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India Malaysia Free Trade Agreement.






 ON 1ST JULY 2011

WE, the Minister of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of India and Minister of International Trade and Industry of Malaysia;

Desiring to forge a stronger economic partnership and deepen economic linkages between our countries; increase bilateral trade and investment flows; enhance the global attractiveness of our capital and talent; and further promote and facilitate cooperation of businesses in our common goal of economic building;

Recognising that a rules-based, preferential bilateral trade arrangement can contribute towards accelerating our economic development;

Recalling that we agreed on 11 August 2007 to adopt the recommendations of the India-Malaysia Joint Study Group Report; and

Recognising that our respective officials have concluded the negotiations towards the India-Malaysia Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement which includes trade in goods, services and investment, and economic cooperation;

Agree as follows:

Trade In Goods

The market access commitments under the CECA provide for more liberal tariff concessions, including faster timelines and reduced exclusion lists, than in the ASEAN-India Trade in Goods Agreement. The CECA contains trade facilitative provisions covering Rules of Origin, SPS/TBT Measures, Customs Cooperation and Trade Remedies.

Trade in Services

The CECA will progressively liberalise trade in services on a preferential basis, with substantial sectoral coverage, including Movement of Professionals and Skilled Persons, Cross-border Supply, and Telecommunications Services to provide commercially meaningful market access.


The CECA includes commitments leading to progressive liberalisation of investment regimes in order to promote investments and create a liberal, facilitative, transparent and competitive investment regime. The CECA would also serve to strengthen cooperation in investment, improve transparency of investment rules and regulations, and provide for the protection of investments.

Areas of Economic Cooperation

The CECA includes economic cooperation in areas such as infrastructure development, creative industries, tourism, SMEs, business facilitation, science and technology, and human resource development.


The Parties will sign the CECA by 31 January 2011 and shall implement the CECA by 1 July 2011.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE have signed this Agreement towards Implementing Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement between the Republic of India and Malaysia on 1st July 2011.

DONE at Kuala Lumpur, this 27th day of October, 2010 in duplicate copies in the English Language.


(Anand Sharma)
 Minister of Commerce
and Industry  
 (Mustapa Mohamed)
 Minister of International
Trade and Industry

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