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Chapter- 6 Live trees and other plants bulbs, roots and the like cut flowers and ornamental foliage

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Hs Code Description

UK Hs Code - 0601 : Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant, in growth or in flower;

0601000000 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and roots other than roots of heading 1212
0601100000 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, dormant
0601101000 Hyacinths
0601102000 Narcissi
0601103000 Tulips
0601104000 Gladioli
0601109000 Other
0601109010 Tuberous roots of the species "Rumohra adlantiformis
0601109090 Other
0601200000 Bulbs, tubers, tuberous roots, corms, crowns and rhizomes, in growth or in flower; chicory plants and roots
0601201000 Chicory plants and roots
0601203000 Orchids, hyacinths, narcissi and tulips
0601209000 Other

UK Hs Code - 0602 : Other live plants ( incl their roots ) cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn

0602000000 Other live plants (including their roots), cuttings and slips; mushroom spawn
0602100000 Unrooted cuttings and slips
0602101000 Of vines
0602109000 Other
0602200000 Trees, shrubs and bushes, grafted or not, of kinds which bear edible fruit or nuts
0602201000 Vine slips, grafted or rooted
0602209000 Other
0602209100 Other
0602209100 Neither budded nor grafted
0602209900 Budded or grafted
0602300000 Rhododendrons and azaleas, grafted or not
0602300010 Rhododendrons
0602300090 Azaleas
0602301000 Rhododendron simsii (Azalea indica)
0602309000 Other
0602400000 Roses, grafted or not
0602400010 Cuttings
0602400090 Other
0602401000 Neither budded nor grafted
0602401010 Cuttings
0602401090 Other
0602401100 Neither budded nor grafted
0602401100 With stock of a diameter not exceeding|10|mm
0602401110 Cuttings
0602401190 Other
0602401900 Other
0602401910 Cuttings
0602401990 Other
0602409000 Budded or grafted
0602409010 Cuttings
0602409090 Other
0602900000 Other
0602901000 Mushroom spawn
0602902000 Pineapple plants
0602903000 Vegetable and strawberry plants
0602903010 Strawberry plants
0602903090 Other
0602904100 Other
0602904100 Outdoor plants
0602904100 Trees, shrubs and bushes
0602904100 Forest trees
0602904500 Other
0602904500 Rooted cuttings and young plants
0602904900 Other
0602905000 Other outdoor plants
0602905010 Perennial plants
0602905090 Other
0602905100 Other outdoor plants
0602905100 Perennial plants
0602905900 Other
0602907000 Indoor plants
0602907000 Rooted cuttings and young plants, excluding cacti
0602907010 Yuccas, not planted in pots, tubs, boxes or the like
0602907090 Other
0602909100 Other
0602909100 Flowering plants with buds or flowers, excluding cacti
0602909110 Potted plants not exceeding 1|m in height
0602909190 Other
0602909900 Other
0602909910 Yuccas and cacti, not planted in pots, tubs, boxes or the like
0602909910 Potted plants not exceeding 1|m in height
0602909990 Other
0602909990 Other
0602910000 Other
0602910000 Mushroom spawn
0602990000 Other
0602991000 Pineapple plants
0602993000 Other
0602993000 Vegetable and strawberry plants
0602994100 Other
0602994100 Outdoor plants
0602994100 Trees, shrubs and bushes
0602994100 Forest trees
0602994500 Other
0602994500 Rooted cuttings and young plants
0602994900 Other
0602995100 Other outdoor plants
0602995100 Perennial plants
0602995900 Other
0602997000 Indoor plants
0602997000 Rooted cuttings and young plants, excluding cacti
0602997010 Yuccas, not planted in pots, tubs, boxes or the like
0602997090 Other
0602999100 Other
0602999100 Flowering plants with buds or flowers, excluding cacti
0602999900 Other
0602999910 Yuccas and cacti, not planted in pots, tubs, boxes or the like
0602999990 Other

UK Hs Code - 0603 : Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes

0603000000 Cut flowers and flower buds of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared
0603100000 Fresh
0603101000 Roses
0603101010 Large-flowered
0603101020 Small-flowered
0603101100 From 1|June to 31|October
0603101100 Roses
0603101110 Large-flowered
0603101110 Large-flowered
0603101120 Small-flowered
0603101120 Small-flowered
0603101130 From 1|June to 14|October
0603101130 Large-flowered
0603101140 Small-flowered
0603101150 From 15|October to 31|October
0603101150 Large-flowered
0603101160 Small-flowered
0603101300 Carnations
0603101310 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603101310 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603101320 Multiflorous (spray)
0603101320 Multiflorous (spray)
0603101330 From 1|June to 14|October
0603101330 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603101340 Multiflorous (spray)
0603101350 From 15|October to 31|October
0603101350 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603101360 Multiflorous (spray)
0603101500 Orchids
0603102000 Carnations
0603102010 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603102020 Multiflorous (spray)
0603102100 Gladioli
0603102110 From 1|June to 14|October
0603102120 From 15|October to 31|October
0603102500 Chrysanthemums
0603102510 From 1|June to 14|October
0603102520 From 15|October to 31|October
0603102900 Other
0603102910 Anthurium
0603102910 Anthurium
0603102920 Strelitzias and proteaceae
0603102920 Other
0603102921 From 1|June to 14|October
0603102921 Anthurium
0603102929 Other
0603102981 From 15|October to 31|October
0603102981 Anthurium
0603102989 Other
0603102990 Other
0603103000 Orchids
0603104000 Gladioli
0603105000 Chrysanthemums
0603105100 From 1|November to 31|May
0603105100 Roses
0603105110 From 1 November to 31 December
0603105110 Large-flowered
0603105111 From 1 November to 31 December
0603105111 Large-flowered
0603105112 Small-flowered
0603105120 Small-flowered
0603105130 From 1 January to 31 May
0603105130 From 1 January to end February
0603105130 Large-flowered
0603105131 From 1 January to end February
0603105131 Large-flowered
0603105132 Small-flowered
0603105140 From 1 March to 31 May
0603105140 Small-flowered
0603105141 From 1 March to 31 May
0603105141 Large-flowered
0603105142 Small-flowered
0603105150 From 1 January to 14 May
0603105150 Large-flowered
0603105160 Small-flowered
0603105170 From 15 May to 31 May
0603105170 Large-flowered
0603105180 Small-flowered
0603105300 Carnations
0603105310 From 1 November to 31 December
0603105310 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105311 From 1 November to 31 December
0603105311 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105312 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105313 From 1 November to 31 December
0603105313 With stems of a length equal to or greater than 0 cm and not exceeding 30 cm
0603105313 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105315 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105317 Other
0603105317 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105319 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105320 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105330 From 1 January to 31 May
0603105330 From 1 January to end February
0603105330 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105331 From 1 January to end February
0603105331 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105332 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105333 From 1 January to 31 May
0603105333 With stems of a length equal to or greater than 0 cm and not exceeding 30 cm
0603105333 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105335 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105337 Other
0603105337 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105339 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105340 From 1 March to 31 May
0603105340 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105341 From 1 March to 31 May
0603105341 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603105342 Multiflorous (spray)
0603105500 Orchids
0603105510 From 1 November to 31 December
0603105520 From 1 January to 31 May
0603105530 From 1 January to end February
0603105540 From 1 March to 31 May
0603106100 Gladioli
0603106110 From 1 November to 31 December
0603106120 From 1 January to 31 May
0603106130 From 1 January to end February
0603106130 From 1 January to 14 May
0603106140 From 1 March to 31 May
0603106140 From 15 May to 31 May
0603106500 Chrysanthemums
0603106510 From 1 November to 31 December
0603106520 From 1 January to 31 May
0603106530 From 1 January to end February
0603106530 From 1 January to 14 May
0603106540 From 1 March to 31 May
0603106540 From 15 May to 31 May
0603106900 Other
0603106910 From 1 November to 31 December
0603106911 Anthurium
0603106911 From 1 November to 31 December
0603106913 From 1 January to end February
0603106914 From 1 March to 31 May
0603106920 From 1 January to 31 May
0603106921 Strelitzias and proteaceae
0603106921 From 1 November to 31 December
0603106923 From 1 January to end February
0603106924 From 1 March to 31 May
0603106930 From 1 January to 15 April
0603106940 From 16 April to 14 May
0603106980 From 15 May to 31 May
0603106991 Other
0603106991 From 1 November to 31 December
0603106993 From 1 January to end February
0603106994 From 1 March to 31 May
0603108000 Other
0603108030 Proteas
0603108090 Other
0603110000 Fresh
0603110000 Roses
0603110010 Large-flowered
0603110020 Small-flowered
0603120000 Carnations
0603120010 Uniflorous (bloom)
0603120020 Multiflorous (spray)
0603130000 Orchids
0603140000 Chrysanthemums
0603190000 Other
0603191000 Gladioli
0603199000 Other
0603199010 Of the genus Protea
0603199020 Of the genus Banksia, Leucadendron, Brunia and Forsythia
0603199090 Other
0603900000 Other
0603900010 Cut flowers, dried
0603900010 not further prepared than dried, dyed or bleached, for use in the manufacture of pot pourri of subheading 3307 49 00
0603900020 Other cut flowers
0603900090 Other
0603900090 Other

UK Hs Code - 0604 : Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens

0604000000 Foliage, branches and other parts of plants, without flowers or flower buds, and grasses, mosses and lichens, being goods of a kind suitable for bouquets or for ornamental purposes, fresh, dried, dyed, bleached, impregnated or otherwise prepared
0604100000 Mosses and lichens
0604101000 Reindeer moss
0604109000 Other
0604109010 Fresh
0604109020 Not further prepared than dried
0604109080 Other
0604109090 Other
0604910000 Other
0604910000 Fresh
0604911000 Christmas trees and conifer branches
0604912000 Christmas trees
0604912100 Christmas trees
0604912100 Nordmann's firs (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.) Spach) and noble firs (Abies procera Rehd.)
0604912900 Other
0604914000 Conifer branches
0604914100 Conifer branches
0604914100 Of Nordmann's firs (Abies nordmanniana (Stev.)Spach) and of noble firs (Abies procera Rehd.)
0604914900 Other
0604919000 Other
0604919010 Foliage
0604919010 Holly
0604919090 Other
0604919090 Other
0604990000 Other
0604991000 Not further prepared than dried
0604991010 Foliage, leaves and other parts of plants, not further prepared than dried, dyed or bleached, for use in the manufacture of pot pourri of subheading 3307 49 00
0604991090 Other
0604999000 Other
0604999010 Foliage, leaves and other parts of plants, not further prepared than dried, dyed or bleached, for use in the manufacture of pot pourri of subheading 3307 49 00
0604999090 Other

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