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Indian Customs and Central Excise Offices and Contacts.

CCO, Gujrat Zone
SHRI P V R REDDY(Chief Commissioner) (Chief Commissioner) 27542678 , 27545730 27543762 [email protected]


27540077[email protected]
Commissioner) CCO)
27542291 ------- [email protected]
Commissioner) (CCO and Additional charge of AIU, SVPI Airport,
27540020 27540077 [email protected]
Santosh, Principal Commissioner(Pr Commssioner)
27544630, 27541737 27542343 [email protected]
Shri H S NARANG(Commsioner
26578749 26587419, 26589281 [email protected]
Shri.M.L. MEENA(Addl.
Commissioner) (ICD Khodiyar, CFS Adalaj Paldi Division(including EPC
Work),SVPI Airport, AIU Airport, Air Cargo Complex, FPO, ICD Sanand, ICD
Sachana. Statistics, PQ, Technical, Valuation, O&M, Land Building,
O&A, Settlement Commission, System, LRM/EDI, Accounts
Section/CAO.Preventive/SIIB, Disposal, Task Force, Audit including Pre
Post Clearance Audit under RMS.)
27540055 27541542 [email protected]
SINGH(Addl. Commissioner) (Personnel & Vigilance Matters. Establishment, Administration & PRO Section. Legal & Prosecution, CAT, RTI, RRA(Review/Revision/ Appeal). Shore Guard Bharuch, ICD Ankleshwar, ICD Dashrath, CFS Chhani, Minor ports falling under Customs Division Surat, ICD Sachin, Surat Hira Bourse, Adani Hazira Port, ICD KRIL, CH Dahej, FPO Surat, Customs Division Valsad and minor ports falling under CD Valsad, ICD Valvada, ICD Tumb.EPCs falling under the Customs Division- Surat/ Valsad and Vadodara.)
27543041 26574928 -----
Shri Murali Rao
Commissioner) ICD-Khodiyar (Import)
23945038 ------- --------
Shri Prashant
Kumar Deputy Commissioner) Air Cargo Complex ( Import & Courier Cell), Air Cargo Complex Import (Group-7) Exports, All reports and returns of Air Cargo Complex
26554302 ---- ---
Shri Rajat Saxena(Dy.
Commr. Adani Hazira Port (Export)
02632-2207685/ 2463291 ----- ---
Shri Raghuvansh
Kumar Dy.
Commr. ICD - Ankleshwar + EPC.
02646- 235517 ------- -----
Shri.Dinesh K.
Commr.)ICD - Khodiyar (Export) additional Charge of Foreign Post Office
23945041 FPO - 22866807 ---- -----
G. Rayka Dy.
Commr. CD-Surat, CH-Surat, CH-Dahej, Shore Guard Bharuch, ICD-Sachin+EPC
and FPO Surat
----- -----
Shri. Mukesh Rathore Dy. Commr. CD-Paldi + EPC, O&M, L&B, Personnel & Vigilance, RTI, Confidential, CAO, Taskforce ) 26577400/27542355 ------ ------
R.K. TiwariDy. Commr. Technical, Valuation, O&A, Preventive, Disposal, System, Statistics, Audit (including pre and post Audit) 27540671 ------- -------
Shri.Ghanshyam Soni Dy. Commr. Surat Hira Bourse, ICD Kribhco 0261- 2488300 ------ ------
J.P. Meena Asstt.
Commr. CD - Valsad, ICD-Valvada
02632- 226136/ 227154 --------- ---------
Shri.G.K. Pradhan Asstt.
Commr. ICD - Tumb
------- ------- -------
Shri.Varwantkar Prasad Hanumantrao Asstt.
Commr. Adani Hazira Port (Import)
02632- 2463013/ 2463291 ------ ------
Srivastava Asstt.
Commr. SVPI Airport
22863516 ------ ------
Minguel Miranda Asstt.
Commr. SVPI Airport
22863516 ------ ------
Shri. A.P.
Bansode Asstt.
Commr. SVPI Airport
22863516 -------- --------
Shri. Sonum
Angdui Asstt.
Commr. Legal, RRA, CAT, Settlement Commission, Prosecution
26587961 ------- -------
Manmohana Bisoyi Asstt. Commr. ICD - Dashrath + EPC
0265- 2240767 ------ ------
Shri. V.H
Bist Asstt.
Commr. ICD Sanand
02717- 298002 ------- -------
FOREIGN POST OFFICE 22866807, 22868470 22885712 [email protected]
Shri. RAGHUVANSH KUMAR, DC (Div. Valsad, ICD Valvada  ICD Tumb) 02632-227154/ 226136/227254 02632-227254 -----
------- ------- ------- -------
VIGILANCE SECTION 27545329 [email protected]
-------(C.A.O) 27546084 [email protected]
27545741 [email protected]
C.C.O.SECTION 27540338 27541641 [email protected]
P.A.O 27540623 27540623
P.A.O R 27540228
PREVENTIVE 27582562 [email protected]
DISPOSAL 27540096
 TECHNICAL/O&A 27542291 mailto:[email protected], [email protected] [email protected]
P.A.TO COMMISSIONER 27544630, 27541737 27542343 [email protected]
P.A. TO CHIEF COMMR 27542678, 27545730 27543762 [email protected]
 O&A [email protected]
LEGAL 26574585 26575819 [email protected]
Web Site:-www.ahmedabadcustoms.gov.inBack

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Date: 28-02-2025
Notification No. 12/2025-CUSTOMS (N.T.)
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Date: 13-02-2025
Notification No. 14/2025-Customs
Seeks to amend Notification 11/2021-Customs dated 01.02.2021 to amend AIDC rate on Bourbon whiskey

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Date: 03-02-2025
[F. No. CBIC-190354/236/2021-TRU]
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Date: 01-02-2025
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Notification No. 12/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 19/2019 dated 06 th July 2019.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 11/2025 – Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 25/2002-Customs, dated the 1st March, 2002 so as to add capital goods to the already existing list of capital goods exempted from basic customs duty for manufacture of lithium-ion battery of mobile phones and electrically operated vehicles.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 09/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 16/2017-Customs, dated the 20 th April, 2017 so to exempt certain drugs for supply under Patient Assistance Programme run by specified pharmaceutical companies.

Date: 01-02-2025
Notification No. 07/2025-Customs
Seeks to further amend notification No. 11/2018-Customs dated 02 th February, 2018 so as to exempt specified goods from the whole of levy of Social Welfare Surcharge.

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