During the visit of H.E. Dr Mari Elka Pangestu, Minister of Trade, Indonesia to
India from 7-9 August 2005, a bilateral meeting between Commerce & Industry
Minister and Minister of Trade, Indonesia was held in New Delhi on 8th August
2005. During the meeting it was agreed that even while focussing on
strengthening India’s ongoing engagement with ASEAN, the two countries could
also examine the possibility of entering into a bilateral comprehensive economic
cooperation arrangement in the long term.
During the visit of the Indonesian President to India on 23.11.2005, a
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on setting up of a Joint Study Group (JSG) on
CECA comprising of senior government officials of the two sides, has been
signed. A JSG was accordingly constituted in October 2007 and 4 meetings of the
JSG have been held so far. The JSG is expected to submit its Report by August