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Non-Resident Taxable Person in GST: EximGuru.com



“Non-resident taxable person” means any person who occasionally undertakes transactions involving supply of goods or services or both, whether asprincipal or agent or in any other capacity, but who has no fixed place of business orresidence in India.

A non-resident taxable person making taxable supply in India has to compulsorily take registration. There is no threshold limit for registration. A non-resident taxable person cannot exercise the option to pay tax under composition levy.He has to apply for registration at least five days prior to commencing his business in India using a valid passport (and need not have a PAN number in India). A business entity incorporated or established outside India, has to submit the application for registration along with its tax identification number or unique number on the basis of which the entity is identified by the Government of that country or its Permanent Account Number, if available. A non-resident taxable person has to make an advance deposit of tax in an amount equivalent to his estimated tax liability for the period for which the registration is sought.


A non-resident taxable person is not required to apply in normal application for registration being filed by other taxpayers. A simplified form GST REG-09 is required to be filled. A non-resident taxable person has to electronically submit an application, along with aself-attested copy of his valid passport, for registration, duly signed or verified through EVC, in FORM GST REG-09, at least five days prior to the commencement of business at the Common Portal either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner.

In case the non-resident taxable person is a business entity incorporated or established outside India, theapplication for registration shall be submitted along with its tax identification number orunique number on the basis of which the entity is identified by the Government of thatcountry or its PAN, if available.

The application for registration made by a non-resident taxable person has to be signed by his authorized signatory who shall be a person resident in India having a valid PAN. On successful verification of PAN, mobile number and e-mail address the person applying for registration as a non-resident taxable person will be given atemporary reference number by the Common Portal for making the mandatory advance deposit of tax for an amount equivalent to the estimated tax liability of such person for the period for which the registration is sought. The registration certificate shall be issued electronically only after the said deposit appears in his electronic cash ledger.The amount deposited shall be credited to the electronic cash ledger of the Nonresident person.

The non-resident taxable person can make taxable supplies only after the issuance of the certificate of registration. The certificate of registration shall be valid for the period specified in the application for registration or ninety days from the effective date of registration, whichever is earlier.

In case the non-resident taxable person intends to extend the period of registration indicated in his application of registration, an application in FORM GST REG-11shall be submitted electronically through the Common Portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, before the end of the validity of registration granted to him. The validity period of ninety days can be extended by a further period not exceeding ninety days.The extension will be allowed only on payment of the amount of an additional amount of tax equivalent to the estimated tax liability for the period for which the extension is sought has to be deposited.

Input Tax Credit

Input tax credit shall not be available in respect of goods or services or both received by a non-resident taxable person except on goods imported by him.The taxes paid by a non-resident taxable person shall be available as credit to the respective recipients.


The non-resident taxable person shall furnish a return in FORM GSTR-5 electronically through the Common Portal, either directly or through a Facilitation Centre notified by the Commissioner, including therein the details of outward supplies and inward supplies and shall pay the tax, interest, penalty, fees or any other amount payable under the Act or these rules within twenty days after the end of a calendar month or within seven days after the last day of the validity period of registration, whichever is earlier.


The amountof advance tax deposited by a non-resident taxable person under, will be refunded only after the person has furnished all the returns required in respect of theentire period for which the certificate of registration granted to him had remained in force. Refund can be applied in the serial no. 13 of the FORM GSTR -5.

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