. of India
(Issued from File No 01/89/180/Moni-5852/AM03/PC-IA)


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