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Indian Customs and Central Excise Offices and Contacts.

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Central Excise Puducherry Contact Information

BOARD NO: 0413- 2221999, 2336995

DesignationName of OfficerPhone Ext. NoDirect Phone / Fax No.
CommissionerShri. U.Niranjan I.R.S1052334062/2222065
Fax No. 2331244
P.A. to Commissioner Mehala Ezhilarasi1092334062
Joint Commissioner
P. Ram Mohan.I.R.S.,3012222156
Deputy. CommissionerS.V. Murugan Mourugaram I.R.S.4262332714
Deputy. CommissionerR.K. Kundu I.R.S.309-
Asst. CommissionerR. Vijendran I.R.S. 403-
Asst. Commissioner R. Bascarane I.R.S. 209 -
Asst. CommissionerR. Devanathan I.R.S. -2206506
Asst. CommissionerR Ram Prabhu Udai I.R.S
- 2206706
Asst. Commissioner R. Vijendran I.R.S- 2202230
V.P. Natarajan, Supdt
V. Djeagopal @ Sivikoumar, Inspr
Policy / TechnicalS. Panneerselvam, Supdt,
B.Anand, Supdt
Prince Singh, Inspr
V. Raghunandhan, Inspr
Preventive / SIR SectionSS. Vijayakumar, Supdt
R. Ponnuswamy, Supdt,
A.P. Parida Kumar, Supdt
Ranveer Kumar, Inspr
Saurav Bhardwaj, Inspr
Ankit Kumar Jha, Inspr
Udit Bansal, Inspr

ACES / ComputerRamani. R, Supdt.,
(Comm Admn)
Computer Section
Poornima Ranjan, Inspr303 2225476
Statistics Section
B. Ramaraj, Supdt
Vikrant Singh Raghav, Inspr
Sourabh Kumar, Inspr
Fax: 2225578
 TRC D. Asokan, Supdt
Atul Kumar Chippa, Inspr
Pooja Sidh, Inspr
414 -
HQ Audit John Sundar, Supdt
Umesh Kumar, Inspr
411 -
R&T Section (Legal, Appeal) ST. Ravirajan, Supdt
S. Kannan, Supdt
S. Balasubramaniyan, Supdt
Manoj Kumar, Inspr
Harbir Singh, Inspr
406 2229525
Adjudication Section S. Muralidharan, Supdt
Lovnish, Inspr
Vigilance Section
G. Ramani, Supdt
Dodia Ekta Rajnikant ,Inspr
425 2224586 – T/F
Administration H.Gomathy, A.O (DDO)
S. Vijayalakshmi, A.O (H)
Harish Kumar, Steno Grade-II,
R. Vivek, STA
Bikash Chandra Mahato, STA
Rajendar Yadav, TA
V. Uma Maheshwari, TA
Chintu Kumar, TA
G. Saravanakumar, LDC
K. Sophia, LDC
Pay & Accounts Officer - - 2202054
Pondicherry-Legal @Chennai  @Chennai 044 – 28331121 (T/F)



Pondicherry I DivisionR. Devanathan, I.R.S.,

Assistant Commissioner
Fax: 2205977
[email protected]
Superintendent-TechS. Asokaraj, Supdt

R. Balaji, Supdt
Superintendent-TechI. Madhivanan, Supdt

C.G. Raja, Supdt
Inspector-Tech Kirubai Mary, Inspr
Jaskaran, Inspr
Shresth Kumar, Inspr
Range I-AReuban Andrew Joseph, Supdt,
Amit Kumar Gupta, Inspr
Range I-BV.J. Balasubramanian, Supdt
M. Saravana Kumar, Inspr
Ravi Bamniya, Inspr
Range I-CS. Kaliaperumal, Supdt
Vikas, Inspr
Range I-DP. Prithiviraj, Supdt
Vinod Kumar, Supdt
Range I-EP. Arul Arokiarajan, Supdt
Ayush Bhatnagar, Inspr
Manu, Inspr
Pondicherry II Division R. Ram Prabhu Udai I.R.S.,

Asst. Commissioner
Fax: 2203603
[email protected]
SuperintendentElvis James, Supdt
S. Meyyappan, Supdt
2206716 2205002
SuperintendentB. Ramaraj, Supdt
B. Vijayan, Supdt
2206716 2205002
Inspector M. Sundarajan, Inspr 2206716 2205002
InspectorAbhijeet Singh, Inspr
Saurabh Verma, Inspr
2206716 2205002
Range II-AS. Sheela, Supdt2241574[email protected]
Range II-BG. Venkateswaran, Supdt
Amit Inspr
2201335[email protected]
Range III-CN. Ramakrishnan, Supdt
Vijayant Nagar, Inspr
Ramakrishna Reddy, Inspr
2244577[email protected]
Range IV-DA. Gopala Krishnan, Supdt
Raj Kumar Mehta, Inspr
2245262[email protected]
Range V-ER. Paneerselvam, Supdt2240867[email protected]
Pondicherry III DivisionR. Vijendran,I.R.S.,
Asst. Commissioner
Fax : 2203769
SuperintendentK. Lakshmi Narayanan, Supdt,
P. Latha, Supdt
SuperintendentS. Umashankar, Supdt22037692206751
InspectorDebabrata Sharma, Inspr
Ajay Deep Singh Samra, Inspr
Range II-AS.. Vasanthan, Supdt
Tarun Sharma, Inspr
2205922[email protected]
Range II-BN. Raghavendran, Supdt,
Arvind Kumar, Inspr
Sudhir Beniwal,, Inspr
2203475[email protected]
Range II-CAtla S. Renga Reddy, Supdt
Abilash P, Inspr
Mukul Kumar, Inspr
2205911[email protected]
Range II-DPaul Sinthaikinian, Supdt,
Gautam Kumar, Inspr
2206940[email protected]
Range II-EG. Somasundaram, Supdt,
Rajkumar Yadhav
2205933[email protected]
Karaikal DivisionR. Devanathan ,I.R.S.,
Asst. Commissioner
04368 221195
SuperintendentS. Sundaraganapathy, Supdt,
M. Kannan, Supdt
04368 221195 
InspectorAshwini Kumar Naresh, Inspr
Vikas Shokeen, Inspr
04368 221195 
Karaikal Range IB. Madhavan, Supdt
Bhanu Pratap Singh, Inspr
04368 220691[email protected]
Karaikal Range IIKamalesh Kumar Samad, Supdt,
Suraj Katiyar, Inspr
04368 225904[email protected]
Karaikal Range IIIKamalesh Kumar Samad, Supdt,
Rahul Kumar, Inspr
04368 223880[email protected]
MaheV.V. Vinod Kumar, Supdt,0490 2321398[email protected]
YanamSupdt0884 2377852[email protected]

[Old Information]


Pondicherry I DivisionShri .S. Shakti Singh, A.C. ( additional charge)2206506
Pondicherry II DivisionShri. S. Shakti Singh A.C.2206706
Pondicherry III DivisionShri .P. Senthil Kumar, A.C2202230
Villupuram DivisionShri.V. Pannirselvam, A.C.04146 – 223479
Cuddalore DivisionShri .P. Senthil Kumar A.C. (additional charge)04142 – 220534


PONDICHERRY I DIVISION – 2206718 / 2201532
-Shri. K.R. Prakasam, Supdt9445708629
-Smt. Premavathy, Supdt9444930230
-Shri. N.S. Ravichandran, Supdt9952648779
PONDICHERRY II DIVISION - 2206716 /2205002
-Shri. M.Mohan, Supdt9345787878
-Shri. John Sundar, Supdt9840445623
PONDICHERRY III DIVISION – 2203769 / 2206751
-Shri. R. Bascarane, Supdt9245114094
-Shri. R. Ramachandran, Supdt9444627735
CUDDALORE DIVISION - 04142 - 221550 / 221949
-Shri. J. Krishnan, Supdt9444962829
-Shri.R.H. Kathiravan, Supdt9840281618
VILLUPURAM DIVISION – 04146 – 229833 /251730
-Shri. S.M. Mushtab, Supdt9840340901
-Shri. V. Subramaniam, Supdt (addl.charge)8056292476


Pondicherry I DivisionFax No.2205977
Shri. S. Shakti Singh, Assistant Commissioner (addl.charge)2206506 - 8527668583
Shri .G.Karthikesan, Supdt, ( Range I-A)2201688 - 9345452483
Shri. A.Stanely Arokiaraj ,Supdt (Range I-B)2242087 - 9944409821
Shri. M. Asokan, Supdt (I-C)2242420 - 9489146409
Shri .C.A. Jaganathan, Supdt (Range I-D)2240573 - 9444262188
Shri. Y. Badrinarayanan, Supdt ( Range I –E)2242085 - 9444939881
Pondicherry II DivisionFax No. 2203603
Shri. S. Shakti Singh, Assistant Commissioner2206706 - 8527668583
Shri. R.Tamizhvanan, Supdt ( Range II A)2241574 - 9865816928
Shri. S. Murali, Supdt(Range II B)2201335 - 9443625689
Smt. S. Sheela, Supdt ( II C)2244577 - 9443459329
Smt. Babita Abaranji, Supdt ( II D)2245262 - 9840260038
Shri. F. Rajasekar, Supdt( II E) 2240867 - 9444920387
Pondicherry III DivisionFax No: 2203769
Shri. P. Senthilkumar, Assistant Commissioner2202230 - 8807247643
Shri. C.M. Rajendran, Supdt ( Range III A)2205922 - 9443764804
Shri. D.Pandian, Supdt ( Range III B)2203475 - 9443390870
Smt. Christy, Supdt ( Range IIIC) 2205911 - 9488084060
Shri. R. Ponnusamy, Supdt (III D)2206940 - 9791855335
Shri. K. Uthirapathy, Supdt ( Range III E)2205933 - 9443036464
Villupuram DivisionFax : 04146 – 220077
Shri. V. Pannirselvam, Assistant Commissioner04146 -223479 -9840174134
Shri. P. Ramesh, Supdt ( Villupuram Range)04146 – 222771 -9840412152
Shri. V. Subramaniam, Supdt ( KallakurichiRange)04151 – 222595 - 8056292476
Shri.S. Sridharan, Supdt ( ThiruvannamalaiRange) 04175 – 223058 - 9498004519
Shri. Titus Samuel, Supdt (Madhuranthagam I Range)044 – 27431357 - 9789889069
Shri.V.S. Ramachandramurthy, Supdt(Madhuranthagam II Range)044 – 27433262 - 8807574092
Cuddalore DivisionFax : 04142 – 220757
Shri. P. Senthil Kumar, Assistant Commissioner (addl. charge)04142 –220534- 8807247643
Smt.P. Tamilarasi, Supdt, (Cuddalore Range I)04142 –230881- 9487139296
Shri .I. Madhivannan, Supdt ( Cuddalore Range II)04142 – 221763 - 9442575363
Shri. S. Arul Amudhu, Supdt ( Cuddalore Range III)04142 -230991 - 9841583734
Shri . S. Balasubramanian, Supdt ( CuddaloreRange IV)04142 -230981 - 9442106067
Shri. C. Jayaprakash, Supdt (Range V Neyveli)04142 – 254010 - 9840468191

Web Site:- www.pondycentralexcise.gov.inBack

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