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Indian New budget 2009 - 2010 Budget At a Glance Receipts.

Indian New Budget 2009 - 2010  


  (In Crore of Rupees)


2008-2009      Budget Estimates

2008-2009      Revised Estimates 2009-2010        Budget Estimates
 1.  Tax Revenue       
      Gross Tax Revenue  687715 627949 671293
             Corporation tax 226361 222000 244200
             Income tax 138314 122600 135375
             Other taxes and duties 325 400 425
             Customs 118930 108000 110187
             Union Excise Duties 137874 108359 110604
             Service Tax 64460 65000 68900
             Taxes of the Union Territories 1451 1590 1602
Less- NCCD transferred to the National Calamity Contingency Fund 1800 1800 2500
  Less States' Share 178765 160179 171197
  Net Tax Revenue 507150 465970 497596
 2. Non -Tax Revenue      
         Interest Receipts 19135 19036 19000
         Dividend and Profits 43204 39736 36985
         External Grants 1795 2748 2136
         Other Non-Tax Revenue 30836 33934 53080
         Receipts of Union Territories 815 749 754
Total Non-Tax Revenue 95785 96203 111955
Total Revenue Receipts 602935 562173 609551
 A. Non-debt Receipts      
         1. Recoveries of Loans & Advances@ 4497 9698 9725
         2. Miscellaneous Capital receipts 10165 2567 1120
              Total 14662 12265 10845
 B. Debt Receipts to finance Fiscal Deficit      
         3. Market Loans 100571 261972 308647
         4. Short term borrowings 12429 57500 ...
         5. External assistance (Net) 10989 9603 16047
         6. Securities issued against Small Savings 9873 1324 13255
         7. State Provident Funds (Net) 4800 4800 5000
         8. Other Receipts (Net) -12600 -38668 -10114
         9. Draw-down of cash Balance 7225 29984 ...
              Total  133287 326515 332835
Total Capital Receipts (A+B)   147949 338780 343680
Total Receipts 750884 900953 953231
Receipts under MSS (Net) 29806 -81781 -48036
        @ excludes recoveries of short-term
           loans and advances from States and
           loans to Government servants, etc.
1495 1495 1495

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